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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52843604 No.52843604 [Reply] [Original]

What's your biggest redpill about a particular project that nobody knows?

>> No.52843616

Moonboy yelling 1k eoy and fudding redditors, is a huge redflag

>> No.52843635

Bittensor decentralized AI. Good luck buying though. Not for noobs.

>> No.52843640
File: 43 KB, 1400x734, 7356C23E-C3FF-4A92-8BF0-42D76818EB52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zenon holders will never be above $2 again. They were abandoned by their own devs

>> No.52843645
File: 536 KB, 1379x1536, $MNTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs get a lot of hate, but nobody understands where they're going. For example, AssetMantle is building out a platform that enables a diverse set of NFTs use cases that extend beyond arts and collectibles and can potentially change the representation of rights and ownership of real-world assets like real estate and other commodities. Read that again and let it sink in. Its a Cosmos project and their token, MNTL has an APY of over 120%, which is huge in this market. Site is assetmantle.one and token is on mexc. Dyor

>> No.52843647
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>> No.52844429

BSV is the real Bitcoin, whether you beleive Craig Wright is Satoshi or not

>> No.52844449
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>> No.52844506

Hoping for marketplace soon

>> No.52844526

>APY of over 120%
How in the fuck is that at all sustainable?

>> No.52845532
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Statera has the most useless community.