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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52759635 No.52759635 [Reply] [Original]

GNS is back below $4. Why didn't you listen?

>> No.52759765

>Why didn't you listen?
the smell of curry usually shuts down my ability to pay attention.

>> No.52759906

Hope you like the smell of poverty because that is what awaits you.

>> No.52760085

source on the anime girl ?

>> No.52760156
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why does /biz/ want me to sell gns and buy premia?

>> No.52760294
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Because GNS is up 7x from the June bottom and giving you 2.4% APR while Premia is only up 2x and is giving you upwards of 75% APR.

>> No.52760314

>75% APR
returns this high are fud in 2022. Instant write off as a scam.

>> No.52760454
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>tfw Premia generates so much protocol revenue for its stakers that people are in disbelief over it not being a scam

>> No.52761847

sheesh should I buy?

>> No.52762454
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What OP's not telling you is you need to lock your tokens in order to receive this absurd +75% or whatever APY.
It's the same gimmick GMX and all its forks do to inflate their yields.
GNS might have a dividend yield of 2.5% but it's literally risk-free as you can always unstake and sell immediately. Of course that doesn't even include the vault getting fatter by the day. Lately traders casually lose five figures on their trades and once we hit 130% overcollateralization (we're halfway there) these will soon all become market buys.

>> No.52762724
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You can choose how long you wish to stake for, hence "up to 75%". It doesn't matter if you yourself don't want to stake for any extended period of time because others will be willing to, and they will buy Premia and price will be driven higher until the APR falls to a reasonable percentage. You can just hold and enjoy the ride.

>GNS might have a dividend yield of 2.5% but it's literally risk-free as you can always unstake and sell immediately.
Stop coping, 2.5% is pathetic, you're not even beating inflation. And no it is not risk free, not having a lock time doesn't save you from a smart contract exploit, that happens immediately.

>> No.52763327

GNS is the only deflationary by design of the bunch
>acting like we're somehow not assuming smart contract risk for every smart contract
at least gns has some tvl not to mention gmx which simply cannot lose with their current position in the market unless they completely stop developing better ux. premia has less than 2M tvl

>> No.52763369

>remia has less than 2M tvl
the problem is that shrimps dont play with options onchain and there's not enough liquidity for whale trades. if tvl doesnt rapidly grow it can never take off properly to attract wider audience

>> No.52763811
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>at least gns has some tvl not to mention gmx which simply cannot lose with their current position in the market unless they completely stop developing better ux
Premia is not competing with either GMX or GNS, it's an Options platform.

>premia has less than 2M tvl
Premia has $7.1M tvl at $8.3M marketcap, that's a significantly higher TVL/marketcap ratio than GNS at $19M / $114M. Even at $2M (you were only counting mainnet, Arbitrum is the main chian) it would be more impressive than GNS.
Was this supposed to be a point against Premia?

>the problem is that shrimps dont play with options onchain
But they do and it shows in the volume that Premia facilitates and the protocol revenue that it generates. There is enough liquidity for the average 6-7 figure net worth trader.

>not enough liquidity for whale trades. if tvl doesnt rapidly grow it can never take off properly to attract wider audience
First good point that you've made, and you're right. It's hard to bootstrap liquidity for options on chain without relying on external centralized market makers or limiting the functionality of the platform. This is why Premia uses AMM liquidity pools for its options as it has proven to be the most scalable model.
Premia is rolling out a huge protocol update scheduled for Q1 2023 which will make several crucial improvements for LPs which will certainly grow TVL, alongside a margin system which will enable trading with leverage. With this update there will be more than enough liquidity for whales.

>> No.52763882

too many indians shilling this.

>> No.52763920

fuck off brent

>> No.52763927
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I am the only person talking about Premia on this board and I am White and look like pic related.

>> No.52764664
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i hate niggers i hate jews i hate spics and arabs too

>> No.52764674

>reads that
>thinks jeet
you niggers are legit retarded

>> No.52764765

i think you should buy dogecoin op, to the moon like elon hehe!!!!

