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File: 311 KB, 1672x2560, 4thIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52755151 No.52755151 [Reply] [Original]

If you have 7,000 or less LINK its basically retard tier to stake literally any of it.

I believe in the long term success of the project and will eventually stake but I still want to fucking be able to take profits on parabolic expansions with the possibility to buy back in lower. Swinging LINK has been insanely profitable over the long term for anyone with even a little common sense. You don't swing your entire stack maybe like 10% at a time. You are looking at long term time frames

You sell obvious parabolic tops and start buying the retrace slowly.

Crypto doesn't have steady growth. Its makes massive moves in relatively short periods of time.

Also sure there isn't any slashing but once you stake they can do whatever they want and that still doesn't protect me from inherent protocol risk. Nothing is infallible and I'd prefer the staking system run for awhile before I put my money into it. That isn't unreasonable.

Imagine over the next year we go to $150 and then back to $15. The entire time YOU CAN'T SELL. All you can do is watch everything unfold. You can't sell rewards, your stack. You have hamstrung yourself entirely and given up any ability to take profits. That isn't worth 5%. This isn't FUD.

Chainlink is the standard. This iteration of staking is not.

>> No.52755159
File: 324 KB, 908x675, 1615415751482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stake and Earn™

Dear Customer,

Your State-issued STEARN™ Freedom Access Gauge (sFAG) has detected waning efficacy in your current Staking Status©. Expired Staking Status© will remain inactive until Two (2) Weeks after your tokens© are admitted into the open pool. Please be advised that you must schedule your Internationally approved and mandated Staking Pool® within 48hrs to avoid penalties and/or d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ compulsory attendance at your local State Q̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶c̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Stake & Rehab Centre

Failure to comply with your Staking Status© update may result in your Social Access™ being temporarily restricted indefinitely. Hospital Access and Voting Attendance may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Social Gathering and Personal Contact may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Travel Movement Restrictions (TMRs) will be restricted to the following locations:
>1: Home
>2: [null]

To autoschedule your Internationally approved and mandated Staking® appointment, please select from the following options:
>1: Instant™
>2: Special Unit #STAKING-2030 Worldwide Home Delivery

Please keep the Linkpool biodata app open as the appointment is being processed, to ensure your current Health and Bio-Identity details are correctly submitted to the Chainlink Blockchain (ticker: LINK)

Thank you Global Citizen,

*no refunds

>> No.52755166

You're not taking my spot, dumb tranny.

>> No.52755174

>you can only stake 0 LINK or your entire stack
I will be staking 80% and leaving 20% liquid to sell any potential blow-off tops

>> No.52755193

>If you have 7,000 or less LINK its basically retard tier to stake literally any of it.

Its the opposite. Stacklets with less than 10k would do well to stake everything. Now on the other hand, someone with a 40k stack should aim to sell 30k at the local top of a pump. If it keeps going up, you still have 10k.

>> No.52755197

To be more specific, I should say its retard tier to lock up a large percentage of your holdings for 9-12 months.

I wouldn't even consider staking anything more than 20% but even that is pointless if your stack is small. You will make much more taking regular profits when everyone is euphoric. This website gives it away well.

Everything starts posting screen shots of the USD valuations of their wallets with everything else blurred out kek

>> No.52755208

I don't want your spot you retard faggot kek

I'd give you mine if I could

>> No.52755220

I have 8k and early access, might stake like 1k for the memes but not all of it, no way

>> No.52755240

What kind of retard logic is that? 10K stack lets only need like one good swing to put them at 25K LINK.

You never swing all of it is all. What you are saying makes zero sense. They will never make anything from staking for 5% for 12 months and THEY WILL MISS THE ABILITY TO SELL THE PARABOLIC EXPANSE.

Everyone laughs about LINK holders missing the bullrun.

If we get somekind of relief over the next year they will watch it pump and then crash and be able to do nothing.

How is that good for them? Make it make sense to me

You people are fucking evil. Its 5% its pennies LINK pumps that in less than a day

>> No.52755266


Nice man I'm glad someone has some common sense.

