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File: 651 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20221209-192759_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52804119 No.52804119 [Reply] [Original]

>randomly locking people's accounts
>likely insolvent based on onchain analysis

you have less than 48 hours

>> No.52804173

thanks for playing!
remember, no refunds lmao

>> No.52804186

Revenge of the sbf

>> No.52804201

Senseless FUD. Binance is only exchange that actually has money. Look at Coinbase stock price...

>> No.52804265

>7.28 b market cap
I'm surprised its that high, they're bleeding money like crazy and the economy is probably going to tank throughout the whole of 2023.

>> No.52804409

BNB is not dumping hard. the market doesn't believe you.

>> No.52804433

binance sent me some shit about my documents expiring today

>> No.52804466
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funds are safu
seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.52804473
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>ConMamba the CT retard gets hacked by clicking on fake URLs like an absolute braindead idiot
>complains to Binance support while also trashing CZ and Binance publicly on his twitter demanding a refund
>Binance gets 20 employees to investigate the case and asks him to file a police report
>he denies and threatens Binance employees
>Binance bans him and gives him 72 hours to withdraw all his funds from the exchange
>he cries about on twitter "I DINDU NUFFIN"

>> No.52804481

>BNB is not dumping hard.
yeah, because no one holds this shitcoin except that chink cz, lmao

>> No.52804485


>> No.52804488
File: 152 KB, 374x2048, FjjmPJ-VQAAESrR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ is a scumbag for banning someone who critized binance. and using such methods to find out which user account it is on binance is even more shady, fuck him

>> No.52804508

BNB will dump if there are real problems, just like FTT did.

>> No.52804560

>and using such methods to find out which user account it is on binance is even more shady
How is it shady? They have to look into the account details tardo. CZ did compensate some 3commas users before but Mamba probably left too much size on there to be worth compensating.

>> No.52804594

Get fucked, lmao

>> No.52804631

Actually in 2018 the big threads were about bnb and link most people ended up owning both.

>> No.52804680

Sam bankman is fuming el oh el

>> No.52804760

looked it up, this twitter influencooor retard gave away his API key to some phising trading bot website or something like that, spent the whole day badmouthing binance to his followers for not refunding and begin for refund because "muh hackers", cz eventually stepped in and looked into the case himself and flat out called him a bullshitter, no refund, now these tards are still whining and grifting

>> No.52804778

super based cz terminating grifting retards trying to spin their social media following into manipulative tactics, get fucked

>> No.52804787

usdt/bnb ain't real money

>> No.52804792

I'm literally shaking that I might share CoinMamba's fate.

Why the fuck is a high frequency bot trader browsing the web on the computer that runs his bots? If his operation is that pro, he should cough up the $50 for a dedicated line and some some hardened hardware exclusive for his trading.

>> No.52804822

Based cz, fair but firm.

>> No.52804845

Kind of weird to see Gainzy take CoinMamba's side, since it's obviously Binance has nothing to do with it, almost as being mad at metamask because you got scammed by a twitter jeet

>> No.52804931

>Kind of weird to see Gainzy take CoinMamba's side
Weird? Haha you think that guy is some beacon of transparency and truth? He's just another grifter.

>> No.52804947

>giving your api keys to a third party
Ok so the dude is a fucking idiot. Case closed. Like Jesus the binance API is not complicated, you can write your own trading bot in a day or so fairly easily.

>> No.52805006

hi, coinmamba, you're a retard. thanks.

>> No.52806200
File: 63 KB, 540x647, 384848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time stop being a retarded jeet and don't click shaddy links
even better, next time just share your email and password on twitter

get rekt

>> No.52806207

these guys are fudding binance for whatever reason, maybe sbf paid them or something. most of these ct retards couldnt be any more transparent in their dumb schemes

>> No.52806234

Even if if this is true then binance will just close the accounts of every american using their main trading platform with a vpn for breaking their TOS and wallah binance is solvent.

