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File: 549 KB, 2560x2014, 2560px-Polish-Lithuanian_Commonwealth_at_its_maximum_extent.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52797747 No.52797747 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of times I see people crying about "100k-200k-300k-400k it's nothing".
It's nothing if u a retard, why? Because u can move from shithole country to live in to another better country where ur money becomes 4x times more valuable and where products are cheaper.

Example scenario: u move to eastern EU country (Poland, Czech, Slovakia etc) u buy a house, u buy few small cheap flats in bigger city, u rent those to eastern waggies/students. That are as retarded as u are rn.
U have constant passive income by doing nothing. Also u got free health care, and actually good food not the mention hot chicks everywhere.

I did it myself, I moved to UK from Poland to be fucking toilet cleaner/mc donald slave for like 2 years and now I moved back with all my money. Now I'm not working anymore I don't need to. Idgaf.
Get your shit together anons.

>> No.52797756

Based and Slav-pilled

>> No.52797782

>House in Poland
>This cheap
Please kys, the speculation here is so dire that you will buy a shack in a shithole for that. Americans don't know how good real estate is in usa.

>> No.52797786

>toilet cleaner/mc donald slave for like 2 years and now I moved back with all my money. Now I'm not working anymore I don't need to
2 years of mcdonalds in the UK to never work again? Yeah you're full of shit m8

>> No.52797790

DUDE just move from your family and friends to a SHITHOLE

>> No.52797805

nvm UK is based, didn't read post

>> No.52797826

I lived in house with 10 Poles just like myself only spending money for food. Sometimes I was sleeping on the floor sometimes elsewhere, I saved bunch of money, and I bought tenement that I slightly renovated in big city step from money I saved/got from residents that already lived there as. It was 4 flats. I lived in one of those, now I'm finishing building my house.

Dont call me full of shit, because u cant comprehend simple logic.

>> No.52797903
File: 556 KB, 174x178, 1668763524513077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get residency there tho?

>> No.52798004


>> No.52798084

Literally tells me nothing. Usually you need to get a job or start a business in a country to gain just temporary residence. Yet getting a job and starting a business are what you are trying to avoid in "make it". Literally only viable path is to marry a Polish whore, so all those numbers you gave in the OP need to be doubled for the divorce.

>> No.52798090

You will also be killed in those shitholes for having money

>> No.52798101

Here in America we call that map "skidrow"

>> No.52798112

400k is dogshit chumpchange, you won't buy shit for that let alone a house ANS 4 rental properties. This isn't the 90s anymore. Wake the fuck up, google what's what and stop posting retarded bullshit

>> No.52798131

It's not USA u faggot. People are not killing because u stare on them wrong way at Wallmart. Those barbarian rules apply only in USA. Because u live poor and u have ego issues. Get rekt.

>> No.52798142

Im not talking about america, for 400k USD u can live like a king in eastern EU. Lookout the prices retard before u type ur bullshit

>> No.52798155
File: 89 KB, 723x677, 1642156553669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My granddad was a Polish survivor of soviet gulags in ww2 and ended up in Australia, so I have a path to gaining Polish citizenship. Is it worth it for the ability to own real estate and get an EU passport? I'm worried about getting drafted in a war against Russia or something

>> No.52798216

wouldn't risk if you can get drafted

>> No.52798287

Russia won't do shit. They barely manage to conquer UA not the mention Poland is part of NATO.
U can gain citizenship as u Polish by blood, It's definitely worth to own real estate here and for an eg. Put passive income into stock/crypto for fun, and live the life.

And to clarify this draft thing:

Being drafted is like 1% chance, especially when u probably would not speak polish fluently so no need to draft into the army someone who can't speak ur language.

BTW if war with Russia start in Poland it would be WW3 and USA would be involved too, so probably u will be drafted anyways even if u live in US currently rn, they will fly u to fight here, or somewhere else just like in WW2 and Vietnam, and it's not in anyone's interest.

>> No.52798306

Poland is the lowest tier country in the EU anon. Never in a million years would I move there.

>> No.52798355

Thats why u should move, if it's "low tier" it's cheap to live. If it's cheap u can afford it and invest in it.

To be precise Poland it's one of the fastest growing country in EU. Lot of work, lot of production not the mention we are EU warehouse.

So it's nobrainer, like in stock, u buy cheap u sell high.

Only retard would not realize this that in a couple of years Poland will be a China of EU, cuz without us French,German people wouldn't do shit.

Simple as that.

>> No.52798479

exactly, look up the prices you faggot. And no, gyppo ghettos don't count

>> No.52798492

Western-Euro here, Rossiya won't do shit in Poland. They're better armed than the Ukies including an actual air force, so vatniks will get raped even harder than they are now if they ever try something against Poland. Also Poland is pretty cool imo, did a roadtrip through the western part in 2020. A lot of areas there are on par with Western Europe except for some villages in the countryside. Can't speak for the east, I heard it's worse though Warsaw is nice. Housing prices are inflating rapidly though, I wouldn't invest in bigger cities like Gdansk or Krakow. Lots of Scandinavians apparently buying a vacation appartment in cities along the baltic coast because they like the cheap booze.

