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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5276944 No.5276944 [Reply] [Original]

Word of warning. DO NOT BUY coins that appear on this board. Before buying a coin ctrl+F search the coin. If it comes up. Do not buy. Also, do not buy coins that are up in percentage. always buy coins that are in the red. That is all. This post will get buried by pajeets.

>> No.5276977
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>> No.5277432

If you're familiar with Chan culture it's pretty easy to tell which anons actually are being honest and helpful and which ones are just trying to sell off their bags or scam you.

If you do your own research, /biz/ is actually a really good place to get early tips on hot coins.

>> No.5277475

>tfw I bought verge when it was up 200% at 4 cents

>> No.5277508

This. It's how I found out early about neo (formerly antshares) and recently wabi. Just need to dyor.

>> No.5277560

This, if you can't smell bullshit through your screen then you need to lure more.

>> No.5277570

This. But 99% of this board doesn't even realize what a chan is, ironically.

>> No.5277578
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>buy a sub top 100 coin shilled on /biz/ only once
>make 80x gain

>> No.5277633

EVERY coin is mentioned on this board though.

>> No.5277832

I made like 1k off of ANT/NEO threads from this board. You're acting like people you should live life without doing due diligence. You have got to be underage or a jackass

>> No.5277858

I agree with you in the sense of coins that are overly posted on here. they are usually bad news - See ripple and XLM for example

>> No.5277918

I usually check here to see what people are talking about and then buy ones that look promising after doing research.

>> No.5278319

ok. NEO is literally the only one. DGB - ARK - lomo - XLM - SIA - Cripple are all loser coins shilled on here constantly

>> No.5278427

SIA is a loser? my nigga...have you looked at the coin lately?

>> No.5278527


>XLM is a loser shill coin.

>Up 1000% in the last five weeks.

>> No.5278613

I have been on this board for a while, and SIA was shilled hard early on. Lots of people lost money. This is the same for a majority of coins. I mean - the market is so bulish that they will all eventually go up at some point, but the ones you see on the board that are constantly being shilled will be bad short term pretty much 100% of the time.

>> No.5278674

Literal shit-tier sugar drink

Post discarded into the TRASH

>> No.5279156



I don't think you understand how much I've already made off a coin that is this young in development

>> No.5279212

I agree with your second point 100%.

But there are plenty of good coins being mentioned here. You just have to filter out the gems.

>> No.5279348

Without 4chan I would have never known about LINK and antshares...