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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 220 KB, 1786x885, 17s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52827017 No.52827017 [Reply] [Original]

Before they turn into 10,000's. At least tether up or you'll take it in the face. Do it tonight.

>> No.52827110

based. just 10x longed eth

>> No.52827130

its blockchain not bitcoin sweaty even my hairdresser dumped bitcoin bitcoin is for certified grandpas only its over OVER

>> No.52827158
File: 223 KB, 1791x876, goingto8900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucked. Some of you retards are helpless. Sell it

>> No.52827159

only two meme lines? lightweight

>> No.52827188
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>> No.52827197
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hasn't broken my meme lines yet

>> No.52827238
File: 225 KB, 1787x877, basics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to the basics anon

No meme lines can save BTC from from going below 9k.

>> No.52827266

Retard logic. This is the time to DCA and set buy levels, not "time the market" with sells. These are buy zones even if btc scam wicked to 8k (which would be the bottom of all time fyi)

>> No.52827270

i really do want you to be right

>> No.52827299

>These are buy zones even if btc scam wicked to 8k
Wrinkle free brain take, anon. why tf would anyone pay 17k now if they thought it go to 8k. Stop encouraging people to do stupid shit.

>> No.52827328
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>i really do want you to be right
I am. Sell it or tether up before bed or wake up to a huge red daily candle up your ass in the morning.

>> No.52827331

>Wrinkle free brain take, anon.
been here since 2018, faggot. I know more than you
>why tf would anyone pay 17k now if they thought it go to 8k. Stop encouraging people to do stupid shit.
Because 8k isn't guaranteed, retard hence DCA levels which averages out your buys anyways. A few months from now we'll be in an uptrend and you'd miss averaging low prices due to greed

>> No.52827360

its not even midday, i'll watch the chart but i doubt it goes down today

>been here since 2018
>barely one cycle
>surely this is a measure of competence

>> No.52827371


>> No.52827377

>surely this is a measure of competence
This but unironically. I made a lot of mistakes, but learned from all of them

>> No.52827382

midwits really think its about memelines lol
they just want saylor to bend the knee

>> No.52827395
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>I know more than you
>Because 8k isn't guaranteed
>A few months from now we'll be in an uptrend
you're a fuggen mess bro. Stop spreading this bullshit on /biz/

>i'll watch the chart but i doubt it goes down today
It'll happen in your sleep tonight, anon. I'm warning (you)

>> No.52827435
File: 530 KB, 1094x799, rc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a lot of mistakes, but learned from all of them
You're about to make another one, anon. Sell that shit now and buy twice as much in feb 2023.

>> No.52827464
File: 236 KB, 1795x883, getouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can actually make some money. You're gonna get creamed if you don't.

>> No.52827485

Retard alert
>advice from a retard
no tanks. Dca is the way here since this is already a discount. Do you know what averaging is? If you buy here and it goes down 50%, buying again at the 50% averages it out. The downside is limited compared to the upside.

>> No.52827497

Also you're a fucking retard for multiple reasons, but for one thing the rate hike and cpi data is going to fuck all longers and shorters on the 13th anyways. This shit is going to cop you up good

>> No.52827524

Why would someone advise others to sell if they have nothing to gain from that

>> No.52827550
File: 25 KB, 269x300, 1587526004597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you buy here and it goes down 50%, buying again at the 50% averages it out.
So you suggest paying twice the price knowing BTC is going much lower? You sound like some sort of special ed honors student. Buying BTC now is dumb af anon

>> No.52827561

Looks like it's going to 18k

>> No.52827575

And you sound like a newfag that hasn't been in a bear market before. Yes, I'm saying to do that because of this thing called AVERAGING. The downside is highly limited at this point compared to the upside. You can pretend you can time the real bottom all you want, but you're just a poor retard that will miss the real bottom and end up buying higher and performing worse than someone who just dcad here

>> No.52827583

it's been one hour and this fake post would have cost this faggot thousands of dollars lmao

>> No.52827585
File: 205 KB, 514x514, frenenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything to gain other to having to listen to you moan like a bitch when BTC nose dives tonight and in the morning. I like to try and help frens, unlike these fools telling you to DCA at these prices. At least tether up or get your shit pushed in while you sleep. GL

>> No.52827601

How altruistic of you anon.

