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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5280906 No.5280906 [Reply] [Original]

If your not pro-capitalism then why are you on /biz/?

>> No.5280957

Accruing funds for the revolution. Capitalists will sell us the rope we will hang them with.

>> No.5281003

>implying crypto isn’t the death of capitalism by finally sundering the currency/capital divide
>implying permanent records and anonymous transactions aren’t the perfect way to simultaneously monitor the state’s handling of capital and neuter its policing of it.
>implying Marx didn’t predict crypto

>> No.5281099

>implying Marx isn't Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.5281166

Sweet Mary mother of God

>> No.5281359

If you can't beat em, join em

>> No.5281387

Because unrestrained capitalism causes really bad shit to happen. Properly regulated capitalism is where it's at

>> No.5281421


>> No.5281434
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>> No.5281617

>Against state control of capital

>> No.5281675

Not all communists are Stalinists friend

>> No.5281760

I have to survive somehow

>> No.5281828

How exactly would crypto fix the wealth divide? I can still own more bitcoins than 99% of society hypothetically

>> No.5281835


>> No.5281932

Relax anon, those soymilk lattes aren't going to make themselves.

>> No.5281953

If you own 99% of bitcoins then there are less and less people that will accept Bitcoin as a store of value. If that level of monopoly occurs the public at large will just shift into alt-coins. It’s not Bitcoin that’s anti-capitalist, it’s crypto as a whole.

>> No.5281974

But I am pro capitalism, anon.

>> No.5281980

unexpected kek

>> No.5282007

Anti-capitalism isn't a lifestyle you fucking faggot. Engels owned a factory

>> No.5282072

>if it produces goods it’s capitalism

Anon, I...

>> No.5282167

I'm a NatCap. Competition is great within your country but I don't support completely open markets across borders with other countries when it hurts your own. Trade war is fine. And we still have to gas the Jews.

>> No.5282287

What the fuck are you talking about? Private ownership of the means of production is indeed a feature of capitalism. I'll quote here from the Simple English version of Wikipedia so you understand:

>Capitalism is an economic system. In it the government plays a secondary role. People and companies make most of the decisions, and own most of the property. Goods are usually made by companies and sold for profit. The means of production are largely or entirely privately owned (by individuals or companies) and operated for profit.


>> No.5282378

Wait, are you implying that communism can be practiced under capitalism? You do realize Engels was a theorist and not some magical figure that oozed communism out of every pore of his body right?

Next you’ll tell me Marx was capitalist because he owned a house at one point.

>> No.5282515

Communism can't be "practiced", dummy. Communism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. Engels was himself a capitalist, meaning someone who privately owns a means of production. Capitalism isn't an ideology and a "capitalist" isn't someone who believes in capitalism

>> No.5282630

>he thinks communism is synonymous with statism
you're a burger aren't you

>> No.5282664

>Communism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things.
This is the worst definition you could use for a movement. Just recognize that it's literal shit. It could be ANYTHING that "abolishes" the present state of things, it's an old definition and you shouldn't use it.

>> No.5282706


cause everyone needs money you dimwit

>> No.5282723

Communism is the end goal of revolution, not the revolution itself.

>> No.5282760
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Omg what are u even doing here?

Government/deep state own the fed, the fed is the means of production. We're already stuck in your fucking utopia, that's what we're killing now via btc/alts.

You really are uninformed and confused about how economics and finance works, touting more government to solve government created issues is like a fat cunt going to McDonald's to start a healthy diet.

>> No.5282808

If you care to understand what Marx meant by that statement read this:

>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

>> No.5282858

this shit just started getting shilled here the other day. who would have anything to gain from this blatant shilling besides the owner? fuck off cocksucker go eat shit

>> No.5282859

Are you a reactionary or some kind of reddit Marxist? I can't tell what pile of shit you've been eating from

>> No.5282888

>”we’re already living in communism”
>all communism is statism
>the federal government owning the means of production is communism

Jesus Christ, McCarthy come back from the grave over here

>> No.5282918

what? I'm not a communist, you quoted the wrong anon

>> No.5282983

Communism is the result of a dialectical movement away from capitalism. Marx himself said that it would come after a period of capitalism in order to establish the infrastructure necessary for a truly communist society. You’re the deluded guy who thinks all communists are tankers.

>> No.5283111

Maybe the reason we're not understanding each other is that you don't realize I'm a Marxist

>> No.5283152
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>Capitalists will sell us the rope we will hang them with.

It's called shorting, faggot.

>> No.5283246

My bad, I did

Trips confirm commies are going to be gassed

>> No.5283425

Kill yourself nazi larper. Your politics is a meme. Natsoc or natcap is a meme. All the "national socialism" is, is theft. They stole from the Jews.

>> No.5283484

Lol gtfo chosenite, cryptos will be the downfall of your kind. No more fractional reserve lending scams for you Schlomo.

>> No.5283588

>ID: a2Uj/ewS
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.5283591
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>ancap tech is marxist

how delusional are you. did ark overload your brain or something?

oh yes, they are. totalitarianism is a direct result of the ideology. it's written between the lines.

then you shouldn't oppose capitalism.

you're an idiot who believe it's better to pay an unnecessary premium on products so your compatriots can waste their time producing something they could get cheaper somewhere else.

everything becomes means of production in the hand of a creative man. that expression is utter nonsense. get your means of production in the hardware store like everyone else.

the end goal of every revolution is blood shed. even among chimpanzees 80% of 'the revolutionaries' (and their kin) die within ten years after a successful revolution.

>future helicopter passangers of america

>> No.5283605

I'm not a Jew but "national socialism" is literally violence and it's nigger tier.
BTC will never be nazi. BTC is peaceful. If you wanna be a nazi go out with your guns and do what you glorify.
Crypto will flip the wealth without your memes and your trump

>> No.5283721
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Why are is everyone from /pol/ retarded?

>> No.5283771

>tfw took Ghost's advice on Qtum

>> No.5283829

And you're a small-souled bugman who will never hold hands with his waifu.

>> No.5283890

You don't understand fuck-all about anything do you. You should research the inter-war period and what went down then in Europe. Might learn some interesting tidbits.

>> No.5284040

Capitalism allows people to succeed.

For a communist or socialist thing you're just showing up to work to keep the wheel turning and you have a poor quality of life you can't improve

>> No.5284060

>small-souled bugman

what is this even supposed to mean? go back into your cave you kissless virgin.

>> No.5284081

kys you wristlet commie faggot

>> No.5284126
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>> No.5284186
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>> No.5284848

I'm just stopping by to gawk at the apex of human filth before the inevitable collapse.