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52847661 No.52847661 [Reply] [Original]

*outworks you*

>> No.52847675

not hard to do. i'm 38 and i've never worked a day in my life

>> No.52847684

That's a funny way of spelling "outfucks you" or "outpreferentialhirings you" - though I freely admit it's shorter.

>> No.52847686

>degen whore planted to spread degenracy to kids online and to mock working people
She works hard, the blowjob video shows it.

>> No.52847701

good for her, she got her millions and i think she should enjoy it and not have it affect us in a negative way but rather something that we can all be motivated by.

>> No.52847711

>will be depressed for rest of her life

money like that dont buy you happiness

>> No.52847713

who dis?

>> No.52847731
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>> No.52847737

Well garsh, WHO am I to say what VALUE she brings to our society?
This is the beauty of liberalism
The market has wisely ordered the allocation of resources in an efficient manner!

>> No.52847739

I dunno, $2.5M has bought me a fair bit of happiness.

>> No.52847747

thats a man with a penis

>> No.52847764

"she" is post-op

>> No.52847773

Her staying in shape actually does take a decent amount of effort. I mean this bitch looks like she hasn’t had pizza or cheeseburgers since she was a kid. Fuck that.

>> No.52847782
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kvetching money from simp cucks is based and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.52847799

People look like that while working full time, its "her" literal only job to not look disgusting. Barely, still fridge mode and every picture is in some angle

>> No.52847819

are you me?

>> No.52847845

what an uggoid. nice tits though. does he have a OF?

>> No.52847866

Some women are just like that. I got a buddy with a wife that's never worked out, she's crapped out 4 kids and still weighs like 115lbs.