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52759802 No.52759802 [Reply] [Original]

How's DJing as a side hustle?

>> No.52759895

it's cringe and gay

>> No.52759930
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>wagie seething

>> No.52760160

My gay cousin used to do it and I honestly don't know why he stopped because he's a coke head neet now. He'd make $500 a night.

>> No.52760456

i havent waged in years. DJing is for untalented cringey faglords.

>> No.52760484

name something better then

>> No.52760505


>> No.52760519

It's really fun but hard to break out of. If you want something fairly low-effort but also fun I'd just start picking up bartending shifts at the place you're considering djing at.

>> No.52760558

t. cringey talentless disc jockey

>> No.52760577

It's over saturated market. So many newbie DJs want their 1 hour on the stage that they will do it for free. My friend even had an idea to charge DJs money to be put on the stage.

If you wanna be a human ipod at a wedding though, that's a different story.

>> No.52760602

no, i was projecting, i don't get invited to parties nor host any/perform at any. and you're an even bigger fag than me.

>> No.52760644

sure thing dj cringelord

>> No.52760652

I've done it in the past and still do it once in a while, although i'm lazier now. you have to have actual taste and the social skills to bring your network out and smooth talk the venue into having you. If you just think because you listen to cool songs on spotify you're ngmi.

>> No.52760674

you know what? i just might become one now knowing what types of niggers invest their limited mental prowess on my existance, someone will finally care in a way

>> No.52760706

Its based. Djs get all the pussy.
Nu djing is gay tho lot of fake djs who literally just hit play and pretend to turn random knobs theyre posers

>> No.52760750

cool blogpost dj loser

>> No.52760787

dj'ing is what mooosic loooovers who have no actual musical talent turn to.

>> No.52760833

dang, finally figured me out, to save face i'm posting this with sage and never returning to this evil thread full of chads

>> No.52760880
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>> No.52760915
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i stayed...

>> No.52760919
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pretty good idea. I was thinking of just starting out for free as a backup at any club downtown that would take me. And any art exhibit or random event going on and filming some sets to show off on Instagram
yeah I'm ok with Weddings to just get started. I'm already a computer engineer and the roadmap to getting to where I am now for that was gruesome. I'm ok doing whatever it takes to build a reputation in something fun, maybe later producing my own songs/EPs
What's a good way to smooth talk the venue? One anon recommended bartending, but I rather skip that bs, don't need the money.
Thinking of asking for the owner/manager at every place on slow days of the week to get some sort of break. I've already met every DJ at every club in my town, prob can ask to get a foot in the door as a backup for free the first little while or so

>> No.52761022

DJs that dont produce are just grifter posers. Real DJs actually made some of their own music.

>> No.52761050

Yeah, I make music in Ableton regularly. It's not good, but been at it for a few years and make time for it a few times a week. Maybe in a few more years, it'll sound impressive. End of the day, it's just fun for me

>> No.52761172

Based. I use FL studio, ive been fucking around with it for about a year now. What kind of music do you make?
Do you go to /prod/ on /mu/?

>> No.52761314

yea, I'm on /prod/. Mainly house/EDM. Focused right now on making a 10/10 club mix, my own remix of everything, and a proper EP.

>> No.52761475
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why are you dumb faggot spoonfeeding this gay zoomer kid?

>> No.52761534
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Make sure you wear a mascot head over your face. It'll make you very mysterious.

>> No.52761651

>pretty good idea. I was thinking of just starting out for free as a backup at any club downtown that would take me. And any art exhibit or random event going on and filming some sets to show off on Instagram
You're looking at this the wrong way. Every nightclub has 100000 djs that will want to play for them.
>corporate events
>bar/bat mitzvahs
Those kind of gigs pay wayyyy more. Look for the same niches photographers go for

>> No.52761724

Ever thought to do him a solid and give him a little hand action?

