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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 603 KB, 1200x2521, AIBusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52836277 No.52836277 [Reply] [Original]

Share you ideas itt

>> No.52836303
File: 378 KB, 745x680, 1670871661960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal soulless era coming soon
feels bad man

>> No.52836314

Imagine the volume of content we'll get, there's bound to be a gem or two in that torrent of shite.

>> No.52836509
File: 123 KB, 923x923, Reviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're afraid

>> No.52836573

The important thing is they bought it

>> No.52836612
File: 9 KB, 235x282, 1667163768109799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming soon

>> No.52836662

these people wouldn't even have noticed if they didn't tell them about the AI kek. it's unironically over.

>> No.52836731

Refunds are a thing.

>> No.52836856

change your job title on linked in to AI Consultant, cold email lots of companies offering your services. Bullshit a lot and use a lot of buzzwords. Invoice hourly.

>> No.52836888

What services? Kek

>> No.52837527

Did you see how bad it looks though? And I am not a boo hoo crying artist, he left fucked up fingers and objects on some pages which is low quality work you could fix in photoshop while not being an artist.

>> No.52837753

It's funny that most art, literature and other creative products have been low effort grifts for so long, and only now do people sound the alarm.

>> No.52838938
File: 775 KB, 1080x815, 1670883675966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek it's like when luddites shit talked factory made goods.

>> No.52839511

it's just a matter of time this will be the same fate for music, videos and ultimately even movies.

people will either generate their own media (like coomers are already doing with images) or they'll play someone to do it cause they can't be fucked with prompts.

>> No.52839542

Might as well give a bunch of monkeys typewriters

>> No.52840663

Best selling author here.

Good luck writing good fiction with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average writer. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

The AI art is bullshit, though.

>> No.52840732

>it's like when luddites shit talked factory made goods
They are vindicated

>> No.52840762


>> No.52840776

>he says by typing into his factory made good

>> No.52840779

we got way too fucking cocky...

>> No.52840800

Best selling artist here.

Good luck creating good art with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average artist. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

>> No.52840863
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1766, Screenshot_20221030-112440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for you. My AI prompts got me this soul

>> No.52840882

Using OpenGPT to write anything whatsoever. I was excited for that hustle until one of those ‘Guys, it literally’ motherfuckers went viral on Tiktok

>> No.52840913

>Best selling artist here.
What kind? Certain artists are definately out of a job. I read a post about how translators lost thier jobs becuase of ai. The translations were shit but they were good enough for shitty companies to make ads for their products. I imagine the same is true for any artist that makes shitty cartoons for corporate slide shows or whatever.
Even conept arists are probably out of a job because one guy who knows how to prompt well will be able to out do any artist's garbage photobash. You may say "the ai jus steals from existing works and cant create anything unique" but thats also true for most artists.

>> No.52840992

hate parents that think all children-focused media needs lessons and shit
it should be there to help then learn to literally read, it should be fun and barely anything else
the lessons for life and love and relationships NEED to come from the parents
not some author youve never met, ai or otherwise

>> No.52841029
File: 453 KB, 1600x1300, 2019_Beach_Volleyball_Team_Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's software can I use that's free to monetize like this? Art software and music. Do I need to pay the creators to license it?

>> No.52841046
File: 39 KB, 594x516, 1670894027144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a matter of time this will be the same fate for music, videos and ultimately even movies.
Delusional kek. "AI" generated stuff will literally never replace people. And no, im not even an artist.

>> No.52841081

>Waiter, come here. I ordered a burger with fries and this is what you give me?
>Yes, I can see clearly that it's a plate of burger with fries in front of me, but I expected better!

>> No.52841110

"Artists" (people who have software do 80% of their "job" as it is) are over.

Kvetch and seethe, time to get a real job lol.

>> No.52841120

>base your personality and all your self-worth on a holy person you want to emulate and preach to others about how amazing they are
>just a made up nothing by a computer program to make a sand nigger some spending money as a total after-thought

>> No.52841144

And everyone is worse for it

>> No.52841154

It will when it becomes indistinguishable from human invention as social media short circuits our brains and causes all of humanity to continue to regress into retards.

>> No.52841273

that's great, teach me?

>> No.52841476

Leet, god tier, programmer here. Also, a millionaire.

Good luck creating software with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average artist. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than socializing.

>> No.52841509

Can't speak for recorded music, but live performers will always be in demand.

>> No.52841515

>fifty years

Give me a break anon, this shit is going to advance rapidly. 10 years tops.

