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52841443 No.52841443 [Reply] [Original]

You need to get a job, /biz/.
Crypto is not a job.

>> No.52841449

yeah who cares if it pays for basic necessities, just get a job

>> No.52841455

If you answered my application, fucking boomers

>> No.52841454

America is desperate for goyim to crawl back into the wage cage. They are one step away from begging.

>> No.52841460

Lol, he needs fresh slaves to keep his bag afloat?

>> No.52841462

>goes to university
>makes a living doing scam bullshit advice programs and going on tv
How do normies not realize they're getting scammed by guys like this?

>> No.52841492

I mean, he's not wrong. Zoomers and millennials need to learn how to be functioning members of society.

>> No.52841497

Mike Rowe loves the dirty stuff, word on the street is that one time the camera crew caught him under a porta potty.

>> No.52841565
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lol at this jewish news propaganda trying to get whites to work for their jewish bailout bucks dollars

does this guy even know that whites formed their own economy using gold and silver for in person transactions and using monero for digital transactions.

fuck working for jewish bailout bucks lol

>> No.52841623

>functioning members of society
This means nothing if the society itself is dysfunctional. The future being offered to millennials and zoomers is eating bugs, living in pods and being ethnically replaced.
In a strange game, the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.52841632

>Zoomers and millennials need to learn how to be functioning members of society.
>work a shitty dead end job, don't have kids, don't own a home and struggle everyday of your life

>> No.52841659

>just heckin' slave your life away so the economy recovers and my investments do better!
No, I am entitled to own a big home in a good neighborhood I can pay off in one year. I am entitled to higher level opportunities in any field. I am entitled to a 9/10 minimum wife who will be loyal or I can cut off no strings attached.

>> No.52841682
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>Based Mike Rowe and Tucker Carlson! We should all work manual labor jobs for 17 dollars an hour!

>> No.52841693

Boomers have nothing to do with your application. They are on average 68 years old and retired clown

>> No.52841705

Why work when there are no decent females? Why work when wages are shit? Why work when every corporation hates white males and contantly shits globohomo shit down your throat? Fuck that

>> No.52841749

fuck off commie scum
nobody is forcing you live in a penthouse or to work at mcdonalds. live within your means

>> No.52841783

>zoomers and millennials
>can't pay $100k for a 4 bedroom house like boomers
>gas is no longer $0.50 a gallon
>cars cost $54k on average instead of $7k
>can't go into a job and start work right away like boomers

kys faggot

>> No.52841838

only a couple people can go to college for opera and hit it big LARPing as a blue collar worker on TV
a lot of people can get work as electricians and plumbers making near six figures
suck it up and get a job

>> No.52841940

boomers are not retired they're too addicted to their overpaid worthless jobs where they sit around "supervising"

>> No.52841998

Has anybody noticed that so many boomers and gen x are losing their fucking mind because 18-29 males refuse to work dead end bullshit jobs? That big titty DiMartino woman, all of Fox Business, etc etc. It seems like a mental thing since I'm definitely within that demographic but its hard to put it into words.

>> No.52842026

look at these comments:
zoomers don't want to work. they think they don't need to do any effort to live. they see too many instagram/toktok influencers/sportsmen/musicians/politicians living the "easy life" (as if instagram was the reality itself) and think they are owed the same.
in my country, groups of zoomer kids are literally stealing cars from people at gun point. if this society was already fucked up, shit will become even worse now...

>> No.52842048

i got a job at Amazon moving boxes and unloading trailers. It sucks. Would not recommend.

>> No.52842070

Did you know Mike Rowe is a nepotism kike that had always worked in showbiz? He can take is gayass pledge shtick and shove it up his ass

>> No.52842092

>work so we can siphon off nearly all your labor to the point where you are essentially a slave we don't have to feed, clothe, or house.

>> No.52842179

>oh shit they aren't going to fund our retirement payments for shit pay when we're all living to 85+.


