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File: 34 KB, 569x569, 71FSpWEF4PL._AC_UX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52818934 No.52818934 [Reply] [Original]

I give up. The boomers won it's over for native british young men. Worst standard of living drop since WW2 reported.

>> No.52818946

giving up is the worst thing we can do. We got to get into the top 10% and quickly orther wise we are really going to be fucked.

>> No.52818958


Yeah, how the fuck are we supposed to do that in a financial and crypto bear

>just short bro

Too late

>> No.52819092

Just import more pajeets, Kek.

>> No.52819573

At least football is coming home

>> No.52819593

At least we aren't speaking German as a second language.

>> No.52819645

why don't you just use your higher iq to get rich?

>> No.52819649

Based, my cousin Abdul just landed a consulting job in the UK and it makes me glad that he’s taking it away from a white guy.

>> No.52819706

The jokes on you, there aren't any white guys left in the UK
That would ironically be a good thing
It's already over. It's a bankrupt nation with no cultural identity and no future. It will be a third world state by the time the climate control lockdowns end

>> No.52819727

Its over. I love England; there's nowhere else like it, but the economy, politics and demographics are just utterly fucked. Sky high energy bills, rising food costs, an insanely rampant anti-white agenda (nowhere else in the world is as bad) and an undeniable demographic shift is setting this country up for civil war and/or total desolation. It's a sad sorry sight to behold. Queen Elizabeth's death felt like the death of Great Britain.

>> No.52819735

True. Fuck Britain.
t. The United States of America

>> No.52819743


>> No.52819753 [DELETED] 

it was the jews who did this. jews and their cultural marxist running dogs.
slaughter all jews

>> No.52819772

Or was it the boomers? Who cares eh? So long as we can point the finger at someone!

>> No.52819885

no it was jews.

>> No.52819941

But who let the jews back in?

>> No.52820079

>the boomers
You think we wanted this? You think we voted for this? You think we had any say in any of this?
Did you vote for trannies, cancel culture, illegal immigrants, SJW's, white hatred, paki prime ministers, nig nog chancellors, non white cabinet, open door immigration? I'm guessing you didn't. I'm guessing you don't know anyone who did but somehow here we are and somehow it's all the fault of the most racist and xenophobic group in the country who voted Brexit overwhelmingly and despise coloureds so much they had to outlaw political parties and create descrimination laws.

>> No.52820095

It's ok. It will probably get a Russian nuke anyway, I'm glad there's nothing that would be missed in that case.

>> No.52820098

the jews did.

>> No.52820110

so native Brits/Anglos have no culpability for their own actions then, in which case they deserve what they get

>> No.52820118

Has anyone thought about moving to one of the British island tax havens?

>> No.52820131

pretty much. although british society owes its current form entirely to jews

>> No.52820160

I've thought about moving to Spain. Nice weather, cheaper cost of living, virtually zero welfare so immigrants tend to only use Spain as a staging point to get to Germany, France and the UK where they get gibs. My brother moved there 20 years ago and wouldn't come back. Won't need to work when I'm out there so the job market and unemployment doesn't bother me.

>> No.52820202

I actually have a Spanish passport so its super easy for me to move there and I've been thinking about it lately. Tax rates are higher there though, unless you set up a limited company in one of the canary islands and pay corporation tax of just 4%. I wish they did that in the Balearic islands too as I've been eyeing up Majorca, but they don't unfortunately.

>> No.52820741

its been over ever since the kikes put churchill in power and made us put down the goyim uprising. slippery slope ever since

>> No.52820753

Like France too jewed for too long

>> No.52820786

Isle of Man looks nice.
Very few wogs there.

>> No.52820813

I just got my Irish passport issued. Think I'm fucking off soon. This place is descending rapidly into a nignog hellscape.

>> No.52820848

anon i have been pushing my dad to get one because my grandad was born in ireland. but he is the typical self centred lazy boomer.... did you apply through family citizenship ?

an EU passport to escape this shithole will be like gold dust in a few years

>> No.52820887

I would be surprised in the EU holds itself together when the big collapse comes t b h

No way countries like Poland are going to keep open boarders with multiple failed states next door.

>> No.52820899
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>> No.52820910

I know people who did, they're all in university

>> No.52821078 [DELETED] 

Yeah you need your grandfathers birth certificate, marriage certificate, fathers birth certificate etc. Then you send it to DFA and register as a foreign birth. Once you are registered you then apply for a passport. It took me fucking ages cause they closed during covid scam but finally are working again. Another benefit is you can burn your Britkike passport and if they do a draft to fight some jew war against Russians you wont be drafted cause Ireland isn't in NATO

>> No.52821093

So you lot are escaping your shithole huh? What's the difference between your kind & fucking arabs or pakis then

>> No.52821112


>> No.52821125

I have faith for the future of this country. But things will get much harder

>> No.52821129

True. Zero capital gains tax is very attractive. Only thing is it might be a bit too quiet if you're still young and single. Jersey also has zero CGT which makes it an attractive option. I wish the Isle of Wight did too but sadly not.

>> No.52821154

moving to another neighbouring white christian country with same values and culture, the kind of things shitskins dont do because their neighbouring countries and shithole tier just like their own

>> No.52821161

very based anon, my thinking was it would be easier for my dad to gain citizenship first and then i can gain it quicker once he is a citizen

>> No.52821220
File: 102 KB, 800x533, people-beginning-preamble-to-united-states-constitution-people-beginning-united-states-173179193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UK enjoying a similar standard of living as other natural resource/culturally rich nations when it's a fucking island that kept going to war with itself is an aberration. It was incapable of understanding that you WANT people to WANT to come to your country and build something, not rob you and leave a decade later. You want people to BECOME American, French etc... now the pendulum is swinging completely to the left.
You were and will be robbed at the worst time in the post-war fiat economy, it will be nearly impossible to see the UK in the same league as countries it believes are near peer today.
The only things that matter are culture and prosperity. If you tell Africans they belong here now, teach them how to talk like you, cook like you, dress like you, and fight with you in the Armed Forces... that guy isn't fucking African he is part of your empire now. Who fucking cares if all the monkeys are white and for the period of time when the Romans didn't care they ruled everything worth ruling.
Even just mentioning the UK and Rome in the same sentence is absurd now. It's an irrelevant fucking island that hates itself and everybody that goes there who isn't from there!? LMFAO

>> No.52821244

French here, are you okay "bro"?

>> No.52821261

>queen elizabeth fan
she doesn't even know you
she was a whore and her daughter an arabs' whore

>> No.52821274
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x1933, Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine calling Nixon our on killing the gold standard, embracing Nuclear power, building a nuclear arsenal, building a top tier army, refusing to rely on American Military Industrial complex to provide hardware and weapons, and being one of the most famous cultures and languages in the world. Absolutely based. As soon as France is out of the EU it will soar.
Vive Lafayette!
Vive La France!
Allez Les Bleus!

