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52802784 No.52802784 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think she invests in?

>> No.52802815

He’s beautiful..

>> No.52802822

She's beautiful

How do I get a pretty persian/latina gf?

>> No.52802834


She's quite pretty for a Filipina herself. Usually they look like weird monke's.

>> No.52802836

she's filipino

>> No.52802841

probably her 401k at the hospital where she works as an RN/LVN

>> No.52802857


>> No.52802864

she doesnt look asian

>> No.52802871

That's obvi not her baby

>> No.52802892

she must be a hapa herself

>> No.52802951

This child will suffer a lot if he turns out to be psychologically/neurologically European. A white looking mixed person with the mind of a colored will live a happy life being treated as a god among his fellow darkies, but a mixed guy with the mind of a white man is fucked. He will never be accepted into european-western high/traditional culture and will never adapt to living among dumb savages

>> No.52802958

She looks way more Latina or even Persian than she looks asian

asians are usually ugly too and she is pretty

>> No.52802966

Filipinos are Latinx.

>> No.52802973


>> No.52802988

>He will never be accepted into european-western high/traditional culture
he's white, retard. nobody except hardcore polcels would think otherwise

>> No.52802991

latina maybe, sure, if she came from peru and was already mestizo
but persian no way

>> No.52803000

I think filipinos are asians and colombian chicks are latinas

yeah peru somewhere around there i would guess

in no way asian though

>> No.52803007


>> No.52803014

>nurse """accidentally""" takes the heavily sought-after blue eyed baby home from the hospital while fudging the documents to claim legitimacy
many such cases

>> No.52803019

The phillipines were owned by Spain for a long time. The Spaniards fucked a lot of those girls and some of the people have Spanish traits.


>> No.52803045

flips are what you get when you mix latins with asians due to spanish colonial history

>> No.52803053

this is what she really looks like. she was obviously born in the usa given her perfect american accent

>> No.52803055

Filipinos have barely any Spanish blood in general. Spaniards spent all their cum in the Americas

>> No.52803062

built for bwc

>> No.52803077

kek this

>> No.52803122

>high/traditional culture

>> No.52803193

Beautiful picture

>> No.52803213

Obviously. Shes got a blue eyed blonde kid so shes heterozygous

>> No.52803225

>t. happa
Hes not white because his mother isnt white.

>> No.52803227

god damn white women really are the bottom of the barrell arent they?

>> No.52803239

I can confirm. I have am half Mexican and look as white as this kid except green eyes. Everyone loves me save a few Seethers who are mad that I'm "half gringo" I luckily have a mixed brain. I like European culture, classical music, I've read classics, invest in my future and my hero is Vlad Tepes.

On the other hand I'll get into a street fight over something petty, I love my Mexican people too much to ever let anyone in my immediate family be without and my favorite food is tamale
or menudo. I can also hold conversations with paisas in broken Spanish (I'm American with a white mom)

I would change nothing because I'm a beneficiary of white skin, but I have balls and a strong paternal heritage from my Mexican side.

>> No.52803256

browncels on suicide watch

>> No.52803265

>white mom
Kek, white women truly belong to non-white men /pol/tards will never stop seething about this lmao

>> No.52803266

>white mom

>> No.52803295
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>> No.52803320

>dating site stats meme posting
Just look outside, dumbfuck.

>> No.52803361

I totally doubt the European race will ever go extinct, but it's funny how they would look at someone as white as me and say "not white" lol I don't care. But yeah it's funny.

>> No.52803371

Yes. Anglo, Scandinavian and Germanic. Also 1% Jewish and 1% black because all Hispanics have a small amount of each.

>> No.52803377

>objective evidence?! Pfft I prefer subjective evidence!

>> No.52803383

>just accept my anecdotes

>> No.52803387

of course, Gonzalez
you're a victim of charity, take that as you may

>> No.52803544
File: 111 KB, 557x529, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother is a Turk and my father is European.
Amongst non-whites I was always deemed special. You see my pictures from kindergarten and on, I was the only blonde kid amongst a horde of brown people.
They always saw me as a native person. Ofc I was always the smartest around them.
Then later in life when I turned adult, I got interested in politics etc. I learned that amongst the native people I was deemed an outsider.
>Tried to redpill my ex GF about racemixing kek
>but anon you're a mutt yourself
y-yes that's proof why it's wrong, right?
My ex also told me I look like a Neanderthaler/Caveman

This kid will do okay tho, he has blue eyes

>> No.52803565

My dad is good looking and my mom went against everything my grandfather told her about dating Hispanic men(grampa Bob wasn't racist, just didn't believe in mixing) but she met my dad and couldn't resist him because my dad's "latin hair" is what she told me. Dad looks like a Med bvll and Northern European women can't resist med bvlls. I'm such a good looking mother fucker and I'll take it if it's charity.

>> No.52803575

oh so your father is also a mestizo lmao

>> No.52803590

Goals hope my kids look like that with my qt Latina

>> No.52803606
File: 263 KB, 576x1024, 1670611005947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wth she looks almost exactly like my queen! even the text is sus!

>> No.52803609

My father castizo. I'm 1/8 native. Grandma was Mestiza Paternal grandfather was almost pure European and had Russian, Basque and French along with his Spanish.

>> No.52803620

I mostly want to pass on my green eyes and I really think only a breeding a white woman can enable that.

>> No.52803622

And Portuguese

>> No.52803648
File: 593 KB, 2896x2896, 1653077336655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really bro?

>> No.52804055

Some mestizos have green eyes.

>> No.52804137

she’s pretty cute
women wanting to steal babies amuses me though
also pretty much all nurses are whores

>> No.52804157

All women are whores anon
And only incels have a problem with this

>> No.52804349

We aren't jews fren, your whiteness is defined by paternity and phenotype.

>> No.52804354

>writing all this
holy insecure LOSER

>> No.52804359

if all women are whores then you’d be dumb to faun over this one

>> No.52804362

absolutely mammoth world shattering white cock

>> No.52804396

Their kids look the same, but that's where it ends.

>> No.52804400

You're a stupid nigger.

>> No.52804438

Mostly seeds, but also some feed.

>> No.52804449

The child will suffer regardless of what brain is in his head, he's being raised by a single mother who looks nothing like him.

>> No.52804491
File: 190 KB, 600x616, 1644711124044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she placed a long bet on $BWC about 2 years ago.

>> No.52804493

Nice blog, ese