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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52851322 No.52851322 [Reply] [Original]

Is this woman based for having such strong career ambition?

>> No.52851362

She broke contract, fuck her. A real business woman would have negotiated an open relationship

>> No.52851367

bro, she is based. she loves her job, its as easy as that.

>> No.52851381

>be asian bro
>making 3mil/y
>finally get the white girl you've been furiously beating your 3 incher to for the last 20 years
>she's a literal prostitute

>> No.52851393

>fuck her
yes. he was hurt by her non-disclosure i suppose.

still, he got to spend all that time with her and he didnt even get charged for it. he gave all those gifts voluntarily.

>> No.52851423
File: 2.61 MB, 640x1136, 422B86F7-EE9E-4AB8-A8DC-AE1FC26335C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm. she is a bit more.
are pretty based, ngl.

>> No.52851426

the only way to win is to not play /biz/

(and by that i mean dont play by the rules, marry that based 3/10 who will devote herself to your dirty toenail if you asked)

>> No.52851465

cant. cant fake something i dont feel

>> No.52851478

Asian bros....

>> No.52851480

This is what happens when you’re a rice dick chink gamma, tryhard fake alpha with a fake jawline. Just accept you’ll never be Chang and own it.

>> No.52851485


>> No.52851498

here i thought it's because he is on the shorter side.

>> No.52851521

sure i didnt mean unattractive, just niche/ low enough where you're doing her a massive favor.

they're out there

>> No.52851529

>non symmetrical mouth flip flopping all over the place
>low forehead
>clearly had nose job
that's a jew

>> No.52851547

imagine marrying an escort and being surprised she's still hookin'.

>> No.52851548

He doesn’t look short enough to negate his chances but those could be elevator shoes for all I know

>> No.52851557

oh. same principle apples - cant fake feelings i dont feel.

>> No.52851567

well he didnt know. and about her job, hey she loves her work.

hes on the shorter side like me

>> No.52851568

KEK I instantly knew her husband was gonna be an Asian

>> No.52851589



lol. i bet he met her through her work?

>> No.52851614

I thought this was the rise of Chang, why did they get cuvked?!

>> No.52851616

Oh please. There are more white cucks than Asian cucks. You are just mad that Binance is based. Fuck kikes.

>> No.52851619

sigh. I love and appreciate gorgeous Women, bros. and Kacies (Korean Stacies) are the hottest Women on Earth. Ashkenazi Women are slightly less gorgeous than Kacies :P

>> No.52851650
File: 209 KB, 1440x1800, B1DF8CD0-1036-49B6-ACEE-C4B009AE02F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro could have married a Kacey (Korean Stacey) with that kind of payroll.

Imagine settling.

>> No.52851701
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>sigh. I love and appreciate gorgeous Women, bros. and Kacies (Korean Stacies) are the hottest Women on Earth. Ashkenazi Women are slightly less gorgeous than Kacies :P

>> No.52851720
File: 196 KB, 1080x1350, 702BBFA4-70A7-4A71-B676-6F17CFFD33C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad bro?

>> No.52851806

You're retarded

1. Italian girls
2. Swedish girls
3. Iranian girls
4. French girls
---- Line of "most girls from these places are not attractive" ----
5. Attractive Greek girls
6. Attractive Bong (English) girls
7. Attractive Korean girls (Non-plastic)
8. Attractive Norwegian girls
9. Attractive Polish girls
10. Attractive Russian girls

Shit list
1. American girls (nothing faker than an american)
2. Basically all latinas
3. SEA (verification not required)
4. Every jewish inbred type
5. Sub-Saharan and other meme girls (like abbos and shit)

>> No.52851887
File: 204 KB, 851x1272, 82F43213-D2B7-4FCF-AC4F-B3312A47E1CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tier list for most Attractive Women:

Korean Kacies (Korean Stacies)
*small power gap*
Ashkenazi Bari's
Conventional Stacies (White Women)
Castiza Laceys
Muslima Fatimas
**abyssal gap**
the rest - they may as well not even exist.

>> No.52851925

No one cares about a virgin's opinion on women mate, sorry. I can feel through the screen that you probably never even talk to women.

>> No.52851944

good job falling for cheap bait you fucking moron

>> No.52851948

the seething is raw and intense at TOTAL KACEY DOMINATION of the modern dating market.