>> No.52821286

I'm actually not a fan. But it can hardly be denied that she was the last globally respected figurehead of the west. Watching her funeral was like watching the funeral of Britain.

>> No.52821288

oh no, we are dying too don't worry
it's just old rivalry between anglos and us

>> No.52821290
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>> No.52821292

Your dad is already a citizen without doing anything cause his father is Irish. He can get a passport now and doesn't need to do the foreign birth register thing.

>> No.52821302

you can not de-niggerized your country, they are here and our youth now listen to their music, dance like them, speak like them and even some women have kids with them

we are done as a civilization

>> No.52821313

i unironically think the white race can have a resurrection from central / eastern europe but the hopes are small

im living in EE and they are based but they are also quite submissive to their goldigging women and they are nihilists

>> No.52821333

I'm not overly fond of France but you guys are the best hope for Europe. UK US an American colony at this point, and Germany is an American military base. France never kneeled to anglobohomo like others did.
Also om glad you beat England in the football yesterday

>> No.52821347
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>> No.52821368
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, Paris metro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their economy is more robust in the short/medium term, sure, but it is fucking terrible demographically. They have long lost their capital.

>> No.52821371

France is strong as fuck, it's just this EU 'experiment' which is a nightmare.
France is also good at integrating people. The problems it is experiencing, same with Germany, Italy, UK with immigration is stemming from the Keynesian economy. It is a matter of time before we go back to sound money, sound economics, at least SOMEWHERE and that somewhere could easily be France.

>> No.52821373

>they think France is hope for Europe

wew you guys have to be so low to think such things

>> No.52821383

this is chateau rouge subway station, it's the african district

just like showing skid row and saying "this is los angeles"

or showing south kensington and saying "this is london in a nutshell"

sure Paris is 30% brown but this video is a joke, even most whites can't afford to live in paris so imagine these niggers lol

>> No.52821388
File: 66 KB, 750x436, 8EFB2E5D-EB80-4686-AEEB-7E8F24C19C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks the climate lockdowns will end

>> No.52821420

this also
western europe will become a concentration camp with restrictions on everything

>> No.52821426

Yeah unlike a bunch of other dumb fuck countries in Europe those people in that video are made to feel inferior if they;
1. Don't speak French
2. Don't act French
3. Are poor

As soon as they stop giving people free money, stop keeping bullshit companies afloat, and France stops being a free lunch, the people that aren't french will fuck off. The people who are or want to be French will stay and work.
If you want 3 kids go find a woman, convince her you're a man, and do whatever the immigrants are doing that allows them to have 3 kids.. or wait a few years for the economy to get so bad they start listening to Austrian economists again and then have kids.

>> No.52821440

white women have careers, they don't want 3 kids
even in the so called trad eastern countries

>> No.52821449
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>by the time the climate control lockdowns end

>> No.52821463

yeah that's what i'm talking about, they don't do anything lol
We're not crashing despite everybody being productive and working real jobs.
We're crashing because like 20% of the economy is pulling the cart and the other 80% is trying to get a free ride. Watch how quickly all this feminism gets EJECTED from our economies as soon as lunch isn't free. Whoever tries to make it free will see communism fuck it up so bad it will be unrecognizable.

>> No.52821467

>African district
kek oh I guess that makes it ok then. Fact is France has more niggers than any other country in Europe.

>> No.52821478

>it's over for native british young men
all western countries are doing this, on purpose, because its easier to get indebted young men to sign up for the meat grinder and as it is now they dont have enough and would get killed in a war.

>> No.52821488

>The boomers won
Just import more somali and pajeets
A little bit of child and teen rape hasn't killed anyone.

Fucking morons... You get exactly what you deserve.

>> No.52821491
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>made to feel inferior if they don't act French
bro there are parts of Paris that are quasi-Sharia Law districts

>> No.52821498

that's what im saying snce the beginning of this thread

im french and i live in eastern europe because fuck paying taxes for subhumans wanting a free ride

if you see in france a hope then you are deluded as fuck, this country is dying everyday faster and this train has no brakes

>> No.52821505

Fair play then.

>> No.52821562

>humans being violent
And the French are going to put them in prison, and they are going to continue struggling to comprehend why all these really young, poor, unemployed immigrants keep destroying the streets after football games and asking themselves if it's 'because they aren't white?' until they figure out that if those fuckign guys have to lay bricks to eat in France they'll want to fuck off.

>> No.52821590

criminals don't even go in jail in france
there are no more places available
the entire african continent is there raping, stealing, breaking everything and french women have one word in their mouths "diversity is our strength"

africans are also used by capitalists to dump the hourly wage, they have millions of shitskins accepting to work for 1200 euros per month

uber eats
cleaning the streets
driving the buses

anyway, this country is fucked

>> No.52821596

haven't French generals been threatening a coup?

>> No.52821601

They're from the suburbs, retard.

>> No.52821604

its far more likely white flight will just continue to happen and more non natives pour in than the french suddenly developing a backbone and rejecting socialism. france has been lost since the revolution.

>> No.52821617

french generals are either gay or free masons, you don't become a general if you are catholic or redpilled

the most violent thing a french general did to macron was to resign

french soldiers are tough but their commanders are sissies

t. former infantry sergeant

>> No.52821625

oh ok tons of niggers in the suburbs is fine then
also you are coping, the centre of paris is full of wogs, even if they dont live in the expensive houses.

>> No.52821629
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I know it's over, bong bros. Making 30k monthly & I still feel poor as fuck. Lost over a fraction of net worth to inflation in 9 months.

I'm 24, but I'm never gonna make it even with this income (before the goy taxes)

>> No.52821635

Suburbs have always been full of subhumans, doesn't matter what color they are.

>> No.52821636

you have to go back

>> No.52821637
File: 114 KB, 1300x956, french-general-jean-louis-georgelin-l-grand-chancellor-of-the-legion-of-honour-attends-a-military-ceremony-in-the-courtyard-of-the-invalides-in-paris-june-14-2013-reuters-charles-platiau-france-tags-politics-2d06gfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehe we are le based generals following globohomo leaders will
>a coup? such an infamy, army is submissive to golmand sachs here, go back to africa with such ideas

>> No.52821643
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>doesn't matter what color they are

>> No.52821653

Subhumans are subhumans.