>> No.52842517

it's a job when I need to be here half the day waiting for the perfect moment to sell, my dext bags won't make me rich on their own

>> No.52842811
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>X generation bad because Y
look man people grow up differently. in the 20th century, people stuck onto the idea of work because there was hardly any tech. money was manually processed, by hand, by paper.
by definition of work, labor produce more than the worker's gains. but you probably had nothing better. get adequately wealthy off some labor job, hit up with coworkers, a simple life. it was a fair trade, in your eyes at least.

but things get more complex as time goes on and the demand exponentially so.
21st century you see people self-sustaining themselves in ways never even heard of. you see and you think "this is what i want to strive for". you see the inequality at the touch of your fingertips. you see and you think "maybe this isn't worth fight for". you see and you think. not only that, but you see what your coworkers think as well.
money becomes nothing more than numbers on a screen to be gambled.

>a zoomer's understanding of boomers and the economy

>> No.52842858

College is a scam. $2 Trillion in student debt

>> No.52842914

>spend all day applying to jobs
>"no you aren't qualified to use excel and sql because maybe we can get a pajeet to do it"
This is a joke country.

>> No.52843010

You guys sound pathetic. You're supposed to work a shitty job when you're young and gain work experience and move up the ladder either internally or by looking for other jobs. Here's the catch most companies dont hire people with employment gaps or currently"in between jobs"

>> No.52843041

They need you and are trying to shame you back into becoming their slave. Just ride it out and let the entire ponzi collapse. Any effort you put into this system, as it stands, benefits only those at the top of the ponzi, not you.

>> No.52843065

Nah fuck society.

>> No.52843082


>just work a shit job that doesn't pay enough for a studio apartment just because ok?

You don't get it. I don't need to slave to be homeless lol.

>> No.52843098

I've been trying to find a fucking DISHWASHER job at 35 and I can't even fi-
>Here's the catch most companies dont hire people with employment gaps or currently"in between jobs"

>> No.52843118

>Here's the catch most companies dont hire people with employment gaps or currently"in between jobs"
you can always lie and tell them that you've been freelancing or some shit.

>> No.52843132

>In the broad sense of the term, “forced saving” arises whenever there is an increase in the quantity of money in circulation or an expansion of bank credit (unbacked by voluntary saving) which is injected into the economic system at a specific point. If the money or credit were evenly distributed among all economic agents, no “expansionary” effect would appear, except the decrease in the purchasing power of the monetary unit in proportion to the rise in the quantity of money. However if the new money enters the market at certain specific points, as always occurs, then in reality a relatively small number of economic agents initially receive the new loans. Thus these economic agents temporarily enjoy greater purchasing power, given that they possess a larger number of monetary units with which to buy goods and services at market prices that still have not felt the full impact of the inflation and therefore have not yet risen. Hence the process gives rise to a redistribution of income in favor of those who first receive the new injections or doses of monetary units, to the detriment of the rest of society, who find that with the same monetary income, the prices of goods and services begin to go up. “Forced saving” affects this second group of economic agents (the majority), since their monetary income grows at a slower rate than prices, and they are therefore obliged to reduce their consumption, other things being equal.
Yeah live within your means so you can save in order to... live within your same or worse means. I bet you've called in on Ramsey's show licking his loafers.

>> No.52843135

>going to university requires taking on student debt
Don’t be a retard in high school and get scholarships and go in state

>> No.52843162
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>"the time for words is over"
>start strangling Mike Rowe because I read that in a woman's teehee voice
>"you made me do this please understand"
>don't want my dialectics to get rusty so I start simulating a conversation with the attentive looking corpse with the little freshness time I have
>outsource cadaver disposal to a pitbull
>journey to find the truth one corpse at a time.
>web scraper finds some boomers in this thread
The time for words is over.

>> No.52843167

We can't all be shitskins gifted free rides by anti-white kikes that want to punish honest, hard working white taxpayers Miguel Tyrone De La Cruz

>> No.52843218

I’ve made 6 figures off crypto with minimal effort while I watch my peers bust their asses to obtain a fraction of what I have. And then to actually be a wagie and have your colleagues grand stand about how lucky you are to have a job paying you 40k/yr and to “fix your attitude” and be grateful to work.
Fuck this shit. I’m tired of everyone telling me to bust my ass for nothing when I would’ve never dreamed of having this kind of wealth in my 20’s even if I did.