>> No.52841531

The scary thing is that AI will make the exponential technology growth we've had a lot crazier. Just think about how much things have changed in past 100 years.

>> No.52841541

>exponential technology growth
the iphone came out in 2007

>> No.52842089

So uh... How long before I can get AI to a make a custom Hentai manga featuring me? Genres will include Incest,Mother,Sister,Harem,Oyakodon,Aunt,Cousin.

>> No.52842348
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1670901313906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scary thing is that AI will make the exponential technology growth we've had a lot crazier. Just think about how much things have changed in past 100 years.

>> No.52842939


>> No.52843165


The soulless era started when social media and smartphones went mainstream.

>> No.52843178
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money making method using AI
Hear me out.. AI generated CP

>> No.52843189

write a replacement for google.

>> No.52843211
File: 6 KB, 220x221, 1670624395621500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess his ethnicity, not indicative of the tech

>> No.52843589

If only there was some kind of cryptographic mechanism that I could invest in which ensured the human authorship of a work of art.

>> No.52843663

i'll hire 100 pajeets to fix AI code for 1/1000th of what you ask. it doesn't have to be perfect faggot, just functioning.

>> No.52843704


>> No.52843752

AI will replace literally all currycode. Low-skill coding jobs will get fucking obliterated

>> No.52845031

you're the same kind of delusional boomer in the 90s saying that computers won't replace humans.

why do you think AI is pushed for, for fun? for science? lmao

>> No.52845058

fuck you and your lack of inspiration to make good AI stories, meanwhile ME a total chad who has been on this crappy site since '04 makes this peace of art:
Thrall stood at the edge of the camp, his eyes fixed on the Gnoll leader, Shlogger. He could feel the anger burning within him, fueled by the atrocities the Gnolls had committed against his people. He tightened his grip on his weapon, a mighty hammer crafted by the blacksmiths of Orgrimmar, and prepared to charge into battle.

The Gnolls, sensing Thrall's hostility, began to snarl and growl, baring their sharp teeth. Shlogger let out a guttural bark, signaling the attack.

Thrall launched himself forward, his hammer crashing down upon the first Gnoll that stood in his way. The creature let out a yelp of pain as it was sent flying backwards, crashing into its comrades. Thrall continued to fight, his skill and strength unmatched by the Gnolls.

The battle raged on, and Thrall fought with the ferocity of a true warrior of the Horde. He fought with the knowledge that he was not only defending his people, but also the honor of his ancestors.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Thrall stood victorious over Shlogger. The Gnoll leader lay at his feet, defeated and humiliated. Thrall let out a fierce battle cry, a triumphant shout that echoed across the camp.

As the dust settled, Thrall took a moment to catch his breath. He looked around at the defeated Gnolls, knowing that they would never again pose a threat to his people. He had fought for justice and honor, and had emerged victorious.

>> No.52845101

>part 2

Right as he thought the battle had ended, a group of Gnolls runs in and ambushes him. Thrall continued to fight with precision and skill, his hammer dealing powerful blows to the Gnolls that stood in his way. He expertly dodged their attacks, weaving in and out of their ranks with ease.

At one point, Thrall used his shamanistic powers to call upon the elements, summoning a blast of thunder that sent several Gnolls flying backwards. He then charged into the midst of the remaining creatures, his hammer crashing down on their heads and bodies with deadly force.

As he fought, Thrall could hear the snarling and growling of the Gnolls, as well as the splatter of mucus and blood as his attacks connected. He paid them no mind, focusing only on the battle at hand.

Eventually, Thrall found himself facing Shlogger, the resurrected Gnoll leader. The undead creature snarled and lunged at Thrall, its sharp teeth bared. But Thrall was ready, and with a powerful swing of his hammer, he struck Shlogger square in the chest, sending the Gnoll leader crashing to the ground.

As the battle came to an end, Thrall stood tall and victorious, his enemies defeated at his feet. He took a moment to catch his breath, his chest heaving with exertion.

The Doomhammer, Thrall's weapon of choice, was a mighty weapon crafted by the blacksmiths of Orgrimmar. It was a powerful symbol of Thrall's strength and skill as a warrior, and he had wielded it with great prowess during the battle against the Gnolls. The weapon was imbued with the spirit of Orgrim Doomhammer, the former Warchief of the Horde, and Thrall had felt its power coursing through him as he fought. With the Doomhammer by his side, Thrall was a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.52845125

>kids are dying in mines in Africa or jumping out of factories in Asia
>better put our best and brightest to the task of replacing….. artists and the free jobs allowing for genuine human expression
And techbros wonder why everyone hates them.
In all honesty though, reading through the opinions of most of the diehard supporters of AI you really get the feeling these people don’t have a single creative fibre in their body.

