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52818365 No.52818365 [Reply] [Original]

This is your future unless you secure several million dollars

>> No.52818374

Jokes on you anon, this is currently my present. Having my future remain just like my present would be a welcome surprise.

>> No.52818384

Why even live to that age where you can barely even make a sandwich? Should I just kill myself when I hit 60?

>> No.52818404

>makes a tasty ass sandwich

Anon this is my future regardless

>> No.52818410


>> No.52818417

Based, first self-sufficient boomer I've ever seen

>> No.52818419

no but you should DIE before that

>> No.52818420

ngl that looks pretty solid. I would eat that

>> No.52818429

Dude can barely make a sandwich lmao

>> No.52818431

this niggas "salads" are fucking brutal

>> No.52818432

Based, can’t wait to be making shitty burnt toast sandwiches at 70+ yrs old while still holding million dollar worth of XMR in my trezor stashed under the house.

Sorry jeet, u’ll always be 5’3 and brown. U won’t make it to 60.

>> No.52818434

zoomers and seething millenials when they talk about boomers being rich forget that the majority of them are living like this, nowhere near as rich as they like to think. Zoomers and millenials just want to blame boomers as the reason they cant afford a house instead of the things they spend their money on such as overseas holidays every year, starbucks every morning and subscribe to thirt subscription services, and akeout every day, and subscribe to onlyfans, and 7 year car loans for a kia, etc.

>> No.52818449

his videos are really hard to watch. i mean everyone eats fast food or frozen pizzas from time to time but there's something about this guy's videos that are painful to watch

>> No.52818448

wrong wrong wrong
before a standard house was around 4x the average yearly salary
now it's like 13x

>> No.52818463

it's because he's all alone just withering away, making tasteless food when he should be enjoying his last few days on this earth
(also hasn't he withered away already kek)

>> No.52818467

ketchup on eggs, absolutely disgusting

>> No.52818475

I would never eat swine so no

>> No.52818476

We're at the top of the market and it's only downhill from here. Rentoids make home ownership more expensive but boomers dying off will make it cheaper. Unfortunately houses will become a depreciating asset like a car, and prosperity for the average American will trend downwards faster than ever before.

>> No.52818479
File: 59 KB, 550x500, pappadeaux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck fuck fuck

this is inspiration to make it. otherwise we are gonna be relegated to frying our own bologna sandwiches that our hands are too frail to even assemble. in my golden years, i want my family's professional chef to make us pappadeaux-quality meals on a nightly basis. no compromise.

>> No.52818482

Wow I'm gonna get a toasted sandwich!?

>> No.52818495

Who is he?

>> No.52818498

My man didnt even pull the plastic off the edge of his slice of bologna, what a madlad.

>> No.52818499

youtube: featureman

>> No.52818506

Based god featureman

>> No.52818510

people have been saying this for 30 years

>> No.52818707

Meh. I know it's cliche but the journey is what it's all about. At least I'm out here living and trying. If I don't make it then it was never meant to be, it was destiny.

>> No.52818750

Based poorchad, or you used to be. First thing I noticed. Otherwise 10/10 cheap sandwich.

>> No.52818778

thats plastic? my friends told me when i was a kid that its the sausage casing and its made out of intestines or something and ur supposed to eat it

>> No.52818806
File: 706 KB, 843x517, oz-if-only-you-knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like, this is my future if I only secure several million dollars.
Inflation is a bitch.

>> No.52818834

If you got it from a plastic container/wrapper and it's red it's definitely plastic. I've seen some that's intestines though but not very common in the states and it's chewy but not like chewing a rubber band.

>> No.52818875
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, no wonder why white people have such a short, average lifespan

>> No.52818900

I went looking at houses in a nice part pf Colorado a few years back and saw 4 bedroom places for 160,000 with a backyard larger than my current apartment here in Florida. Millennials purposefully choose to live in places they can’t afford and then complain about costs but when you suggest to go somewhere Whiter and less crime ridden they look at you like you got two heads.

>> No.52818906

pretty pretty pretty good

>> No.52818916

One thing I've noticed about Commies is their insistence in absolute thievery...

>> No.52818950

Looks like a step up from the toast sandwiches I currently make. A slice of bread on 2 slices of toast. Or sometimes a slice of toast on 2 slices of bread. If I bought gas that day, sometimes I'll grab Miracle Whip and Grey Poupon packets at QT.

