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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52846074 No.52846074 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52846167

Its not fud. The US economic macro looks like a steaming pile of shit.
>REITS are imploding
>Housing is imploding
>The entire mortgage sector is imploding
>70% of mortgages are underwater
>90% drop in mortgage originations
>Rates are climbing at astronomical rates
>Theres a liquidity crisis in the credit market
>Demand destruction is occurring
>ftx is unravelling other jews
>debt is out of control
>CPI data today looks ugly

It has fuck all to do with magic internet money you ape-fucking-niggers.
The united states economy is on the cusp of rugging between now and mid january.

>> No.52846240
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>> No.52846274

I really just wanted to check them tits.

>> No.52846278


>> No.52846336

Yep. The US is $31T in debt, has probably that much or more in entitlement obligations, and the $80T in whatever other debt that was just reported.

In short, we might be able to fight off The Great Reset™, but some sort of reset is absolutely needed, because this system won't survive.

>> No.52846352
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this board has become shit, I remember the golden days were people actually wanted to make money with watever ways possible, from dropshipping and selling shirts and mugs on etsy to creating bots for social media, the brain storming was great. I guess we have to be thankful there is still a general dedicated to the stock market in the cesspool of worthless shitcoin shilling, at least back in the day people were actually discussing the technology behind cryptos not just spamming garbage.

Any website/plebbit board/youtube channel that is reminiscent of that?

>> No.52846417

Its slowly revolving back to economic discussion. The macro effects the crypto disproportionately, so the more tuned in you are, the safer you become.
In the meantime, there arent any risk-off assets remaining to hodl money in.
Cash is a temporary reprieve.
Stonks are due for a 40% haircut
Housing is due for a 40% haircut
Govt backed securities are crashing
Cash is getting raped by inflation.

The only avenues left are hard assets, which is minimal, PM’s which are unobtanium (backlogged 36mos at all exchanges, otherwise 30-40% markup), and crypto which has taken a shit as well.
Foriegn markets are shit and tied to USA.

Its all shit. Everything is shit and about to crash. Even the dollar will crash. So where so you go? Get raped in fiat, or gamble on bitcoin with hopes that it too wont go tits up.

Its grim.

>> No.52846464


>> No.52846485

dude the macro hasn't done shit we've pretty much been following the standard bear market trajectory this whole time, except we've held up slightly better