>> No.52821656

yeah this is the typical french cuck
so brainwashed and so arrogant
people in the balkans ask me why i left france but they couldn't understand even if i explained
you have to live around french people to understand how lost this nation is

>> No.52821661
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>> No.52821669
File: 233 KB, 565x346, Capture d’écran 2022-12-11 à 16.23.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow he really showed him, im sure macron is shitting his pant now

probably he didnt shake his hand too in the free mason temple where they met every saturday

>> No.52821742

You are beyond stupid
But you probably think doctors and engineers came into europe

>> No.52821774

this country is a fucking scam, not a single fucking thing is worth the cost

>> No.52821777

Britbong here, I was thinking of making one of these monthly "it's over, fellow Britbongs" threads.

It's so fucking over. The taxes, housing market being constricted (now even more with newer legislation), disgusting benefits scum and illegal immigrants and decrepit 70 IQ old people being shovelled more money than they can use through taxes on productive and honest people, white hating throughout the establishment, public sector that gets more bloated and lazy every day, the collapsing communist NHS... I could go on. And Labour will accelerate the decline.

>> No.52821798

>And Labour will accelerate the decline.
it doesn't matter who is supposedly in control, left or right they're both two sides of the same WEF coin

>> No.52821814
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i was speaking to a french anon and he told me because race/ethnicity data for censuses is illegal, the way to de facto track your population is by looking at how many newborns with at least one non-european (african or MENA) parent are getting sickle-cell tests

>> No.52821830
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is it true? it's fucking over, wtf

>> No.52821864

C'est le socialisme.
Unfortunately people are so retarded they think socialism is their friend.
Even landlords think it's great when they own a house and rent to somebody who gets govt money because the cheque comes from the government (infinite money glitch), but it will go so far the country falls apart and the house is worthless, or the people seize the assets.

>> No.52821880
File: 280 KB, 727x627, Britain was warned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monthly "it's over, fellow Britbongs" threads.
It's been daily for a while now

>> No.52821896

it's worse and this map has now been banned, not even joking

>> No.52821941
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it's fucking over

>> No.52821961
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>> No.52821976

This guy always manages to nail it

>> No.52821981

It is over though really. I have one crypto mate telling me to move to Portugal, he lives there and his accountant set up some scheme whereby he is classed as a non-habitual resident or something and pays himself dividends from UK and skirts taxes.

Personally I think I will just move to my fiancee's country in the Baltics. They have 13% flat rate capital gains tax on crypto but all that money goes to paying for white European people and not nigs so I don't even care. Fast internet too.

>> No.52822053

Producer: Ari Goldbergtein and the goyim's taxes
and then they ask why i left this shithole

>> No.52822066

I was in Portugal for 3 months last year. Didn't really like it, its a very socialist country, they even have communists in parliament, and all the young people are liberal as fuck. loads of homos who aren't afraid to start necking each other in public. and the people in general are extremely docile and obedient to totalitarianism, literally 100% of them wore masks out in the baking sun and you weren't allowed in anywhere without wearing one, security guards would make sure it covered your nose at all times too. proper peasant nation. being there actually made me appreciate bongs, believe it or not.

>> No.52822070

>decrepit 70 IQ old people being shovelled more money than they can use

what the fuck are you talking about? old people in Britain are treated like crap and live in poverty

>> No.52822076

yet they are the ones that own the houses, really puts things into perspective when even the homeowning boomers are poor

>> No.52822113

Socialism kills itself, it is destiny.
They will send cheques to these people until the pendulum swings hard to the right for the next 100 years

>> No.52822205

must be fake

>> No.52822260
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maybe. they do love to promote racemixing there though.

>> No.52822388

>move to canada
>start property service business

>> No.52822408

And they're not boomers.

>> No.52822458

Why does 40% of the national budget go towards their "welfare" then?

>> No.52822634

How would you save the country? I can't see any way short of dictatorship because there are too many voices all wanting a piece of the pie, especially in parliament.

>> No.52822660

>Why does 40% of the national budget go towards their "welfare" then?

40% of the budget goes towards old age pensioners? sure it does.

>> No.52822682

People were warned about going down the path of socialism. Proponents (people who knew they would profit) called it everything but what it was; handouts.
'benefits', 'Old age pension', 'unemployment insurance', 'blah blah blah'
They are taking things away from people that work and giving them to people that either didn't work enough to provide for the level of consumption they desire, or people that are outright abusing the system.
They will keep printing money until hundreds of millions are starving.
If you want to know why people are hoarding food now, look up what happens when consumer behaviour changes moderately for things like toilet paper in the face of a pandemic... it's not because people found out the alchemy to turn TP into gold was realized, it is because the supply chain and commerce did not anticipate that level of demand all at once.
The entire premise of the system is everybody basically uses a razor thin margin of society's output at any given moment.
Watch when they try to cap prices outright, or other stupid shit, massive shortages in everything are guaranteed.
You don't need years worth of food, just have enough for 90 or 120 days, because it will help you bridge the intermittent shortages and avoid lines (wasting valuable time).

>> No.52822684

did you vote for blair?

>> No.52822690

That would have been your best outcome. You’d still be a white Christian nation. Now you are mud.

>> No.52822693
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Call upon the spirit of guy fawkes and fuck these boomers in office up.

Remember to buy some GME while your at it.

>> No.52822721

you all must be very naive if you think the problems are caused by politics or can be fixed with politics

>> No.52822735

How the fuck are you being glib?
Socialism doesn't work and whatever fucking blend of that shit you think we need to try next isn't going to work either. Stop fucking with people, leave people the fuck alone, stop regulating everything, take responsibility for your own life.
The really messed up part of this is that older people for the most part actually did REAL work, BUILT REAL things, and were CAREFUL about their finances. That same generation is about to get inflated to death. It's fucking assholes that wanted to run massive deficits and promised sunshine and rainbows to the electorate for no reason other than to be in power (in a democracy LMFAO) and enrich people for the small amount of time that society can keep it together.

>> No.52822750

>le food shortages
>can get a fresh off the boat turbonigger to pedal me a set of burgers within 15 mins on deliveroo
Its not food shortages, its just the fact you will be in a sea of stinking nigs who will eventually shambok and machete you to death

>> No.52823161


You are browsing the part of the internet where disenfranchised young guys post
If you are reading this you need to listen now. If you are currently unemployed, drop-out and or benefits. You need to get back to school, or start trade school
If you don’t feel like you can’t stick with a schedule, functionally depressed etc. Get counseling and/or therapy so you can set goals and achieve them

If you gambled away all of your money on crypto that’s ok. It’s not horrible to moving back to your parents if you have to. Just set clear boundaries, keep busy and spend the majority outside
Save the vast majority of money, and stop gambling on crypto coins. In your freetime find 1 Hobby you enjoy and socialize with others. You don’t need to completely change your personality but having someone to exchange opinions with let’s you stay sane

Don’t look at the news, and don’t feed into demoralization posting. Get a skill or education and if you achieve that, you have the possibility to relocate to anywhere, with planning and enough savings in hand

Just stop with the demoralization posting. The same thread could have been posted by OP in 2016, 2018 or 2021

>> No.52823334

>The same thread could have been posted by OP in 2016, 2018 or 2021

It could not, as the whole point of the OP (massive drop in the standard of living) was not yet present or visible. The situation has gotten worse and worse and has finally reached a point where it simply cannot be hidden by even the main media anymore.

