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52814783 No.52814783 [Reply] [Original]


>Our call offs are occurring at a staggering rate. From now on, if you call off, you might as well go out and look for another job. We are no longer tolerating ANY excuse for calling off. If you’re sick, you need to come prove it to us. If your dog died, you need to bring him in and prove it to us. If its a “family emergency” and you can’t say, too bad. Go work somewhere else. If you only want morning shifts, too bad go work at a bank. If anyone from here on out calls out more than ONCE in the next 30 days you will not have a job. Do you know in my 11.5 years at Darden how many days I called off? Zero. I came in sick. I got in a wreck literally on my to work one time, airbags went off and my car was totaled, but you know what, I made it to work, ON TIME! There are no more excuses. Us, collectively as a management team have had enough. If you don’t want to work here, don’t. It’s as simple as that. If you’re here and want to work, then work. No more complainging about not being cut or not being able to leave early. You’re in the restaurant business. Do you think I want to be here until midnight on Friday and Saturday? No. I’d much rather be at home with my husband and dog, going to the movies or seeing family. But I don’t, I’m dedicated to being here. As should you. No more excuses or complaints.

I hope you choose to continue to work here and I think we (management) make it as easy as we can on ya’ll. Thank you for your time and thank you to those who come in every day on time and work hard. I wish there were more like you.

these boomers have lost there fucking minds

>> No.52816748

Nothing is worse than a manager
Literal human scum

>> No.52818737

Post hand with timestamp nigger

>> No.52818793

It’s really sad they have to complain to corporate to get anything done. I’m honestly amazed America has no laws on how management and protocol are allowed to made. If there are any at all they are way too lax because Bezos types will suck them off. Fuck this corporate wage slave dystopia shit. This is half the reason nobody wants to work. I’m not fucking dealing with another fuckhead manager again. I leave the minute that shit rears it’s head. No 2 weeks you aren’t a professional

>> No.52818820

i want to eat bread sticks out an olive garden wagie's bunghole

>> No.52819326

Fuck you assistant cocksucker to the manager
You will always be an house nignog

>> No.52819441

Based, fuck that manager.
Any manager that pulls this kind of shit should be fired and scalped.

>> No.52819507

$200 tip will buy you that

>> No.52821092

You're a nigger, your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.52821144

I manage a restaurant and typically it's always the same people doing this stuff. Where this manager fucked up is by sperging out on them via text.
If someone calls out sick you tell them before they can return to work they need to bring in a note which I can verify i,e has the clinic/hostpital/office's name and number. If they call out for any other non-medical reason and you want to fire them you just tell them you don't care and they can either show up to their shift or not work there anymore.
Besides that you just take away shifts from them, put them on more morning shifts for the shifts they do get so they make less money, and be more diligent on writing them up.
When there is a lax atmosphere in place there will always be people who take advantage of it and eventually people get frustrated and it gets more and more strict.
Basically, wagies love to fuck a good thing up for themselves.

>> No.52821216

this, why is it so godamn hard to just not be an evil fucking manager? I get that some of them are broken because they had shitty managers their entire life, but the cycle needs to end somewhere. I can't imagine treating my employees like shit if I was a manger, I'd try to be nice and just fire someone if they're unreasonable. People just like shitting on others, I will never understand that desire.

>> No.52821235

>coming to work sick
>at a restaurant
olive garden that's dirty. if i hear so much as a sniffle from a waitress i'm leaving. we just had a pandemic where we had to shut off the global economy to save the boomers and they say shit like this. to come in to work sick. prooff of sickness? like everyone should visit a doctor every time they get a cold, does that sound reasonable to you? that would totally fuck the healthcare system we don't have enough doctors for that nobody does. get real, you sell breadsticks, you're not too big to fail. humanity will live on in a world without olive garden, some of your customers however might get sick.

>> No.52821240

Ngl lads, if there was a real smoke show olive garden waitress I'd fork over the 200 for the butthole/breadsticks combo. As a true bizness man, I can afford such luxury expenses

>> No.52821254

I don't understand why people get so attached to these jobs. I'd say he is a retard for complaining about being understaffed while also threatening to fire everyone, but people get so attached to shit jobs like that they stay there for years.

>> No.52821298

>Love to fuck a good thing for themselves.
It's olive garden. There's 20 other jobs just like it all wanting to hire people.

>> No.52821317

My employees love me and I always let them leave early as long as their work is done

>> No.52821358

I get that but some of these things are industry standard and basically pave the road for how a place goes from high trust high autonomy to having a 2 table section for your first month and having 3 floor managers at a time micro manage every single thing you do.
Olive Garden et al do suck though. I've never been to one and I can't imagine the people who are dining there but I would imagine there is a big overlap between those who dine at Olive Garden and those who do 90% of their shopping at Walmart.

>> No.52821367

>I can't imagine
>I imagine that...
I'm going back to bed

>> No.52821392

>I don't understand why people get so attached to these jobs
Sense of purpose + no prospects for anything better + small amount of authority they finally gained

>> No.52821470

Most servers and people in restaurant are mentally ill the sick days are usually days they either do drugs or rot in depression

>> No.52821484

> fire the manager then lay off all staff 3 months later for 'economic reasons'
American classic right there. We're headed into a depression, people are going to be killing eachother, it's going to be very bad. Prepare yourselves, try not to submit to violence, but be ready if violence need be done.

>> No.52821607

He's a landlord in the making.

>> No.52821640

>Do you know in my 11.5 years at Darden how many days I called off? Zero. I came in sick.
And infected other workers. And then complain when they stay home, lmao

>> No.52821724

kek this manager's brain is fried

>> No.52822211

What the fuck did you just say about me?

>> No.52822276

It’s true

>> No.52822342

Literally me.
I work at a shitty factory but been there so long that I can get away with a lot and new hires look to me for guidance. I don't want to go back to the bottom of the totem pole :(
I wish I would have racked up all this experience in a better industry. I'm fucked!

>> No.52823040

Jerome Powell will put an end to that and you wagies will beg for a job at olive garden

>> No.52823722

>Two more weeks!
Keep coping McWagie

>> No.52823799

Because for most of these managers, this is the highest point they have ever been in their lives. They are ex pieces of shit who are trying to have a "revenge arc" on their lives, and they genuinely believe that this management position is like, the top of their arc, and that they are in charge now and anything they say goes and they pat themselves on the back for the dumbest and most menial shit.

tldr - dumb peoples first taste of power is restaurant manager, they immediately abuse it
>t. Worked at OG

>> No.52824023

Now imagine those same kind of people are also politicians and everything starts to make sense

>> No.52826516


Big truth. You notice legit changes in a person's personality even when they're an asst. manager at a burger stand. Really weird, but the high-point of a sad life.

>> No.52826537
File: 91 KB, 970x450, 1628766438361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52826540

That's overboard demand proof of sick/excuse.
But it buncha commie faggots

>> No.52826544

>I’m dedicated to being here. As should you. No more excuses or complaints.

What's it like to be dedicated to something?
I can't remember if I've ever been

>> No.52826578

Managers only suck dick because corporate keeps beating them like hoes and telling them to brang them mo' munni. This exact kind of behavior would be seen as exemplary by any major food chain and I'd wager this person gets another job pretty quickly if quietly after all of this blows over. If you or other people don't like this kind of bullshit, stop giving businesses your money that do this kind of bullshit.