Even the 1000 seems pointless but you understand its retarded to remove the only tools actions you have at your disposal I.E selling/buying

>> No.52755297

7k is like 350 link at most, it's way too risky for so little gain

>> No.52755305

10k stackers don't need to swing. They have already won. Anything above 10k is icing on the cake and it is okay if it is sold too early.

Sub 10k stacklets should not be swinging due to the risk of being priced out of their already low amount of link.

>> No.52755329

Fudders trying hard to keep newfags from staking so they have space to stake themselves in the pool

>> No.52755333


>> No.52755343

Obviously swinging if you get it right has a potentially way higher return than holding/staking. But it isn't fool-proof, and if you're like me and are an emotional trader, can very easy go wrong if you lose your nerve. I will take my risk-free 5% and I will be happy

>> No.52755349

Where and how do I stake link?

>> No.52755365


REEEEEE no you fucking mongoloid I'm trying to help these people.

Why the fuck would I lock my assets up for 5% for potentially a year. That is the worst return in crypto possible. I have to trade the only tool at my disposal the ability to sell.

I'm going to screen cap all of these posts so fucking hard when you dumb faggots literally miss the next run to triple digits and then watch it crash back to low double digits.

This is slave mentality. Get fucking good. Long term parabolic tops are obvious usually and again you don't sell ALL of your holdings when you swing just some. Make them laddered sells.

>> No.52755376


>> No.52755385


No one knows what the future will bring. Not having control of your assets and for many of these people their entire net worth for 12 months is outrageous.

I can't think of anything in recent time that is more ridiculous.

You know what I can its akin to having your entire net worth on a CEX.

>> No.52755392

Why does my intention to stake envoke such an emotial reaction?

>> No.52755397



Its your funeral

>> No.52755416
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I believe in Jesus Christ as my lord and savior and know in my heart of hearts many are making what is likely a terrible and costly mistake relinquishing control of their assets for almost a year.

Its my duty to at least warn people I.E. tell the truth.

Chainlink is the standard but this iteration of staking isn't it...yet anyway.

>> No.52755431

Your concern is appreciated kind anon

>> No.52755471


I'm trying my best. Everyone has their own decision to make but it should at least be noted that locking a large percentage of your net worth up for nearly a year for only 5% APR in return isn't a great deal.

While I don't think anything will happen in this regard, it is the first iteration of staking so there is always inherent smart contract protocol risk to consider as well.

>> No.52755546
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>p-pls don't stake guys!!

>> No.52755564

didnt (((they))) told you during training that any post with reddit spacing will be discarded by core oldfags of biz (which by the way are the ones who are going to stake in 3 hours)

>> No.52755584
File: 85 KB, 480x600, 4chanoldfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stake if you want but its a terrible risk/reward ratio and I did my duty by trying to warn others.

No one actually cares about double spacing. Its much easier to speed read and digest.

Most oldfags are so paranoid at this point I kind of doubt they will stake its probably only newfags with 1000 or less that will.

>> No.52755588

Ah yes the ol 9-5 Chainlink shills have now clocked in. Just go home guys, I can tell you right now that I will not be staking

>> No.52755595
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>> No.52755598

Im staking, seethe

>> No.52755633


Friend that is point of my post.

It won't be me seething

>> No.52755637
File: 1.71 MB, 960x720, we are all in this together.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, if we go to $150 in the next 6 months, you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you sell then. Link isn't coming down this time coming run.

>> No.52755693

>Link isn't coming down this time coming run.

Every parabolic increase is followed by a retrace. Its literally the nature of how these things work.

The only time that becomes a possibility is when V1 staking is live and all LINK can be staked.

Then it may actually never come back down to previous levels.

>> No.52755711


Or rather it may never return to certain price levels

I'm also not suggesting they sell all of their holdings but simply consider trading the ability to sell for 5% APR isn't in their best interest

>> No.52755720

>I'm trying to help these people.
You care about our financial wellbeing huh?

