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52786381 No.52786381 [Reply] [Original]

I was recently put in charge of handling new candidates in an enterprise that receives applications via short videos, preferably 20-30 seconds.
I've never done this before but after just a few hours I realize I understand how most of you can't land a job.
It's amazing how people can't just do the bare minimum. They can't even groom themselves or dress nicely for a fucking 30 seconds video if they ever record a video that long because most do a half-assed 10-second video and call it a day. Some don't even wear shirts and record their application in the open, right on the street.

Ignoring presentation, most people seem to "speak dumb", if I can even describe such a thing. They speak at a really low volume, slowly, like they can't find words they probably use all the time.
Whenever I see someone who has a crumb of charisma or passion I instantly add extra points. Do you smile or seem relaxed? More points. Holy shit it's not that hard, I really want you to get that job but you have to act like a human being with actual social skills.

>> No.52786782

are you hiring? hire me, niggerfaggot i need a job

>> No.52786821

Let me guess, the job you’re hiring for pays a completely dogshit wage that no capable human being would ever apply for in the first place?

>> No.52786882

Sounds about right, anon got all the druggies and dropouts applying

>> No.52786901

this. anon is hiring for some nigger janitor role that pays $5k a year

>> No.52786990

Somebody has to get the janitor job anon.

>> No.52787116
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I did an interview like this. I did but on a button up shit and tie. I also recorded myself 15 times to remove pauses and mispronounced words. This was at the start of the covid pandemic.
I think anyone who's is confident in their job has a fucking job. Only the fuck ups in life don't have a job right now. That is what you are seeing. Once massive layoffs really start that us when we will see confident people looking for jobs again.

>> No.52787209

50% of the people are stupid OP.

>> No.52787216

seems prefect for someone like you. Let me guess jannie, you want 100k a year to clean up shit?

>> No.52787227
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And 90% of people* looking for a job are stupid.

>> No.52787248

We don't need to work we can survive on the tiny stream of allowance from our parents. I don't wanna get paid 1k a year to pick up shit.
Go get a oogabooga or mehican to do it.

>> No.52787280

>put on a big happy SMILE or I won’t hire you :-)
What the fuck do I look like, OP. Am I clown here to amuse you?

>> No.52787302

>hiring antisocial retards
Your business is ngmi

>> No.52787311

I had an interesting experience the other day. A attractive young woman randomly smiled at me. This has not happened to me in a long time because it touched me to my core.
If you want a job put a fucking smile on. No one does anymore.

>> No.52787317

No one's gonna hire your autistic, Elliot Rodger lookalike, incel school shooter stare-having looking ass face, retard.

>> No.52787855

>video application
any company that asks you for even a photograph of yourself is liable for a prejudice lawsuit

>> No.52787967

Get your fuckin shine box.

>> No.52788229

That pledge makes me cringe every time I see it. It is obviously true that certain jobs are more gratifying, comfortable, and/or safe than others. Furthermore, working unpaid overtime isn't going to help your financial status. I'm willing to "work my butt off" but I will also in turn be compensated fairly. Fucking rube pledge, lol.

>> No.52788699

It's the official boomer pledge

>> No.52788841

The pledge makes sense if you live in a high-trust society where pro-social behavior and elbow grease are rewarded instead of pigeon-holed and taken advantage of. We just don't live there.

>> No.52788873

why do you care what race your capitalistic exploiter is?

>> No.52788899

S.L.A.V.E. Pledge

>> No.52789036

Not once did he mention race you retard gorilla nigger.

>> No.52789105

i've done a few one way video interviews for professional jobs, they're a fucking joke. it sounds like you're a manager at a wagie job. what exactly is the role for which you're hiring? if you're expecting good presentation from the type of person desperate enough to do a one way interview for a job that pays $16/hour, you're crazy.

>> No.52789132

I'm not convinced that being THIS exploitable is ever a good thing.

>> No.52789138


>> No.52789162
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>janitor job
>video application

>> No.52789262

This seems pretty good. I think I’m going to start making applicants do this. Currently my process is I basically screen through applicants and eliminate through the most obvious means and start narrowing down my list. From there I’ll start going through resumes looking for red flags and then I’ll do a quick scan of social media. It’s kind of an unspoken but agreed upon thing that we should only hire certain appearances so it makes my job tough but this sounds like something that could be useful.

>> No.52789277

You mean like the time boomers come from where that was a thing in America?

>> No.52789302

Low level wagie jobs are doing video applications now so work-from-home overpaid roasties can do even less work.

>> No.52789383

That’s the worst thing about society. Not only am I a slave working for scraps, I also have to pretend like I love it and have to smile at people I don’t care about at all. At least actual slaves didn’t have to play pretend.

>> No.52789489

Wrong. At least in the U.S. it was common for slaves to fake so well their masters thought they were as loyal as dogs. Go read some Civil War memos from Confederate Officers who brought their slaves only for them to escape at first chance lol.

>> No.52789511

>social skills
Discrimination of the disabled. Your employers will hear from my lawyer and I suggest you lawyer up yourself. Don't make me use the social media hate train to cancel you.

>> No.52789544

You cancel my career prospects at your petty lord's malaysian shoe factory, I will cancel your life, bro. I need that job.

>> No.52789549
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This shit has got to be some kind of humiliation ritual.

>> No.52789608

what sort of shit job uses 30 second videos?
just admit you're building a retard dataset to train a killer AI on

>> No.52789693
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Most slaves on the plantation were loyal and maintained the order even while their master was at war.

>> No.52789711
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>> No.52789719
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bare minimum?

>> No.52789847

I can't get the job I need for the lifestyle I desire. The H.R. tranny jannie refuses to recognize my unconventional talent, fit for remote wfh management; just a human mail sorter and voice messaging system of our noble benefactor.
I can't get the job, I can't live, they hold the keys to the kingdom. I have to take what I need. I have to kill them, to get the job that I need, to be able to live.