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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 680x702, ICPbaggiesBuyIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52770449 No.52770449 [Reply] [Original]

Don't even try to say you bought the perfect bottom, no one is falling for it. It just makes you look more desperate.

>> No.52770465

4.2 dollarinos. Now, be raw honest with me: Will this piece of shit garbage coin moon or am I going to be one of them bagholders one sees lurking in dark alleys, high in lambo delusions and moonboy shit, craving for their next dopamine pump and dump fix?

>> No.52770476

39 $ and still feeling comfy bros

>> No.52770521
File: 48 KB, 508x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought first bag at 20$, second bag at 16$, some more at $11 and $4, if it goes down to $3 ill buy more

>> No.52770540

4.20$ blaze it faggot

>> No.52770574
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My cost basis is like $7. My next buy is with my next paycheck in about a week or so, or if there is a big dip anytime.

>> No.52770602

$45 start - avg now around $9. Comfy desu

>> No.52770637


ask Vitalik


>> No.52770638

>t.tranimeVHS holder

>> No.52770666


>> No.52770829
File: 119 KB, 500x624, low buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I also bought at $42 so I'm not doing so great.

>> No.52770868

139$ dcad down to 34 dollars

>> No.52771291

i've been dca since the day of launch and my average price is $16

>> No.52771333
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>My buy in price? All of them

>> No.52771356


>> No.52771369


>> No.52771503

>filming your own monitor in 2022

>> No.52771519
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Mantle Network is pissing all over this shit lmao.

>> No.52771594


>filming your own monitor browsing web3 on the internet computer in 2022

>> No.52771796


>> No.52771799

Been shorting it since $40 and honestly I'm starting to think there's no end to the free money.
Was going to stop but then saw BitBoy was made an ambassador for the token, so the shorting continues

>> No.52771833

$6 average, at least I grabbed a decent stack around $3.80.

>> No.52771988

Should i get into icp now or let it bleed a little bit more?

>> No.52773780

Can someone help me pls,?
I bought my first 1200 at $4.05.
Is this a good price? Will it go down or up?
Should I buy more orcis 1200 going to be worth $20,000 one day soon?
Did I fuck up?

>> No.52774159

$18 dca'd down to $5.2
I more than doubled my stack around $3.80ish

>> No.52774333

i own 1,000 ICP at a cost average of 3.88.

>> No.52774472

650 at £3.28

>> No.52774496

Managed to get my cost per per down to about $8.
It’s all locked up in a neuron anyway it’s out of my hands

>> No.52774522

It's actually fucking over.
Dom got caught siphoning piss by the jar load from the staking pool to his ICBBC network.
Absolutely shameful I can't believe I bought this shit

>> No.52774888
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Icp? Ask dögsöybatties for a kek

>> No.52774904

Thsts and Insanity Doge post, btw. Dont know if that matters

>> No.52774906

Where are all the people who bought above $50? There must be loads of them? Why y'all telling lies?

>> No.52774913
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>using kikebase ever

>> No.52775024


based, its literally free money

>> No.52775151

I am srsly wondering what kind of return all you brainlets expect who bought into this permissioned scam.

its a fucking 1.1B mcap project, there is 0 room to pump

just for comparison, I bought my first big bag of fantom when it was a 70m mcap and sold at 7B, but you are buying in at 1.1B+ and sell at ??? 11B? a 10x return??? LMAO

its not like this thing will ever see a serious pump, maybe a slow and painful pump a la $link 2020 for a measly 10x, this shit is not able to pull off a solana, why? because all the normies already got OWNED and hate this shit now, you can find their comments right under every dom twitter post if you dont believe me.

/biz has never been this delusional, I wonder if we finally see you brainlets say goodbye under 30c, I am max short on this snakeoil

>> No.52775328

Lmao post txs or you're a LARPing female to male

>> No.52775736

$50 buy in. No regrets. This is the next eth.

>> No.52775925

Imagine missing out on the apple/ibm of crypto because >muh marketcap and >muh normies you cocksucking Übernigger, think about me and this post when this bitch moonshots in some time, I can guarantee you'll be crying to momma.

>> No.52775965

And nice to hear about your supposed ftm gains but it's just another run of the mill unoriginal futureless erc20 PND scam that will go nowhere like we've all seen here a million times before in the past. It's shit meaningless and boring.

>> No.52776017
File: 84 KB, 1127x737, Screenshot 2022-12-07 214650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf dont compare my internet computer to fucking fantom or solana

>> No.52776059

And here is your "FVM", where is your scamming ceo Cronje at dipstick?
He's a little turncoat nigger hypocrite sucking basis cash scammer harry ye chink dick now that he dumped the curry on you and needs another round of liquidity for his garbage scam "product" so he can buy more hookers and blow.

Imagine the brainlets who thought/think that ERC20 fork was the future and will continue
to hold that trash. You think all those late sell fags will realize and pack in to sell on your head at the first few big green candles?

>> No.52776081

next time I'll use FTX

>> No.52776123

Those are almost exactly my prices. I’m sure there’s more room for it to fall, but as long as it’s with money you absolutely don’t need, what’s the difference if it makes it back to above $100?