>> No.52843237

Fuck you, Mike, YOU get a job. Acting is not a job you faggot.

>> No.52843324
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>“fix your attitude” and be grateful to work

>> No.52843759

You'll be a poorfag for life

>> No.52843771

what kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.52843777

Mike makes money talking for commercials. He doesn't know Jack shit about real hard work. He just looks the part

>> No.52843799

Indians have become the new American nigger cotton pickers.

>> No.52843806

Then start investing your savings retard. Or use your savings as a dp on home with will ALWAYS appreciate in value

>> No.52843813

I don't know a single working person who looks like this clown. I also don't know a single working-class person who wants to do work. If we could swing it we'd absolutely not work. It's true that nobody wants to work because we've never fucking wanted to work. It's just that now people are developing methods to make that dream a reality.

>> No.52843814

i am witholding my labour until i get sex

>> No.52843846

Was he born a talking man for commercials or did he somehow work his way there? Whats with this cope that no one ever worked to their position. Why are all you faggots defeated before you even start? Pathetic

>> No.52843869

Is he wrong?

>> No.52843880

So your plan is to save up fiat for years for a dp on a house? Just 5-10 years of getting raped by inflation for the average couple then. Also housing being monetized is only a recent phenomenon and most of the time communities just put them up for couples when they were married. Even your grandparents didn't view housing as an investment as for the longest time they were steady at about 1-2x yearly wage. It's only the past 20 years since we started importing niggers and printing absurd amounts of fiat that housing has become monetized to an insane degree. Once western fiat expires, which it will, it's gg to your investment as property law = what you can guard yourself.

Physical gold in a safe and BTC are the only viable way out of the coming shit storm and escape for normies.

>> No.52843901

The amount of anti work redditors on this site is truly disturbing

Is the entire internet just full of wannabe niggers now? Are there any online communities not full of unironic parasites and worthless losers?

>> No.52843914

Go look at any chart since the great recession. Home values ALWAYS increase. and bitcoin is a fucking scam dude i can't believe so many guys fall for this meme. There's nothing backing it. I wouldn't ever invest in it or even other crytos

>> No.52844107
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>> No.52844127
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>> No.52844199

It’s not a revelation that people don’t want to work which is why you need incentives to get people to work. If you remove the incentives or provide them through alternatives it’s not a shocker that people change behavior.

Until the people running society make working for wages a better deal you’re going to see more and more people bailing.

>> No.52844250

Thing is these neets survive off their parents. Once the parents are removed the neet attitude dissolves real quick

>> No.52844280

You know other than your feelings and beliefs.

>> No.52844311

Work is what makes the world turn around. How do you think society would improve if more people were sitting around at home playing vidya or watching tv or whatever it is they do?

>> No.52844326

>retarded actor tat never did day of hard work in his life giving orders to someone

>> No.52844337


You disgusting pleb amateur, pull your head in.

Commercial is the ONLY real estate vehicle worth consideration. Homes are for housewives, tradesmen and retards.

>> No.52844339
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>> No.52844359

Whats wrong with homes? They appreciate in value nearly every year and can provide rental income. Not only that but the land theyre on is priceless. They can keep making more commercial real estate but they can't make more land ;)

>> No.52844384

The only reason people work is to have a house(shelter) and food and to be able to make children and raise them.
Now tell why would some anon work if even by working those are all either unattainable goals or barely attainable?
>inb4 what does barely attainable mean
Some anon can get a small apartment and enough for mediocre food choices but that life style is not ever gonna allow him to get a young woman to live with him and have kids.

Do not reply, this was all for rhetoric.
Get cancer, kike tool.

>> No.52844414

You have slave mentality my friend. Imagine working to only attain food and shelter (which is the absolute minimum). "Work" can be anything you know. You can working to improve your business. Or actually working to improve something. It doesn't have to be some wagie grunt job. You must be an absolute loser if you think you cant you cant improve your situation and are just simply "waiting around" for something to happen

>> No.52844426

I don’t hate Mike Rowe but he’s a fucking hypocrite. Literally he has done nothing but media TV presenting but somehow he knows the work of the common man. He’s a fucking joke. Go look at his Wikipedia. He is what he criticizes.

