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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52766682 No.52766682 [Reply] [Original]

Is this piece of a dog ever gonna move?

I don't care about your opinions about "muh meme coins" or whatever you think of bats. I AM HERE TO MAKE MONEY

>> No.52766695
File: 104 KB, 969x556, 1669611110223982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like WTF how can you just sit pretty at $4mm mcap for months! You are a fucking meme coin, don't try to act like a stablecoin!

>> No.52767163
File: 223 KB, 1014x1283, Screenshot (382) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D0B0 market cap was steadily hovering at 20 to 30 million USD at the start of this year, would be nice if we could get back there eventually.

>> No.52767206
File: 350 KB, 512x512, 545345579_A_picture_of_gold_and_silver_bars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd personally love to see another Bonkscars and autistic space stunt, but this time the faggot that streams at doesn't skip Bonkyquest

>> No.52767225

It’s dead, just buy squidmas instead.

>> No.52768104

when BTC stops being a little bitch we will fly

>> No.52768230

>ever gonna move?
Yeah, downwards. It's just another /biz/ liquidity scam desperate baggie niggers shit up the board with since it died over a year ago.

>> No.52768234

>liquidity scam
Do you even know what liquidity is?
Do you even know how rugs work? Clearly you're a newfag that can't read contracts

>> No.52768239
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>holds shitcoins during a bear market

You should be glad it's not at ZERO.

>> No.52768248
File: 76 KB, 500x500, meme4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this piece of a dog ever gonna move?
Sure! 100%
Also verry smart idea to invest in coins that already rugged so it wont happen to you!

>> No.52768251

You pay 10% to buy and 10% to sell, you're already down 20% on your transaction, don't bother

>> No.52768263
File: 238 KB, 500x500, meme1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you even know what liquidity is?
Where did all the funds in the lp flow to? The holders? No. The devs? Yes! A slow rug is still a rug even if you dont remove the lp from pancakeswap

>> No.52768274

>Where did all the funds in the lp flow to? The holders? No. The devs? Yes!
What the fuck are you talking about? We have 1.7m in liquidity. You don't know ANYTHING about crypto

>> No.52768297

You cant go lower than 0. Thats stable. 69% of holders cant sell their tokens bc fees are higher than what they get. Tax makes the fees higher btw. Its like 70 cents. So its dead. Although there is still some mcap

>> No.52768301
File: 90 KB, 1541x873, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locked liquidity
>renounced contract
Not sure what makes you look like more of a retard, your inability to understand basic token economics or your shilling of a desperate cringecoin
LMAO btw

>> No.52768312

If you're here to make money (which you aren't you're here to shill a dogshit coin) then invest in anything else

>> No.52768322

>We have 1.7m in liquidity
That 99.3% less than one year ago, fren
>holds dogshitpissbat
>tells others they dont know anything about crypto
Many such cases

>> No.52768338

You're shilling this shit: >>52768301
Literal garbage, "fren".
And the ratio of the liquidity pool to market cap for dogbat is rare as shit. If you were actually around for a while, you'd realize how difficult it is to build liquidity. Also, dipshit, the max liquidity we had was like 5M at 230m market cap or some shit like that. Maybe someone here that remembers better can mention it. I forgot the bnb total amount, but it most definitely isn't 90% drop in liquidity, LMAO.
You also don't even know what locked liquidity means.

>> No.52768347

-Shills dead battoken
-Calls Insanity Doge
>desperate cringecoin
No more (yous) for you, mister

>> No.52768359

I hold more dogbat than your entire LP

>> No.52768376

I don't take advice from normies, sorry
your coin doesn't even have 1k usd in liquidity and yet you want to talk shit, LMAO.

>> No.52768383
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>> No.52768392
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Your delusional

>> No.52768404
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>He bought a coin thats still new and has no marcetcap, hahahaha
You bought døgbät at top and are down 99%
Laugh as much as you want, you lost money, i didnt

>> No.52768412

??? The fuck are you trying to prove here? Lmao

>> No.52768431

1. Your memes are shit
2. Pussy mentality. We are at the tail end of the btc bear market which is historically the best time to buy alts. Bitch made retards don't know that though. If you can't handle the pain, crypto isn't for you. Fyi I doubled my stack (at this point it averaged to break even) and plan on attempting to double it again for 2T (could do it now, but would rather keep my portfolio as a whole with a specific ratio).

When btc rallied from 20-24k, dogbat did a 5x. A pussy btc rally in a bear market. If you can't see what a definite bullrun would do, you're an idiot. Simple as.

