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52814112 No.52814112 [Reply] [Original]

/biz always gives the best financial advice. when crypto crashed i had went off the rails on oxy not giving a fuck about being addicted and spent way too much money and had a rough detox. i did like 5-6 of these a day with one day off after 3-4 days. i did that for almost 8 months before i quit then relapsed for 30 days and having a bad detox.

shit wasn’t easy to quit but now that i’m mentally and physically straightened out and more financially responsible i wanna grab some real pharmacy alg my boy has.

any addicts go to responsible use after being dependent/addicted? i wanna reward myself before new years and i’ll be sober then and be strict with my use only doing it on my days off work which is two days a week and the hollidays. w lower tolerance id say 2 a day would be enough maybe 3. just afraid i’ll be guilty or anxious from resetting my sobriety date.

they cost 50 a pill so it’s not something i can affford daily anyways with crypto being down. if i go along with this u think i will regret it or will i just have a good time and move on? dubs decides what i do with this investment

>> No.52814136

>think i will regret it or will i just have a good time and move on?

You already know the answer and you want some anonymous to lie to you. Youre addicted to heroin.

>> No.52814149

No. Put as much distance as possible between you and it.
>i wanna reward myself
This is the voice of the part of yourself which is still an addict. All these sneaky rationalizations creeping in and trying to take you down.

>> No.52814151

Oxy is shit, the nausea is just overwhelming and the buzz only lasts 2 hours. Don't

>> No.52814176

i feel like as long as i keep it recreational and don’t feel guilty i will enjoy it as if it was a beer or smoke

maybe you’re right . so should i not get a few? really wanna snort

idk i have supreme euphoria

>> No.52814183

Sell them retard

>> No.52814188

Usually what happens when you quit and then go on to relapse is that you end up using more than you previously did, for whatever reason.
t.smoked half pack of cigs per day for 6 years, never felt the need to smoke any more than a half pack, quit for 3 weeks, now go through 1 pack per day minimum.

>> No.52814209

Pharmacist here. Those are pressed tablets from China, not the actual product you get from a pharmacy. That brand is not even something that is being manufactured at the moment (check the McKesson website if you dont believe me). Those tablets probably have fentanyl and/or Carfentanil in them. People die all the time from these fake tablets.

If you bring one of these to a pharmacy and say " I found this in my brothers room, can you tell me what it is?" That will give them a chance to tell you if this is real or not. I look at these things all day long, it is like looking at the face of a family member. I recognize when things are off pretty quickly.

Also, I recommend you focus on something else for a while. This sort of video helped me immensely with goal setting:

>> No.52814226

Heroin is way cheaper in multiple ways. I guarantee you $10 of heroin is way stronger than 80mg oxycodone. And injection gets you 99% of the substance, while insufflation is only 10%, oral even worse unless you remove the time lapse coating, then it is also 10%. Pharmaceuticals are a total waste of money since Opana went off the market.

>> No.52814236

Bad news Anon, you are still addicted. It's quite sad how blind you are. Do you even listen to yourself?

>shit wasn’t easy to quit but now that i’m mentally and physically straightened out and more financially responsible
does this sound like "I'm really not addicted anymore" to you?

>any addicts go to responsible use after being dependent/addicted?
No such thing as "responsible use" with highly addicte opiates. Maybe once or twice a year is ok, but you're planning on taking them regularly again.

>i wanna reward myself before new years and i’ll be sober then and be strict with my use only doing it on my days off work which is two days a week and the hollidays. w lower tolerance id say 2 a day would be enough maybe 3. just afraid i’ll be guilty or anxious from resetting my sobriety date.
"Haha i'm just gonna reward myself with a highly addictive drug after being addicted to said drug, that's totally not an excuse from my brain to go back to being a fucking addict again lol trust me guys"

Your brain is just looking for positive affirmation to become addicted again. You know this.
STAY THE FUCK AWAY from Oxys, you're almost doing Heroin. You decide. Do you want to ruin your life?

>> No.52814239

Stop spamming your shitty video you fucking liar. What problem would a fucking pharmacist have with "goal setting" that a 15minute youtube video would sort out.

>> No.52814253

You have an addictive personality so if you’re being serious, no, you shouldn’t do it anymore unless you want to go down the same road as before. You’ll try to trick yourself in the beginning thinking you can be responsible with it and each day that goes by you’ll become weaker and will soon be a full blown addict again.

Your genes are shit.