>> No.52755748

Swingies get the rope

>> No.52755763
File: 197 KB, 1106x884, Iwontletyoudown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually yes I care about people deeply

>> No.52755779


Except many of them didn't and more than doubled their stacks through laddered selling tops and rebuying dips

>> No.52755850
File: 22 KB, 200x200, 1670337746230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linkies acted smug for years
>missed the last bullrun
>missed taking profits at the top because muh staking
>mandatory years long lockup
>cant even access rewards

My fucking sides god has an amazing sense of humor in delivering his lessons to the sinful

>> No.52755909

And many more got wrecked.
Swinging is a zero sum game and anyone trying to get stacklets to swing is obviously a predator to be wary of.

>> No.52755980

>Swinging is a zero sum game and anyone trying to get stacklets to swing is obviously a predator to be wary of.

Not being able to have the option to take profits for 12 months is much more predatory.

You literally just don't buy back in for more than you sold. Stacklets aren't going to make it any time soon

The less you have invested in crypto the more risk you need to take. Especially if you are young you have time to make mistakes and learn. You want to wait until 2030 for your 150 LINK to be worth something?

>> No.52755988

I also said don't swing all of your holdings. Ladder sells for some of your stack

>> No.52755998

It's extremely obvious that you care way too much, and have an agenda.

>> No.52756078


Yes I literally said I care about people deeply and stated my agenda. I want to inform them that maybe they should take a second look at their choices. Everyone has their own choice to make but people need to be aware that the current iteration of staking is which will lock your assets for 12 months is not ideal.

Option A) Lock up part of your LINK holdings and get 5% APR--Many suggesting they will lock up everything they have

Option B) Miss out on 5% APR but have the ability to act in best or worst case scenario event either massive gains or some kind of societal strife/emergency

If you want the 5% you'd have to be locking a significant amount for it to even really be worth it

I keep seeing people saying they are going to lock up everything they own.

I feel bad for these people and thus made the thread

>> No.52756079
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 3slkto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just swing your link
>Just magically time to local top

I wasn't sure how much of my 5k linklet stack I want to stake after the LPL shitshow, but thanks to your post I am now 100% sure that I will stake all of my stack in two hours.
Thank you very much kind discord tranny.

>> No.52756106
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The only people who have an agenda are Sergey and Chainlink Labs. The same "people" you are fellating.

Staking is a scam and if you're dumb enough to fall for it then you weren't supposed to make it anyways. You would have probably fell for masternode scams back in 2016-2017 too

>> No.52756114


Then that is your prerogative and I wish you luck but in terms of a risk/reward ratio its not good whatsoever

>> No.52756130

i am going into crippling debt and locking 100% (more than I can afford to lose) into chainlink (ticker: LINK) early access staking and there's nothing (NOTHING) you can do about it!

>> No.52756131


Its not a scam but being forced to lock up your LINK for 12 months is the epitome of bad risk management

>> No.52756150


You joke but many probably are

>> No.52756182
File: 34 KB, 261x182, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you joke
everything ever written on this website is an autistic work of fiction except for my previous post.

>> No.52756208
File: 337 KB, 833x925, Sergey chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it, you fag.
Everybody knows risks. It's been 5+ years.
Why do you care about my bags? anon's bags?
What is your agenda? You look like a swinging fuck up who can't into early access. It's the only picture of you I see. There is no other explanation why you preach whole thread to every reply so furiously. Nobody does it here like that. You look out of place, dud.
You are definitely not a INTJ person.

>> No.52756249
File: 49 KB, 748x479, INTJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are definitely not a INTJ person.

I'm literally an INTJ person. I just also had a crown chakra experience like 6 years ago

>> No.52756291
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tat settles, you are swinger, you can't into early access

>> No.52756303


Idk understand what you are trying to say.

I have multiple wallets and only used one for swinging.

I have the option to stake if I want but I won't be

>> No.52756339
File: 115 KB, 1920x1280, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourself you condescending pseud
og my ass
t. eligible for early staking, not staking a single link

>> No.52756354

nor your keys not your coins

>> No.52756372

Top 500 wallet here. Not staking because I just can’t be bothered. Why would I hand over 7000 tokens where there’s no guarantees on when I’ll get them back for a measly 350 LINK? It doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.52756394

Top 50 wallet here. Staking is a scam, do not stake sirs

>> No.52756414

I swing traded link doubling my stack and then selling near $42
link will never be $40 again and you are delusional to be bagholding at this point.
Sergey and friends are speeding up the exit rug next year with the sale of 50m tokens

>> No.52756456
File: 3.05 MB, 1226x1649, 1613701753839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have ~100 LINK. Should I even bother?

