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52830330 No.52830330 [Reply] [Original]

I firmly believe that NFTs will play a marketing role in multiple industries in the coming years. I'm not interested in investing in them directly because I trade actively, I'm not a gamer, and don't feel like sitting on some crap that looks like it was made on Fiverr. What's the future of this sector?

>> No.52830350
File: 536 KB, 1379x1536, $MNTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's a lot going on with NFTs in the background. People are too focused on the NFTs themselves and not on ecosystems. Look into AssetMantle(picrel). They've had a good bit of interest in their interoperability efforts, with devs from Polygon, Axelar, Gitcoin, Lazarus network, etc. participating in working group calls. They've got a whole ecosystem rolling out bit by bit.

>> No.52830597

They need to have a business use.

>> No.52830625

No Hitler but I’m a faggot instead

>> No.52830958
File: 70 KB, 1000x443, 45rgfdyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then something like MNTL is your best bet. just read the whitepaper and see what they're doing with digital assets going forward. nfts are going to support a ton of industries

>> No.52832749
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imagine living life on ultra easy mode. greetings from kazakhstan