>> No.52814260

You are incorrect. I used opiates from 1999-2009 without ever getting addicted, and I'm talking about IV use. In 09, the economy collapsed amd I lost all three jobs I was working and my apartment and ended up getting strung out, but quit in 2011, picked up again in 2013, quit in 2018, and picked up again in 2020. I dont lie, cheat or steal.

>> No.52814267

This is financial advice.
This is not health advice.
This is not legal advice.
This is sexual advice.

>> No.52814277

For fucks sake why not just grow some opium poppy and smoke opium hash?

>> No.52814333

Man if you wanna reward yourself why not smoke weed? Do some lsd? You are clearly still in love with opiates. I wouldn't touch them if I were you.

>> No.52814350
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wait, hold on, so you're telling us that you jumped on this shit and got addicted and went through hell to get off and now you're asking us if it should be fine to go on again "responsibly".

god, some of you are seriously brain dead. the saddest part of this is this is not even a troll post. this anon is dead serious. this is why the world is in its current state, because there are retarded men out there like this.

>> No.52814422


those are weak as shit, take a perc instead. Or xan

>> No.52814441

idk weed doesn’t really do it for me it’s hit or miss and most of the time i just feel retarded. oxycodone i feel normal but blissful which is what i’m aiming for. lsd is too long and crazy

i mean i feel like it’s only cause i purposely didn’t try to moderate it and used it to get an escape from the crash. prior to that long time ago i used it recreationally before slipping and think i found a correlation. as long as i don’t use more then two days in a row and use kratom for cravings it’ll be fine but maybe i’m wrong

i don’t really believe i do. i drink fine stop at two beers , rarely if ever smoke, don’t care or abuse other drugs.

only oxycodone . and i avoid other addictive pills like benzos.

but oxy is something else. i wanna use it recreationally like i did years ago but there’s a lot tied up with it since i fell into active use for almost a year

never doing that mistake again. i can’t moderate w heroin/fent since dealer supplies can change the formula and also the wd is ten times worse, and puts me i. situations where i lose more money anyways with the consequences. i strongly also believe if i use dope again i won’t be able to quit it’s that addicting . even one time use gave me wd

i mean i’m calling bullshit. i get this from my plug who always has real oxy / pharma pills. he don’t fuck with presses/fent and it’s why i pay a tax on them. also i’ve been in this game a while can tell a fake a mile away without even trying them . only a moron would pay 50 for a press when they are prob like 5 dollars or less. and real dope is cheaper

>> No.52814454

Don't go back to Oxys anon. Using opiates is just flirting with death and regret, you deserve better. Smoke some weed if you really need something.

>> No.52814482

Dude you should do it. Like honestly its not that big of a deal and you only live once. Why not just have a few here and there? Like you said, treat it like a beer or a joint

>> No.52814486

HAHAHAHAHAHAH you used opiates for 10 years and now you are telling me you weren’t addicted? Cope post of the year lmao fuck off junkie

>> No.52814488
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Its not a stimulant, anon you gain nothing from taking it at all, you will only get lazy and fat, do something productive like amphetamines instead

>> No.52814507

He's just trolling mate

Do yourself a favor and eat 4-5g of dried psylocibin mushrooms. They will redpill you on how retarded you sound. Alternatively smoke DMT. Both psychedelics are highly anti-addictive and will help you understand how you're lying to yourself.
You're on a bad path Anon you and you know it. Don't be a fucking retard again.

>> No.52814510
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you are wrong retard. if you've fallen victim to drug addiction you will fall victim to it again (and again) if you touch that shit again and now you're talkiing about using kratom, which is also problematic. you're throwing problem on problem and its pathetic. seriously get your fucking shit together and lay off the drugs altogether. the majority of people are able to function without drugs, so you should be able to as well, you're just mentally lazy and so you're opting for drugs as a release.

god, i hate junkies so much it's unreal.

>> No.52814521

I used oxy/hydro/heroin for a few years.
I can't even take one without getting withdrawals. I got my wisdom teeth removed last year, took hydros for 3 days and got sick when they ran out
I unironically can't touch them anymore.
I think about buying some on the DN on a regular basis even though I haven't used any since last year.

>> No.52814544

thanks man! i think i’ll grab ten and stop overthinking this shit. i just gotta not feel guilty or overthink this is day one again if stopping .

i won’t die from oxys you noobs. fentanyl yeah but not weak ass 30s esp since i take kratom

>> No.52814555

You're going to become a dingy drug addict if you start that shit again, and no, I don't think you should "just buy a few."