>> No.52756471

This. I wouldn't even get out my bed for 350 Link

>> No.52756518

>boom and busts happen in trad fi, that means it'll happen with a monetized communication protocol that's essentially the backbone of the new web paradigm
kill yourself

>> No.52756581

I got 1k link but sure as fuck won't be staking all of it but then again thinking is staking 500 link even worth it. Fuck this is gay.

>> No.52756628

How many wallets are competing for a spot?

>> No.52756676


Are you blind? Chainlink has boomed and busted like 5 times at least since inception

I'm talking at least 600-700% increase and 70% retrace

>> No.52756724


No but you should be focusing on getting as much cashflow built as possible to buy at these prices and do reading to familiarize yourself with obvious peaks and profit taking strategies

>> No.52756739

these were speculative bubbles without any adoption. we're nearing the tipping point and if you can't see that, please sell.

>> No.52756773

>singularity is near, repent and stake everything!
unironically kill yourself

>> No.52756779

>we're nearing the tipping point and if you can't see that

We aren't though

The tipping point is V1 and complete staking for all LINK is open. That is when the tokenomics are actually unleashed

>> No.52756816

Why would you want to take profits with Link? You'll make it with 2000 and you risk losing your stack along the way? FUCK THAT. Swingers get the rope.

>> No.52756884

>You'll make it with 2000 and you risk losing your stack along the way?

Eventually you will however a year is a long time. I mean what if we pump to $500 in that 12 month time frame. No one ever went broke taking profits.

There is quite a difference between trying to scalp short term volatility and what I'm suggesting which is having the ability to sell a portion of your holdings on what is obviously a blow off top in the long term time frame.

You know when the chart is going nearly straight up and everyone is euphoric screenshotting all their money.

When we were mid $40's nearly everyday someone was doing just that. It was so apparent it was time.

>> No.52756963
File: 472 KB, 720x867, Screenshot_20221205-213648-239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be lucky to see $10 in the next year. Can someone please explain to me the logic for holding link but not staking it? All of these shills and copers seem to operate from the assumption that we were looking for an exit in the first place.

There are a lot of round trippers in link from this bullrun who didn't sell the top because btc/link faked us out thinking we were going to see a retrace on the pair, instead we got max pain.

Time in the market is an asset and I'm not selling the bottom or missing out on free link and airdrops.

>> No.52757199

>Can someone please explain to me the logic for holding link but not staking it?

I did. This iteration of staking is terrible risk management. You get 5% and must lock up for 12 months. I understand some lock up period but damn.

Its unclear if this first iteration even gets the BUILD tokens now. I'm just saying that 5% is barely worth being the test Guinea pig for the smart contract risk.

Most of the people here only get one shot to make it and after

NEXO shenanigans

I'm suggesting maximum overdrive into paranoia and caution is key to making it.

The real magic happens at V1 although 75 Million lock up prior is a sizeable amount too.

>> No.52757236

>We will be lucky to see $10 in the next year.

You have zero basis for that at all and no one reasonable would say that with confidence. Ironically if true it would still be better returns than the 5% from staking and less risk since its not in locked in a staking contract.

>> No.52757426

if we get a parabolic rise then that 5% you keep talking about could suddenly be 100% annual return based on USD initial. If we get an explosive meteoric rise in price, you could be getting 1000%. That return is essentially risk free if you get into v0.1. This is what you risk missing if you don't stake early. You're only mentioning the risks of staking, not the risks of missing out, which are equally remarkable.

>> No.52757493

You are making the assumption that we are going to go up and stay there
Ogs are tired. I want the freedom to get off this ride.

>> No.52757501

>if we get a parabolic rise then that 5% you keep talking about could suddenly be 100% annual return based on USD initial. If we get an explosive meteoric rise in price, you could be getting 1000%.

