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5281723 No.5281723 [Reply] [Original]

Roger Ver was connected to the MTGOX crash.


Most of you here weren't around when it happened, it was brutal.

SELL YOUR BCASH NOW. if you trust him, you will get gox'd, again.


It's clear he doesn't care about blockchain technology or satoshi's vision,
just getting rich at the expense of YOU and all crypto.

when mainstream media has the balls to step up and run an article on CNBC and RV bcash will go to sub 500 in a day and continue to 0.

>> No.5281779

this is the laziest FUD Ive ever seen

>> No.5281821

Mainstream news network CNBC is under intense scrutiny as evidence emerges its senior staff used connections to plug Bitcoin Cash (BCH).


As Bitcoin prices dropped below $17,000, Bitcoin Cash, also known as BCH or BCASH, suddenly shot up in value on US exchange Coinbase, hitting around $9000.

The average price of 1 BCASH coin across major exchanges is now almost $3500, a rise of 45% in 24 hours.

While the events unfolded, CNBC, which had controversially hosted major BCASH proponent and Bitcoin critic Roger Ver on its TV network, began broadcasting tweets of a highly suspicious nature compared to its usual tone.
The tweets, according to cryptocurrency commentator WhalePanda among others, were compiled under the auspices of marketing and partnership manager Gaby Wasensteiner, whose husband, Paul Wasensteiner, is executive director of the so-called ‘Bitcoin Cash Fund.’

>> No.5281899

fuck off normie faggot, go back to sucking dick for bcash on reddit
you are obviously not even old enough to remember the days of gox

>> No.5282001

The first of the controversial tweets from CNBC’s Fast Money official Twitter account reads:

(Roger Ver) aka Bitcoin Jesus joins us tomorrow to discuss the biggest change to the crypto world since time was invented! Must see TV.. (Bitcoin Cash) is here… deal with it!!
Critical responses received answers including “deal with it” and threats to unfollow those who did not agree with CNBC’s pro-BCASH perspective.


Bitcoiner (#)
Replying to @CNBCFastMoney @rogerkver
shame on you for promoting this bitcoincash/bcash fake scam coin

CNBC's Fast Money

deal with it
2:32 PM - Dec 20, 2017
100 100 Replies 53 53 Retweets 321 321 likes
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So unusual is the style and lack of neutrality of the news network’s tweets that cries of foul play are currently echoing through the cryptocurrency community.

“Collusion” between the Wasensteiners and Ver himself is an increasingly conspicuous narrative, with users on Reddit noting Paul Wasensteiner is also the founder of a London BCASH meetup.

WhalePanda meanwhile continued voicing his suspicions, arguing it was, in fact, Paul who orchestrated the CNBC tweets.

“What I’m saying is that her husband is actually tweeting,” he clarified.


Elaine Ou
Replying to @WhalePanda @CNBCFastMoney
doesn't appear to be a secret though... pic.twitter.com/iYBYZvQKJ1

No, she's posting pretty much all BCash propaganda. What I'm saying is that her husband is actually tweeting from the @CNBCFastMoney account :) with his extremely aggressive BCash tweets.
8:11 PM - Dec 20, 2017
7 7 Replies 12 12 Retweets 126 126 likes
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>> No.5282045

The sudden burst of what is known in the cryptocurrency industry as ‘shilling’ – a concerted yet often covert effort to increase or decrease the reputation of a coin or entity – marks a new turn in rival coins’ ability to manipulate broader market sentiment.

>> No.5282196
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>> No.5282485

You fucking retarded normie faggots.

if you are just ignoring this because you are too new to give a fuck about gox


>> No.5282561
File: 168 KB, 1714x901, rogerver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thought I would trust a kike lover
Nope; I do exactly the opposite of (((Roger Ver)))

>> No.5282608

I had coins on gox actually

>> No.5282674

If the only legitimate coin is taken down by a scammer, then the whole market will collapse.

>> No.5282676

this is just pathetic, bcc is on coinbase and normies will buy the shit out of it so deal with it

>> No.5282694

idk if this is a false flag bad BCH fud that aims to in reality fud against BTC or if you're just a raging retard with dunning kruger syndrome and no social awareness.

>> No.5282744
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies will buy the shit out of it
Cool story bro. Even if (you) make out like a bandit, we all know by 2025 which Bitcoin will be around and worth millions, and it'll be the one with Segwit, Schnorr Signatures, and the Lightning Network.

>> No.5282764

Normies can't buy more than $100 to start dumb ass.
Since your Bcash drones think you have everything figured out, you'll probably try to pump the price to 10k.
Guess what, normies STILL won't be able to buy just one and will end up going for something like ETH or LTC.
You guys are fucking delusional. BCH will NEVER replace BTC.
Deal with it.

>> No.5282805

crypto is already dead get out now while you still can, coinbase just lost its banking

>> No.5282817

Holy shit, this is just pathetic.
You guys wanna make money? then fucking buy BCash sell at the top and stop complaining about stupid shit.

>> No.5282903
File: 9 KB, 234x215, leorio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy bcash
>sell at the top
The top was 9.5k; from here its down to $100 when the SEC decides to fuck Roger Ver up the ass just for fun. Openly being a rich libertarian/AnCap is like spreading your buttcheeks as wide as possible for the long dick of financial regulation, and Roger Ver has the sexiest rage face when he gets buttblasted.

>> No.5282952

core will spend the last satoshi they have on bringing down BCH but in the end they will still loose

>> No.5283640

"wasensteiner"??? holey shit. cnbc is behind this bcash shit? it makes sense for the illuminati to try to create chaos by creating a copy of bitcoin and calling it bitcoin cash. THEY do not want us thinking that BTC is better than cash. They want us using FIAT cash or their bitcoin cash. fuck this shit. i'm not giving money to those people.

>> No.5283966
File: 1.07 MB, 294x216, badgoy!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad goy; invest in bcash!

>> No.5284061
File: 44 KB, 638x629, 1511217499992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is not just bad.

It's really bad.

>> No.5284096

jesus christ bcore cucks are getting desperate as hell now

>> No.5284113

Sick meme fellow corecuck

>> No.5284120
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1385940544858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lightning Network

>> No.5284320

Literally every libtard is also a scam artist

>> No.5284367

Run your own mainnet node and tell me what goes wrong.