>> No.52814574

damn bruh

>> No.52814581

really dude? i’m worried about that too. i got addicted to oxys in 2018-2020, then did fentanyl out of fear i was gojna lose my new job when i moved away from the plug, which led me to quit that and stay the fuck away. i relapsed on oxys and went off before stopping. then had a bad wd.

i’m most afraid of doing it for two days and having bad wd and being in the cycle. or getting inhumane cravings . maybe do it today and wait a week

i’m not a junkie just trying to do oxy responsibly. i never rob stole pan handled. i’m a professional like wolf of walstreet

kratoms no issue. i use it as a last resort for cravings and don’t use more than 2 gram doses a couple times a day and i don’t get bad wd when i stop. easy to taper too and cheap

so fuck you stop projecting your insecurities to me and cope faggot

>> No.52814584

People smoke and use beer as a crutch.
I only smoke weed if I’m super stressed or absolutely need sleep that night, so a couple times a year. I also quit drink, drinking only a few times a year too and my mental health and productivity and pretty much everything is better.
Don’t be a degenerate, we all know the best is not not do any drugs but we have both broken the barrier now.

>> No.52814612

same . i do two beers after a stresful day of wageslaving. smoke once in a blue moon. don’t party or binge drink for years

i still want a nice cozy winter day when it’s snowing watching anime eating sushi and snorting percs . should i not cop? only thing holding me back is the risk of being guilty or regretting the experience and being technically restarting my date regardless if i slip back into active use or not idk if my mental health will take a toll

i’m more productive on oxys and i get skinny if i do it like an addict.

stims never did it for me. addy makes me study and cocaine makes me jack off to tranny porn

>> No.52814619

i'm insecure about some stupid fucking junkie in denial? how does that even make sense? look at you getting all triggered about your pathetic addiction.

have you ever considered just not doing oxy? is it really that hard to consider? i can already picture your stupid twink ass right now. tell you what, here's your permission anon, go ahead and fuck your stupid life up, see if i give a fuck.

>> No.52814629
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>eating sushi and snorting percs
the absolute state of men

>> No.52814647
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I just stick with kratom, close enough if you find the right dose and strain combo without all the downsides of real opiates.

>> No.52814650
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LMFAO this has to be bait or you might be the stupidest retard I've met on this board for years

>> No.52814673

Yeah sure why not but don’t do it every fucking weekend jeez. Not even every other weekend, if you have the power to do that then great.

Problem with opiates is that one day you’re gonna actually need them medically for extreme pain. Your tolerance will be high and your dr won’t prescribe you what you need cause he doesn’t know you’ve been basically a heroin addict.

>> No.52814679

no i'm pretty sure this dude is dead serious about this. we're literally talking to a degenerate zombie.

>> No.52814689

stupid twink ass? lmfao post your body you skelly

u sound like an obese redneck or an emo skelly dyel never did sports kinda guy

>> No.52814695

what’s the dose that gives euphoria and comfy feelings? i can’t ever seem to find it. i usually do 2 grams

i did an extract and swore i got wd from sweaty and dizziness.

i usually take capsules too should i mix it? what color and how many grams and how long before dosing again

>> No.52814845

honestly it's such an individual thing you just have to experiment, and quality between brands varies enormously. some kinds just don't work for me at all and I end up throwing them away. a lot of online vendors offer sample packs so I test out a bunch and then order what I like. Most headshop or gas station kratom is shit, but if you can find this OPMS brand locally some of theirs is pretty good.

I usually do a small dose of around 1.5-2g and redose after an hour or so until I get to a good spot, but some people do huge doses of like 10g; I know a guy who used to go through about an ounce a day.

It just doesn't work for some people, I've had a bunch of friends try it and it's like 50/50 whether they love it or puke and never touch it again.

>> No.52815189
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fuck bros i copped and did it and regret it. i’m not even that high right now and now i restarted my date. i have nine pills left so i’m just going to do the rest and pray i don’t feel sick tomorrow

i’m already dreading my decision and now am in suicide cope mode

>> No.52815204
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actually now the sushi came and i’m wrapped in blankets and reframing to positive thoughts i feel like a euphoric god

>> No.52815225

Flush them away anon, you can do it I believe in you. You are better than this.