>> No.52844428

i do work but i understand why others dont

paying taxes to our corrupt system is a sin which im complicit in.

>> No.52844439
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Look at his life. He’s a TV presenter. He has no fucking experience of tough work his whole life apart from watching others do it in TV shows. Lol.

>> No.52844445

He worked himself to that position dude. Do you think they just randomly walked up to him and offered him tv narration gigs?

>> No.52844461
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>You're a commie if you'd rather cultivate a skill from trade school, career college, or university rather than rush headlong into low-skill slave labor
"Commie" is just dogwhistle for "please don't get an invaluable skill which would require me to pay you well"

Your mindset makes it very easy to comprehend why boomers are importing infinite quintillions of brown people into the west, and why there's propaganda like Mike Rowe urging young men to work in sewer filtration plants. It's not the left exterminating whites, it's you generic run-of-the-mill boomers who HATE the concept of a white guy working a 9-5 and having a comfy middle class bungalow

>> No.52844484
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>> No.52844551

I am not your friend, kike tool.

Real work that makes the world move is not just anything.
Theres no shortage of politicians, whores, anterior decorators, solicitors, and DJs.
The shortages are in the underpaid and underappreciated professions.

Reply to me again with your faggotry and projections and I will curse you.

>> No.52844567

If you're "underpaid" that means your skill isn't very relevant and easily replaceable. If anyone can walk off a boat with no shoes on and take your job then your job isn't worth a high salary, is it?

>> No.52844571
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>> No.52844576

May God make you have and then not have, kike tool.

>> No.52844585

Tell me anon, whats your skill?

>> No.52844608
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Working is for plebs in any case, but you're a dumb dog if you believe in "work hard" meme at some big company. You're that weird ugly guy who gets all the work because you failed to grasp that IRL is not a meritocracy (it actually is, but you'd have to have a very high IQ to understand how).

Unless working for yourself or following some real passion, here's the guide to working:
>show up, do fuck all day
>try to look like you are doing something though
>social standing matters more than if you're a good worker
>take your time to gauge how much is the bare minimum and stick with it
>never do a great job because then the expectation is to deliver
>put as much work as possible on others
>call in sick as much as possible
>take as many days off as legally possible
>be as selfish as legally possible without being fired

If you care about "hard work" start your own firm and stop being a cuck.

I work for a few months in a year, do nothing but save up, and then have no work for the remainder of the year to pursue things I care about. I don't have a career, and normoids are quick to point that out, but they're also envious of my lifestyle and wish they had the guts to do the same.

>> No.52844635

May your tribe and bloodline perish, filthy kike tool.

>> No.52844662

Whats your net worth?

>> No.52844777

>net worth
kek, guys like him are not fooling anyone

>> No.52844785
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>> No.52845039

>Crypto is not a job.
Faggots blarbing. Why is my interest on USDC through SpoolFi higher than USD in Morgan chase?

Crypto is the beginning of the future.

>> No.52845054

My man, you are living in the past. The dream of decentralization is over and done in 2018. Who's gonna build you your infra? You are gonna wait out on zoomers and millenials? Gonna pay your isp? Your government for your centralized heating? Living comfortably in your 100K+ people city? You are dreaming and you will be rudely awaken.

>> No.52845063

Youre part of this society dipshit. No wonder its fucked

>> No.52845100

There is no meritocracy irl. Its just dysgenic nepotism.everyone whos in a top position is jusg fucking stupid. All the smart people are stuck being losers cause this world is rigged against them.

You honestly cant win unless you are some super talented artists or you get lucky as an influencer or have rich relatives.

>> No.52845131

Kys parasite scum.

Kys parasitic boomer scum keep importing rapefugees. Ur kids will put ur senile ass in the worst rated home where u will get tortured by niggers and they will never visit you

>> No.52845139

most business opportunities are gatekept hard. even in the most unexpected ways like some faggot jannies at a major marketplace in my country have a strange idea about what counts as illegal counterfeit goods so you can't sell certain third party accessories even though they're unbranded and explicitly allowed on other places like ebay

>> No.52845152

nobody ever explained what company this is?