>> No.52765227

n-word used

>> No.52766911

whatever this currynigger is selling is a scam but gns is going back to $1

>> No.52768323

discussion on this board is long dead

>> No.52769314


>> No.52769358

you guys realise deploying on arbitrum is a week away right lel

>> No.52769383

from price chat couple of days ago. on polygon alone. think of arb. protocol has gained 500k a month to fatten the vault alone.

also who says the current proportions of SSS rewards will be staying

>> No.52769723


>> No.52769761

I already sold

>> No.52769786

>premia is not competing
well then substitute these two with copex. they have more TVL, bigger community and probably better connections, in what ways is premia better?
>$7.1M tvl
where did you get that number? analytics on website say 1.88M

>> No.52770291
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>where did you get that number? analytics on website say 1.88M
TVL across all four chains (Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism and Fantom) is $7.1M, Arbitrum is the largest.

>well then substitute these two with copex
copex has $11M TVL at a $53M marketcap -- 0.20 TVL/Mcap ratio
Premia has $7.1M TVL at a $8.3M marketcap -- 0.85 TVL/Mcap ratio
But it gets worse. Some more metrics:
copex monthly volume: $2.3M -- 0.21 Volume/TVL ratio -- 0.04 Volume/Mcap ratio
Premia monthly volume: $14M -- 1.97 Volume/TVL ratio -- 1.68 Volume/Mcap ratio

So copex has slightly higher TVL and a 6x larger marketcap yet it's doing 1/6th of Premia's volume. What does this tell you about copex? It's an inferior platform that nobody uses despite being in the spotlight as the largest DeFi Options platform.
How much protocol revenue does copex distribute to its stakers? Right, zero, because it hardly generates any fees to distribute. If copex fees were distributed the APR would be a fraction of a percentage, so they know not to bother because it would expose the project for the useless overvalued piece of shit that it is.
>bigger community
You mean more bagholders and retards who were stupid enough to be convinced that copex is a good project by twitter marketing that targets the lowest common denominator. Community size doesn't mean anything if nobody from that community trades on the platform.
>better connections
If by that you mean twitter shills who pumped and dumped copex tokens then sure, yeah it has more connections. No amount of connections can fix an inferior protocol though. That's why copex sells NFTs to keep their low IQ community engaged and distracted from the fact that the project is a failure.
>in what ways is premia better?
In just about any way you can think of. The underlying architecture behind Premia's AMM is so far ahead of copex primitive Vaults it's a joke, and it shows in the fact that nobody trades on copex despite all the attention that it gets.

>> No.52770313


>> No.52771266

>only 10% tokens circulating
yet again, a project looks promising but the tokenomics are a complete scam

>> No.52771283

GNS was a moonshot because it fair launched and is deflationary.
75% apr means nothing if it's just token inflation. Might as well stake on some bsc shitcoin with 2000%

>> No.52771475
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Emission schedule is all that matters and it is 1.8M tokens per year (17% annual inflation) and 100% of it goes towards bootstrapping liquidity for the options pools. That's it. There are no unlocks or VC bags waiting to unload on you. It was a fair launch.

>75% apr means nothing if it's just token inflation
It's not token inflation, it comes from protocol fees.

>> No.52773489
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>> No.52773512

Krom has more potential for gains!

>> No.52774286
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>bought gns at .80
>watched it rocket to 3
>didnt sell
>sold at 1.6 because ill take a 2x before it drops even further
>1 day after begins rise to current heights

im never gonna fucking make it

>> No.52774501

Read this thread and you just might.

>> No.52774551
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heh, nice costume anon. ok get up now. mom is picking us up and we're gonda get some tendies.

>> No.52774570

and premia is down even lower than when this was posted gg

>> No.52775269

Iam a GNS whale and it fucking sux that the APR is fucking lower than inflation. I am losing money ffs.

>> No.52775369

Zoom out and come back in six months.

>> No.52775874

more booba

>> No.52777874
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>> No.52778934

And just like that, its above $4 again. Its the only token that keeps going up in the bear market. Up 8x from the bottom

>> No.52779193

That new vault article made me rethink my price target from like $40 to like $400.

>> No.52780777

Imagine trying to parasitically attach yourself to another protocols well-doing in an attempt to catch any poor fool into joining you.

Hate to say it but GNS is still $4.