>> No.52823458

Is food free yet?
If the money is free the food is free too.
So as soon as they start turbo printing again, you'll see shortages in more than just houses and yachts.

>> No.52823542

It was anon, as Abe's was the funeral for Japan. The Queen actually died in September of last year and all sightings of her after were faked. I was aware of it when it happened and so were several other anons, she had to be buried at that particular date and if she had lived that long she would have ben killed

>filthy third world shitskin thinks Princess Diana was the queen's daughter
Go back to scraping up french fries from the city dump to sell to street vendors you ape

>> No.52823608

>Just stop with the demoralization posting. The same thread could have been posted by OP in 2016, 2018 or 2021

No. In the past 12 months the situation in the UK has become much worse.

And energy bills are going uip again in April. And again in October.

>> No.52823659

Reading this thread is as equally painful as it is depressing and clearly shows the reason this country is fucked is we have produced some absolutely shit people.
Abdul who is born in Syria is able to risk his life crossing the channel in a blow up boat, arrives here, works shittu cash in hand jobs, saves up, goes legit buys a property and is able to live a comfy life, yet you who were lucky enough to be born white, in one of the best countries in the world, who had access to some of the best education in the world in a country of unlimited opportunity have ended up still living in your mums spare room being a total life failure and it's the fault of
> The Jew
>The immigrant
>The government
>Anyone else but you

Take some fucking responsibility for your life, the reason your life is shit and you're a failure is you, also the UK is unironically still one of the best places in the world to live. You want multiculturalness and bars & nightlife go live in a big city.
Want to be surrounded by whites in a comfy rural location, go and live in the countryside.

>> No.52823693
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How the fuck did you chavs manage to ruin your island before my non country Belgium?
I mean literally nothing works here.

>> No.52823695

I'm gonna be honest man, shit has objectively gotten worse. Even if you do get a job, socialize, get a partner, get a hobby, get eat clean, get fit, do whatever. You can never own a home, you will never have enough savings, things will never magically fix itself. This thing has no sign of stopping and no person here, let alone the average person, can do anything about it.
Also one thing I suspect from all this is that everyone is expecting for something to trigger a WW3 scenario to get wipe people in mass and reset everything.

>> No.52823719

>a WW3 scenario to get wipe people in mass and reset everything

>> No.52823728

neck yourself

>> No.52823747 [DELETED] 

>unlimited opportunity

import millions of shitskins, brainwash women with kike feminism, turn white men into NPC cattle femmes, and never forget the 6 gorriliion.

fuck off moshe

>> No.52823754

This is dogshit loser mentality.
6 years ago I bought my first home in London, no help, no inheritance, just lived cheap, saved up, was sensible, bought what I could afford not what I wanted (this is a big thing for stupid gen zers, no one wants to slum it, everyone wants their forever home straight away which isn't reasonable)
Sold up last year, made £100k over the 6 years in equity not to mention the amount is paid off in my mortgage. Now I live in the country comfy.
Things are only impossible if you are one of these stupid doomers who believe that, everyone else just gets on with it

>> No.52823766

>Abdul who is born in Syria is able to risk his life crossing the channel in a blow up boat, arrives here, works shittu cash in hand jobs, saves up, goes legit buys a property and is able to live a comfy life

Provide any example of a refugee who came to the UK illegally with no money, worked scummy jobs and saved up enough to buy a property that anyone would call comfy. As >>52823695 pointed out most of the workers are paid £30k or less per year, house prices are in the hundreds of thousands in shitty places to millions in good places. Not to mention the government made sure that any young adult who falls for the university scam will be £50k+ in debt upon graduation with interest rates that are higher than inflation (imagine giving student loans with 12% interest rate).

>> No.52823769

yeah you're right you pretentious cunt, it's more
forgetting that the boomers own all the property still at ridiculously overinflated prices, their pensions rise ABOVE inflation, they get grants for heating, food and clothing, over 33% of NHS budget goes on those aged between 65 and 84. Tories bend over backwards to keep boomers alive who're scared of pakis so they can just prolong the cycle

>> No.52823773

If you are being put out of work by an imported 3rd worlder then you have absolutely unequivocally failed at life here and you are literally taking up space.
Go neck you failure

>> No.52823778

How about getting a job instead?

>> No.52823790

>Take some fucking responsibility for your life, the reason your life is shit and you're a failure is you
>Abdul who is born in Syria is able to risk his life crossing the channel in a blow up boat, arrives here, works shittu cash in hand jobs, saves up, goes legit buys a property and is able to live a comfy life
Hilarious. I genuinely laughed out loud for a good 90 seconds. I seriously hope that this part of your comment is satire, because you can't be this naive. The elephant in the room for the past decade has been the amount of money pissed up the wall domestically for immigrants

>> No.52823796

you are based

>> No.52823807

My neighbour in London was literally that person, admittedly Somalia not Syria but came over at 16, worked his way up and at 38 bought his first home in London.
If home ownership is your only goal there are literally millions of ways of getting on the ladder, I for example bought my first home shared ownership in London when I only had an annual salary of £38k

>> No.52823817

did i say i was put out of work you lying larper faggot ?, i earn good money and plan to move to europe, if you cant see where this country is going you are braindead asf.

>> No.52823832 [DELETED] 

The picture he paints is incomplete, the situation is getting worse because of inflation of the monetary base.
Immigration is a reaction to a declining birth rate because of the standard of living decline in last half-century.
To paint the west as some kind of land of opportunity in the present day is unfair to everyone that is fleeing something bad for something better, or to people here that have noticed the decline. Yes the west is better than a fuckign warzone but that's the fucking bar now?

>> No.52823834

to be fair, most people dont discover investing and the stock market until they are very old, if that dude just added to stocks since 16 he would hae many properties now. I am mad at the system for hiding the free markets for the average person. these things should be taught at basic school.

>> No.52823869

Then your point is irrelevant, smart people get good jobs and have good lives and don't give a shit if there's thousands of Bangladeshis living in houslow? If you earn good money and have a good life the lives of the poor shouldn't be of any interes. the only people who, like you, seem to cry about immigrants are poor fags who are seeing their jobs taken by people who grew up shitting in the street in literal slums and j for one respect those people's hussle more than the pathetic fags our country has produced.