>> No.52845127

finally, I was tired of Ranjesh and Pandeek anyway

>> No.52845150

3-4 years for a one click retail-facing product
AI can do this right now, with some work

>> No.52845176

When I was in school phones with internet weren’t a thing. I’m 33. Shit is growing at a pretty fast rate.

>> No.52845184

>nobody replies to the Thrall story my AI wrote
i best not catch any of you faggots stealing this content

>> No.52845191

i'm already applying to publish it on amazon kindle as we speak

>> No.52845202

One call to bezos and your house is gone, retract the upload or there will be consequences

>> No.52845205

AI is currently just patching together lots of sampled images and usually fucks-up instantly when attempting interactions of two bodies. (or complex anatomy like hands..)
Tech will have to be different for any true manga-capability to emerge,
a possible approach would be to have 3D-datasets of poses (including collision-detection) as basis and it being traced by AI (basically same as used by artists that suck at anatomy),
but this would be very far from the current approach.

>> No.52845214

Crypto staking is one of the best way to earn passively, it has been my favorite means of income so far

>> No.52845246
File: 603 KB, 768x768, 1670922124617183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look into the diffusion generals on different boards .. but the problem of copyright is currently unsolved and will likely result in lawsuits in the future.

>> No.52845250
File: 465 KB, 1416x1215, rakesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet uses AI to profit
>artists get mad at him and cry
>pradeep writes a tweet acknowledging their tears and imploring AI tool makers to include artists into their decision making
>Rakesh continues to profit and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future
gm sers!

>> No.52845258


>> No.52845285

Already a thing on certain boorus bro

>> No.52845299

The worst part is when people say “this finally allows everyone to create art”.

Like nigger, just pick up a pen. If there’s one thing without barriers to entry, it’s fucking art.

>> No.52845354
File: 868 KB, 768x1024, 08245-1790352753-Masterpiece, best quality, best work, beautiful face, traditional art, from above, bed, laying on bed, sleepy, eyes shut, night,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait for uber-autists to start using the tools. Right now it's normalfag garbage.
I'm trying to prefect a stable diffusion model for a vn, once I'm done with that I will learn how to use renpy to make a vn.
>pic related

>> No.52845368

Not all coins are worth staking, it's difficult to find a good project with feasible utility that will last the test of time

>> No.52845794

Amazon Kindle is a good one IMO

>> No.52845870
File: 7 KB, 195x258, ewf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, but from my research, some tokens in the cosmos ecosystem, the likes of scrt, loop & evmos are good ones to rely on.

>> No.52845886
File: 4 KB, 500x500, Point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh uber-autists
You weebshit using Stable Diffusion are already a cancer. Only thing you can do is pump some generic waifu trash with big tits/asses or underrage pedobait and think this is GREAT content.
The worst part is that you proudly spam your stale crap absolutely everywhere.
You are not creative, you are not original, you have no taste or distinctiveness or eccentricity. Even with a tool that can generate basically any art without requiring skill you still manage to show how limited and boring your "imagination" is.

>> No.52846057
File: 1.59 MB, 1344x1024, 08641-2660307338-(masterpiece_1.33), (best quality_1.33), (world war 1_1.3), (full body_1.44) of girls, (last exile_1.44), (by kouta hirano_1.3),.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that was a test image for a model that I may use for a project that will take much more than just ai generated images.
Look at pic related, it's a rather interesting image despite being ai made, it may even evoke something in the viewer, but it isn't art.
What makes art is form, evocation, reflection, and internalization. Art needs form, without it it's just scribbles. Art needs to evoke, otherwise it's shallow and hollow. Art must reflect onto man, and he reflect back. From all this man must be able to internalize some meaning, if he cannot then the piece is a failure.
I seek not ai generated images for the images themselves, but to use them for visuals in a greater project. Art is much more than just pictures.

>> No.52846076

If anything artists, writers, and programmers should be embracing AI as another tool in their belt.

>> No.52846089

I'm not familiar with that board, whats on there

>> No.52846093

Crazy how you can tell it's machine made by how it sucks the soul right out of your body.