If you actually promoted this shill not under the introduction of a different protocol, and talked about what the fuck it actually is, maybe people would take you more seriously.

Stop trying to ride the backs of other protocols to promote your own.

Also play Dwarf Fortress. It came out on steam with updated graphics and ui. Legendary.

>> No.52781154
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based tranny Permia shiller anon.

Even though I doubt the "options" narrative has the ability currently to spread like wildfire I still like a lot of the points you are mentioning. MY other concern is the fragmentation of these newFI type platforms which include GMX and GNS and all the clones. It seems there is a finite amount of room for the die hard holders who also act as ambassadors aka shillers for the project such as yourself. Those GMX and GNS diehards refuse to even entertain another platform even if it's parallel to perps.

>> No.52781480


No your not retard. What did you do buy in four days ago at $4.20?

>> No.52781537

>Community size doesn't mean anything if nobody from that community trades on the platform.
Do you trade on Premia? Any links for those that want to learn Options? Yes I can google it but I'd rather not have to swim through an ocean of info just to better understand Premia platform.

>> No.52782065

If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. i would rather stick to ORE-ETH LP for some decent returns

>> No.52782380

This is the dip you shouldn't overlook as real yield tokens would come up top in 2023, hoping Spool follows suit.

>> No.52782605

Same here would rather opt for LM pools on AllianceBlock LMAAS.

>> No.52784180
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Are you aware that in order for GNS, which is up 8x and already overvalued, to give you another measly 2x it would have to have gone up 16x from the bottom? Are you aware of how much easier it is for a token which isn't up 8x from the bottom and which is in fact undervalued to give you a 2x, or even an 8x, in comparison?

>> No.52784588

They really do have big brains behind that project jesus

>> No.52784758

And there is Unidx, paying over 5% real yield as Airdrop every week.
Just hold the Token in your wallet.

It will do x10 while gns and GMX Fight on Arbitrum, we Rock OP and zk rollups

>> No.52784836

Why Premia and not Lyra?

>> No.52784860
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>Imagine trying to parasitically attach yourself
Yeah you'd have to imagine it because it's not real. I simply compare overvalued projects to undervalued projects. Why does this upset you?
>If you actually promoted this shill not under the introduction of a different protocol
I'm not promoting anything, I'm merely comparing token metrics. That you interpret my posts as a promotion of Premia is an implicit admission that you believe it to be a better investment than the tokens that I've compared it to.
>maybe people would take you more seriously.
The numbers speak for themselves. There is nothing to take seriously or to not take seriously, these are facts and you can disregard them if you prefer to hold on to inferior investments. I'm doing (You) a favour by spelling out for you why Premia is undervalued relative to other DeFi projects. Again, why does this upset you?

It's really weird, I don't get why people marry their bags like this. I'm not a dierhard, I'll sell when it makes sense and move on to another undervalued project. I suppose people like the sense of community in being invested in a certain project but that's how you end up an eternal bagholder.

I trade on Premia and I will trade on it a lot more once v3 is deployed as it will come with the ability to buy and sell options with leverage among other significant protocol improvements. It's comfy, Premia has a very simple and intuitive UI.
>Any links for those that want to learn Options?

>> No.52784982

Parker's newest grift

>> No.52785187
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Premia distributes protocol fees to stakers, Lyra does not. Lyra staking rewards are completely inflationary, it's not real yield. It's also too deeply tied up to Optimism and relies on OP grants for liquidity incentives. It's not a self-sufficient protocol.

Aside from that it's a decent platform.

>> No.52786662


>> No.52788656
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>> No.52790519
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>> No.52790721

OP I bought, wen moon?

>> No.52791358
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Thanks gonna run through those blog posts and buy-in soon!

>> No.52791552

They smell the same lmao

>> No.52791830

Premia looks like a jeet scam. Gmx and gns are solid. My bet is vela ($dxp) winning the perp wars their team looks good and their ui and trading tools are god tier.

>> No.52794016


>> No.52794167

in that case doesn’t that mean protocol fees are so high that they’re fucking over the traders and discouraging them from staying with the platform?

>> No.52794438

No, it very simply just means that the token is undervalued.