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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52848320 No.52848320 [Reply] [Original]

>even if i max my 401k and Roth IRA every year i still wont be able to retired even 10 years early

how did i fuck up this badly

>> No.52848395
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Just wait for the next bull market and sell once they start naming football stadiums after crypto shit again. You ARE gonna make it.

t. coastie

>> No.52848422

Maybe you should have started ealrier.

>> No.52848746

>even if I max out my good boy points and don't get a red card I still can't leave the cotton plantation until I'm 85 even though Master said-
shut the fuck up

>> No.52850205

Retirement is a meme for the proletariet.
People who do useful, intellectual work, will only see their earning potential increase as they gain experience, and the work itself will become more rewarding. Retiring before age 70 is the end state of a wagie, not a real man.

>> No.52850280

what is this site?

>> No.52850651

cope harder loser
i retired at 27

>> No.52850670

And what do you do now?

>> No.52850690

Im 28 and I retired when I was 16 because I went all in Amazon in the 1990's

>> No.52850715

absolutely everything i want every fucking day

>> No.52850740

I wager you're either very stupid, or very unhappy

>> No.52850776
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yes i'm so sad, i wish i was wagecucking until I'm 70 like you

>> No.52850800

i just want the flexibility of having my retirement fully funded early so i can work less

coast fire calc

>> No.52850840
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retirement plans are a scam
>send your money to our firm
>we'll invest it for you, hopefully we'll make money for you
>no you can't have this before you're 65 without losing 33% of it
>well you can have it if you're buying a house or some other bullshit
>hopefully you're still alive when you're 65! and then you can enjoy the whole 7 years left of your life with a meager "pension"

>> No.52850844

The fact you associate work with waging says a lot. I asked what you did and you said "whatever i want".

>> No.52850862

well, we all know the average goy is stupid as a literal baboon, look at >>52850844 and what mental gymnastic he does in order to cope

>> No.52850906

I'm 20, and I retired at age 8 because my dad put me all in amazon in the 90s

>> No.52850976
File: 24 KB, 500x500, EC5B7533-9D06-46C8-8EF4-7DBE5A69A707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related or listen to the audiobook. It will get you on the right track.

>> No.52852866

let me guess they want me to live like dirty hippies and poop in a sawdust bucket in my van