>> No.52818968

Bologna is allegedly beef.

>> No.52818986

That's not plastic, you dunderfuck.

>> No.52818997

Too much sodium.
Ngmi to 100

>> No.52819005

>parrots every boomer talking point about why zoomers and millennials are poor.

>> No.52819016

By the time I get to this age I plan to just be moving round the house on a kind of slide / cart system like the jabba the hut.

>> No.52819021

Hello food fans!

>> No.52819049

I cracked up when dude dumped the balogna of the side of the toast

>> No.52819058

>such as overseas holidays every year,
Boomers pioneered that concept when airlines became more available to the public in the 70s. Fly all the way to France, visit Primark. The package holiday.

>> No.52819069

>this niggas "salads" are fucking brutal
What's his channel?

>> No.52819077

hes called Featureman, hes not really a 60s boomer hes a 30s/40s boomer in the era where everything wasnt handed to them on a gold platter

>> No.52819096

>A slice of bread on 2 slices of toast. Or sometimes a slice of toast on 2 slices of bread.

>> No.52819105
File: 638 KB, 1179x1695, 4E0A7891-AA67-4492-A9B8-047CDF485D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna poke fun but he was truly ahead of his time

>> No.52819284

it doesn't produce any of that shit. it just sells or rents it out to trannies. this old fuck probably lost everything on 90's penny stocks

>> No.52819296


Apparently he’s worth several million but is just cheap as fuck

>> No.52819311
File: 580 KB, 1266x740, bigtop-expo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, let's focus on burger science, there's still much we need to do. We need redder ketchup. We need more yellow on the mustard.

>> No.52819525
File: 111 KB, 723x302, 1667577618056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes unironically

>> No.52819603

Nothing wrong with a 'loney egger.

>> No.52819616

Seeing pictures and videos from other countries of people buying street food makes me seethe. It looks better than the garbage we get at our fast food places AND its way cheaper AND the portions are hueg. Like a loaded fucking taco that they can't even take two steps without it spilling everywhere. Tacos here are so thin you can use them as a mouse pad.

>> No.52819617

Based grandpa ngl

>> No.52819635

Die slow boomer

>> No.52819637

His videos are comfy though

>> No.52820354

this channel sad and hillarious at the same time frens

>> No.52820394

yea and the tacos u get at taco bell barely have any meat and the meat is like 38% actual meat and the rest is silicone filler or some shit

>> No.52820449

The dude is like 90 not 70 keep in mind. You will be either dead or shitting and pissing your pants every hour by that time.

>> No.52820451

he's doing just fine. he has no need to rush and can make his own food, quite the feat at his age

>> No.52820470

Yeah but you get to that age like any other milestone and think 'hey it aint all that bad!' or you'll be too much of a pussy to kill yourself

>> No.52820492

The silent generation.

They're miles better than the fucking 60s hippy fucks who ruined everything.

>> No.52820517

I'm going to be a robot

>> No.52820518

I'll eat human meat, thanks.

>> No.52820524

>Zoomers and millenials just want to blame boomers as the reason they cant afford a house
My boss pays me shit and housing prices have only gone up in my area, which isn't really his or mines fault.
These niggers were buying houses when a house was 50k or less.
Cry me a fucking river! But I'm still moving to the wilderness.

>> No.52820528

>Rentoids make home ownership more expensive
No they don't, your housing isn't worth half a million USD.

>> No.52820680

Damn that looks good.

>> No.52820872

Damn ypipo eat like THIS?

>> No.52820876
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>> No.52822449
File: 317 KB, 624x366, 1656596128091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up with grand parents so this is kinda regular easy cooking. Add some peppers and you can make a decent toasted western.

>> No.52822454

Nigga just use your hands.

>> No.52822463

Don’t bother spending money on shitty bread and ham. Just buy more eggs or afford meat like beef.

>> No.52822484

>not eating over the sink

Is he even sentient, jesus christ

>> No.52822488

Impressive bowtie.

>> No.52822496
File: 175 KB, 750x634, 1670028493525509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, just shut the fucking fuck up

>> No.52824082

what channel is this

>> No.52824345

based contempt chad

>> No.52824412

this guy reminds me of my 80 year old father. he makes the same clumsy movements and prepares odd food combinations. he microwaves and egg with butter and cocktail sauce for breakfast. makes spaghetting that he chops into short pieces and eats with ketchup for lunch.