>> No.52845174

Thankfully I'm autistic and my doctor has signed a piece of paper that says I am indefinitely unfit for work so I will collect my generous neetbux and live in a nice flat by myself and have all the time in the world to do what I want. Suckit conservaniggers.

>> No.52845193

No I won't. They are ahit and a net loss due to communing and costs. Pay more. Better job security. Feed the mob or the mob eats you. The body corporate is not a person. I an't empathise with it and it deserves no mercy.

>> No.52845206


>Why is my interest on USDC through SpoolFi higher than USD in Morgan chase?

Because both USDC and SpoolFi (whatever the fuck that is) are much more likely to suddenly rug than actual USD in Morgan Chase.

>> No.52845251

Several of my coworkers are boomers. Actual others are 40 year old boomers.

>> No.52845386
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>> No.52845403

If they accepted my application, I'd have a fucking job.

>> No.52846150

Its not that zoomers don't want to work, it's that they have literally no incentive to. At best they'll work if they can convince themselves they can have it all like the boomers if they "rise and grind" hard enough, but as a whole? Zoomer men generally have nothing

>> No.52846159

jobs are for cucks

>> No.52846176

What ladder LMAO. Even if it was still there for the majority (it isn't) you literally cannot get entry level jobs anymore without assloads of experience. This is made worse because those people are actually applying for some god awful reason.

>> No.52846197

not a 9/10 but you should to entitled to a wife who will be loyal. adultery used to just be illegal and in some countries it still is.

>> No.52846218

parasites losing their mind because atlas shrugged

>> No.52846227
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>'Get a Job. Any Job. Just Do It.'
but why?

>> No.52846239

they will if thats what the labor force consists of in a few years

>> No.52846244

absolute retard confirmed

>> No.52846272

the real blackpill is college isn't worth it even if its free because its not worth your time

>> No.52846285

Lol, mike roe is a rich yuppie faggot who has never done a real job in his life. Fuck him.

>> No.52846303

historically the rich have always owned while the poor have always worked. investing was the easy answer all along, you just may need to work to accumulate enough capital in the beginning.

>> No.52846318

>ALWAYS appreciate in value

>> No.52846353

you can work without being a wageslave to a corporation to make worthless widgets with no real impact on the world
just work for yourself

>> No.52846377

nah they'll just go on welfare

>> No.52846395

commercial real estate is built on land

>> No.52846409

>online communities
lmao. Go back to Facebook

>> No.52846411

>Why work when there are no decent females? Why work when wages are shit?

you work if you want to eat.

>> No.52846419


>> No.52846420

mike rowe? well i guess so yeah, if you dont want to starve to death or die of exposure to the elements.

Op isnt right though. I do crypto full time and I guarantee I have more money than he ever will and I always will.

>> No.52846456

oh please no one even starved during the great depression

>> No.52846522

no one starved in the middle of the dust bowl?
that's awful hard to believe

>> No.52846569

has on average been about $3.50 now since before Newt Gingrinch ran on making it $2.50
boomers have paid the same gas prices as everyone else for over a decade
a sub-100k mile honda civic goes for about $9k
exactly the same as it did for like twenty years
the bought $100k houses in places that were unpopulated shitholes with nothing to do
now everywhere that's gotten decades of development and population growth have houses that appreciated in value

if you want a $100k house piss off to some backwater and live there for 50 years

>> No.52846582

People didn't starve then because of human charity you tard. People die of exposure all the time in the US currently and with out money eating becomes incredibly difficult.

>> No.52846590

I'm not the one implementing or defending these policies. Its dumbasses like you that defend those in power by pushing the blame onto the victims that are at fault. Stop being a literal cuckold that defends the people fucking you over.

>> No.52846633

Because we need to beat China, now get back to work you lazy faggot.

>> No.52846642

No, you can win if you’re not a defeatist pussy. It’s possible to start at the bottom and rise to the very top because capitalism is the purest meritocracy ever conceived. Nepotism is an advantage but all it takes is one good idea to amass a fortune.

>> No.52846925

This. Remove jews from the White man's land and maybe I'll consider going back to work.

>> No.52846938

Nobody will hire me but thanks mike for the advice

>> No.52846941
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These types of baits always get so many pissed off zoomer replies I love it

>> No.52846953

I wish this were true but it’s not. We do need to stop using Rothschild reserve notes.