>> No.52851979

Damn that Asian dude was a chad . Thick powerful jaw and making 3 mil a year. AND HE STILL GOT KEKED.

>> No.52851985

It is possible that he is baiting, but there is such an intense amount of Korean girl shilling on this site that it has to be done in earnest to at least some degree.

>> No.52851993

Kinda hot ngl. Can we have more pics?

>> No.52852011

well, he should have married a Korean Kacey with that kind of money, imagine settling lol.

but technically it isn't if that's her job, it would be cheating if she saw those dudes outside of the scope of her professional work.

>> No.52852036

lot lizards are based? kys faggot

>> No.52852037

yes, i must be baiting and not posting in earnest, everybody must like what you like exactly the same.

Pardon me for finding the Women of my people the -most- beautiful Women on Earth.

t. Korean

>> No.52852053

>lot lizards
hmm. i dont know what you mean.

>> No.52852063
File: 40 KB, 939x803, 1635083512000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate women so much it's unreal bros...

>> No.52852066

error 404
tits not found

>> No.52852072

She did it because she enjoyed the life style, she was likely getting invited to all the high end parties and it was exciting for her to go to them and be a whore.
Condolences for Asian people that not even being a chadly Asian multi-millionaire is enough to not get cucked by a white woman.

>> No.52852081


>> No.52852100

it makes sense she would enjoy the lifestyle of a courtesan, yes.

is it really cucking if she was simply at work?

>> No.52852117

It's a white man's world alright. In fact, it always has been. Keep coping.

>> No.52852130

"The filing says she also lied about her education, saying she had been a chemistry major at the University of Connecticut for three years until she took a leave of absence to compete in the Miss USA Pageant. According to the court docs, she never even graduated from high school."

Christ, doctors really are midwits. How can a fully grown man not pick up the clues? Especially if you are educated.

>> No.52852200

>>Luxury sports cars are pretty based
>Oh you like Yugos?!
What the fuck, Anon?

>> No.52852214

this. thank you for putting it so eloquently.

>> No.52852215

>Christ, doctors really are midwits. How can a fully grown man not pick up the clues? Especially if you are educated.
As i understand it, he had an uneducated penis and she essentially had a PhD in fellacio..

>> No.52852262
File: 233 KB, 977x713, miss148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all escorts are the same tier
Sex as a Service (SaaS) should be available on a menu in the same way you order dinner at a restaurant. It's 100% legal in civilized places. USA is fucking retarded; prostitution is based based based.

>> No.52852439

This guy is decent looking for an Asian, he probably could've gotten a more attractive Asian wife. The woman is maybe an 8 on a good day.

>> No.52852479

juice is not worth the squeeze (stds)

>> No.52852529

White cucks are all fucking Asian women though

>> No.52852564
File: 410 KB, 1600x2400, 2FE13F9B-D9EC-48C5-BCE4-37EA8F5EF7CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fault those guys for having eyes, a functional brain and stellar taste.

>> No.52852565

You always want what you can't get, that's human nature. With his net worth and his good looks, he's easily in the top 1% of Asian males, which makes it easy for him to catch a Korean cutie, but having a white wife is seen as an achievement for most non-whites.

>> No.52852594
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 821BBC73-4520-4DAB-9EE1-E8E8269F0BFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White wife
for what, being some kind of progressive martyr? For me, I ONLY want a Kacey wife (Korean Stacey).

>> No.52852638

_ ____ _____ so much its unreal

>> No.52852745
File: 850 KB, 1500x1657, 1670357473669278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA is fucking retarded
USA is anti-male, they literally cut of the tip of their son's penis so that he can't masturbate. Of course allowing men to outright buy sex would be illegal.

>> No.52852793

absolutely based. these are the absolute best kind of whores, who dont do it for the money but because they genuinely enjoy doing it.

>> No.52852837

him: adding a fake jaw
her: removing her jaw
would their kids have a normal jaw since it cancels out?

>> No.52852887

I look exactly like this.

>> No.52852917

She was miss Connecticut after all, who can brag about marrying a miss ? She was the perfect Trophy Wife, except that she was a whore of course, but he probably had no way to know about that part.

>> No.52852925

how do you even know they got the nip tuck? i have a great jaw and ive had zero procedures.

>> No.52852949

>miss Connecticut
nearly meaningless to me. as for her career, he could have met her through her work.