>> No.52824433

I’m leaning to starting hrt or just blasting testosterone and eventually dying from heart related issues. At least I’ll maintain some faculties as long as I don’t get a serious disease, which is likely.

>> No.52824495
File: 98 KB, 612x613, 1669377062511212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man lives like a king compared to the actually poor and destitute and anyone that's known real poverty for any length of time would call you a faggot-ass bitch for shitting on a guy trying to teach people cheap and easy recipes for food. Furthermore a person that actually did "secure several million dollars" would in fact live a fairly middle-class existence free of work earning a modest but reasonable 2-3% on 2.5 million, so not only are you a faggot-ass bitch of an OP you're also retarded.

Fuck demoralization posters, get the fuck off my board.

>> No.52824537

Holy fuck you are one coping faggot perfect nigger cattle like that old piece of shit OP who sold out his country for shitty meat

>> No.52824544

90 year olds are not boomers, dumbass

>> No.52824551

Man Americans and their frozen fast food industry.

>> No.52824572

Based old man. Fuck off with your shit demoralization. That sandwich looks decent.

>> No.52824573

Even worse these faggots raises boomers

>> No.52824585

No, I'm less angry at boomers specifically and more about the people in power using algorithms and machine learning to calibrate the cost of living to just enough to mathematically crush any hopes of escaping the slave system they have created. I'm angry at boomers for not only allowing this to become the case, but actively voting for it to be the case. If you're bringing in $5,000 a month pretax, the $5,000 isn't actually YOUR money. Instead, a whole bunch of scumbags that are all from the same club line up to take their piece and oh, what a coincidence, you're now banking 25% of what you're making by the time they're done "wetting their beak."

Meanwhile the other 75% goes to making all those fuckers even more rich to get better technology and influence to fuck you over even more so down the line you'll only keep 20% of it. All of this meaning that you may as well just be making $15,000 a year and keeping all of it rather than making $60,000 and getting gutted just so you can continue to make $60,000 to continue to get gutted. It's all a fucking scam. Even if you live as a fucking ascetic monk, you still are getting nailed on housing, taxes, healthcare, and so on.

The only way around it is to completely spit in the face of what makes civilization work and completely forsake specialization of labor. Take on the project of becoming an absolute generalist doing their own medical examinations, dental work, HVAC, plumbing, and so on all while doing whatever it is that actually makes you money. Do your own car repair, do your own home repair, do your own legal work, do your own accounting, and on and on and on. Even if you can do it, it's not how it is supposed to be. It isn't even sensible or feasible because that isn't how society is structured and when everyone has to become a generalist just to successfully have money in the bank, when everyone has to "be their own advocate" (nice fucking euphemism) it means civilization is circling the toilet.

>> No.52824737
File: 101 KB, 904x864, FMNaA-9aUAAXi7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millennials are purposefully growing up in cities

>> No.52825265

I'd eat that. Good luck, OP, if you think everyone is always going to wipe your ass all the time because you have a Ledger full of millions. It doesn't work that way. You will get old, and when you're his age you'll be lucky to be able to prepare a decent mean for yourself without some nurse shoveling oatmeal down your throat while changing your bedpan at the same time.

>> No.52825302

You would have done the same thing as boomers given the same circumstances. Fucking faggot thinking they're special because current year. You're worse than them because you'd do the same things AND with perspective. Go fuck yourself, a goddamn fucking broken condom is your God; reason for being.

>> No.52825496

Comfy AF. Dude has no bitchy fat wife and whining spoiled kids fucking with him 24/7. No one threatening to take 1/2 your shit plus payouts for years if you tell them to go fuck themselves. Can blaze a J in his recliner and watch Band if Brothers without some asshole bugging him with stupid questions all the time. Can drink a pint of whiskey every night if he feels like it or go to bed a 8pm if he wants. I should be so lucky to live that long and have some peace and fucking quiet. Also, I don’t see any fucking muds anywhere in that video.

>> No.52825631

> he can use drugs everyday while having noone that cares about him
great lifestyle

>> No.52827804

This tbqh. If anything, the meal prepared here has better presentation than I prepare for myself outside the holidays.