>> No.52798502

Invest in eastern poland tier

>> No.52798538

That shows me only one thing u so stupid u cant even point where Poland is on the map, good luck to not get killed in Wallmart u fucking retard.

>> No.52798634

Exactly that. Cheap booze good women, u can get laid easly. My wife is 10/10 and Im ugly af.

>> No.52798664

>Just move next to a warzone bro.

>> No.52798710
File: 102 KB, 1024x702, 1646975690276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of issues with that logic, especially for westerners. First is the language barrier, you just know you will be treated like shit or drained hard by locals. Second, I am certain there are so dumb eu regulations that will prevent you from easily buying those apartments, you will need to prove your funds to the gov, ie clean money. Try moving more than $10k in EU you'll see what I mean. Third, you will inevitably find out that such amount of money is severely dropping in purchase power, in fact far greater in eastern euro countries than in the west, meaning you will soon find out that you'll be hooked on a $3k/month life rapidly, which isn't that far off the US or west.

The boat has sailed already, if it was 2008 I'd say go for it but now its too late. I'd only wager Ukraine to be a good investment spot once this conflict chills and the wave of corruption tones down in about 10 years. The west will push for heavy privatization, just like it did in most eastern europe so that they can profit under the guise of muh freedom.

>> No.52798721
File: 107 KB, 1080x926, orca-image--1417988787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warzone front is fucking 1k km away u fucking retard.

>> No.52798746
File: 578 KB, 1280x1053, Rzeczpospolita_Rozbiory_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuck disgusting quick kill it with fire

>> No.52798764

>warzone front is a static thing
>rockets ain't hitting targets outside of the country fighting
100% retarded

>> No.52798814

Not hitting me tho I live near German border u fucking skunk bitch, no wonder why u poor retard. U are also probably scared of people and u cant go outside your rented stinky flat cuz u have anxiety. Go work mcdonald cuck. Better to be hit by rocket than to be fucking mental prisoner as u are, get rekt XD

>> No.52798853

How about I go to the asian countries, prosper while you and the russians kill each other, then I come back after the war and buy up your property for cheap, Soros style.

>> No.52798875

If u stupid enough to think Russia will strike NATO u will not do shit, im sorry to tell u anon but u autistic.

>> No.52798896

The refugee waves alone will fuck you in the ass.

>> No.52799711

U are retard thinking that because moat of them are beautiful ukrainian woman like those from porn movies, also they are working hard making ur production higher.

>> No.52799747

Trump will be re-elected, pull out of NATO, because US doesn't need European allies anymore. It needs to focus on China. Hence, US will leave NATO, Russia will immediately invade Finland, Estonia, etc, eventually Poland. There's a reason your properties are worthless. Get rekt.

>> No.52799814

Good luck with that XD China made ur fcking iphone without them, and NATO u will fucking disappear. No production no economy, u are lazy enough anyways XD

>> No.52802055

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52802096

You’re a retard nobody wants to live in pooland

>> No.52802214

I was recently at a bar with my friend. This Polak with a mid tier watch thinking he's hot shit and 6 missing front teeth comes in and buys us shots, talking shit about how he's loaded and got hotel's in Krakow but had to "flee the country" when he was 8. Said he inherited the properties from his grandmother. This person was barely human, if Poland is a country of slav potato peasants like that guy I'm good

>> No.52802260

This guy is full of shit. I’ve actually done real estate in Eastern European countries - costs are comparable to low tier Western European cities but rents are like half of that. This guy is completely full of shit.

>> No.52802269

literal brainlet.

>> No.52802379

>Western-Euro here, Rossiya won't do shit in Poland. They're better armed than the Ukies including an actual air force, so vatniks will get raped even harder than they are now if they ever try something against Poland

Russia is winning the war and would crush you Polish vermin in a couple of days if they wanted to.

They would just knock out all your electricity like they did to Ukraine.

Nobody would lift a finger to help you because everyone in Europe hates the Poles

>> No.52802459


>> No.52802474

delusional ruskie detected. suck my huge half polish dick

>> No.52802495

There aren't many nigger or turd world males there so no. That only happens in westoid shitholes

>> No.52802577

People who do this though, do you just never see your family or kids again?

You're moving to this other country to die there, right? It's a retirement plan? Wouldn't it be nice to actually know anyone near you?

>> No.52802581

>A lot of times I see people crying about "100k-200k-300k-400k it's nothing".
You haven't been here very long have you.
These people who say this are called demoralization faggots.

>> No.52802694

>I moved to UK from Poland to be fucking toilet cleaner/mc donald slave for like 2 years and now I moved back with all my money. Now I'm not working anymore I don't need to. Idgaf.
BS. You can't make that much working in the UK and stuff isn't that cheap in poland that you can buy multiple properties that way.

>> No.52802751

eh, he's probably not wrong lmao

>> No.52805189

u made over 100k in 2 years working as a mcd wageslave in bongland? just pure and unadulterated kek.