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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5278536 No.5278536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm market selling my whole stack. THAT pile of shit was the EOY update we've been starved for? HHAHAHAHHHHH FUCK ME this would be HILARIOUS if it wasn't 50% of my portfolio. I'm out. Fuck linkies

>> No.5278678
File: 99 KB, 862x642, chainlink pajeet supporter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the pajeet hype

>> No.5278782

This whole month has been one large, elaborate PND. This cube of feces is hurtling down to 15 cents again by end of week

>> No.5278801

>hurr muh announcement
it was always meant to be a fucking update but you retards hyped it like crazy thinking it will be sergey on CNN talking about the token econom and price predictions

sell everything you brainlets

>> No.5278970

>falling for p&d
we could have warned you

>> No.5279054

Oh, is it coordinated FUD time again? Seems like some suckers really want some more cheap LINK

poor guys

>> No.5279076

No. Hold your bags until enough normies buy into crypto. Then tell them the lies that you sucked up without enough credulity.

>> No.5279157

I have a theory that you did not get the dump you wanted from the announcement and now are trying to tank the price with your shitty FUD.

>> No.5279165


Someone should hack together a Chainlink wallet app. Just use some Ethereum wallet app and make it only work with Chainlink tokens.

Then, we get Chainlink added to Changelly/Shapeshift.

Then we retire on normie money.

>> No.5279180

>36 cents

It's been going down ever since the announcement. This is the beginning of another downtrend isn't it? I thought it was just FUD but holy shit LINK really is gonna crater isn't it?


>> No.5279207

>hired GO developers
>hiring professional social media pr with 5yr+ experience that will be active on twitter/reddit/social media
>Mainnet test will be ready in 2 weeks-2 months
>Already has multiple partnerships
They will learn soon. $15 within 6 months

>> No.5279271

>out of top 100 on coinmarketcap
know you place

>> No.5279291

Thx, Sridan.

>> No.5279356

shoo shoo poo loo

>> No.5279366
File: 48 KB, 320x331, F6F79308-CC8E-4247-A978-91B5F8181553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wait until the SWIFT announcement. YOU JUST WAIT

>> No.5279367

You dont deserve to moon if you're so mentally retarded and have the patience level of a dumb ass kid.

Chainlink isnt a fucking EOY announcement, its a hell of alot more than that.

>> No.5279385

>something will be ready in q1
>bag holders thinks this means 1st of January
Oh God

>> No.5279568

dumping this trash for XMR on the next minor pump,