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File: 146 KB, 867x969, provenoilreserves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52832665 No.52832665 [Reply] [Original]

What happens in 30 years when oil runs out in most non-Arab countries?

>> No.52832679

New reserves are found all the time. What did you think petroleum engineers do, anon?

>> No.52832680

Renewable or nuclear energy, dumbfuck.

>> No.52832685

>1,578 years of production in reserve
Wtf, how do I invest in Venezuela? Should I wait the US bring democracy to them?

>> No.52832709

hello newfag plebbitor
But otherwise, yeah renewable and nuclear seems the most likely at the moment

>> No.52832710

>What happens in 30 years when oil runs out in most non-Arab countries?
Nothing because capitalism (ie, globohomo) would be dead and we would have different sources of energy and technology. Hitler would be back and everyone would be flying in a flying saucer without damaging the environment.

>> No.52832718

>Oil is the only energy source
Absolute state of sand camel and russian alcoholic hiv prostitute cope.

>> No.52832729

Iraq 2.0 will happen to Iran, normies will be fed some new story, maybe this time the jews will destroy the empire state building then Iran will be attacked and its oil taken, if you look at the Iraq oil production it's the same as Canada's so killing a couple thousand americans and a couple million arabs or persians is a good price to pay for americans to gain as much oil as fucking canada produces.
Of course the people doing these things are abominations that will burn in eternity in hell if it exists, so yeah not a good gamble even if there is a 0.0001% chance some version of hell or limbo or any post death soul suffering exists.

>> No.52832740

Oil IS the only three letter black liquid major source of energy, retard

>> No.52832742

We've tried for decades at this point bro but they simply do not wish to redeem freedom. Also investing in Hispanic countries is a waste of time, they're allergic to work beyond menial labor. Coincidentally the US is becoming more run down every year as it becomes more and more Mexican.

>> No.52832744

Oil has been about to run out in 30 years for the past 100 years now
So I guess we'll have portable fusion by then

>> No.52832795
File: 107 KB, 280x270, 1670303551950851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil was supposed to run out globally 30 years ago.

>> No.52832810

we'll be using potassium

>> No.52832866

Shale oil will take centuries to run out. It just gets more difficult and expensive to extract, but as tech improves that is counteracted.
Plenty to last us while we get fusion sorted.

>> No.52832899

If that ever happens we'll just invade Venezuela

>> No.52832910

all the info on oil reserves is just as fake as the info on fighter jet performance. (if you are unaware, they literally do not even tell the pilots accurate limitations).

think about it for more than 30 seconds and it's obvious why i'm right

>> No.52832932

Fusion power.

>> No.52833118

Hahaha Op Fag listens to the Joow Media.

Stay Poor Slave.

>> No.52833380

>tfw only 20th
Fuck this we all know we get enough oil to make it to at least top 11 but this lazy goverment is shit

>> No.52833385

The final redpil is that oil is a renewable resource