>> No.52847826

Best looking Ayyy here

Good luck creating sexy aliens with current Ayyy. Might be possible in LMAO years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average Ayyy. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

>> No.52848056

Most artists these days are globohomo bootlickers who were smug about truckers and factory workers being jobless, so fuck em
>t. artfag who works for Globohomo

>> No.52848286

>parody trolling is now actual good business advice
Clownworld, I kneel

>> No.52848333

Good luck sorting through it all.

>> No.52848340
File: 94 KB, 612x491, B1AC5044-3358-466B-BA14-F9423FDE3D68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W..what do they train the AI on?

>> No.52848384

Nooooo, you're history must be shitty but it's alright if it's written by a human.

>> No.52848712

Shitposting unemployed beta incel here

Good luck doing fuck all with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into doing nothing, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average neet. It took me a year of constant laziness to get incompetent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning nothing. Harder than working.

>> No.52848754

based. unironically, anon, how do I break into the industry?

t. finished manuscripts

>> No.52848841

What are their staking rewards

>> No.52849629

calling bluff, you don't need to write the great american novel you just need to generate erotic novels for current year women

>> No.52849655

It's probably a net-negative until we get content-recommendation algorithms that are actually good at recommending media that requires more than a couple of minutes of engagement to be consumed.

>> No.52849832

Wow mindless nigger cattle bought your book in an age where 50% of american citizens have an 8th grade reading comprehension. Literature has been dead at least since the inception of the television

>> No.52849885

Yeah, not for nigger cattle though. Technology has definitely stagnated from 2005 to now if you were to look at 1945 to 1960 and compare it it wouldnt even be fucking close.

>> No.52849932

Make a AI movie player where you just input keywords and time length an it generates a movie for you to watch on the spot.
>Money making
I don't care about the money.
I just want the completely pozzed entertainment industry to die.

>> No.52850000

Why is this retard happy
Would punch in the face 20/20
Sometimes I imagine horrible scenes in which elderly are dying alone with a physical AI bot that comforts them
>How are you feeling? Would you like another dose of morphine?
>You are loved, and important. Your life has been fulfilling.
>Do not fear, you are not alone in this important moment


>> No.52850089

Proof of cum

>> No.52850122

Different from children how?

>> No.52850260

Chidlren whose death will be assisted by physical AI bots won't have known the world with trad human interactions

>> No.52850378

Scrt offers 25%
Loop 300%, while
Evmos offers 85% apy

>> No.52850407

Humans being paid to say something are more genuine than a robot saying it?

>> No.52850442

>the automobile is a passing phase, the horse will never be replaced!

>> No.52850444

>Sometimes I imagine horrible scenes in which elderly are dying alone with a physical AI bot that comforts them
10000% more wholesome than being abused by niggers. You're already in the worst timeline. The AI timeline is actually brighter.

>> No.52850478

Spotted the AIs and the human bots supporting them
Kill yourselves my "men"

>> No.52850524

The future is all boops, beeps, and buttholes.

>> No.52851230

Are these rewards static or dynamic?

>> No.52851778

>Harder than programming
Not a competent in programming
Actually has never even tried programming

>took me a year of constant work to get competent
Wow, that's so much time, you should be proud of yourself, Jimmy

>> No.52851825

>plot twist, those are bot reviews

>> No.52851884
File: 1011 KB, 1858x636, 1663380122272763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52851955
File: 1.55 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-12-13 18.32.47 - a photo of a jersey shore man with spiky hair holding his arm around a blond woman in a skimpy outfit and a bottle of grey goose vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass computer generated pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever been the number one New York Times best seller? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of their job insecurity, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than telling people to learn to code on twitter.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm a bestselling artist and author, musician and leetcoder. What childrens books did you write? other than ask the computer to "make a story about a japanese primary school romance"? Good luck with the current state of AI, might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average artist. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

I and have been writing this new story my trans gf (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch"

>> No.52852202

scrt and evmos are static, but loop staking apy is dynamic, it was 1000% earlier, but as investors jumped into the pool, it decreases to 300%

>> No.52852250

They already have AI generated music, last time I checked it's pretty bad but I'm sure that will change before the end of the decade.

>> No.52852480

fuck this gives me and idea

>> No.52852522

How many jobs does this eliminate? They're not afraid, they're down right terrified.

>> No.52852534

>Best selling author here.
>Good luck writing good fiction with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years

Won't take 50 years, that's for damn sure, will be before the end of the decade.

>> No.52852546

Reminds me of all of the shit movies being released to china with a big american star (bruce willis). Have you ever had the misfortune of accidentally watching one of these?

