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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52831066 No.52831066 [Reply] [Original]

Wagies are unironically going to work a full day just to afford rent and a meal in a heated room

>> No.52831070

yeah dude im freezing right now as we speak

>> No.52831073

Yea, i'm already preparing for riots

>> No.52831077

Fucking hope so, every single green voting rentoid should freeze to death in minecraft

>> No.52831131

Either work for food and shelter or die. We are peasants again

>> No.52831159

Im freezing so hard bros here in the middle of europe bros its unironically over people dying and freezing in the streets migrantoes running wild here even usdt is backed by nothing here in europe, holy shit a putin nuke just flew over my shed ohnono we all gonna die! Dont forget that binance is insolvent in europe!

>> No.52831198
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, CB7471E7-B86E-4AF0-8D37-65AA63369ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how amerilards cope with living in a revolting third world shithole? LMAO
You will never be Evropean pedro

>> No.52831200

it coffee fu?

>> No.52831230
File: 492 KB, 1900x1407, nuland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F U C K T H E E U !



>> No.52831377

American here freezing my ass off. Forced to wear winter clothes to bed because gas is too expensive when you're poor

>> No.52831391

Yeah it's so horrible, I'm freezing while I'm eating my tendies in my warm appartment. Even my elecricity bill has stayed the same, how will I ever manage lmao

>> No.52831399

the EU invaded Ukraine?

>> No.52831408

physical activity keeps u warm
Govt Advice chief.

>> No.52831417

Putin did. We need to nuke him.

>> No.52831423

Today will be mid 70s. Might take a walk on the beach.

>> No.52831434

Uk london rentoid here. Was paying £90 a month gas and electricity, now I'm paying less because gov gives me £66 for energy bills. I actually have £250 in credit with my supplier now so could stop paying for a while. Flat is warm, life is good

>> No.52831437

vote better next time cuckold

>> No.52831455
File: 25 KB, 673x352, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better watch out for them falling coconutz Sammiboi

>> No.52831462

Well, i didn't do that bad.
LOM is up 50% since my president took office.
Talking about cucks - how is that F-35 deal going so far pussy?

>> No.52831463

We should still nuke putin... just for fun

>> No.52831481

Also this.

>> No.52831494

nukes don't exist

>> No.52831495

We are absolutely fucked aren't we.

I'm putting my heating on a couple of hours a day to stop my house from becoming mould central, but I'm still racking up massive bills. I'm probably in the top 20% of earners too, so if its a problem for me, fuck knows how poorer people are going to cope.

Yet all the support will cater to the lowest earners, pensioners and benefits claimants.

Whats the end game? Are they going to say we can have energy at lower costs if we use the CBDC? will they take property? fucked.

>> No.52831525

Your brain on euro.

>> No.52831553

Where the fuck do you live in? Up here in the north shits just fine

>> No.52831614

Quit lying. I live in eastern Europe and I have more heating than ever. Even my fucking cold water comes hot, for some reason.

>> No.52831658

Always has been like that under capitalism

>> No.52831678

I live in Europe and I literally know no one who struggles to pay rent/a meal/heating/necessities. But whatever fits your bias I guess kek.

>> No.52831713

>Wagies are unironically going to work a full day just to afford rent and a meal in a heated room
and thats a good thing

>> No.52831729

>he didn't stockpile wood
nice and toasty in my house