>> No.52815241
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whatever fuck it. i’m still sober technically since i did t relapse to chronic use. i’m gonna do the rest today and tomorrow and treat it like a vacation 8 months sober

>> No.52815659
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i didn’t pick up i just re-enacted the scenarios that would happen via biz post if i did. and deciddd to take anons kratom advice and i’m satiated

the fact that i’m in the upper 95th percentile of intelligence blows my mind as well

>> No.52816124

I've known former addicts who cleaned up personally. Some of the best friends I've had. One of them told me "once an addict, always an addict". He stayed straight for 4-5 years before having "just a little bit" because he got someone he used to tweak with a job at the place we worked, and that fucker was on a roll. Well, things went alright for about a year after that. But in the span of a couple months, that guy convinced him to try some for old times sake... just a bit. Then a bit more. Got to a point where he was so spun out he couldn't function at work, and got fired. Then his wife left him. He's been on a downhill spiral ever since.

Same thing happened to another guy I knew. Had been clean for 8-10 years. It starts small, then grows slowly back into addiction, then you spin out and go back down the rabbit hole.

Once an addict, always an addict. It's not easy but you have to convince yourself its not worth going down that road because of where it leads. Don't even step on the road. It's not worth it.

>> No.52816187

Dont do any pain pills, their as addictive as shit. Call your dad and counselor, get on suboxone if you need to stay clean or even methadone. Call your dad bro and talk to him.

>> No.52816220

You’re an addict. Get to meetings, exercise, eat right, and try to find a girlfriend. Take from a nigger who are 15 perc 30’s a day for almost 3 years straight. Put that shit behind you, run and never look back.

>> No.52816233

50 dollars a pill is not worth the high.

>> No.52816329

lmaoing at mutts who take heroin when getting their wisdom teeth removed

>> No.52816480

OP this is literally what you need. I'd suggest 5g or more on the shrooms. You need to see yourself without your ego. You need an ego death to realize what you are. Natural hallucinogens will show you what you need. If you've already been addicted and decided to make this as a cope then you're fucking lost as fuck. Dig deep let the reptile aliens show you everything that pains you. You can over come it all but you gotta man up and not be a pussy.

>> No.52816518

>any addicts go to responsible use after being dependent/addicted?
I did a few times but I almost always regretted it
Unless you’re in pain suffering the high won’t be as good
Once you say yes it’s hard to go back to saying no
The best option for staying clean is not hanging out with drug users

>> No.52816584

read like 5 posts and i alrdy know this thread is cringe, thread hidden, go shove a perky in your ass faggots, and all the anti-drug people are cucks, you cant save nobody

>> No.52816616

I hate millenials so fucking much. Worthless addicts with a connected uncle taking up spots in the job market meanwhile I have great grades and a degree getting rejected on the fourth round of interviews for an INTERNSHIP.

Im gonna go learn plumbing or something, studying was a mistake when cushy jobs are filled with leeches like op

>> No.52816869

You already know youre gonna relapse if you take it again bro.
Also oxy is a scam you might as well find pure heroin its literally the same.
Most oxys on the market are fake and if their real theyre hevaily taxed. Niggers want like 20$ for a 5mg perc or 80$ for a 30. Most of it is fake filled with fent and fent is garbage compared to heroin or morphine.
Spending hundreds of dollars a day on oxys is retard tier, especially when you literally need it to go about your day.
As a junkie the best advice i can five you is to just do kratom if youre gonna relapse. Kratom scratches the opiate itch and its pretty comfy when you dont have crossover tolerance. Its cheap af and safe. Its like natural methadone pretty much.
You yourself already know that you should stay sober, if you start messing around again you VILL go back to daily use. Its happened to me so many times. Its literally a classic junkie saying "this time ill only do it on the weekends" lmao nah bro the habit is too deeply ingrained, you will go right back to daily use, sometimes you dont even consciously make the decision your body just goes back to what it knows.
Good luck junkie bros

>> No.52816876

I've been clean from opiates for 8 years. I was taking vics/oxis for 3 years and switch to heroin (smoking) for 8 months. Suboxone saved me from fucking up my life. You only have to detox for one full day before switching to it, then gently dosing down/quitting.

Back then oxy 80s were 50, I can't believe 30s are the same price.

I hit my bottom, which made it easy for me to quit and not look back. It looks like you haven't hit your bottom but you're going to if you continue your way of thinking.

>> No.52816914

Lmao bro next time theres another crash youre gonna trick yourself into getting addicted, coping about life situations with opiates is a dangerous precedent because once you have habit any time something bad happens to you wont be able to cope naturally and just do opiates.
Im a junkie and i know this. Ive been addicted for like 10 years now, im just giving you honest junkie advice.

