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52807241 No.52807241 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52807369
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>> No.52807672

andá pallá

>> No.52807713
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verificar los precios puto

>> No.52807815

cuantas copas tenes?, seguro sos un negro venezolano muerto de ambre.

>> No.52807852

I'm Brazilian but I hope that Argentina wins this World Cup. I'm tired of Europeans mogging us in every aspect.

>> No.52808121

No. Learn to be good winners/losers first

>> No.52808194
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>we're winning the game and there's 4 minutes left, maybe we should try to score another goal

>> No.52808210
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It's over...

>> No.52809961


>> No.52811273

I was hoping that all non euro coutries were eliminated in the quarter finals to show our supreme dominance once again but now I wouldn't mind an argie win or an argentina marroco final for max shits and giggles

>> No.52811354
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I’m a Brit and I hope the argies win.
I was rooting for Japan but they’re out now.
Anyway I’ll root for any team that represents its country’s actual population.
If you have ngubus or gay armbands on your team I not only want you to lose but you deserve to be holocausted too.
I cheered back in 2002 when England eliminated Argentina on penalties but back then we weren’t such a shit hole yet

>> No.52811455

>Anyway I’ll root for any team that represents its country’s actual population.
Based. Literally what I'm doing now. I'm not going to be interested in seeing future world cups where every team from every "country" consists of identical mystery-meat mutts and ngubus. What's the purpose of that shitty tournament in that case?

>> No.52811482

Coach is horrible.
>Go up 2-0
>Entire game dominated with possession strategy
>Possession literally wins from here out
>Sit back and let opponent bomb literally 40 long crosses in and NEVER attempt to do anything but clear

>> No.52811489

Brazilians are retarded and nothing cN take that away.

>> No.52811506
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Any "euro win" is an actual African win and you know it.

>> No.52811512
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>> No.52811539

Croatia is white and based

>> No.52811541

I remember seeing that nignog with the dreads who would always wear wrap around Oakleys playing for Holland a few years ago and wondering “what the fuck is going on here?”

>> No.52811549

Best football country on the planet last 10 years?
All other "better teams" are actually a group of Africans from disparate countries and they've been to the final four back to back.

>> No.52811564

second this, macacos are sub human animals I dont consider them anything more than that

>> No.52811586

I only watch World Cups and Euro Cups so I ain't much of an expert but yes Croatia have been very impressive recently. Japan I think can also become a really good team if they keep it up

>> No.52811934
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>> No.52812155

Bobos btfo

>> No.52812188


>> No.52812197

it's not that euro countries "need" black people in football, just that they are the lowest socioeconomic class and are overrpresented in trying to making it as a pro player. it's like black people in the nba. there are enough poorfags in argentina so they dont need to import poorer people from around the world

>> No.52812751
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>> No.52812958
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this is misleading and you good sir are a cunt. Most of Croatia's "foreign" players are ethnically croatian, while most of England's or Netherlands' local players are nignogs.
Grade a cunt behaviour

>> No.52813055
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>completely mogs all A tier clubs
heh nothing personnel kiddo.

t. aryan berberchad

>> No.52813642
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>> No.52813659
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>mfw link suddenly peaks at 500$ due to globohomo integrations
My qt 3.14 nip gf will be happy

>> No.52813665

>only 10% nigs

>> No.52813799

>I'm Brazilian
How does it feel to be a nigger and get insulted every single minute you hang out here? It's like you enjoy it. Enjoy getting killed by a bullet/knife/aids or drugs. All Brazilian woman migrate to Europe and whore for the rest of their life and the man deal drugs, scam people and drive ubers. You all pretend to be happy but you are miserable and blame the whites for your misfortune. All that marketing (COME TO BRASIU) just to rob and scam people.

>> No.52813850

You Berber's live like fucking gypsies. Keep forcing the tourists to buy your shitty items at the bazaar with your track suit. Filthy fucks, every time i see an old car full of shit in the European highway i just know its some Berber piece of shit. You can't even bring good hash to Europe like you did before you useless dirty gypsies!

>> No.52813891

morocco isreally making me seethe and cope, by first eliminating Spain and now with Poortugal. But don't worry I will root for you against Sub-Saharan africa
what are you talking about schizo

>> No.52813971

Bullish af

>> No.52813989

based manito

>> No.52814051

not sure if bait or actually retarded
>sub-saharan africa
topkek im laughing because this is actually 100% correct poor baguettes can't even get their white number over 20%

>> No.52814057

Such an obvious Brazilian response. When it doesn't have an answer or can't fight back just plays dumb. which country did you chose to migrate? Do you also drive an uber and tell the passengers that you were a medic or a judge back in your jungle favela?

>> No.52814064

Another African response, just call them retarded or schizo. You track suit goat fucker. Your people are hated here.

>> No.52814084

What you say is true but also negro boys tend to get growth spurts earlier than whites to the point where at 16 years old they are more likely to make the grade for talent scouts to pick them out for future contracts ahead of their white peers.

>> No.52814087

Biz is full of niggers trying to pick up some hints and scraps that the whites leave behind. But you're out of luck because this board is full of other clueless niggers such as yourselves and Indians shilling the scams that you buy.

>> No.52814100
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found the seething belgian or dutch fag kek. don't worry you can try again in 2026.

>> No.52814110
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Are you by any chance a french frog?

>> No.52814197

South western European and catholic. So that excludes Muslim France and protestant Netherlands and Belgium. I don't even watch football, that's for the poor NPC's. Biz used to be white and now all i see is south America and curry.

>> No.52814220

Moortugal, Spain, Basque Country or Scatalonia?

>> No.52814229

And don't you forget Italy

>> No.52814526

>How does it feel to be a nigger and get insulted every single minute you hang out here?
To be 100% honest I don't care. I know that Brazil is a shithole, but I live in a rich area of the country, and I enjoy a comfy life with my crypto gains. I just came out of my pool, and now I'm in my living room enjoying the ac with free energy from my solar panels.

I have relatives living in your country (Italy), so I know damn well that things aren't a paradise over there.

>> No.52815509

If you don't realize they are imported specifically for sports ball then you have no pattern recognition.
It's money maker.
They literally breed and raise them like show horses or attack dogs depends on the sport.

The teams would be way worse without the Africans and they therefore need them to compete.

>> No.52815594

>but I live in a rich area
Every. single. one. You Brazilian fuckers are such fucking liars, are you a medic or a judge? kek!
>I have relatives living in your country (Italy)
Who said i live in Italy or that i am Italian? And how does it feel to have relatives selling they're body in Europe? And they also say they were doctor's and judges while they get fucked for 30€? And your male relatives drive a Honda PCX or a Yamaha NMAX? And what kind of drug do they sell, cocaine or heroin? How do they go from doctors, lawyers and judges to Uber drivers and drug dealers? And why do they share a small apartment with other 12 loud Brazilians?

>> No.52816033

not brazilian or come on here often but even if i was i wouldn't care bc i always imagine people who talk like you as neckbeards in their moms basements or incels.

>> No.52816139

>not brazilian
You gave yourself away too fast.

>> No.52816273

im really not im just an american that doesnt feel the need to call everyone a nigger all day. I can't imagine people like you are anything in life but basement dwellers or school shooters

>> No.52816348

You sound a bit triggered for some one who isn't Brazilian kek. Try harder.

>> No.52816470

Nice redpill. Thx.

>> No.52816589

keh mirah bobo, anda pa'lla

dejo a los puertorriqueños en pañales este personaje