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52769339 No.52769339 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52769356

Serious answer? More than 10 BTC anything else is cope

>> No.52769370

yep serious, how do you reach your conclusion?

>> No.52769448
File: 168 KB, 937x1115, 74681226-FFDA-4733-9CD4-B8C4B869542F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to take into consideration diminishing returns with every halving.

You can’t expect Bitcoin to pull a x100 when it barely did a x3 in the last 5 years. I remember when people were calling for 500k per Bitcoin back in 2017…turns out it was pure delusion and Bitcoin now has boomer tier gains

>> No.52769628

You don't think it can pull at least a 10x?

>> No.52769648

>pull a x10
Lol no

By x3 I meant from 2017 ATH to 2021 ATH. No fucking way Bitcoin reaches 600k after the 2024 halving. If we’re lucky we’ll see 100-120k

>> No.52769676

I'm sorry, isn't 17k to 170k a 10x? If we see 120k that's like a 7x. Still not bad. Stock gains are nowhere near.

>> No.52769697

I’m calculating Bitcoin gains from ATH to ATH…I’ll be celebrating if we pull off a x2

December 2013: 1k
December 2017: 20k
December 2021: 68k
December 2025: 120k

>> No.52769699

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52769709

That's a weird way to calculate it, but yes it makes sense.
Still if you buy now, when we're near or at the bottom, you can safely assume a 5-6-7x at least.

>> No.52770196

Zero. Btc is garbage.

>> No.52770220

20 BTC is enough to make it as long as we hit $50k again. $1 million is enough to slum it up and never work

>> No.52770403

realistically you just need 1 btc, it will hit 50 million $ by the time you are in retirement

There are 21 million bitcoins total , but probably just 10 million are accessible now and that's going down every year. Plus the amount available in the markets is probably around 0.5 million. The price will go beyond 10 mil per bitcoin in the year 2030

>> No.52770443

I can see bitcoin realistically reaching many millions, given how fiat is designed to always inflate, it's a short termist scam for the people
however the gains will reduce fairly fast I believe. it's just that there is a LOT of halvings left, we had 3 out of 32. and when numbers are huge, a small percent increase results in a much higher price. so people who don't have any bitcoins will probably revolt but they'll be put into jail if they break the law, that's ironic, but good for humanity as a whole

>> No.52770484

21 BTC. I bought less than that, around half, and I don't feel like it's enough to actually make it next cycle. Diminishing returns are a bitch

>> No.52770517
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Zero. This shit is the fucking CBDC trial run. Only midwits will tell you otherwise.

>> No.52770532

realistically we're all going to be killed by AI in the next 20 years

I'm not saying don't plan for retirement, but live a little too

>> No.52770552

>. I remember when people were calling for 500k per Bitcoin back in 2017
Stfu newfag. No one was saying that. Buy bitbean nigger.

>> No.52770590

0.28 btc is the right amount to make it.

>> No.52770632
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people really believed the MacAffee "prediction"

>> No.52770742

It would've easily gone to $100k or more without Sam Bankman Jew's rehypothication of much of that buying power

>> No.52770755
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>> No.52770796

Making it amounts:

21 BTC Generational Wealth
10 btc Make it in 3-7 years
2.1 BTC Make it eventually
1 BTC Wholecoiner, Can board the Citadel
0.21 BTC Future 1%er here on Earth

But only if you can hold it

>> No.52770841

About $500,000 worth.

>> No.52771391

I'm cutting consooming (hardmode with gf) to get to a whole coin by 2024

>> No.52772698

you've got to be an extreme schizo to come up with that, cryptography existed for so long, repeat after me: there is no backdoors, and many cryptographers are antisemitic or anarchists. repeat again. now meds. it's going to be okay.

>> No.52772720


ZERO cause you won't make anywhere holding that ponzi crap

>> No.52772804
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>cant board citadel
>future 1 percenter

what the fuck does this even mean? Do I just overlord on global detroit while answering to masters on space citadel?

>> No.52772909

>yes you're right x2 makes sense
>but acksually it's going to be 5-7x trust me bro
the state of this board.

>> No.52772930

>this board can't afford one (1) btc even after it went down 80%
damn nigga, you might aswell spend the money you have and enjoy live. 1 btc won't get you anywhere either so you might as well just safe yourself the stress and all.

>> No.52773106


>> No.52773113

I meant if you calculate ATH to ATH it is a 2x. But people calculate based on their entry and if you buy now and sell during bullrun peak at 120k, you will 7x
I know you're 19-20 and your hormones are raging, but "the state of the board" is what you make it to be, anon.

>> No.52775180
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he left without eating his dick. What a shame.