>> No.52768436

Holy shit, what a pile of crap, LOL

>> No.52768440

>advertising or begging
>avatar use
enjoy your ban
dogbat 100b eoy

>> No.52768488

based WAGMI

>> No.52768601

It does not add up with the price... somehow there is HUGE amounts of bnb missing... the price should be down 80-90%, not 99%

>> No.52768610

Sry for doublepost but i wanted to answer on this theead...
It does not add up with the price... somehow there is HUGE amounts of bnb missing... the price should be down 80-90%, not 99%

>> No.52768672
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, A354D804-6407-4BE4-8E8E-CC40F7E17EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded. You've shown you don't know what locked liquidity is and then post this shit (pic) showing you don't know how to measure moves either. That's not a 99.3% drop in liquidity, LOL.
But another thing, retard, low caps are extremely volatile. To just naturally build up the amount of liquidity dogbat has is rare as shit. Dumbasses don't know that. You make up fake fud because you have NOTHING to actually grasp on to. Low IQ as fuck.

And then on top of all that you have the audacity to shill your garbage with low 4 digit liquidity, LOL. It's honestly weird and jeety.

>> No.52768702

Ah, I see why you're confused now actually. You think the market cap should mimic the liquidity 1:1. You're stupid. They aren't perfectly correlated. It's not how it works.

>> No.52768728

Your devs would have absolutely rugged by now if they had the chance. Instead they moved on to the next scam. Congrats, now you have a "community coin." Feel free to take your seat next to hoge, wynaut, ultrasafe, bonfire, dogira and all the other abandoned shitcoins.
Tell you what, I might actually buy a bag if there were ever a v2 migration that got rid of the 10% tax. Reflections are retarded. Get rid of that and maybe you autists might actually see some volume.

>> No.52768770
File: 1.04 MB, 4032x3024, ACF7DBFA-2BAA-4286-879F-59FB5986146F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your devs would have absolutely rugged by now if they had the chance. Instead they moved on to the next scam. Congrats, now you have a "community coin." Feel free to take your seat next to hoge, wynaut, ultrasafe, bonfire, dogira and all the other abandoned shitcoins.
Low IQ fud.
1. Dogbat has amazing liquidity to market cap ratio
2. It did a 5x during a weak and SHIT btc uptrend from like 20k-24k. Imagine in a real uptrend? You can't because you lack the IQ to use foresight
>Tell you what, I might actually buy a bag if there were ever a v2 migration that got rid of the 10% tax.
Do you even know what the tax does, dipshit? LOL. Do you even know what this is a fork of? Do you not know that even safemoon with its 10% transaction tax reached like 6-9b market cap (whatever the fuck it was)? The tax system works, dipshit. Without it, we wouldn't even have this liquidity in the first place.
>Reflections are retarded. Get rid of that and maybe you autists might actually see some volume.
Read above, retard. The tax is good and we WON'T see any volume until btc ends the bear market. Same with AlL alts, newfag. By your garbage logic, we NEVER would have rallied to 230m market cap if the tax was as detrimental as you think. Safemoon would NEVER have reached over a bill either if the tax was a problem. You're an idiot that lacks awareness. Work on your skills to analyze shit. You're horrible at it

>> No.52768784

oh btw the contract is renounced. Even IF we wanted to take you up on your dumbass idea (which I btfod above), it's literally impossible for anyone to touch the contract anymore.Seriously, you fudders don't know SHIT about how anything works

>> No.52768848

Peace, bro. Don't know why you have to attack me over this. I know it's renounced. I also know there are other ways to build liquidity outside of tx taxes. If you get this worked up over someone suggesting otherwise I don't know what to tell you. Just keep holding and hope for the best I guess.

>> No.52769076

Also just wanted to point out
>2. It did a 5x during a weak and SHIT btc uptrend from like 20k-24k
This has nothing to do with d0bo and everything to do with BNB price action. Your daily trading volume hovers around $1-2k. That's insignificant compared to the coin it's paired to. You're just riding on the coattails of a major coin, it falls you fall. Claiming d0bo as a token did a _x with your current volume is dubious at best.

>> No.52769082

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52769134
File: 1.45 MB, 1239x1487, 28CF97EE-C9EB-44D4-8C19-D8F2EC398DC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has nothing to do with d0bo and everything to do with BNB price action.
LOL did BNB do a 5x too in that time? You're a fucking moron and the volume was about a mil more or less. You can literally go back and check. Pic rel for volume on just one day. Actually I just checked it on the monthly. In august it was 1.28M. In a shit btc uptrend. LOOOOL

More low IQ "fud" LMAO

>> No.52769138
File: 224 KB, 701x726, 1643912490956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D0B0 on sale right now! Slurp cheaply and get the gains of buying the next shib at the bottom!

>> No.52769157

You can't seem to have a discussion without sperging out. You sound mentally unhinged. Good luck with dogbat.

>> No.52769174

LMFAO I keep anally fucking you and then you just go back to saying "I-I wasn't fudding! You're just being unhinged/overreacting".

Here's the thing. As a person I just happen to have a short fuse in general. It just happens to be even shorter when I'm dealing with fucking retards like yourself. Enjoy the btfo :). Keep talking to me if you want more anal fisting aka I'll keep destroying you with data