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52794086 No.52794086 [Reply] [Original]

I find it inconclusive to confirm if crypto will get you women or not. Are women blue pilled and only wants a funny, loyal dude or do they want fast cars and sillicon tits?

>> No.52794102

literally 2% of car enthusiasts are women

>> No.52794109

they only care if your car is clean, seriously they'd prefer a clean prius over a nissan gt-r with water bottles on the floor

>> No.52794121


Yeah but if it's a sports car maybe they'll be intrigued because the dude driving it is ambitious.

>> No.52794129

women like money and status so yeah. Even if you're butt ugly. However if you're a weirdo, 0 confidence, then no.

>> No.52794141

not really man, probably the opposite because they get turned off by loud cars. i mean just try it sometime, go downtown and hit the rev limiter; all the dudes will cheer and the girls will be visibly disturbed that their perfect night out was ruined, xd

>> No.52794146


God damn they really want everything or nothing huh

>> No.52794198

Ur either a pajeet with an oversized golden watch or a teenager that watched too many PUA videos. Girls (that are worth ur time) don't give a shit about what car you drive in all honesty.
>inb4 what color is your bugatti

>> No.52794247

I'd have much more respect for the former as well

>> No.52794269

Oh, if you're an ugly creep but have money and status, they'll happily leech off of you. Just expect them to have a hotter man on the side.

>> No.52794280

cmon mangg you get a manual transmission so you can FEEL the car, I put my ASS through the SHIFTER so I can feel the torque when i SHIFT UGH.

>> No.52794308

they look like they really don't want to do this. painful image

>> No.52794349


I disagree. They pribably take his cock daily.

>> No.52794379

I do not care about women. Women are disgusting creatures and a waste of time. Money is the utmost importance in life.

>> No.52794415

youre right that girls like ambition, wrong that a lambo is the way to flaunt ambition. ive seen many pickup attempts, and im starting to think the PERFECT pickup attempt is one where you never stop talking. just wlak up to a girl, introduce yourself, tell her what youre about, remakrk about the night/circumstances youre both in, and just dont shut the fuck up. she will want to reject you multiple times but will be delayed in doing so. she'll have to stare at your cold rambling face for a good minute or two before she tells you to fuck off, and by then maybe she will say yes

>> No.52794453

This is the most nonsensical autistic redd1t nonsense I have ever read, you expect me to believe your a womanizer when you just Unironically typed “xD”

>> No.52794472

nobody takes 4chan as seriously as you do, anon.

>> No.52794484

I’m black so your opinion is objectively irrelevant in the discussion of relationship dynamics lmao.

>> No.52794507

huh i see, can you explain further?

>> No.52794994
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>> No.52795000

>However if you're a weirdo, 0 confidence, then no.
Oh no no no bros he fell for the "Just be confident" meme

>> No.52795015

There are quite a few women who like guys who drive trucks. I literally see it in their dating profiles

>> No.52795045
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I actually had this question a while ago and did my own experiment. I asked a bunch of thots on Instagram if they would have sex with me for money. Only like 5 out of 100 answered back. One girl asked for 20k for 7 days with her. She said I could do anything and she ended the message with "just don't kidnap or kill me".

>> No.52795079

more would do it if you didnt just cold message them.

>> No.52795610

Money will get you laid obviously. The price depends on the girl and how attracted she is to you. The uglier you are the more it will cost you. The hotter she is the more it will cost you. Almost everyone has a price.

On SeekingArrangements the usual price is 500-1000 for an 8/10 college QT if you are fit and not ugly.

>> No.52795633
File: 158 KB, 1258x690, 697E5B71-2EA2-415D-BBCF-0B1587661A25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but getting/fit/ and being disciplined does.

>> No.52795665

Money will get you laid more than being fit. Getting fit doesnt suddenly make you into some Chad personality lady killer that can pickup any hot girl he sees out in public.

>> No.52795668
File: 999 KB, 949x943, 1670368166129079-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of making it anymore when millennial women look blown out and every pre-wall femoid wears bell bottom jeans and air force ones?