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52805216 No.52805216 [Reply] [Original]

Drunk guy last night after a work party paid me 200 dollars to click some buttons on his phone and order an Uber because he was wasted. My mom is pissed I took the money. Is there any potential consequences from taking this money? Besides not being the best look.

>> No.52805235

Do you see this guy at work regularly? If so yeah you shouldn’t have taken the money

>> No.52805309

is he 30 something childless and you're some newt who has no father figure?

>> No.52805314

Keep $100 safe for two weeks and give it back to him if you have to interact with him regularly and acts like a faggot. Or just keep it all and tell him a DUI costs quite a bit more than $200, you provided a service for him

>> No.52805365

fucking disgusting jew. hope you're not too cowardly to tout this shit irl so some based nog will do the rest of society a favor and shut your faggot ass lights out once and for all.

>> No.52806321

>Is there any potential consequences..
apart from the entire company finding out, what a miserable little cunt you really are?
Give. It. Back.
Make your mother proud, just for once.

>> No.52806353

why? what crime did he commit besides getting money off a guy who is an idiot. please with logic and reason explain how OP is in the wrong and has commited a crime and broke the law. remember logic and reason

>> No.52806423


Took the bait.

>> No.52806437

Because only cunts roll drunks.
Which is exactly what this despicable little trollop did - a workmate at that. You can justify this as 'not an actual crime' all you like. Its no-mark gutter behavior.

>> No.52808024

I don’t know who this guy is and will most likely not see him again. He is just in the same industry as me. Not even the same company.

>> No.52808043

He asked for help with this phone and started taking money out. I told him he didn’t have to do that but he insisted. I’m op btw

>> No.52808068

Then it’s ok free 200 your mom just jealous

>> No.52808120

If he was insistent then just hold onto it for a bit. Bout a month. If nothing, enjoy two whole big mac meals!

>> No.52808413

You did nothing wrong. Sorry your mom is such a bitch.

>> No.52808427

no anon, drunk people are not smart but they're also not stupid if that makes sense. if he couldn't afford to give you the money he would have lowballed you with $20 or even just 1 $100. most of us would have done it for free but he wanted to make sure you weren't trolling. your service was worth $200 because it was offered to you and you accepted it and performed the task

>> No.52808492

Step 1. Convert to USDC
Step 2. Take out a 90% defi loan with the money
Step 3. Give money back to him
Step 4. Repay loan at the top of the bullrun

>> No.52808867

That guys was actually that Mr beast fag and he was testing you if your character was worthy enough for 10k

>> No.52809148

>drunkenly insisted
that's $200 free and clear in my book. dealing with a drunk is obnoxious as it is, an insistent one is excruciating. imagine being OP and trying to do the "right" thing by refusing the cash, then having to deal with an angry drunk who is already pressing you. no fucking thanks

>> No.52809225

Mutt’s Law