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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52842839 No.52842839 [Reply] [Original]

I see that biz is still full of threads about crypto. Just move on. Crypto bubble has burst. If you haven't made it yet, I have very bad news for you. It's simple, you had 12 years.

>> No.52842849

Because crypto is literally all I've got.

>> No.52842861

I have. been applying to various positions at USPS.

>> No.52842870

crypto isn't a bubble you retard it's the protocol for exchanging digital goods. plenty of cryptocurrencies and shitty NFTs will come and go but decentralized ledgers are how exchange will be mediated between competing 'metaverses'. or, nuclear apocalypse. you KNOW this. stop being a bobo faggot pink ID nocoiner

>> No.52842874

>I see that biz is still full of threads about crypto.
OP is a newfag. This board was made because the mods on other boards got sick of Crypto threads.

>> No.52842877

Crypto failed but btc is forever a shining light in darkness.

>> No.52842878

pajeets mostly. they're the only ones dishonest enough to pedal that garbage.

>> No.52842884

tip: some of the biggest gains won't be in cryptocurrencies or tokens, but rather in the stock of companies that use decen tech to solve actual problems

>> No.52842889

Says the guy holding crypto. lol.

>> No.52842893

is there anything more confusing than the self-hating jeet? get back on that rickshaw and PEDAL

>> No.52842909

>crypto is dead and never coming back
>BTC is still $17,000
Anon I remember when this shit was $200. I don’t know if you’re retarded or just bored trying to troll but the fact price is still what would have been considered unthinkable just 10 years ago while sentiment is this bad is incredibly confidence inspiring.

>> No.52842924

That's because most people are still in the denial phase. Besides, most of them have super burned their fingers with crypto and they can't handle being in red. And most importantly, they were brainwashed into thinking that some useless internet tokens will make them millionaires. The damage that crypto has done to an entire generation is immeasurable. Wait until the mainstream media finds out.

>> No.52843064

>Anon I remember when this shit was $200.
Yeah yeah yeah tell me you don't hold Bitcoin without telling me you don't hold Bitcoin. See, anon, nobody is going to make it from Bitcoin since 2014 (except, of course, for the people who can put big money on crypto which are a 0.001% of the total population or so).

If you've been dabbling with alts, there's a 99% chance that you're losing money. My point is still valid: if you haven't made it by now, you will not make it. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.52843074

keep crying and coping

>> No.52843099

Fucking this. Just a few years ago people were saying Bitcoin was dead and would never see 5 figures again. The kicker is that even with all of the negative sentiment surrounding crypto bitcoin STILL hasn’t broken past 15k.

>> No.52843109

Because I'm not an emotionally susceptible faggot like you

>> No.52843155

Sounds like cope from a low IQ nocoiner who not only missed the boat, but also can't even fathom how there's still people printing money from crypto in different ways in the middle of a bear market
You are the one who will never make it, and i want you to realize this

>> No.52843203

>Sounds like cope from a blablabla
I can't care less about what you think I sound like. You're invested in crypto and most likely deep in red. Time for a reality check! :D

>> No.52843329
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there have been multiple crypto bubbles, like there have been multiple housing bubbles. dont get your knickers in a twist, its not some beached whale you need to protect
so far my favorite way is to do project tokens, since they function like stocks in a company, but without being a security. Theres some kyc tokens called security tokens, but they're a short stop towards defi tokens. Sure its "safer", but once all the regulation is settled, the real defi is the better option.

>> No.52843718

unless it's explicit though a token that a company makes is not going to function as an actual share of legal ownership of the company. it's just 2 different instruments