>> No.52806244

they are all salty jaded faggots. Most of them got rekt this year and the rest panicked and went all in fiat so they just fud whatever crypto related they can.

>> No.52806638

am i correct in thinking the only reason this guy had 20 customer support staff to help him is because he's an influencer?
fuck this guy

>> No.52806655

Fuck off coinmamba, nobody likes you, not even your mum.

>> No.52806691

How is it weird, Gainzy will always back his friends even if he thinks they fucked up

>> No.52806706

He got hacked because a 3rd party program that people shared their binance key with got hacked

>> No.52806710
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coinmamba is based as fuck

>> No.52806712
File: 54 KB, 640x473, DoctorLexusMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like the user is trying to commit fraud. firms don't just randomly choose people to not pay out to. but if you're doing something obviously illegal they will just refuse to do business at all with you lol

>> No.52806743

oh or threats. yeah businesses will just tell you to fuck off if you do that too KEK

>> No.52806746

>3rd party program
Its their fault then.

>> No.52806762

>influencer fraudster is tired of other scammers and fraudsters

>> No.52806765

that retard is 100% in the wrong. CZ warned people about this a while back, but the moron didn't revoke his api keys and then tries to use his "influence" to get preferential treatment, then threatened binance customer support.
it's strange because he seems to call out bullshitters pretty consistently but in this case I guess his "loyalty" to his friend is more important

>> No.52806807
File: 132 KB, 929x1175, 1621995947510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@coinmamba you will get rekt in the coming months
-100% unironically

check 'em

>> No.52806815
File: 2.00 MB, 268x268, 934B87D6-DB1B-4D28-BB74-A3C4368364BE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mamba out

>> No.52806816

They both don't seem reliable

>> No.52807279

Free speech is not freedom of consequences CHUD

>> No.52807304

fuck off kikes

>> No.52807313


>> No.52807364

literally who
binance is a scam dont trade on binance

>> No.52807394

what kind of retard enters the crypto market only to end up "owning" IOU crypto contracts on some central exchange's excel sheet?

>> No.52807416


>> No.52807457

>not freedom of consequences
You’re a free man but if you don’t work for free I’ll shoot you. Actually, freedom specifically does refer to freedom of consequences.

>> No.52807545

>we dont want to work with you anymore

>> No.52807588

Kind weird you even know who these fucking retard crypto faggot ecelebs even are. Fuck all of them. Don't care at all. I hope they all get scammed, hacked, and blocked. Then they can shut the fuck up, and you faggots here can shut the fuck up about them.

>> No.52807602

fuck you, pay me

>> No.52807632

Lmao Kraken is actually profitable and doesn't have 50%+ of its balance sheet in their shitcoin because they don't have one. As much as I hate Coinbase they're also above board and you can see their sheet which is better than Binances. I doubt Binance is imploding but of the big three they're the worst to bet on BY FAR.

>> No.52807640

wow, its literally just one dumb faggot getting hacked by using pajeet shit, two more weeks!

>> No.52807756

t. gainzy

>> No.52807914

checked and basado.

>> No.52808046

Keep in mind how binance pretty much single handedly collapsed ftx. The kikes are seething and they will spare no expense at trying to get back at binance. But also, I'm retarded and I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.52808084

literally who?

>> No.52808357

yeah, i was worried at first then i checked and he gave away his API key and wants binance to take the blame for it
they told him to file a police report and instead he kept bitching

>> No.52808370

i mean, he just gave him a withdrawal only mode, he didnt take his assets and whatnot or liquidate him like a bank would in this case
i dont know man, maybe binance will crash and burn tomorrow or something but i dont think this is binances fault people gave away their API key

>> No.52808379

I'm glad I dropped Binance back in 2021, the only KYC exchange worth something is Kraken

>> No.52808383

mamba bros i don't feels so good...

>> No.52809644

Not your keys, not your coins, utilise self-custody, and do not keep your funds on any CEX.