>> No.52827635
File: 181 KB, 1061x765, MV5BNDc4MjUzNTYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM2NDkxNA@@._V1_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good advice, I suggest you take it.

>> No.52827640

He's an idiot that likes to stroke his own ego because he doesn't have a gf to rub his peepee. He wants to feel smart and impress his internet "frens" because he's lonely irl

>> No.52827674

Sounds like you’re projecting heavily

>> No.52827678

>1 post by this ID
Hi, op

>> No.52827690

yeah trend is lower, but with risk assets stabilizing and the fed becoming less hawkish the dollar has really come off its uptrend. this alone should continue to support btc and if the fed does 50bps this week instead of 75bps youll have a facemelting rally from the rejection on the lower end of your channel which most certainly takes btc above 18k forever. if the fed does 75bps again and powell's speech is less hawkish then btc most likely forms a base to trend higher into 2023

>> No.52827703
File: 46 KB, 601x638, 1535428025608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need help anon and no amount of whining like a little bitch boy is going to help you. Your beloved BTC is about to get cut in half, but go ahead and DCA right now, champ. Your birth was a mistake, ad that to your list.

>> No.52827722

>Your beloved BTC is about to get cut in half, but go ahead and DCA right now, champ.
This is indeed the smart strategy. Have fun getting outperformed and missing the bottoms.

>> No.52827762

Sleep tight needle dick. I'll be here for you in the morning.

>> No.52827783
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>> No.52827785

>the dollar has really come off its uptrend
Finally. Someone in this thread understands that USD is really what's driving this.
BTC will bottom soon, but it won't stay down for long.
Yes, you could get BTC cheaper in a couple of months. But it's safe to dca now as the Fed loses its nerve and the dollar shits the bed.

>> No.52827802

>below 9k.

>> No.52827884

>missing the bottoms.
Buying the exact bottom is fun and ego-boosting, but overrated IMO,. You're still catching knives. I'll miss the "bottom" and wait for the upswing because I like money more than "making calls."

>> No.52828170
File: 48 KB, 600x381, bull red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guaranteed, kid. GL

>> No.52828559
File: 224 KB, 1787x878, slump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Better set your alarm early so you can watch the carnage. Sweet dreams.

>> No.52829133


>> No.52829162
File: 707 KB, 284x346, 1583430697498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kikes are the ones here telling (you) to DCA at these prices, and here you are defending and supporting them. KYS dumbass

>> No.52829202

Gonna wait for the xmas rally exit pump then i'll sell.

>> No.52829205
File: 39 KB, 398x536, Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 10.45.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a bear penant myself, with a 30% measure move. Will bring us to $11,830 if it plays out. Lets say an even $12k.

>> No.52829285
File: 237 KB, 1791x876, allhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

untethered smoothbrains better sleep with one eye open. It'll start tanking hard as they sleep.

>> No.52829297

>Looks like it's going to 18k
yeah, that's how it looked before the trendline was broken.

looks like $14k could be coming why are you saying $10,000?

>> No.52829302
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 128974674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I've been waiting ages to slurp that low.

>> No.52829343

>why are you saying $10,000?
What's 69k minus 85%?

>> No.52829351

I closed my long once it broke $16,900. The trendline is invalidated, it didn't wick, so who knows where the fuck the bottoms is now. I hope this isn't a fake out but can't risk it. Rather buy back over $17.5 once the Fed BS is over than risk this shit dumping to oblivion with an open long position.

>> No.52829360

Yeah that's what everyone keeps saying, idk. The same kinda logic is what made people think BTC was going to $200k. Anyway whatever, if BTC really is going to the moon next cycle then any entry under $20k will be fine.

>> No.52829373

you'll be lucky if it doesn't go sub 4k

>> No.52829374

I'm glad you're concerned with my finances.

>> No.52829395

It'll be a couple of months feb-march before we see the bottom, but a big downward leg of that starts this week.

>> No.52829402

Price drops 0.5% and its SELL EVERYTHING! You're just bored and crave action. You'll never make it

>> No.52829403

Can't say you're smart for being a crypto bull, but at least you're not dumb enough to hodl through a 30% doomp.
This isn't going back to 17000 for at least a year.