>> No.52852616

how many times do we think ammaar took that picture before posting?

>> No.52852626

holy shit, how to cope is right hahahaah

>> No.52852649

I feel bad that you think this looks good

>> No.52852710

>create concept art with AI
>recreate it in physical world with paint
>literally trace it and improve it slightly

>> No.52852715

>muh jeets
lmao the ironic part is that those jeets will be the ones replaced
only extremely high skill code monkeys will remain in the industry, everyone else will be AI'd to the unemployment center

>> No.52853122

>You weebshit using Stable Diffusion are already a cancer. Only thing you can do is pump some generic waifu trash with big tits/asses or underrage pedobait and think this is GREAT content.
But that's literally what anime is. 90% of it anyway...and people love it

>> No.52853145

Do I need a video card to use stable diffusion? Can I just use like onboard intel graphics?

>> No.52853559

this idea is great, i was also thinking a "steam-like" platform where you could buy AI created games like 10,99$/month or create your own games with just typewords, i have few ideas for a game which could be great game but i dont know how to make games. it would be a open world dinosaur game, like WoW/rust/survival ark etc. but at the start you would choose either dinosaur side or human side, humans spawn with nothing and you have to develop your character and survive in the game while other players could be dinosaurs and they hunt the humans, they also start with little dinosaur cub and grow them bigger and evolvel........ dfhdshfsdfhfsdhsdfhs hsdhsdhdshh

>> No.52853587

Give it 10 years, you'll be able to have an AI make your game, just don't expect to make money from it. everything will be worthless.

>> No.52853648

>unverified purchases
fake and gay

>> No.52854402

>posts that don't age well

>> No.52854423


>> No.52855650

>so says the doomer
you should go outside more anon

>> No.52855698

What do you do?

>> No.52855700

this already exists, its pretty cool. only seen coomers use it though, so not long until other creative types make use of it.

>> No.52855736

yes,, I use this fork of it:
works reasonably well, and results are adequate. doesn't have any nice features a more up-to-date stable diffusion offers, like negative prompts, but really the only limitation is ones creativity.

>> No.52855742

Best selling Musician here.

Good luck writing good music with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract, hard to define, and not all of them are even known by the average composer. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

The AI art is bullshit, though.

>> No.52855792

this kind of weird gatekeeper mentality, its not healthy anon. good pop music can be pretty formulaic, and above all else, I always go back to something Frank Zappa suggested, which is all one needs in order to learn music is a record player and a record. So listening to music is really all you need.
1000 gpus and a 1000 song samples later, you eventually get Mozart.

>> No.52855845
File: 2.38 MB, 1284x1712, 2F8C8FAF-E874-417F-883D-9423711B2A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly rated grocery deliverer here.

Good luck delivering groceries with current AI. Might be possible in fifty years, but there are so many factors that go into the craft, many of them abstract and hard to define, not even the average bagger can keep cold and dry items separate let alone bag items by where they will go in the fridge. It took me a year of constant work to get competent, it’s been a decade now and I’m still learning. Harder than programming.

AI art is bullish tho

>> No.52856510

well to be fair

OpenAI created a model that beat the shit out of professional Dota 2 esports teams
and yet esports salaries remain extremely high and the AI is not participating in tournaments

as it turns out, nobody will pay for or care about a bunch of computers playing video games
the same could apply to music or literature if the author is revealed to be AI

>> No.52856593

but how many people actually bought this faggots book? anyone can get one published...

>> No.52856662

The only reason this image has and will endure is because of tomboy number 3.

>> No.52856673

I use Dall-E for porn.

It's really easy to take Instagram photos of girls you know, erase their outfit, and tell Dall-E to fill it in with some sort of fetish outfit.The site bans certain words because they know people are doing this, but other workarounds are unaffected. IE, use "pvc clubwear" instead of "latex fetish dress" and you'll get the same intended result.

So long as you did a good job cutting out their bodies in photoshop and the source photo is of a decent resolution, it looks phenomenal.

It has rendered OnlyFans completely useless as you can take basically any random thot from Insta and dress her in whatever outfit you'd like, and it'll keep giving you variations upon variations. Therefore making your own infinite customs.

>> No.52856711

It has made literally every single money making method easier.

>> No.52856737

The scariest part is that AIs will produce actually good content

>> No.52856750

Not a bad idea, selling porn is like selling cocaine. No wonder (((they))) took it completely out of the dataset.

