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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52779068 No.52779068 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone had any experience with the war room or hustlers university? Ive recently became interested in businesses/investing and dont really know where to start. Would this be a good area to start? If not then where would you recommend starting?

>> No.52779071

how about going to business school like a normal person.

>> No.52779079

The leader of the war room is a Jew.

>> No.52779110
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All personalities promoted on /biz/ doesn't matter if they are simply unknown namefaggots or well known grifters, they all have one thing in common.
Their mothers were jewish.

There's a thread up right now with multiple admitted and non larping glowies talking to each other, they are paid to promote the theft of money from goyim through jewish means and they are paid in our tax dollars to work for jews as well this isn't unknown this is all coming to light rapidly, get your houses ready attempted coup in Germany happened tonight it's unraveling.

>> No.52779129

>If you can't make money doing, make money telling others what to do.
"Hustler" universities and all the like are for brain-dead retards

>> No.52779152

if you have to pay for a pseudo school or bootcamp like that, you a sucker that is being conned.
look up the reading list for a uni business course and teach yourself. if you live close audit some lectures too and get a job selling cars or phones on commission.
dont pay for
>hustlers university
cuz I guarantee your being hustled

>> No.52779160

tate wont talk about the JQ because of (((him)))

>> No.52779170

I watched hustlers university for free on youtube
Generally pretty reasonable and good advice for retards

>> No.52779202

kek this dude doesnt even talk about investing he just flaunts his wealth that he got from dumbasses like you

>> No.52779208

I've been in HU. It's got legit info and coaches, but it's standard, crowded stuff that people try to get into online and often fail like copywriting, crypto, NFTs, internet sales.

It's not how Andrew made his money. War Room is more networking with people who actually are in niches that can make the big bucks like Andrew did with webcam girls and casinos.

>> No.52779228

what thread? link it

>> No.52779230

Jews know how to make money. Are you going to enjoy being poor or learn form them?

>> No.52779301

The guys muslim


Cuz im 30 and already have a good job. Looking to start a business or learn how to invest. Just know where to start and saw his vids on youtoob

>> No.52779326

Guys you can only make money off of this if you use my affiliate link to sign up for it
Trust me bros, don't sign up without my link
Don't use anyone else's link, trust me bros

>> No.52779330

i was curious and joined to see whats in there - its pretty comprehensive but as >>52779208 said its all the standard grifts, also everyone in there is like 16

>> No.52779367

Simps join this shit

>> No.52779409

Ok so hu is for simps... what i thought. Where would you recommend reading if you wanted to start investing? I have 150k in the bank i was gonna use on downpayment for a house. What kind of business or investments would do with that money instead?

>> No.52779453
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>or hustlers university
>Ive recently became interested
no you havent
>Would this be a good area to start?
absolutely not
>where would you recommend starting?
MIT open learning, stanford online or even youtube. the goal is to make more money than you spend, not pay a consumerist faggot for information he scraped off MIT/Stanford & youtube for free.

>> No.52779470

It’s crazy to me that not only has the grifter university scam stayed alive this long but also that this faggot is taking it to new heights. If you follow this mutt fuck for advice and willingly give him your money I hope you lose everything

>> No.52779479


>> No.52779629

It kinda became obvious to me his shit was scam the more i watched his YouTube videos. He literally says you gotta find a way to make people give you money

>> No.52779748

That pic is photoshopped by seething /pol/sters who are butthurt that a mutt is a rich chad while theyre poor loser incels.
Tate openly calls out the system and talks about the great reset and WEF retard

>> No.52780477

He was seen at a mosque. Idk the optics but i hope he isn't Muslim

>> No.52780540

>Calls out the WEF
So did Charles Hodkinson who's also jewish and vaxxed and a scammer gee.

>> No.52780610

>Looking to start a business or learn how to invest.
And your first go to was an affiliate scam ran by an Instagram tryhard faggot?

And you are 30 years old lmao?

>> No.52780711

he explained his viral affiliate marketing strategy and many other useful shit a million times, but this stuff is usually behind the paywall of Hustler's uni unless someone leaks it on youtube, which is usally taken down quickly

all the wealth flaunting is also part of his branding and networking strategy, the ACTUAL reason he bought a 4 million dollars Bugatti is because he could then attend Bugatti events and network there with all the billionaires, there's more to Tate than it seems at first

>> No.52780734

if you give money to this retard you are literally ngmi lol. and i shouldnt need to explain this.

>> No.52780736

Jews know how to scam you and steal your money. I bet you trusted SBF too.

>> No.52780746

>The guys muslim
The leader of the war room is a Jew. Even Tristan admitted it.

>> No.52780761

Just asked the question dude

>> No.52781127

I liked this guy a lot until I realized he was a half nigger. And not only half a nigger, but that nigger father of his was a CIA agent. So as bad as idolizing a nigger is, it’s even WORSE to idolize a CIA nigger’s asset sons.

>> No.52781177

Pro tip, start your wound "Ultra Alpha War Room Of Masculine Men Club" pyramid scheme to become rich. The trick is to out hustle the hustlers. You wont out hustle them working for them.

>> No.52781209

I thought he publically said he converted to islam cause its a chad religion (which is true)

>> No.52781221

Whatever schizo

>> No.52781401
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Kek imagine getting mogged by a mutt. Hows that make you feel? A half black man is literally objectively superior to you by every metric

>> No.52781954


>> No.52782197

It's impressionable zoomers, they hero worship this guy to a borderline homoerotic level.

>> No.52782212

no way, I can only imagine pajeets dickriding him because they all hopelessly fantasize about being "the boss"

>> No.52782262

On some of his videos you get top comments like "I love seeing Andrew smile, I don't know why it just makes me feel happy inside" with hundreds of thumbs up. It's all zoomers.

>> No.52782299

damn they need a good role model, and in their younger and more vulnerable years!

>> No.52782435

he is Muslim. What's the problem with that?

>> No.52782442

>I liked this guy a lot until I realized he was a half
you thought by looking at him he was fully white?

>> No.52782511

They're worse than jews

>> No.52782560


>> No.52783446

what the color of your buggatti then ?

>> No.52783508
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Considering joining The War Room but that shit's expensive and I'm a wagie.

>> No.52785153

investing is a meme but if you want to start a business then go ahead and do it unless it some shitty meme idea like being an influencer. definitely don't pay for that shitty course he's selling - you'd get more knowledge browsing /biz/ for a week.
they're not that bad.

>> No.52785174

you can pirate the hustler university videos
my takeaway is making courses like hustler university is the best business

>> No.52785197

I made my first hundred grand 9 months after joining the war room, and I was one of the slowest ones in my cohort.

It literally pays for itself .

I’m not even going to paste an affiliate code because I don’t need to.

>> No.52785206

how did you do it?

>> No.52785223

he roped in 20 friends