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52823419 No.52823419 [Reply] [Original]

During the 2017 bull run I've gone from 50k to $1m, I got lucky and positioned myself well for the 2020 bull run and went from 400k to 15m and now I'm down to $7m

for some reason I feel more poor than I did when I had $1m or even $500k during the 2017 bull run, does anyone feel similarly?

>> No.52823473

I made it and then I unmade it
CS grad
I spent more than $40k in 2021 on whores and drugs
And now I have to apply for a mcjob because my only life experience for the past 5 years has been buying dog coins and the last 5 tech jobs I tried to get didn't even get my foot in the door probably because of this huge 5 year gap
I have no idea what I'm going to do, might just invest in ROPE. I even started doing more leetcode and it's still not enough.
Tell me this is AI replacing me, just please tell me something so I feel better bros

>> No.52823682 [DELETED] 
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If that's the case, try this.
Send me 1 ETH and you can help me pay my late rent. That might help you feel fulfilled that you helped a random stranger on a basket weaving forum...

Thanks anon
I hope you feel better

>> No.52823696

did you nigger read what I wrote?

>> No.52823714

I started as a front desk clerk in 2017 and made it to CFO this year. I feel amazing.
>CS grad
The most overpaid leeches in any company.

>> No.52823763
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Yeah I did. You feel more poor than you did before even tho you still have money most people only dream of. I can't fathom why that is... would love to be in your position nig nog. I think you feel unfulfilled... don't know how man with 7 digits in an account.

>> No.52823794

I don't feel poor, I just feel less rich than I did with much less money

>> No.52823810


Anon, I felt richest of all when I first broke 100k in 2017. Now I have a NW close to 10mil but I definitely don't feel "rich" or even proud of myself. I'm constantly depressed about my life situation.

I was a chad in 2017, you only feel those feels once. You could hit 100mil in a few years and still feel miserable.

>> No.52823856

Yeah. I was 74k in student debt at my worst. At my best I had a net worth in the seven figs and today my net worth is ~140k given my debt and portfolios. I feel poor since I'm not making crazy amounts as an engineer but I'm making enough to be content and a 10k raise does not sound worth losing a comfy WFH job. Wish I cashed out more. Oh well.

>> No.52823860

If you feel bad while having a 10m NW, you're mentally retarded and likely a goyslop materialist.

>> No.52823875

>not lying on your resume in 2022

>> No.52823877

Money buys happiness
At a NW of 10m you're practically retarded if you can't just purchase happiness. It's literally on sale. Happiness is a commodity that is bought and sold. And it sounds like you just didn't buy any.

>> No.52823890

if that's true I'd love to get your perspective as to why you feel that way? I remember Christmas 2017, I was getting to $1m net worth and I never felt richer in my life since

I also remember ever 100k milestone feeling the most adrenaline my body has ever felt and in the 2021 bull run it really didn't feel that way even though I made a lot more money, really weird and dissapointing.

I also now feel like the world is truly going to shit and I didn't feel that way in 2017

>> No.52823898
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Holy shit my bank account is negative and you guys are complaining about making it. What timeline is this?

So much for asking for 1 ETH you sound so tight I'm sure you shit diamonds. Don't be a jew

>> No.52823908

It never ceases to amaze me how retarded enough people are to think they have to be truthful on resumes. They're cucks who think they owe people the truth.

>> No.52823946

It doesn't make sense to share money with retards. People like you are poor because you're retarded and you'll just stay poor. There's no excuse to have a negative bank account beyond something truly extreme.

>> No.52825075

Op must have a baby dick to be sad with that much money unless lapping.

>> No.52825234

not as rich as you but similar percentages in those time frames. kind of and its probably because you aged or just how the human brain is, after a year plus bear market with survival instincts.

>> No.52825325

This. If the HR roastie asks questions you just ghost and apply to 50 other places.

>> No.52825349
File: 538 KB, 1842x1024, descent_into_oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.52825374

oh wow i'm like so demoralized right now like i totally give up i am capitulated (sarcasm)

>> No.52825382


>> No.52825554

feelz good to have significant savings earned through sweat wish i knew how to invest. i buy silber and guld. physical activity helps w/ depression.

>> No.52825678

I think hearing you guys bitch all the time and my subconscious made me self destruct. I bought all the dogecoin clones early on. I sold on the way up or sold it all to early, then bought back in ,etc.. swing trading nonsense. I mean I made ~30k but I would have been millionaire if I had just held for 3-6months. I don't have that feeling of suicide because of it tho. I also never understand the term suicide stack really either. I find it kind of cool I made so many great picks but just failed to hold and sell at right time. I know millions of dollars wont necessarily be a good thing. Its like a really fast car, it depend on whos driving it. It also comes with a lot of maintenance and risk. I worry if I had made that money at the time I would have been a degenerate piece of shit and would have done nothing worth while with it. The real trap would begin there. I would have been "successful" in one sense but completely empty inside. OR maybe I am just coping and I would have used it well and improved the life of myself and everyone around me. /rant

>> No.52825756

No, i went from 20k to 200k last bull run and now i'm 70k in debt.