>> No.52823879

to reiterate this, the BBC of all fucking things, BBC!!! says we're spending 7m a day JUST on hotels. 2 billion 555 million a year ON SOLELY HOTELS FOR THOSE COMING VIA DINGHY. Holy fuck, how people can pretend this isn't happening is frightening. Have a look at the census results. Go look at Bradford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Leeds, London, Birmingham - where I live alone in Islamabrad is now 92% muslim. There is absolutely no hope in this country for young people, and after 20 or so years of earning I will be getting the fuck out of here.

>> No.52823888

I'm a Muslim and this country is fucking shit. I didn't choose to move here my parents did. I'm moving to UAE next year. You sound like a faggot m8. Also them Syrians coming here don't give a shit about you as a kuffr, they just want gibs. What level of cuck are you?

>> No.52823893
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Pathetic, middle class cunts like you btw will be the first in the gallows and I will relish the chance to kill you above pakis on the basis they don't hide who they are, whereas your revolting disdain for your own countrymen who suggest they don't want to live in 90% paki areas is a fucking joke, get fucked man complete waste of life

>> No.52823905

Considering the amount of war torn countries over the last decade then yes, it's also not a surprise that all these people are willing to risk their lives to cross the channel to come to the UK the retards at the daily mail will have you believe it's all for Gibs but you can get those in France and Germany and plenty of other countries, despite the negativity people still come here because of the opportunity

>> No.52823921

I was born in a council estate
I basically raised myself since I was 10
It's easier to call people names that actually take ownership that you're a failure and hard work does pay but hey don't worry one day your magical beans may get you out of your mums spare room and blaming everyone else for the fact that your mum drank too much while she was pregnant and struggle with FAS

>> No.52823934

Also unless you missed the census 82% of England still class themselves as "white British"
Stop reading the daily mail and get out every now and then

>> No.52823936

just neck yourself oxygen thief, you must be brown or a half breed our own people should come first and good luck trying to stay wealthy when your getting taxed to shit paying for useless immigrants or when your family or yourself get attacked and turned into second class citizens in their own homeland.

>> No.52823943

>hehe smug it's easier to call people names
>calls me names
Give me strength. You're either a liar, or you've turned your back on your own roots, and either way is pathetic. Get filtered and be aware people you speak to in daily life despise you, you toff cunt.

>> No.52823944

doesnt matter how much you gaslight people into accepting how shit life here is or grandstand about how your pathetic deanobox achievements are, you will die in the upcoming collapse

>> No.52823955

he literally doesn't care mate I wouldn't waste your time, the faux working class people who couldn't give a shit about what actually niggles working class people in the pubs in bradford on a friday night because they live in a non-paki suburb are hysterical

>> No.52823957

Everybody in the West is giving money away for free. I have no idea how the government got to be this massive. We have been living under the shadow of socialism for the better part of a century. Hundreds of millions will die if they don't stop allowing the destruction of vital infrastructure, this isn't like pre-industrialization era when people just go back to the farm. Without the super complicated logistical economy working at full steam, even with just a small drop in the production of fertilizer, millions would die easily.
Anybody that has worked in agriculture or logistics knows that it's precarious because we have tremendous waste at the moment, but with just a few things out of whack we have massive shortfalls in production.
Fertilizer has allowed the global human population to grow much bigger than it otherwise would have.

>> No.52823987

You don't understand what you're supporting when you defend this thing blindly. When the inflation starts it will be too late to do anything. The UK especially needs to consider that it's a fucking island nation that consumes too much. There is going to be a massive decline in the standard of living in the UK, precisely because you guys keep trying to pretend everything is fine! Just solve the problem instead! Admit there is a problem!

>> No.52823991

I totally forgot this wasn't a reasonable place to debate it's 4chan.
Silly me, to think people actually think this way is fucking hilarious.
>Be born in the first world
>Achieve absolutely nothing
>Be resentful of people who have had none of the benefits you did but worked their way out of it
>Rant racist thoughts online you'd never say in real life

I'm sorry you have failed so utterly at life, genuinely I am but it's not the fault of brown people, or Jews, it's yours.

>> No.52824036

need to be more subtle in future but decent bait

>> No.52824043
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yep literally never been to the north of england in your life have you, retard - also
>I totally forgot this wasn't a reasonable place to debate it's 4chan
>ignores every statistic cited
I love how you don't address any other point because I've got to you. You know full well everyone in this thread is correct, but you don't want to accept it. Your loss, as I say you will be roped by the working classes within the next 30 years and I will take immense pleasure in guillotining luvvies like you in your fucking deanoboxes. Your shit-scared attitude sums you up, and I can't believe I've wasted ten minutes of my life talking to you.

>> No.52824051

I'm literally brown and I'm telling you this place is a fucking shithole. Even us pakis are escaping.

>> No.52824053

yeah ikr, typical paki apologist wasting time

>> No.52824055

Brother I was born wealthy i'm probably going to die wealthy.
WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT YOU FUCKING PEOPLE. You are literally destroying yourselves and then you're going to come for our houses and our ownership of companies and our money and everything else you can take from us.
Just consider this; WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG?

>> No.52824066

I'm not sure how much you've travelled but you're making it sound like these issues are unique to the UK which they really aren't.
Over the last decade immigration and illegal immigrants have been a big thing for every western nation that has a high standard of living, USA, Canada, Australia, etc etc
Inflation is fucked and will be next year but economically it's to pay back all the money they printed during COVID for dodgy PPE contracts and furlough, again not unique to the UK and absolutely not the fault of
>The Jew
>The brown man
Housing is expensive but show me a country where it isn't? I can show you plenty of places you could buy a cheap house in the UK but no fucker wants to live there, simple supply & demand.

>> No.52824070

I'm not white british but my family were able to enter the UK from the third world via military service. The average white bongs problems is also the immigrants because they both go through the same cost of living prices, uni loans and job listings.
Not all immigrants live off gibs or get any special treatments but one thing I've noticed is that the UK and pretty much the west have devolved into mass importing the lowest common denominator that have never dealt or worked with the British ever hence never acknowledging their values or basic principle. Example being east euros who do not really value british culture much and instead try to hold their root culture by making polish shops and exchanging goods familiar to their homeland, that and doing trades all year to go back to romania and live like kings and then go back to the UK to make money. These do not assimilate but they are atleast functional, the current thousands imported seem to have no skill, no money, no values, they seem to only be notable for cramming up free rooms at hotels and getting fed.