>> No.52809675

Kraken and Gemini are both good and will be around long after Binance is gone

>> No.52809734

it is best to avoid CEXs and start concentrating on DEXs.

>> No.52809777

Okay so what

Why does that mean Binance are fucku

>> No.52809971


>> No.52809999

there is a whole legion of boomers and dont-know-hows who will depend on cex's once they first onboard onto crypto, it's going to be a while before we are completely done with them

>> No.52810105

What a fucking retard kek. CZ completely in the right here. I’m so sick of these crypto Twitter niggers.

>> No.52810122

What’s stopping me from turning your head into kosher meat, Sam?

>> No.52810232


>> No.52810282

Withdraw only is not time limited, i was withdrawl only for like 2 weeks or so because my kyc needed to be renewed (euro regulations)

>> No.52810417

CeFi is still shit and unreliable, anon. I used to stake my stables on Binance and the APY was fucking terribe. Had to move to SpoolFi

>> No.52810479

All the cryptotwitter leveraged traders got rekt this bear market. A whole bunch lost tens of millions in the FTX collapse

>> No.52810927

Two weeks

>> No.52811031

>makes retarded mistake
>demands that the exchange give him a refund

>> No.52811052

>s.oy brat

what did 4chan mean by this

>> No.52811084

>mfw I realize Tether founder is a hollywood pedophile
the only question is how do i short

>> No.52811126

anything other than ByBit is a fucking scam

>> No.52811130

this. made an account a while ago just to buy BIT tokens and stayed there ever since
i only use KuCoin sometimes to trade shitcoins

>> No.52811134
File: 206 KB, 1124x1118, FA67D365-A9D6-4830-A2B0-01331267926D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based BitDAOian

>> No.52811149

you ftx trannies are annoying. just kill yourselves. you wont get your money back. not our fault you gave money to a liteal jew

>> No.52811176
File: 69 KB, 1258x393, alamedabacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to see here

>> No.52811182

Your main problem is counterparty risk. If Tether goes down Perps are obviously worthless. Best bet could be to deposit DAI on AAVE, take a loan in USDT, change USDT for DAI on Curve and wait.

>> No.52811561

borrow it on defi and switch it for better USD

>> No.52811579

do you think the ethereum blockchain faces counterparty risk too?

>> No.52811689

Binance is based and right here, this fucking faggot Twitternigger is a fucking lying nigger

>> No.52811726

Was anyone else force to verify again last week?
I moved everything out the moment I got access back.

>> No.52811741
File: 771 KB, 795x1986, 9DC9A4E6-8EA2-4977-85D8-DAA66D49118D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ fud. Pic related to watch OP get his ass gaped

>> No.52811753

Gainzy fag was shilling and running cover for FTX too, fucj these grifters

>> No.52811763

b-b-but it’s safu goyim!!!

>> No.52811771

i left binance in 2020, imagine keeping your coins on a chink exchange LOL

CZ has to say in every other tweet binance isnt a chinese exchange and that he's canadian because chinks are so fond of stealing and manipulation. its like trusting a jew with you funds and him saying its not a jewish exchange its from the bahamas!

>> No.52811772

for you: >>52811741
Yes. Funds are indeed safu. You trannies lost money on FTX for trusting a j*w. That's your fault. You should have stuck with based CZ

>> No.52811777

I only have around 700$ in Shiba on binance. I withdrew everything else and bought nfts. Still, CZ is based and this is low tier fud.

>> No.52811789
File: 496 KB, 1242x1059, 071A1BDF-62FD-4E75-9362-C2177DA2D3FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard tier fud. You lost your money due to being scammed by SBF and are crying and whining hoping the same shit happens with CZ. Sadly for you he's not a fucking retard

>> No.52811794

^this post should end the thread. Just saying

>> No.52811902

never used ftx and left binance once my link stack turned valuable. not letting jews or chinks hold my money (thus havnt lost any)

binance going insolvent would be a massive hit and drag my bags down even more, so no i dont want that to happen. but only an absolute dipshit would leave their funds in the hands of some unregulated chinks hands

chinese have the worst reputation in the world for making fake or cheap products so why would anyone trust one? you dont trust one do you?

