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52819174 No.52819174 [Reply] [Original]

Are NFTs dead?

>> No.52819186
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nah bro, you're behind the times. look at asset mantel. they support multiple payment streams including traditional finance options, meaning creators and sellers have maximum exposure to fresh liquidity. just go to marketplace.assetmantle.one and you'll see it's dead easy to even trade nfts on other chanis. picrel is the future for nfts mexc.com/exchange/MNTL_USDT

>> No.52819196

Were they ever alive? Is life but a dream?

>> No.52819235

yeah, a bunch of dead, digital art lingering inside rusty blockchains gathering bitdust

>> No.52819266
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>imagine paying for a fucking image
do cryptotards really?.

>> No.52819277

Considering I bought some HEEL (Good Dog) NFTs for .028eth a pop last week and the floor is already 0.5eth I would say no, they're not dead.

>> No.52820431

This is the way

>> No.52821017

NFTs are a ponzi that never got enough traction to get passed the second generation of cucks

>> No.52821032

Cryptopunks were launched in 2017. 2021 was the second generation. NFTs won't go anywhere, keep bagholding LINK, grandpa

>> No.52821069

No, blur.io gave the much needed liquidity

>> No.52821874

This is a pretty decent option desu

>> No.52821907

I work for an NFT company and am paid to talk to people about NFTs all day. AMA.

>> No.52821991

What are they paying you?

Is there still a way to profit from NFTs? I heard that minting for some is still profitable.

>> No.52822020

monkey bullshit is dead thank god, but not nfts

>> No.52822090
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>Are NFTs dead?

>do cryptotards really?

>> No.52822593

I’m writing my term paper on NFTs and the hype cycle in the digital age.

>> No.52823431
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no, the bear market is fucking everything equally

>> No.52825568

The Telegram blockchain has an interesting nft now, it's used for sign up and account verification in place of a phone number.

>> No.52826376

i probably am in the same twitter spaces you are. i own 2 projects. the current state of nfts make me sick and i want nothing to do with it anymore.

however, third gen nfts will be a thing in 2023. and no they wont be fucking monkey pictures

>> No.52826663

The art/collectibles was always just a ponzi.

The NFTs that matter are things like ENS .eth names which actually have a point and use.

I won't lie that even within .eth there are a fuckton of useless domains that were minted for pure speculation

>> No.52826708

When BAYC dies nfts can start to matter

>> No.52826721

When are you fuckers going to start doing something to combat the gigantic badfaith astroturfing psyop that was horseshit like bathing ape yacht club and start educating people about the actual use-cases of nft's like self custodial ownership of uncounterfeitable assets that can easily be resold on decentralized markets for currencies both within and outside of the the existing financial structure?

Seriously, get the fuck on it. Now. It's well overdue. When you can use these for fucking home titles and car titles and tickets to shows or ways for an artist to distribute their work and make more money directly, how in the hell is it difficult at all to make a successful marketing campaign?

>> No.52826829

Not gonna work. Times have shown that people seen crypto as means to easy money. They dont care about the tech. The real question is, are all sheep skinned? Keep in mind crypto as non productive asset ia bound to be limited by entry of the last fool. Which might have already happened in 2021.

>> No.52826922

>however, third gen nfts will be a thing in 2023. and no they wont be fucking monkey pictures
What will they be anon? Any guesses?

>> No.52826955

Yeah but the difference is I don't give a shit about what crypto does as a casino even if it's neat andd made me some money, I care about actually doing something with it that matters and provides a real service and value. Being a vehicle for tax fraud via wash sales is not going to be enough to keep nft's around, and they legitimately have a much larger usecase than that or money laundering in general. I'm just fucking baffled as to why I've not heard shit about this being applied to anything beyond dumbass bullshit, it makes zero sense why that hasn't happened yet.

>> No.52827005

what this guy said: >>52826721

nfts have legitimate groundbreaking use cases in the real world but no one gives a fuck because they are associated with monkey jpegs instead

>> No.52827012

You look at things in a way less than one percent of holders do. The average normie holder is a retard that barely grasps the concept of pump and dump. All he knows his neighbour bags pumped past month so he must not fomo in. The trick is, was the last guy in already? Because crypto doesnt produce anything. I feel you man, i cracked my head like you. I wasted a few good years of my work life trying to build something useful w crypto. No one cared. Had i promised 7% monthly yield id be a much richer man now. I moved on.