Yes but that was 6 years ago. I too live in London, a flat 6 years ago would cost about 300k or so. Now they're seeking about 380k+ for a house flat, no garden no parking, no extra bathrooms, perhaps a 2nd room or a third. The other option being a ground floor flat which may be better or worse. London is also only building those Russian commie block apartments to min max the space to population ratio. The closest thing a person can get to ownership of the apartment is x years of leashhold for about 400k or so. Lets not forget the new mortgage rate being atleast x3 higher just a few months ago. London also doesn't have many 6 digit salaries going on, let alone anything above 50k. The average salary in uk is 27,756, for full time wagies it's 33,000, the average annual in London is 41,866. Not to mention London is overpopulated to the point that it's kinda gross to go to the underground daily

>> No.52824093

I have posted this many times. Why would even a Muslim want to move to a failing country like UK. Some tribal africans perhaps. But gulf states are becoming more developed than UK. Singapore is alright. India, Indonesia are ascending, the opportunity is all there

>> No.52824097

You guys are a literal island

>> No.52824112

I'm really not sure what you want me to reply to? You're just retardedly bleating about cities being full of Muslims and repeating that you want to hang me if I understand your rambling correctly?

>> No.52824127

Hard work sure does pay.. 55% income tax

>> No.52824143

how do normies like you even end up on here? The most stale r/UnitedKingdom tier takes I've ever seen. You have to be baiting. You are from brit/pol/ right? Either way even if bait, the country is indeed filled with deluded fags like you that ignore reality. Thats why I just got an Irish passport via descent and I'm emigrating out. Enjoy nig island lmao

>> No.52824159

Told you we spent 2.555bn on hotels for dinghy migrants alone you pretended not to hear it
Told you how much we miss on the boomers you pretended not to hear it
Love how you heard that you'll be killed by the working classes though bougie, you along with the tories and your fellow deano "mates"

>> No.52824173

*45% if you earn over £150k annually and then only what is earned over £150k.
If you're earning that much who cares about an extra 10% tax?
I stopped reading when you said there's no jobs in London over £100k. That's retarded and the reason I brought up London is it's the most expensive housing market in the country, if I could do it in London on a mediocre salary, anyone can do it in the UK

>> No.52824179

this isn't /r/unitedkingdom level takes its the same shit word for word you'd see in /r/greenandpleasant, the revolutionary sub shit scared of deadnaming transexuals and keen to ensure a country of 66m+ people takes in tens of millions more

>> No.52824183

>Hates immigrants
>Becomes an immigrant himself

I might be a normie but in 1 paragraph you have proven just how totally retarded you are

>> No.52824191
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Retard has finally admitted he's from London, every single cringe take you've posted now makes complete sense. More fool me for arguing with you.

>> No.52824210

I don't hate immigrants. I am descended from them (Irish) and my fiancee is one (Balt). I hate niggers and living in a dystopian shithole though.

>> No.52824237

2.2b on dingy people. The basic budget of the NHS alone is over £150 billion, you really think 2 billion of dingy people is important? It's fucking tiny but whatever right wing rag you read will have you believe it's a big deal, these people will all eventually get in the system, pay taxes and even if they only do shitty cash in hand jobs contribute to some extent with purchases which have vat included. Is it good, no but is it the end of the world? Absolutely not

>> No.52824259

Said I was from London and left in my first post, it really hurts my head how stupid people on here are

>> No.52824285
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Absolutely zero reason. I spend a lot of time in Dubai and the quality of life there is amazing. Marina area is pretty much a white colony at this point, and it isn't just instagram thots either, its full blown families with toddlers everywhere. All the workers are Australians and shit. Yeah there is a shit side to it but if you are moving there as a European you won't see it since you need minimum income / wealth to get a residency visa anyway.

Pic related, its me.

>> No.52824290

Also I know you won't like hearing this but boomers will be taxed to the hilt for their end of life care, they might have amassed decent money but they will lose it all for health care, the bit they keep will be taxed in in inheritance.

>> No.52824298

(You) are the minority who didn't want it fellow bigot-bro

>> No.52824313

>still thinks I'm right-wing
>pretending not to realise 2.55bn of money spent SOLELY ON HOTELS, JUST ON FUCKING ACCOMDATION THAT WE'RE TOLD ABOUT, NOT INCLUDING A N Y O T H E R C O S T is a big issue
Why the fuck would I spend any time reading over your posts when you're here to argue in bad faith and tell working class people they're failures? Pretend to be one and then jump on them for being lazy and as unmotivated as you are oh great and wise DeanoTM LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.52824349

Oh my god, I can see you typing you know. I can see you thinking you're some svengali and intellectual that's unappreciated in life. You really aren't. You are above your station, and thick as pigshit, with absolutely no understanding of how people outside of the london-zeitgeist feel.
>boomers will be taxed to the hilt
Oh, shut the fuck up! I actually can't believe the shit coming out of your mouth. The Tories backpedalled on adult social care and kicked the can down the road, so for now it continues in situ, and you say I'm ill-informed and poorly read? Fuck me, finally filtered this time. Thankfully everyone reading this thread can read over your posts and come to their own objective analysis

>> No.52824360

Paki here. Reason Muslims move here is cause they have no money. They can't move to UAE as broke niggas. This place let's any cunt in though and larps like that is normal and won't collapse the country in on itself once good times start to fall off. Pakis here that made a bit of money at this point are moving to places like Bahrain, UAE, Qatar cause quality of life can't compete, also better for Muslims since it isn't Kaffir lands

>> No.52824372

You clearly ignored the point when I said I was working class myself.
My point was, and always will be.
People who are born in the UK white are lucky, very fucking lucky. irrespective of whatever social class you're born into you have to opportunity to work hard and level up and be something or at least achieve something for yourself.
All I see here is alot of people who were born lucky, got decent opportunities and did nothing with it.
They're all mad because people who had none of these privileges have come here and done better than them and their success is somehow a slight on you.
You had 1 chance and you blew it.

>> No.52824385

I'm pretty sure I'm richer than you and still think this country is shit lad. The country itself didn't do shit for my wealth either, I earnt it all online.

>> No.52824404

Good for you chap, but do you think you'd still be in the same position if you were born in Morocco?

>> No.52824420

What has people in Morocco go to do with what happens in this country? THIS country is shit. Just because Morocco is shit doesn't mean this country has to be equally as shit.

>> No.52824432

>"London also doesn't have many 6 digit salaries going on" means I said there's NO jobs in London over £100k
God damn you're retarded.
Also yes London is expensive but the point is 6 years was before brexit, before covid, before hyperinflation, before the cost of living crisis, before the war in ukraine. Shit was expensive but still reasonable to afford back in 2016 especially when GBP was doing better and the mortgage rates were lower with less people to compete over homes compared to now where things have inflated and the wages increasing by like 0.25p per year or whatever. Also I remember looking at home prices around scotland back in 2016 and I'd see homes being sold for 60k and such, of course in small towns but still baffling how those existed. The properties outside London have probably inflated by atleast 100k by now.