>> No.52816936

I will never try opiates because I just know I would absolutely love them and become instantly addicted.

>> No.52817012

Kratom is very batch dependent. Ignore all the strains and color bullshit its just marketing.
You just need to find a good batch, good kratom feels indistinguishable from 10-20mg of hydro.
Also dont fall for the high dose meme, with most drugs higher dose = better but not with kratom, theres an alkaloid in it which creates a ceiling effect. A kratom noob will end up taking 50g a day with little effect while having bad withdrawals every morning. A kratom pro takes small 1-2g doses and it works better then the high dose.
I take 1g per dose and it feels good and comfy, ive been there taking 8g doses feeling shitty. Small doses keep your tolerence low so it hits the same. Kratom noobs cant even sleep at night because they get withdrawals after a few hours since theyre consantly shoveling tons of powder into their body all day.

My favorite thing about kratom is it doesnt make you constipated like harder opiates. That shit is so fucking annoying and uncomfortable.

>> No.52817035

Dont touch extracts especially not opms, that shit is terrible, it skyrockets your tolerance and its expensive as fuck. I saw a lot of people fuck up with that, idiots had to buy 3-4 of those opms shots every single day to feel normal, those sell for 20$ each. Spending 80$ a day on fucking kratom is clown tier.
A 100$ kilo lasts me half a year

>> No.52817054
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Major L bro... Its honestly not worth it. Watch, after those 10 pills youll be like
>ok just 10 more and im done, I might as well enjoy it a bit since i already relapsed
how much are you paying for those pills?

>> No.52817081
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Congrats anon seriously im jealous 8 years is a long time. Im currently tapering with kratom since its better then subs and methadone. Hopefully I can get my shit together like you.
Ive been sober for a year or two at a time but i always fuck up like OP. Also im reaching my 30s so its time to get my shit together or its over

>> No.52817137
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>responsible use

>> No.52817148

Subs are supreme, but you can't take them like someone would prescribe them to you. A doctor would tell you to take like 4-8mg at a time but they don't really want you to succeed. You can make an 8mg pill last like a whole week and if you've tapered for a couple weeks/month you can make a whole pill last longer than that. You can take fractional doses intranasally which was my trick. Near the end I was taking little tiny powdered lines,1/32mg or something. If you only have access to strips you can do the same thing with monkey watering. If I didn't have subs I wouldn't have been able to do what I did. I can provide more information if it would help

>> No.52817180
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>i’m not a junkie
face it dude, you're a filthy junkie, and a pathetic one.

>> No.52817182

Have you ever tried kratom? Subs has a worse withdrawal then kratom. Most people nowadays use kratom for tapering instead because its not as potent.

>> No.52817258

I almost died by taking "dirty 30's" fentanyl that looks like oxycodone 30s. Snorted them and fell out. 2 weeks ago on Thanksgiving eve. I'm begging you to never test these waters. I'm grateful for my life today and am staying clean. Christ is King forever

>> No.52817297

Weekends only

Go for it

>> No.52817315

You psychedelic people treat psychs as if they were universal medicine, that everyone should take them, should accept the exact meaning that you impart to them, and if someone has a bad reaction, you treat that as evidence of bad moral character. I've seen it literally stated that "bad trips only happen to bad people". What is up with this?

>> No.52817374
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there is only one way to deal with junkies and this is the mandatory track they should be listening to while doing the job. just look at op, junkies decide to put themselves in that situation

>> No.52817387

Subs are the final solution for quitting, kratom is a lesser high used to keep you from getting sick. They're like vics. You can use subs as a tool to quit your addiction and change your life.

I had a very specific & calculated way of doing it though, because I was so sick of being sick

>> No.52817402

I used to take psychs all the time. Last time i took lsd i went full schizo psychosis.
I literally thought i was the messiah jesus Christ and cia agents were following me around, thought everyone around me was reading my mind and plotting agaisnt me, could hear demon voices talking in music, was able to decipher hidden messages in everything. Everything was a sign or symbol meaning something hidden, had crazy coincidences and synchronicities.
At night when i went to sleep my doppelganger self would go do important things in the parallel mirror world, I was conviced these things were inportant for maintianing the real world..
Luckily the psychosis went away after a week.
Lol never touching psychs again

>> No.52817466

I had a LOT of problems after the 2008 recession. I followed Brian Tracy's goal setting program to sort my life out. That 15 minute video has some of the points that I think are most helpful. It is not my video, I am not Brian Tracy.