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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52793072 No.52793072 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52793125

Revolution Rugpulli

Reminder that this is like 102th time this has been shilled on /biz/, it's just bagholders that couldnt sell at 8c last time. go ahead, provide for their liquidity. 0 utility coin

>> No.52793262


>> No.52793290

Buy the rumour you absolute retard.

>> No.52793394
File: 41 KB, 570x556, 1670537575524215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is who you're cucking for, these are your dollars.

>> No.52793670

Who cares bro. Tens of thousands of retards on twitter are going to pump this shit just because of MUH ELON. You'd have to be retarded not to grab a small bag just in case.

>> No.52793721

cope, you're worse than a moonfag because you know you are one

>> No.52793744

Sounds like you're already the one who's coping bro. This thing is likely going past .13 ath, not too late.

>> No.52793761
File: 223 KB, 792x1244, ABF12229-F981-497F-9C1F-956D79882FD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66k influencer shill, it’s starting

>> No.52793783

This is what I'm saying. I don't give a shit whether it's a scam or who the devs are. The retarded masses on twitter are going to pump this shit hard.

>> No.52793789

why are you wasting your time talking to me when you could be accumulating? shit brah I thought you wanted to be rich. yet here you are being the clown I can dunk on, thank you!

>> No.52793796

Kek can’t wait until this hits KuCoin

>> No.52793819

I saw the thread last night and blew it off like a retard. When I woke up this morning I had to fomo in like a dumbass seeing it had pumped 40%.

>> No.52793865

RVP might be our only hope to bring back YHWH

>> No.52794278

From like 75k volume yesterday to almost 1M today. It's happening bros.

>> No.52794285

Try 10 million

>> No.52794328

What is a good amount of RVP to have?

>> No.52794406


The fact that biz thinks Elon would shill this before Dogechain means biz will... As always... Stay poor

>> No.52794461

nigga fomo'd lmao, bookmarking this thread to laugh at later

>> No.52794612
File: 365 KB, 750x1000, 1649373968036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Merry Fuck You to all the Kadena trannies seething in this thread

>> No.52794677

this is a scam.

>> No.52794950

I see this coin being shilled all time here but what this thing do? I cant understand ?

>> No.52795012

its supposed to be a crypto clearing house or some shit. good job getting on this guys but i think ill pass after this giant pump

assuming this is a nothingburger (which it probably is), and this is all just twitter retards fomoing in, how much higher could it go?

>> No.52795027

It’ll hit ATH at least this rumor still hasn’t hit CT

>> No.52795033

Based and broccoli pilled.

>> No.52795054

but the rumor is from ct lol. maybe ill get a cheeky little sack for fun haha...does it trade with usdc on uni?

>> No.52795065

it does, but swaps your USDC to ETH first

>> No.52795082

Th rumor comes from a French financial forum JVC

>> No.52795164

it actually was mostly put together by the telegram group, but condensed in France. OP was Nico Sarkozy

>> No.52795377

well desu i think its fake and elon doesnt give a fuck about this shitcoin, but i did grab $500 worth lol. ill pull my initial out if we hit a 2x and see what happens