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52768063 No.52768063 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the new ledger device?

My first thoughts are it shows off too much you got crypto wealth so not sure I want to have such a obvious device. Pricy too, wanna see if their is any benefit over my nano X which I’m ok with.

>> No.52768146
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>crypto wealth

>> No.52768155

looks gay and who the fuck bring their hardware wallet outside?

>> No.52768199

Why is polygon on there? I Just use the ethereum and it works for all EVM networks

>> No.52768555

I don't know about it but they shall invent a flat device (same security with chip impossible to hack due to having specialized hardware) which you connect and clip between your smartphone and its case. this would contain all your private key and silently allow you to use it everywhere.

if wrong pin, deletes the content. passphrase tricks to secure it against theft. if phone lost, use the 24 words hidden in a safe place to restore the funds.

>> No.52768868

Friendly reminder to never buy a ledger of them after they "accidentally" leaked a shit load of customer data and basically put a bullet on their head.

>> No.52768991

has nothing to do with the ledger itself, and not using a proxy address for those kinds of things is natural selection (same with precious metals)

>> No.52768995

Eh I'm a fan of the inconspicuous generic USB look of the Nano S along with analog buttons, but I guess most people are not that paranoid and would love something easier and better looking to use, especially for NFTs.

If you want normalfag mass adoption you need things like that.

>> No.52769017

It has all to di with ledger and how they handle customer data

Theyre worse than PRISM with their data also, just read their TOS. They store ALL your transaction data including IP for 5 YEARS, that together with customer data on purchases lets them retrace ALL your transactions

>> No.52769046

It has Wi-Fi capabilities and as such it has Bluetooth capabilities. Super ez to rape this wallet unlike the original. China hardware will rape you, guess who ledger bought from for their Internet chips?

>> No.52769197

Looks cool, maybe bad release timing since all the current shitshow

>> No.52769219

It's probably fine in terms of safety but I just get a flimsy vibe from it, the less technological fluff around it the better. If a touch screen is involved, it can be easier manipulated by software than physical buttons I think. Maybe it's complete nonsense but it's just a gut feeling, i really like my ledger nano s, it does everything i want it to do.

>> No.52769324
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>they are still using ledgers
>none of them trade on DEXes or realize the true potential of DEXT
why the fuck should i care about some dumbass physical wallet that can be stolen anywhere, anytime?

>> No.52769332

*And let them put a real name to all transactions

>> No.52769545

You still wanna have a hardware connection to a dex you total newfag.

>> No.52769631

>why the fuck should i care about some dumbass physical wallet that can be stolen anywhere, anytime?
>steals ur piece of paper

>> No.52769679

I'm already on the biggest hack ever from back in the day and give shits if farooq or jamesh have my address

>> No.52769684

you can trade on a dex through ledger live, retard

>> No.52769720

look at all these shitcoins.
also imagine spending that much money on a wallet

>> No.52769779

Price is not the issue if you are t a poor fag. I got 5m I’m not gonna give a shit about 500 bucks.

>> No.52770261

lol this product was obviously conceived of during the NFT mania which has since collapsed now normies realise NFTs are a retarded worthless scam.

however if it has more memory than the nano x i will probably buy it

>> No.52770350

THIS holy fuck, these are the people that are giving advice on this board.

>> No.52770606

it's pointless

>> No.52770672

who cares if it's stolen, not like they can do anything with it if they don't know the pin.

>> No.52770692

Lmao? I carry my hardware wallet everywhere, in case someone steals it. Anyone who does different is an idiot

>> No.52770754

>i am rich so i don't care if companies want to milk me and sell me overpriced encrypted flash drives

>> No.52772743

Just memorize ur seed retards

>> No.52773846

>carry my hardware wallet everywhere, in case someone steals it
>increases the chances of it being stolen
Fucking dumb.

>> No.52774691

>what do you think about the new ledger device?
first e-ink display is cool, it retains the image without power so thats nifty. the curve is a gimmic, not sure whats the point of it outside of making the device more expensive. At least it looks cool?
Very gimmicky overall, really should just be the wallet equivalent of a phone
just some completely off-line device thats low-powered and can run off nfc. something like that sounds cool, though not really sure of the details yet

>> No.52774734

The last thing I give a shit about is flashiness when it comes to securing my wealth. I'd rather my device be as plain and bland as possible to not attract attention.

>> No.52774749


>> No.52774873

He's a poorfag who lives in a ghetto apartment broken into regularly and wants to protect his 4 linkies, please understand

>> No.52774996


most hardware wallets seem overly fragile. frankly i'd rather have a ruggedized, waterproofed hardware wallet, with all the circuitry EM shielded and potted in hard epoxy so that it's difficult for an adversary to disassemble and analyze without destroying it. i don't care about having tons of features, just something to generate key pairs and sign transactions.

>> No.52775058


perhaps also with a separate compartment for a replaceable battery.

absolutely no radios of any kind. looks like they put bluetooth in this new thing. what the hell were they thinking?

>> No.52775299

its for faggots. I personally like thdm coldcards