>> No.52847001
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Fuck you you faggot Israel loving cuck. Would you have told the slaves to just keep slaving for any master doesnt matter??

Propping up a brokem system is only harming yourself and others. People dont wanna work because its no longer worth it. You have dave ramsey and this fucker telling people to work 3 jobs to just eat like thats normal. Its not fucking normal. And we will never let it be normal.

We dont mind working hard, but for it to be for nothing is simply evil

Get fucked

>> No.52847046

Its like the cucks that allow Dave Ramsey to tell them to work 3 jobs to afford rent and eat and youre lazy if you dont want to

Both of Daves parents were big wig bankers, they helped him secure loans in his early 20s to build his real estate empire that the rest of us couldnt have got in a million years. Hes never worked hard a day in his fucking life.

>> No.52847066
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>> No.52847201

>Silent Generation still has more wealth than Millennials and almost even Gen X, and they were only just surpassed by Boomers in the mid 2000s
Were they the real Jews all along?

>> No.52847206
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No its quite the opposite. Gen x and especially boomers need to learn to quit being parasitic

>> No.52847237
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That girl's really fucking cute.

PROTOP: Her standards in men are unbelievably high.

>> No.52847455

memes aside this is true
in the sense a functional member of society would revolt against a dysfunctional society. violently
the feminization of men and their unwillingness to use violence productively, against the elites rather than against other common folks, is the single biggest problem we face as a society

>> No.52847596

wouldn't it be funny if some homeless person ran in there and started shitting on the floor

>> No.52847634

Yes, slave away!
You will never afford a house, and you will will live paycheck to paycheck while the rich fly their private planes wherever they want.
Join society!

>> No.52847852

Every fucking job I apply to I'm either over qualified or 'don't have enough experience'
I don't give a fuck I'll learn whatever you need just give me a livable salary ffs

>> No.52847910
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>> No.52848223

People want to work, however, they want to be justly rewarded for their work.
Right now, unless you are a doctor, engineer, programmer, or similar career, you will not earn a liveable salary.
You can not afford a house, car, bills, food, etc just working a 9 to 5.
Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer because they can afford financial advisors, advanced tech, etc.
Why play a game that's so incredibly skewed against you retard, because you like to suffer?

>> No.52848241

Zoomer shitting biz without facts. The interest is already higher and will remain there. Centralization got no future and that's why you inherited poverty from your ancestors.

>> No.52848327

When your 16 you aren't thinking about your long term financial future.
Most parents, including mine, were used to college being 10k for 4 years and easy to recover from

>> No.52848519

The funny thing is that all the people you think are dumb made way more money than you

>> No.52848550

Do something about it or just fade away broke, miserable, and destitute

>> No.52848755

The problem is that with modern tech it's practically impossible for the ultra rich , boomers and massive companies to lose money.

>> No.52848758

low iq wagies failing to understand preferred qualifications don't mean minimum salary

>> No.52848891

get a qualification you dumb nigger

>> No.52849071
File: 24 KB, 598x598, 3186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all these normie fucking NPC whores always using that touchpad for work... You know how I know you are a unproductive worthless PO-kike-S? You use that touchpad and a laptop. May as well use your phone for all your job work or even tablet. Fuck these people. And you want me to work shoveling shit, while I am navigating everything, every file through terminal, so I can pay for a jew whore and a jew and his token nignog to live a good life while im eating rice carrots and potatoes every meal for three years. Nope, I wont contribute anymore. Never until, we go back having a savings account, a newer car, a good looking (un-ex druggie thot) wife, and proper work days, time off, retirement (like the rest have had), a non-MUD race infested city, a government that doesnt hate my WHITE blood line that built this world and all in it, etc etc... If you cannot do that rabbi then suck my uncircumcised dick and lose it all, as well know it is going to happen anyways. White man built the world and we hold it up, when we quit, it goes back to mud huts and uncivilized trash. Dont believe me better start reading those history books you are banning.

>> No.52849206
File: 13 KB, 211x239, millionairemike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millionaire mike. Why won't these sons of bitches work for minimum wage?