>> No.52827040
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>self custodial ownership of uncounterfeitable assets
what are these assets you're referring to?

>> No.52827113

There is no "use case" for NFTs that can't be done WITHOUT NFTs, and done better without.
It's simply always unnecessary step in the process

>> No.52827133

I've seen a handful of cool things done with them so far, there's a couple musical artists that sell songs as nft's and there's a few shows and series that do the same. It's also gaining traction with comic book writers and could see an expansion into the collectibles space in a big way. It's just that the actual potential of what you can do with a non-fungible token is a lot bigger than all of this and even in saying that that's all already making millions.
You could hold the title to your home as an nft protecting you from title theft. You could trade digital assets as nft's, ranging from in-game skins or other consumables or really whatever for a marketplace for that all the way to using them as licenses for software.
Hopefully this bear cycle shakes out a lot of the gambling idiocy and stabilizes things to the point people give a fuck about things that matter and create value even if they're only making 4-8% YoY profits off it instead of 7% a month. I know it's a rare mindset I'm just mad that's the case.

>> No.52827153

You're telling me that minting the tickets to a concert for a grand sum of like a thousand bucks and then taking all of the profit for selling them minus the cut the exchange I used to sell them on and wire transfer fees wouldn't be a better idea than getting raped and getting a shitty experience with Ticketmaster? Go fuck yourself. It cuts out the middleman and makes shit more direct and that's just one facet.

>> No.52827169
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just do that but remove NFT
It's ALWAYS an unnecessarty step, faggot

>> No.52827181

The problem with Ticketmaster is that the own a lot of stadium where concerts take place and yous their strong position to make exclusive ticket sales. Don't see how NFT exchanges can compete

>> No.52827227

It is legit what other anons are saying. There is no logical use case for nfts or web3 for that matter. It is just best strategy to move on and do something else with your time.

>> No.52827247
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Is it over bros or am I still in the game here?

Only reply if you've had sex before.

>> No.52827254

I get paid pretty well but I have a strong resume. $200k.

Plenty of money to be made still in the speculative shit show, but most will lose.

My company has no plans to do anything but support the current generation of garbage. Not that I agree with that. I see a strict lack of innovation in the space mostly due to leaders who got in for easy money as opposed to being interested in the tech. I have no idea when this will change. Most NFT focused businesses including mine are still supporting monkey pictures as the primary use case. It’s… bananas.. heh.

>> No.52827273

you need to stop talking like a cuck.
Act like you're the own she's interested in, not the other way around

>> No.52827757


>> No.52827814

nope lol, polygon is singlehandedly saving the nft market by bringing reddit, instagram, starbucks, ebay, nike, facebook, and more to the space, accelerating nft mainstream adoption

>> No.52827882

Low iq faggot

>> No.52827946


>> No.52828453

Far from it benchod. NFTs have advanced over the years and so have the utilities, one that has caught my attention is the cloudbreakers which would give users right to personalize their VR and XR experience on road trips

>> No.52828790

Several use cases have emerged with NFTs, creators and NFT holders will be able to send and trade NFTs anonymously as proposed by Railgun.

>> No.52829310

This guy >>52821032 had it right, this generation of NFTs is one generation behind Ethereum. The tech will make itself known.

>> No.52829314

You are a low iq fag, several projects are contributing to the utilities of NFTs. ORE ID for example is providing NFTs with identities on the blockchain so they don't end up as jpegs

>> No.52829336
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Definitely not. I just made a NFT.


>> No.52829389

well cut it up with a plunger or a spatula then

>> No.52829398
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Why should I? It's not my house

>> No.52829700

>There is no "use case" for NFTs that can't be done WITHOUT NFTs

Jokes on you, have you heard of MetaNFTs? Do your research before chatting shit.

>> No.52829737

I wish. I was talking to someone at my gym who works for a startup. They do nft fraud detection. Poor guy actually believes this shit. He also believes Do Kwon is still innocent. Bottom is nowhere near.