>> No.52824442

My point is you have gotten to a comfortable position by being born in a decent country and having been afforded all the opportunities that come with that
This country might still be "shit lad" as you so eloquently put it, but had you been born in India chances are you'd be shitting in the street not living comfortable

>> No.52824458

You understand literally nothing and yet you speak with such authority. The concept of 'hard work' to you is probably also a super linear formula where A x B = millionaire.
You are stuck in the United Kingdom because you have no understanding that they will turn you into a BILLIONAIRE and you will be poorer than you are today. Ask any Syrian what life was like there under Assad. Ask them if it was a shithole.

>> No.52824459

Maybe, but now its so bad here that I'm taking my pregnant fiancee out of here so my kids don't have to grow up in a total utter shithole like yours will.

>> No.52824468

>What is WITH these young people and their
AVOCADO TOAST? Back in my day, we were
happy with a slice of bread and some butter.
But no, these millennials want to spend $15
on a piece of toast with a mushy green thing
on it. And don't even get me started on the
whole "rent is too high'" thing. I own a few
rental properties, and let me tell you, these
kids just don't know how good they have it. I
remember when I was their age and had to
struggle to make ends meet. But no, these
millennials expect everything to be handed to
them on a silver platter. It's just ridiculous

>> No.52824480

Paki here again. Holy fuck kaffir we don't need your sympathy.

>> No.52824492

>Things were cheaper back then

The same constant argument that people have been using since the dawn of time, I'm not even really sure what I'm replying to. Yes things were cheaper 6 years ago just like things are cheaper now than they will be in 6 years, doesn't mean people will stop buying houses or still living
I have 0 time for people who moan about house prices, housing will never be cheaper than it is now

>> No.52824503

>t. bought a 4 bedrooms house near the beach for 60K while earning 8$ per hour in 1980

>> No.52824518

Good for you?

>> No.52824570

I speak with authority because everyone I know in real life, just like the doomers on here, yourself included, blame everyone for their struggles apart from taking accountability.
Where as all the people I know who are successful in life (minus the trust fund and inheritance kids) got to where they are through hard work, a bit of lucky and being smart.

Turns out it is actually pretty fucking easy
Hard work + good decisions + accountability= comfy life as a non racist.

Who knew

>> No.52824583

>Example being east euros who do not really value british culture much and instead try to hold their root culture by making polish shops
Dude, it's somewhat true for the first generation of immigrants, but their kids will be English. Look how many immigrants came to the West from Poland, Russia, Italy, Spain and other European countries in the 20th century. They were all absorbed by their host countries and 99% of their descendants don't give a damn about the origin of their grandparents. It might be a topic for a cocktail party but nothing more.
On the other hand, this is not what's happening with the third world immigrants today.

>> No.52824596

t. bootlicker

>> No.52824599

you sound poor ngl

>> No.52824624

>Just buy a £400k flat with only 1 bed and bath at an average salary of 27k that has a plummeting gbp against 400 people applying for the same job for a place at a high mortgage rate, I know I could back when I could get a better deal!
I've been talking about the objective numbers, if you think I'm moaning then atleast you somewhat acknowledge that the current scenario is absolute trash. Also even if I did get an average job by 6 years homes would cost another 100k more while I'd have saved up about 86, my plan is not to buy a home at all and just staying with my family for free.

Yes but despite the kids being English, they can always go back to Poland or whatever and actually have the option to retire or get a job that pays higher than their countrymen and have a great life. I know they'll be English in terms of behavior and such but when they grow up they'll get burnt out of working or eventually think about retirement which in a reasonable circumstance are unachievable otherwise, also their families should have homes back in their country so that could have a potential to eventually be their free retirement home.

>> No.52824648
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Truth hurts I guess

>> No.52824770

>Wants to sponge off his family as an adult.

Let's say it together

>> No.52824797

you fucking idiot we got rich because you guys completely lost sight of everything of value in the real world!!!
You became complacent and started printing money and are going to experience immense misery because of the lack of discipline!
For the love of christ I literally do nothing for society and I consume a ton of stuff, and my family's wealth grows year after year because all of our businesses have money thrown at it by your governments. You need to take responsibility for what has happened before it is too late!

>> No.52824812

I'm not renting you donut, lmao.

>> No.52824825

Anon, why are you mocking him? He might not have been afforded all the opportunities that you have. Also if we are both born in the same country and afforded the same opportunities, why are you poorer than me? Think of the street shitters anon...

>> No.52824840

India has the largest amount of population growth and population size on the planet. Why are you shaming downtrodden whitebois because ranjeesh can't stop fucking?

>> No.52824874

Cracking response. Come onto a Mongolian basket weaving forum and complain about (them) and house prices but then admit to contributing or doing nothing yourself.
You are about 2 years away from being on here ranting about hating women because non will date you.

No really sure of your point. Once you hit "wealthy" then "poorer" isn't important.
There will always be someone richer than you or poorer than you, however if you've had all the benefits of a first world life and yet find yourself "poor" as an adult then you've been a failure. It also annoys me that it's these failures then come on here and complain about Jews, browns, immigrants etc etc as the reason they've not made it rather than taking responsibility.

>> No.52824884

How the hell do you make 30k in a month? My gross is 5k.

>> No.52824886

All I talked about stats also I'm trying to get a job and going through some interviews so I'm doing all I can on my part. Already got a partner for years now.

>> No.52824893

You are a failure in my eyes since you are poorer than me. I am superior to you.

>> No.52824906

I'm glad you're working at it, good luck to you. Although property is expensive get on the ladder as soon as you can, it's not like they're building anymore land.
You also don't want to be living with your family for the rest of your life, you also unironically don't want to be with a woman who would accept that as a living situation.

>> No.52824916

Ok. Glad you've done so well for yourself anon

>> No.52824929

Just leave mate, that's what I'm gonna do. Let the chavs and toffs have the country, then watch them beg the middle class to come back.

>> No.52824942

Idc about property I can live for free. My family don't ask anything of me. My partner is also ok living for free.

>> No.52824943

Thanks chud, continue to have to larp as a normie to scrape together what meagre pathetic existence you have that makes you think you ar eentitled to then henpeck others as a cope

>> No.52825029

>*45% if you earn over £150k annually and then only what is earned over £150k.
That's just the income tax they call income tax, but NI is also a tax on income which means you're paying 53.5% of what you earn over £52,570 There is also VAT, CGT, stamp duty, council and inheritance taxes obscuring the fact that far more than half of the money a higher rate payer earns in their lifetime ends up in the treasury.

Also learn how tax bands work... it's 150k (125 soon) after you subtract the 40k for higher rate, 20k for basic rate and £12,570 allowance. So basically only 45% for people earning £222,570 and above.