>> No.52761819

what kind of time signature is 10/10

>> No.52761844

you will actually end up spending more money on it than you ever make

>> No.52761918

if you start out as a wedding DJ you will only ever become the best wedding DJ. if you want to play festivals and become a rockstar you have to make a name for yourself as someone who makes music for the love and not for the money. only once your production gets to level 5 will you be able to produce tracks that are worth a label to release. that allows but does not guarantee you get exposure via big stages. you then make royalties on track sales but the majority of your income will be merch sales. if you want to become a rockstar dj, all you need are two usb sticks and a few hours worth of .wav files. bring your sticks everywhere you go and go to as many shows, raves and festivals you can. if you see an empty stage, step up and start playing.

>t. label boss

>> No.52761974

>DJ turn it up, it's about damn time to live it up. >I'm so sick of being so serious
>It's makin' my brain delirious

>> No.52762079
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Can y’all help me come up with a based DJ name?

>> No.52762112

>if you want to play festivals and become a rockstar you have to make a name for yourself as someone who makes music for the love and not for the money.
what's a good way to go about this?
I mention here >>52760919 I'm willing to play anywhere needing someone and will slowly build a reputation playing all over town every week.
I'm even willing to host weekly house parties with free drinks to simulate some sort of crowd while someone records my sets and building up my Instagram doing this, then dming the people running the clubs in town for a gig

>> No.52763004

>I'm even willing to host weekly house parties with free drinks to simulate some sort of crowd while someone records my sets and building up my Instagram doing this, then dming the people running the clubs in town for a gig
building out IG/tiktok is your best bet unironically because every regular paid dj has 50 wannabe guys hitting him up in booth and in DMs, unless you're good friends they most likely won't help you out as 1) if you fuck up their reputation takes a hit and 2) nobody wants to create competition for themselves. if you don't care about getting paid much and want to just run parties for fun then you're also a promoter, throw parties with free drinks for girls and whatever else will entice them to visit your club. getting as much bitches in the venue and then getting photos videos of those bitches tagged at your parties on social media is THE way to become popular and for people to be interested in you
>what's a good way to go about this?
"rockstar DJs" are at the top only because of releasing good music. i dont think theres a single dj in the djmag top100 without at least a few releases

>> No.52763035

>2) nobody wants to create competition for themselves
this is why I quit, its so tiresome to climb the ladder, very similar to corporate environment. also got fed up with drunken retards and disgusting roasties shouting in my ear and trying to snipe my hardware with their beers all night

>> No.52763165

yeah i dont really need the money. I'm just passionate about the music and sharing good times with good people.
My IG is already on the bigger side since I built up a clothing brand where I linked people to my personal IG for sneak peeks to new collections or discounts.
I'll probably also create a youtube channel like Cercle, DJing my own stuff/remixes in scenic parts of the world with some professional-style videography going on. Prob could just wear my own clothing brand and monetize like that instead of needing money from gigs, although any income streams would be welcome

>> No.52763181

if you're going to be a faggot might as well apply to become a janitor

>> No.52763223


I use to promote for EDM shows in my city and conduct hospitality for tours, so what I can tell you is IF you want to play clubs and open for established artists you have to sell tickets for a promo company. Otherwise, offer to DJ parties for friends after some practice... Be advised you will most likely never play music you like.

I can answer more questions if anyone wants

>> No.52763291


>> No.52763299

eat shit your music taste is probably trash kys.

>> No.52763317

I'm cool playing exactly the type of music the clubs regularly play. If I were to play, I'd note every song that yielded the best reaction from the crowd at a set club.
Playing at parties is a good idea, prob will just start doing that and then play the dm game until something hits

>> No.52763421

yeah start at parties and learn house/rap music since those two are the most asked for typically. I played dubstep when I was deep in the scene and people were looking for it in my city. You never know though, and could develop a niche as a local which can be fun and more casual.

>> No.52764188

just like every other market its been saturated because everything has come down to pressing one button for things to happen instead of putting work into it. AI can mix better then humans now

>> No.52764249

Did a DJ have sex with your mum?