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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52786321 No.52786321 [Reply] [Original]

>Allows ICO pool to fill up by a few insiders
>Doesn't run a smart contract in ICO
>Pumps up Celsius as a partner, places part of the company treasury with Celsius
>Celsius rugs every stinky who followed Sergey off a cliff
>Pumps up Bancor as a partner, Bancor rugs half of everyone's LINK
>Invites Sam Bankman-Fried to SmartCon, anons now trust SBF and place LINK on FTX
>FTX rugs everyone's LINK
>Creates bearish sentiment with the dumps, anons sell due to demoralization

He never wanted you along for the ride. He will continue doing this to you until you break. He does not like you, he does not want you. Don't you see by now, he will not allow you to make it

>> No.52786383
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You don't know where I've been Lou!

>> No.52787205

What the fuck, Steve Ellis??

>> No.52787222
File: 348 KB, 1166x714, 453897423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is a leftist pro globohomo piece of shit

He unironically hates us

>> No.52788335

Checked, Sergey himself is of Russian heritage so that's not surprising he is sticking up for fellow immigrants

His problem is he fucked over the only group that supported his efforts since the beginning. He does not want you all on his gravy train

Here's a hint, he kept a few dollars on Celsius despite shilling it everywhere until the end

>> No.52788689

>Don't you see by now, he will not allow you to make it

Even they have their timelines they must abide by. Sure they are doing everything they can but he's unaware of one simple fact

We can stay retarded longer than (((they))) can try and scam us.

At that this point its been basically a game and I'm winning I've lost zero to any of the above list.

>> No.52788724
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Guys I have a collection of real illuminati cards and sergey is in one of them...

>> No.52788836

I believe that yes, they do not want most of retail in but at the same time, I think that some of the hidden hands are bored and like some of the anons on here and want a challenge/replacements down the line. Doesn't matter if they like us or not because it's about whether people can rise and make it through the trials ahead to earn their rightful place in the world. Anons are being tested and many have fallen. To the ones still standing, we are getting close.

>> No.52788980

if you lost money on bancor, celsius, linkpool or ftx that's on you
should have bought more link instead

>> No.52788983

unironically this reads like an xrp schizopost
fucking hell

>> No.52788996

Sergnigger shilled ALL of them

>> No.52789062

so what
are you an NPC or something

>> No.52789065
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, 1643256502114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celsius rugs every stinky who followed Sergey off a cliff
>Pumps up Bancor as a partner, Bancor rugs half of everyone's LINK
>Invites Sam Bankman-Fried to SmartCon, anons now trust SBF and place LINK on FTX
>FTX rugs everyone's LINK
sNIKKEI tried using link for a price feed and it fucked, went to $26 and then dumped to <$2
Trustless changed to Trust-minimised