>> No.52852994

stuff like this is why women were always kept under strict lock and key in the past. first by their fathers and then handed off to their husbands. it's not that they are bad people. it's the fact that there are a lot of horny men out there who will fuck anything that moves if they get the chance and many are handsome and rich enough to be tempting to women. it's hard for anyone to be able to resist constant temptation for so long, let alone roasties who can meet these type of men on the regular. but stating this obvious common sense stuff is considered "red pilled" in the western world today so welcome to a world where even chads getting cucked is a normal thing

>> No.52853006
File: 118 KB, 760x814, 1670961780815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't understand the concept of a trophy wife
That's because you're thinking like a pleb.

>> No.52853016

jeeezus. thats some mega cringe, starting at the beginning.

imagine being threatened by Women having equal freedoms as men.

>> No.52853028

I saw this a year ago and it left a very strong impression on me because she is one of the most attractive women I've ever seen. What does that say about me?

>> No.52853033

look if she was taking trips outside the country and you didn't think something was up...

>> No.52853035

I want a white wife but I would rather have a slim, kind girl instead of a fat bitchy slob. Maybe I'm not chad enough to get a hot white girl that has her shit together.

>> No.52853047

Nice wife, Mr. 45th President. but i mean it, "miss" anything is nearly meaningless to me. if i love her, and she loves me, thats all that matters. and disclaimer love is physical and emotional attraction.

>> No.52853054

Men and women aren't the same, not the same body, not the same mind, not the same urges. You're just brainwashed into thinking the opposite. Be married for more than a few years and you'll understand.

>> No.52853056

you see hotter girls in my local uni than those who compete for the national beauty pageant. girls who are attracted to becoming "miss x" are narcissistic and attention whores. participating in those contest is a red flag in itself

>> No.52853085

i never claimed we are. i am talking strictly of equal rights.

>> No.52853110

honestly. i like that men and Women are different, wouldnt it be super boring if we were the same?

I love Women. And I love Korean Women the most.

>> No.52853135

when recruitment rates drop under critical levels and they start implementing conscription are women going to be in the draft?
will they be unable to draft doge via pregnancy?

If either of those two answers are no, then the same is on the issue of rights unearned.

>> No.52853159

>military draft
lol. thats not a right, that's a duty and not at all relevant to the discussion.

do Women have a duty to be drafted as combatants and soldiers? no. they never have.

>> No.52853184

she's very cute, it's understandable that he fell for her

>> No.52853213

So he’ll be a suicidal hunchback by the time he’s 50

>> No.52853240

We're not talking about you, we're talking about Dr Kim Chad, who wanted to show the world how he was worthy enough for a 10/10.

You're right but being a former miss still gives you a certain aura in mundane circles.

Nothing is equal, that's why communism doesn't work.

>> No.52853247

>imagine being threatened by Women having equal freedoms as men.
feminism isn't working you absolute retard, that's why we have to outsource our natality to the 3rd world

>> No.52853285

hey we dont know what Dr Kim wants in a wife, bold of you to assume.

nothing is equal, except for equal rights.

>feminism isn't working
4 u.

>> No.52853311

as far as i know the universal draft was tied to the universal vote and the deal from moving from landed taxpayers vote.

not liable for the draft, not liable to have electoral privileges.

voting is not a right after all.

but then again from the way you are talking it seems you are disingenuous and lack any kind of sense of responsibility or accountability.

>> No.52853416

>We don't know
I'm assuming from my knowledge and experience, yeah.

And equal rights are a mirage my dear socialist anon. Do you think justice is working the same way for everybody, from top to bottom ? If so, stay in the Matrix and don't wake up. It will never happen.

>> No.52853421

are Women not taxpayers? do you really expect Women to be drafted as soldiers in order to vote? for that matter, have we been drafted as men other than for Vietnam. you talk about responsibility, but really you want to diminish our rights by pushing the draft.

yes recruitment numbers are low. do you, the government, plan to make that my problem?

>> No.52853427
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>4 u.
for society, retard. educated women = they dont want to have kids anymore so we have to outsource our natality

>> No.52853460

>justice is applied the same for all
perhaps not.

but at the very least, i will say that men and Women aren't equal but deserve equal rights. and Women have never been selected for any kind of military draft, and it doesn't make any sense for them to be.

>> No.52853487

so. you speak for SOCIETY? we are living in a SOCIETY is that it

>> No.52853505

>that voice and mannerisms
Fuck. Women were 100x better just 10 years ago.