>> No.52776138


>> No.52776243


you know what makes ethereum so great? because a.n.y.b.o.d.y. is actually allowed to host his own validator making it a true decentralized public ledger, trusted by hackers, exploiters and drug dealers, its just fucking safe.

compared to this piss which is literally permissioned not only on validator side but, because your smart contracts get called via http, also on the transport layer, the foundation is the only entity hosting reverse proxys. sure they are showing some info graphics on how they wanna accomplish shit to be permissionless, but WAIT, what the fuck is this: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/proposal-for-node-provider-self-declaration/16501



as soon as it drops below 1B, you can be happy if this shit ever goes back above

>> No.52776368

7500 ICP at around 4.20 USD.
4500 AVAX at around 13 USD
700 EGLD at around 44 USD
500k GRT at around 0.06 USD

Should be enough to make it

>> No.52776458


really asking myself how much of a brainlet you have to be to think I am shilling fantom after it gave me a 100x, I could not care less about this shit at this point.

but since I am still here on /biz everyday I wonder why I have to read this icy piss shit all day, every day, what makes this such a great investment?

marketing? nope, ZERO
the ceo of the foundation, is he cool like vb? nope
is the tech adopted by nerds? nope (insert ghana pictures lmao)
shilled by known scammers aka. influencers? yes (bitboy)
can I host my own validator and/or reverse proxy and help secure the network at any given time? nope
is my piss safe if I put it into a canister and host a nintendo n64 emulator in this very canister? nope

oh btw what about this kylegraham guy who said something about a death spiral which could only be possible if the price stays at around $3.50? he is so silent since his post months ago.

I bet the VCs hosting all the validators are happy dumping on you /biz

>> No.52776668

some nigga told me to buy ICP at $18 and said ICP was the future. he said i was stupid to stay in USD. LMAO

>> No.52776852

Do keep coming up with reasons not to buy if it makes you feel any better, do please continue buying your worthless low effort scam projects that are meaningless and accomplish nothing. Let's see who wins the arms race.

>> No.52776931

pretty funny meme but since 2 and 3 all deal with money it takes away the impact from 3. should change it to dick size height or something like that

>> No.52776984

but we're not going into a bull market anytime soon so you probably could wait a month or two incase theres another dump

>> No.52776991


interested in hearing actual reasons to buy this, we are on /biz I expect someone with an actual brain telling me why I should buy this

in my opinion the risk/return is so bad on this, maybe someone with an acutal plan can enlighten me, because all I see is a couple of desperate bagholders/gamblers who try to sell snakeoil like a true pajeet salesmen

>> No.52777075

Though i am holding ICP ... this is actualy some good contra statement and till now i dont see a solid response to it.
So perhaps the contra point is valid?

>> No.52777178

you mean this guy?


>> No.52777425

Keep lurking.

>> No.52779233
File: 412 KB, 600x600, 1669506419079835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell at a (relatively) small loss while you still can
JUSTED and also a retard
see above
sell now.
let it bleed to 3 cents, that's the price at which VCs got in.
sell now at no loss and you're automatically smarter than all the icpajeet retards. smarter still would have been not buying in the first place
based anon, you will make it.

ICP is a scam and if you're holding this shitcoin then you're a mongoloid and you're NGMI.
The only winning play is to sell. This IS financial advice. Sell now or watch it bleed all the way down to $0.03 (ticker: 3 cents).
Consider yourselves warned, icpajeets.

>> No.52779286

>sell now.
I will only buy more

>> No.52779599
File: 152 KB, 902x946, icpslurper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52779838

How much was it when the whole moonman craze started?

>> No.52779935

had to be in the 70s-150s at least

thanks anon. i still peak every now and then. i get bad vibes about it. but i wonder if there is something good about it. but in a market where eth is barely holding on. why would anyone want to mess with another token.

>> No.52780106

At 50-60

>> No.52780985

Hi /biz/, what a small world it is.
I am currently on vacation in Zurich and I was visiting some of the popular tourist destinations, mostly mountain cafe views and places like that. Anyway, I was in the city taking the bus around because they have pretty fantastic public transportation. I felt someone attempt to take my wallet out of my pocket, and it was Dominic Williams. He looked shocked when I caught him rustling in my pocket.
I asked him if he just tried to take my wallet out of my coat pocket. At first he denied it, but after I asked him again in a threatening manner he admitted to it. He almost broke down in tears when he admitted to it. He said VCs who bought at 0.03 have been threatening him, they're going to dump it to zero and they're going after Dom's family too, they're even making him steal random peoples wallets on the bus because he's in financial trouble right now, he owes them a bunch of money because he took out loans to buy their bags at $7.
Apparently his whole "world computer" thing is not working out for him. Dom needs some help. I would be very suspicious of investing anymore money in his project. I hope he gets some help.

>> No.52781496

the ICP pastas just really don't hit. Imagine trying to piggyback off of 6 year old memes. 3c.

>> No.52781659

But to be fair I bought some at around $26 and sold around $22.50
Not selling my $4 buy in though, we're at a pretty sober valuation now I think.

>> No.52781700

They rage quit the internet.

>> No.52782136

The last DCA for me was at $3 and will buy if it goes lower, also keeping my eyes on low priced assets like ORE, OCEAN and ENS for their web3 solutions.

>> No.52783102

7300 @ $24 average

>> No.52783373
File: 15 KB, 378x175, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52783420

mostly on chain because trying to have a decent conversation is impossible here. more legit fud/debate and less copium.

>> No.52783444

But when are they going to have actual games on IC? Mario 64 was pretty cool, what about something a bit newer?

>> No.52783643

use advanced trade on coinbase and you'll save 99% of that fee money.