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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52759830 No.52759830 [Reply] [Original]

Today was supposed to be a big day for the Chainlink community. The highly anticipated staking feature was finally released, but all we got was a measly 4.75% APR. This is an insult to the dedicated holders who have been holding onto their LINK tokens for years, only to see the price dump continuously for the last two years.

I, for one, have had enough. I just sold my entire suicide stack of 10k LINKs and I'm done with this project. The dev team has clearly lost their vision and is only interested in making a quick buck off of us loyal holders.

But don't take my word for it. Just look at the numbers. The price has been on a steady decline since the peak in 2020 and shows no signs of stopping. It's clear that this project is headed for the trash heap and it's only a matter of time before the rest of the market realizes it too.

So if you're still holding onto your LINK tokens, it's time to cut your losses and move on. There are better projects out there that actually care about their community and deliver on their promises. Don't be a fool like me and hold onto a sinking ship. It's time to abandon ship and find a new home in the crypto world.

>> No.52759855

>it's time to cut your losses and move on
um maybe repost this in a year or more when we can actually sell

>> No.52759870

if you sold a day before staking went live and bought back in now(classic sell the news) you would have earned the 2 year APR already

>> No.52759881
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>> No.52759890
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>> No.52759902

you had 2 years to buy under $1

>> No.52759918

Shit! I literally can't sell now! Fuck! I advise anyone else to not stake, don't get stuck like me! Damn!

>> No.52759920
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>> No.52759939

you had 2 years to buy under $1

>> No.52759972
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Uhhhhh bros.. Im getting nervous.. I changed my mind. Id like to unstake my link so i can sell now

>> No.52760031

after years of these threads i think this is the one that has finally changed my mind on link. i've read thousands of posts pleading, begging with me to sell... but something about the combination of words in this post is what did it for me. GPT-3 bots... i bow.

>> No.52760267

Are you kidding me?! You're going to sell your LINKs because some random guy on the internet told you to? What the fuck is wrong with you?! This is why we can't have nice things in the crypto world. People like you who can't think for themselves and just follow the crowd like sheep.

I can't believe it took years of reading these threads for you to finally make a decision. You're such a fucking moron. And what's with the GPT-3 bots comment? Are you saying that you can't even form your own thoughts and opinions without the help of a fucking AI? Get a fucking brain and stop being such a sheeple.

And as for the guy who posted the FUD, screw you too. You're just trying to manipulate the market and spread lies to benefit yourself. You're the worst kind of scum in this space.

So to both of you, fuck off and stop ruining it for the rest of us who actually believe in the potential of the LINK token and the Chainlink project.

>> No.52760415

at least switch ID's you gaylord.

>> No.52760594

kill yourself

>> No.52760756

good bot