>> No.52829412

>you're a kike
>Concerned about others finances

pick one shrimpdick

>> No.52829414


>> No.52829429

>This isn't going back to 17000 for at least a year.
bingo, but shitheads here will tell you to DCA now for more dead money. /biz/ is lost

>> No.52829517

it seems like buying a home is a safer way of making this play than speculating on an electronic currency where most exchanges over the past 10 years got liquidated to fraud or hacking

>> No.52829529

It's difficult to be a crypto bull now more than ever. Bitcoin failed as an inflation hedge so I don't know what to think of it anymore.

>> No.52829536

BTC has no usecase and is completely dead. Said the same at 60k btw. Btc had a usecase and value before the chain split

>> No.52829563
File: 97 KB, 738x330, 1670699741388607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC was never an "inflation hedge", that was a retarded narrative started in like 2018 after the forks, and BTC went with small blocks. It no longer had a usecase, it doesnt do anything. It was supposed to be p2p electronic cash that could support infinite scaling. The forks purposely made it useless and maxi's then scrambled for a narrative, which became "digital gold and SoV". That was never BTC objective, its not made to do that, it doesn't even make sense.

>> No.52829600

The market is currently at crossroads, and i believe it's not worth it opening long positions here as the market can go lower. I would rather sit 70% in stables and opt to earn yields across AAVE and Curve with SpoolFi

>> No.52829771

Yeah it failed as a currency, I already accepted that when transactions fees hit $60. But the inflation thing had never been really tested, until now. Here we are with the highest inflation in 40 years and people that bought Bitcoin 5 years ago are in the red. So what's the fucking point of it all, I have no clue. It's just a decentralized ponzi for gambling.

Indeed that's why I closed, fuck it. I don't think I will do any trading this weeks, too much bullshit going on.

>> No.52829830

>Yeah it failed as a currency, I already accepted that when transactions fees hit $60.
But it really didn't. The developers failed it. The original btc could scale far greater than any l1's promises. Blockstream, seemingly on purpose, failed it.

>> No.52829842

Today is the day I predicted the bottom to form, the prediction was made in June.

>> No.52829845
File: 80 KB, 419x480, bigCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already locked my bitcoin (BTC) price on my trezor at the top, $69k! I can go and get that any time now

>> No.52829918

Today is the day that you realize you were wrong

>> No.52829931

the nuke hasnt happened yet and its very funny that the exact day i predicted is the day the Binance fud gets ramped to turbo

>> No.52829941

What happens if it goes up just enough to break that "trend line"? Is that possible?

>> No.52829945

Binance And Tether fud heating up. Both will collapse almost simultaneously very soon

>> No.52829958
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>> No.52829963

doesnt account for potentially completing the whole structure which would be 9-10k

>> No.52830065

I hate to admit it, even though you sound like a complete retard, you’re a retard that’s holding to a plan. It kind of reminds me of the bell graph meme where only the really smart make $

>> No.52830121

so bad. unreadable. try harder.

>> No.52830146

couldnt be more clear while having the important data

>> No.52830152
File: 11 KB, 239x211, 1324336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times we have binance and tether fuds again?

>> No.52830585
File: 149 KB, 627x348, 456f32fc7217359ca31272768ad1cf6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you know it's about to get fucked when the tether shills show up in here en masse

>> No.52830662

>So you suggest paying twice the price knowing BTC is going much lower?
Not even the guy you're sperging out with, but you need to relearn reading comprehension. He's saying he DOESN'T know. DOESN'T. DOES. NOT. KNOW. so because he DOESN'T KNOW what it's going to do but, in general, knows that the price is discounted, he's going to Dollar Cost Average into it. His downside is limited compared to the upside.

You are the one saying you *KNOW.* You are making the affirmative statement - sell now rawr! He is saying he *DOESN'T KNOW.*

I just wanted to clear that up because your retard level of reading comprehension is atrocious.

>> No.52830680

>8h later

>> No.52830718

>been here since 2018
So all the oldfags truly left and know we’re left with crap like you

>> No.52830737

Try to time the market all you want, retard. You'll shoot yourself in the head next bull market. Post is live, okay?

>> No.52830778

it didn't though bitcoin has no inflation you could say its lost value in the trading pair of the us dollar but the same can just be said about the dollar during the bull markets

>> No.52831596

16k EOD

>> No.52831668

Someone seems unable to understand sarcasm.