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52825640 No.52825640 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a poorfag trying to double my money in a short amount of time and having trouble deciding whether or not I should dump all of my money into the supposed BSV shortsqueeze in an effort to make a quick buck, or if I should sink everything into Dogecoin.

Twitter is going to reinstate Twitter Blue that day and if Doge is a payment method, the price of Doge probably also will go up. The trouble is that I only have 2k.

I will probably gain something if I split, but I kind of want to put everything on one of these and see what I get.

>> No.52825730

Doge is fun but the truth is this.
Doge will never be able to handle that many transactions.
Also it has ∞ number of tokens vs the 21 million of BSV.
BSV just on boarded their 3rd Billionaire to be the CEO. He has never failed at anything in life.

Depends how long you want to hold.

>> No.52825928

Being new to the game means just seeing what I can get from high risk trades. The way I see it, if Twitter accepts dogecoin as it's only form of crypto payment, and Twitter is the largest social media rumor mill, it's going to at least double in price at some point in the near future.

With BSV it seems like a good long term hold, but I kind of want to do a quick trade and make a killing off of the sudden price spike that's slated to happen tomorrow. In fact I'm not even going to sleep just so I can make sure I can track the price jump.

>> No.52825934

Why are you fags giving Craig money?

>> No.52825940
File: 108 KB, 1080x546, Bitfinex changes BSVBTCSHORTS Date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Twitter accepts dogecoin as it's only form of crypto payment
I doubt that will evr happen because the DOGE network will never be able to handle the volume. it's can't do millions of micropayments.

>With BSV it seems like a good long term hold, but I kind of want to do a quick trade and make a killing off of the sudden price spike that's slated to happen tomorrow
It's been pushed to the 19th by Bitfinex

>> No.52825983

Bitfinex pushed the date to the 19th, likely because they're scrambling. Imo doge will dump hard once all the hope of it being used for twitter dies. Bsv, regardless of what you think of the coin itself or those behind it, has a real possibility of some crazy squeezing price action once those shorts are removed. The longest and largest positions held around its neck will suddenly be gone. Imo set up some limit orders somewhere like kucoin, or bitfinex if you feel a bit more ballsy, and try to catch some of the wicks up.

>> No.52826354

Short term definitely BSV has the higher chance of doubling your money. Hold at least until after December 19, when the shorts will have to cover.

Afterwards you could diversify by buying Doge or something else

>> No.52827675

See this is awesome to know. I was planning on staying up all night until market open, but I'm glad it's been put off since i'm waiting on a transfer for monday morning.

Thank you /biz/

>> No.52829527

BSV is TOP G. Buy now it will blow up this week.