>> No.52825072

your tax free allowance goes to zero after earning a certain amount

>> No.52825095

>Doesn't understand sarcasm
>Dislikes people "henpecking" but does it himself
>Decides he's wealthier than someone he has no idea about
The absolute state of biz these days

>> No.52825110

Good night chums, remember to keep blaming others for your own failures

>> No.52825117

I only henpeck you because you're a seething faggot projecting his poverty onto fellow anons

>> No.52825124

>France is also good at integrating people.

The most fucking delusional thing I've ever read

>> No.52825152

I'm literally the happiest person in this thread.
I'm also wealthier than I ever expected I could be and have a great life but please do tell me more about me.

>> No.52825161

I'd go to Spain. At least if you fuck up in Spain and become homeless, you won't freeze to death or get stabbed while sleeping on the streets.

>> No.52825173

>I'm literally the happiest person in this thread.
>I'm also wealthier than I ever expected I could be and have a great life but please do tell me more about me.

>> No.52825211

Such a measured and intelligent response. Never change

>> No.52825231


>> No.52825328

Soon boomers will be scared to go outside.
Chickens coming home to roost.
All they had to do was give up some luxuries, but no.

>> No.52825335 [DELETED] 
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>it’s over
lol it’s only the beginning; after the upcoming NWO holodomor and subsequent global uprising civilized society will require rebuilding after 100 years of civil war and complete collapse.

guess who creates literally everything and brings enlightenment to the fartherst corners of the world? hint: it’s not pakis. 400 years from now we will still be serving up piping hot pea pie pud to vaguely asian looking mutts and being raged at by the negros whose societies we provide electricity to, and any jew left alive will still be trying to leech off us. same as always. the anglo is eternal.

worst case scenario the british are genocided and the world catastrophically collapses without us resulting in the anihilation of the human race, in which case you still ultimately win because you get to live for eternity in paradise while the bipoc trannies suffer eternity in hell for not recognizing Christ.

>> No.52825337

You'd need an amazing, stressful, time consuming job to be as rich as a bin man who bought a home in 1997.

>> No.52825338

I am French but I feel very badly for the people of the United Kingdom. You are good people, and you were taken advantage of more than others.
The Americans and the French guarded themselves against the decay that was caused by fiat economy, and both kept their farms, gold and militaries... The UK was robbed in my opinion. The 'people' of the UK are completely unprepared, in terms of infrastructure and resources, compared to other developed nations.
Pure theft!

>> No.52825444

Landlords love landlord benefit

>> No.52825464

Canada is like the UK, no point working if you don't already own a house.

>> No.52825491

> Made 100k doing nothing
This is why the UK is fucked

>> No.52825520

Boys I got a catamaran off the coast of Maine filled to the brim with ARs and 556 green tips - I mean this thing barely fycking floats - where in the UK do I arrive ??!!?

>> No.52825582

>"muh boomers caused my life to be hard"
You are either a paid globohomo agent provocateur shill or you're a useful idiot gotten drunk on the identity politics propaganda koolaid being churned out by the govt, twitterbots, MSM and internet "influencers"

You think the average blue or white collar "boomer" had any control over the worldwide megacorp and bankster fuckery that put ALL OF US into this shitshow clown world? Get a grip.

All you are doing with this thread is spreading baseless misguided hate and division just like all the contrived BLM lgbrq+s2 garbage

Divide and conquer is the game
The globohomo elite are the actual players and dungeon masters
You are the useful idiot spreading hate and division amongst fellows peasants.

The average "boomer" started out of high school earning minimum wage $4 to $5 per hour to slave away just to barely survive and spent their entire life just to get to $25/hr if they're lucky and managed to live long enough

>> No.52825588

Based opinion. Don't fall for the gender war meme though. Most women are completely misled like most men. Don't let them divide us.

>> No.52825605

It's just a little too early for Waterworld scenarios

>> No.52825699

>You are either a paid globohomo agent provocateur shill
it’s obviously this, there’s 3 of the same “britbong here let’s all kill ourselves” threads in the catalogue

they can canvass all they like, they will always glow in the dark and achieve nothing because they are fucking useless lmao

>> No.52826100

The most dystopian thing about this country is that it's entirely plausible this retard isn't baiting, but is genuinely this brainwashed, and sounds like so many other retards in this country.

>> No.52826202

look at this smelly newfag

>> No.52826215

im french too and you are deluded as fuck
nique ta mère fils de pute de cuck

>> No.52826237

guy is bragging over a 100K gain
could have bought any token in 2021 or even get a small inheritance
but no he talks like he made it

>> No.52826315

My grandparents and parents were very much working class, and while they certainly didn't live in luxury they at least got to live debt-free, had kids, lived in accommodation they owned, and eventually retired. People working at similar skill levels in the currently young generations will mostly be forever in debt, forever renting, and will never retire. At this moment they're probably getting to choose whether they want to buy next week's groceries or heat their accommodation.

Nobody is suggesting an armed raid to a nursing home, but the previous generations absolutely did fuck up the system for those who came after. Maybe your grandma didn't personally vote for it, but that isn't really the point. It is only sane to observe that the current generation was left holding the bag.

>> No.52826562

>she had to be buried at that particular date and if she had lived that long she would have ben killed

>> No.52826601

type of bloke that has a shitty financed car, deanobox and thinks dr who, red dwarf and top gear is peak entertainment. They will all be slaughted when the nogs chimp out.

>> No.52826662
File: 36 KB, 624x414, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are ya winnin', descendants?
>our empire must be bigger than ever now that we thrashed the german barbarians, eh?

>> No.52827095

Most expensive gambling debt ever paid

>> No.52827120

I'm sorry you are deluded

>> No.52827190
File: 364 KB, 1755x1170, le mysterious financier has arrived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is being poor real?
>just sell your soul, lmao

>> No.52827369

What part of it is wrong?

>> No.52827652

A lot of bongs my age are demoralised to some extent. I’m 24 making £32k living at home in the countryside, mostly working from home. I know I’m not going to afford a house at the moment, a £50k deposit on a £200k house still has me paying around £1000 a month on a mortgage, and that’s before utilities at current interest rates. I’m seriously considering moving to a different country once my contract ends next year even if I stay with the company and take a permanent role on ~£36k but running to Europe isn’t the panacea some of you think it is.

I know deep down that I have it better than 99% of people my age but it sure doesn’t feel like it. I’m hopeful that things will get better here one day, but not before it gets a whole lot worse.

>it’s always darkest before dawn

>> No.52827676

I moved to the US. I dislike some things about it but at least the wages are higher. Probably not gonna stay here forever.

>> No.52827826

Which state? Part of me would love to live in the mountains or something and live a comfy life, but I don’t think I’d ever feel home there.