>> No.52849217

It's society that isn't functioning, dummy

>> No.52849229

All white Americans should just leave and let the niggers and kikes rat fuck eachother. Then come back in 50 years when it's full of mixed race black kikes who have a shitty operating system and a shitty body and just reconquer America

>> No.52849318
File: 59 KB, 712x576, 151241018_736498570618863_2446237374111291183_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You arent wrong, but I do not think there is anywhere one could go DESU. Every 'white' country is infested with this shit and only going to get worse.
#you arent wrong though about their tech etc, their spaghetti code that build everything that is being used right now is laughable. And in the end, when it crumbles, they will have no choice to hire white people. But by then we might just tell them to rope and laugh since the smart white ones have already stockpilled and gone off grid in preparation.

>> No.52849624
File: 137 KB, 504x503, 1630580439142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your days of shitposting is soon coming to an end

You vill not spread ze dangerous disinformation anymore.
You vill integrate into ze New Society.
You vill cooperate with ze Authority Sentries.
And you VILL cease your all neeting activities permanently.

>> No.52849736

Evens she's a lesbian. Or at the very least, bisexual who can never find good tops in the female circulation.

>> No.52849780

no white virgin pussy no work

>> No.52849819
File: 2.99 MB, 994x560, but why.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52849825

>in my country, groups of zoomer kids are literally stealing cars from people at gun point.
their ancestors failed.

>> No.52849858

>'Get a Job. Any Job. Just Do It.'
>but also refuse to work in situations that you find inequitable because you can't count on Mommy Uncle Sam to hold your hand to protect in the labor market. that's on you to turn down bad deals.

>> No.52849960

>can’t even get hired as a dishwasher
KEK have you tried flipping burgers? The pay is the same and I bet it’s unironically better.
>not spending a decade truly becoming a master of your field do demand whatever compensation you want
>not even spending 2 years learning your field
NGMI nothings gonna change and you’re just gonna turn 40 and be working the same job. Congrats. You chose this life by the way.

Most people have never worked for themselves/on themselves ever.

>t.got mba immediately after undergrad with no work experience

Kek I guess you’d love them to be flipping burgers and accepting their fate instead

>> No.52849982


>> No.52850029

It's WealthSimple a fintech company in Canada you can tell by the W on the door in the start of the video that's their logo.

>> No.52850071
File: 41 KB, 750x555, 1651365886516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the boomer mind. Where they could be an alcoholic high school dropout and stumble into a part time shit shoveling gig and still afford a house, car and family. The juice aint worth the squeeze, play videogames and beat off til you expire

>> No.52850109

>t.zoomie who doesn’t realize what 50 years of being destitute feels like

>> No.52850247

i feel like this is going to be me when i lose my shit completely

>> No.52850344

For those of you who don't work but are at least 22 years old and aren't getting some kind of autism bux / disability , what is that you do for income?

>> No.52850346

Comfy higher educated jobs goes to Jews, browns, LGTB and women. Labour jobs are the only option for white males

>> No.52850367

Gas lighting glow nigger

>> No.52850399

The internet woke up a lot of folks on the currently zogged system. I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to contribute to this mess.

>> No.52850404

I work a trade, but I’m half tempted to get NEET bucks because this country is a distaster.

>> No.52850411

Imagine having to get Excel certified as a requirement to wage slave.

>> No.52850454

Imagine not getting excel cert due to
Some arbitrary belief and flipping burgers. Sounds like mental illness, unironically.

Random question: do you have a hobby you spend a lot of time doing?

>> No.52850487

I don't think NEETbux really work like that. Pretty sure I've seen threads where anons will discuss how it's actually not easy to get and takes a long time etc.
I am just wondering out of this 7million number, how many are actively looking for work and unable to find it vs how many are just living at home and selling their aderral script or something.

>> No.52850502

Where's this from?

>> No.52850512
File: 149 KB, 930x1131, occult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitDAO embassy is a real job anon fuck off!

>> No.52850538

>OP says get a job
>1 pbtid
>170 replies
The absolute state

>> No.52850569

Well did you?

>> No.52850592

Boku no Pico ova

>> No.52850598
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