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52755651 No.52755651 [Reply] [Original]

are there countries you can own a house without the government? like they can’t make you pay taxes or just come take it away?

>> No.52755666

only if you are the sovereign of the country. 99.9999999999% of people these days are just glorified serfs who dont have the ability to own property

>> No.52755668

DR Congo

>> No.52755742

croatia, lichtenstein, monaco, malta, georia, fiji, cook island, cayman island, dominica, Turks&Caicos island, sri lanka, united arab emirates, qatar

>> No.52755744

just squat in a shack in india or some shit

>> No.52755767

I live in Georgia (the Country)...not correct its 1%

>> No.52755771

If you are Indigenous.

>> No.52755784

newfoundland unincorporated community

>> No.52756089
File: 1.21 MB, 917x889, 1629431206649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can live free in the western Sahara, there no man will impose his will upon you, see you there space cowboy

>> No.52756113

But yes, they can always take it away.

>> No.52756134

Non-Somaliland Somalia but you'll have bigger issues than the government kek. Good luck.

>> No.52756138

>there no man will impose his will upon you
I'm pretty sure there are men with guns and Toyota Hilluxes ready to impose their will on him.

>> No.52756153

In the United States there are many states that permit you to defend your property by force, that is pretty much as close to the natural state of property as you're going to get. Texas for example takes it easy on going after income taxes because the property taxes are higher, it's a tradeoff you make to live somewhere desirable.
Most americans will not enjoy what a real economy is supposed to look like so i would probably get to where the people are the most 'real'

>> No.52756162

west sahara is under Moroccan occupation

>> No.52756181

Okay but you can get your own gun and toyata
They don't actually control any territory except for a few parts, they just run around and put landmines everywhere

>> No.52756198

>Okay but you can get your own gun and toyata
Fair enough.

>> No.52756257

they control 2/3rds
the landmines are in the algerian sadr controlled part

>> No.52756297
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My mom told me we don't pay taxes for owning a house

>> No.52756353

states (and/or federal governments as americans would call them) exist to take care of private property. they do so by imposing violence, or at least the threat of violence, onto those who violate it.
what do you think would happen if there were places where you can own a house without the government being involved in one way or another? ...
but yeah, there are places like that. e.g.: many african countries.

>> No.52756374
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Oh I live in Malta so it's true. Too bad this country sucks otherwise