>> No.52811910

Binance.us is regulated, you retarded fuck and there is NOTHING pointing to insolvency. For you: >>52811741
You actually fell for this fud? Actually shows how retarded you are for even thinking the pic in the op is somehow proof of "insolvency" lmao

>> No.52811917

*nothing pointing to insolvency with binance nor binance.us

>> No.52811967

his coinmamba guy is an absolute degen retard.

>keeps funds on exchange
>gives api access to account to random ftx-backed trading firm promising insane ROI.
>firm leaks api key, or he gets phished (depending on who you ask)
>reports of many exchanges effected (not just binance)
>blames binance none-the-less
>only way for binance to legally actually get his money backis via police report filling etc... etc...
>he flat out refuses.
>thinks he can get money back via social media campaign
>cz tells him to gtfo

I hope the stages of grief start to set in for this guy.

>> No.52811972

FTX.US was regulated you retarded fuck and now the US government is "inviting" SBF to testify while he freely goes anywhere he pleases

didnt say that faggot chink is insolvent or not, said there is no benefit to trusting one. open up your slanted eyes and you will see that. you dont actually keep your funds on an exchange do you? only reason i can see to dick ride CZ as hard as you do

>> No.52811993

indeed, we dont know shit about fuck

>> No.52811998

hi CZ

>> No.52812004

>FTX.US was regulated you retarded fuck and now the US government is "inviting" SBF to testify while he freely goes anywhere he pleases
You stupid dumb retard gorilla monkey ape baboon. I brought up the term "regulated" because YOU said "but only an absolute dipshit would leave their funds in the hands of some unregulated chinks hands".
Now that I btfod your ass you then backpedal and say "it doesn't matter if it's regulated!"
Holy SHIIIIIT, you're dumb as FUCK.

The rest is irrelevant to my post so ignored

>> No.52812005

Anal fucking here: >>52811741

Retard SBF shill :)
Enjoy my peepee?

>> No.52812060

>gorilla monkey ape baboon
confirmed chink, english speakers dont use these as insults (except for niggers)

dont worry zipperhead, your people are safe for now

>> No.52812063

>confirmed chink, english speakers dont use these as insults
Post a selfie :)

>> No.52812077

Also, you make no fucking sense. "English speakers" don't have a "strict restriction for insults". We say whatever the fuck we want, chimp

>> No.52812095

CoinMamba is an idiot

>> No.52812185

Cunt used dodgy fucking non read only API keys and is crying because he got fucked over?
How is this even binances fault.
Coinmamba is a fuckwit.

>> No.52812215
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Binance sure has money. They've invested in many successful ICOs, collect trading fees, and more recently, they offer lower APY to customers. I started staking UTK on Binance for 4% APY only to find out Maiar, the native DEX by Elrond, is offering around 28% for the same token.

>> No.52812222
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>> No.52812283
File: 39 KB, 745x687, 3commas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb
>imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb
imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb
>imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb
imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb
>imagine giving your keys to the literal fsb

>> No.52812463

ITT : (ex?)FTX employee(s) doing fud

>> No.52812502

Binance fud is getting pathetic

>> No.52812565

>Binance authorizes this 3rd party program to use their platform
>Binance knows the 3rd party program is malicious
>instead of revoking its permissions or warning users they simply publish a shitty tweet that gets lost in between all the fucking garbage CZ posts
Binance is at fault here.

>> No.52812967

Cheers. Just went all in on bnb.

>> No.52813010
File: 36 KB, 680x680, XCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinmetro has money
They just completed a successful equity offer to raise capital for growth.