>> No.52856778


>> No.52856833
File: 1.50 MB, 1626x1024, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Dall-E is capable of with a good source image. You can get some crazy specific fetish content generated from normal instagram selfies. I like my whores dressed as latex sluts so these are the examples I have to show /biz/.

A girl running an OF account could theoretically do this by just taking mirror selfies and then running Dall-E over her body based on whatever outfit requests she got. Nobody would know the difference.

>> No.52857176

extremely based tags, fren

>> No.52857207


From a pool of just 17 heroes and no items that allow for controlling of multiple units. All a team would have to do is play techies and punish the AI just for moving around the map as it normally would.

Complete champion pool dota is several orders of magnitude more complex. Even a far simpler game like Magic the gathering would have an AI choke on the sheer number of possible combinations. The only open AI implementation that got anywhere close had to rely on data from 17 lands.

>> No.52857236 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 828x1422, PNG image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I fucked around with chatgpt and the jannies didn’t like it

>> No.52857946

Pay attention.

>> No.52858645


A lot of artists that work commercially are talentless and I can see them being easier replaced.

>> No.52859108

Ever do a captcha? You trained em.

>> No.52859648

>2021: "ai can't draw fingers"
>2022: "ai draws too many fingers"
The meatbags are projecting their own inconsistencies

>> No.52859750

Graphic design and copywriting so if this AI thing takes off I’ll be burning literal shit in Bumfuckistan

>> No.52859799
File: 768 KB, 1680x1050, Free-download-skeleton-human-body-art-anatomy-bones-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download zip
>run pip install requirements
>"you need openvino"
>oh cool
>pip install openvino-dev
>2000 lines of cryptic error messages
Why do I even try to do anything anymore

>> No.52860334

Source on the left?

>> No.52860420

underrated >>52840663

>> No.52860445


google or create new issue

>> No.52860485

>Last Exile
Watching this right now

>> No.52860492
File: 18 KB, 259x259, 1661811742813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be better off selling AI programs to retards who think they can make serious money with the trash those put out.

>> No.52860515

What do you mean? Those reviews point out reasonable criticism.

>> No.52860549

Buy a 3D printer and wait for StableDreamfusion's imgto3D or the likes to become usable. I'm not even sure there's an imgto3D in StableDreamfusion as of today

>> No.52860566

Theoretically you could program a mobile game app or a roblox game using chatgpt to help you assuming you have some basic programming skills.

Monetize it and make bank

>> No.52860597
File: 55 KB, 640x480, asxazg1s7a091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52860630

>But I want instant gratification! I want my goyslop and I want it NOW

>> No.52860676
File: 115 KB, 596x624, 1555681802187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be brainwashed American capitalist retard.
>Think art is only a product to be sold rather then a fullfilling form of expression.
>literally cannot conceive of an alternate view of reality outside of cutthroat market forces compelling everyone to do things on pain of starvation and homelessness(people who dont like this stuff must be worried artists haha).
>cant understand the human need to create, only CNN, getting fat and watching internet retards scream at them. wonders why he's unhappy all the time.

death to america

>> No.52860706

Yes, theoretically. However practically, it ends up looking like this:

>> No.52860830

imagine someone feed the AI everything there is on the internet including all forums and chatrooms and then asked the AI to produce the most beautiful women that the majority of people like and it produces a bunch of cp lmao

>> No.52861547

That's true though

>> No.52861557

I've never seen child porn in my captcha no.

>> No.52862181

>reviews trashing it and pointing out very glaring mistakes
>"heh they wouldn't have noticed otherwise sirs"
lmao kys jeet

>> No.52862196

quintessential NEETcel hasn't talked to girls outside immediate family tags
Oyakudon is incredibly based sans the wincest though

>> No.52862407

Cope. Drawfags live off the teats of richfag sponsors and their taste for at least a millennia

>> No.52862606
File: 596 KB, 512x768, 06274-798055370-Masterpiece, Best quality, maximum quality, best work, master artist, beautiful face, (steampunk_1.6), (coat), (casting magic_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have chosen a better example, but he was being stubborn about "weebshit", and since I haven't done too much landscape work with the ai, I just sort of chose one without any character in it and ran with it.

>> No.52862630
File: 1.06 MB, 768x1024, 08872-3777979851-Gorgeous female photo, Masterpiece, best quality, best work, promotional art, beautiful face, professionally retouched, raining,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I need a video card to use stable diffusion?
I would recommend you have one, even if you could get it to work without one I don't think it would be very effective or efficient.