You can't sell the rewards though? The price has to expand to that level and then stay that high until your stake is unlocked. Odds are someone with liquid LINK will front run you.

Crypto moves so fast. It can easily have a parabolic move and round trip back to another 90% decrease in that time frame. Maybe that 5% does equate to a 1000% gain in USD value but the entire point of my thread is that you likely won't be able to capitalize on any of it. You will be forced to sit on your hands and watch it play out.

Maybe for some of you that is best Idk but its terrible risk management. I can't reiterate that enough

>>That return is essentially risk free if you get into v0.1

In no way is locking your LINK in the first iteration of a staking contract risk free. Its not even close

>> No.52757523
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>You can't sell the rewards though?

>> No.52757532


I'm not even tired and I've been in since ICO but I don't see how 5% APR is worth potentially missing selling a 50x or something. Its madness.

I absolutely believe LINK will go way beyond even a 50x in the long term but crypto operates in cycles. If it goes up 50x in a 6 month period for example it will undoubtedly come back down to some degree.

>> No.52757544
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>32 posts

>> No.52757556

What the fuck, are you retarded? How can it be better returns than staking unless you perfectly time a swing? You can't just sell it at $10 and call that better returns, you then have to buy back at least 10% more than your stack (to account for taxes) to claim you beat staking returns. Which means if you sell at $10, and it goes to $20 and never goes back down to $10 you actually just cucked yourself. Ironically people who try to swing at the $10 level are probably the most likely to get justed. Your suggestions are terrible and you have literally no understanding of risk:reward.

>> No.52757578

In 8 minutes I will be staking my chain link and there is nothing you trannies can do about it

>> No.52757588


I delayed gratification drastically.

I lost nothing to the gibs of Celsius or Bancor. I could have made money hand over fist especially on Bancor. I decided even 15-20% wasn't worth it.

I also lost nothing on LPL as I didn't buy and don't use CEXes really so didn't get burned on FTX.

I have been borderline psychotic on caution

>> No.52757618

>Ironically people who try to swing at the $10 level are probably the most likely to get justed.

It was a joke you autist. I'm not actually suggesting people sell at $10. More like in the triple digits and again not their entire stack.

Get a grip

>> No.52757635

i don't want to sell right away, i want the possibility of explosive compounded returns.

>> No.52757637


I made the thread and have responded to everyone appropriately

>> No.52757649

>you autist
Don't look at your post count

>> No.52757682

>Jim Cramer urging people to leave crypto right as LINK staking begins
yep, i'm gonna be a billionaire by EOY

>> No.52757712

>link goes to $100 in like June or July
>comes back down to $10 around December
>don't stake
>link dump crabs around $7-10 until I decide to stake
>then it pumps

I've been burned too many times and know for a fact that this will happen. I am not supposed to make it and neither are you. The sooner you expect it the better

>> No.52757713

Just don't stake 100%, you brainlet.

>> No.52757718


I'm OP. Post count isn't relevant. I'm sitting here drinking some tea and responding as posts come.

Staking is almost upon us.

Godspeed you bastards just for the love of God don't trap all your assets for a year.

Yeah that is normally a buy signal I'd say although Cramer has been all over the place since he found out about the Inverse Cramer Index so its hard to bet accurate based on his claims.

>> No.52757740


I'd say don't stake more than 20% of your holdings but for most people they may as well just do nothing

>> No.52757741

>Post count isn't relevant.
yes it is.
Regardless of whether you're OP, you're still begging people not to stake for dozens of posts and many hours.

>> No.52757762


Lets say those two events have a 50% probability of happening.

Which is worse

It crabs and you get the 5%

It moons and you get the 5%, can't sell anything, and watch it round trip

This is why I'm not staking...yet

>> No.52757788


I've said many times its your personal choice and I'm just trying to give some insight as to why its real bad risk management to lock up your assets for 12 months on a newly issued staking contract.

>> No.52757847

Hello anon thanks for your concern. Just wanted to give you a quick update and let you know I staked my linkies. Sorry you won't have space in the pool

>> No.52757891


I genuinely hope it works out for you. I've told you I'm not staking

You think I'd be replying right now if I were?

>> No.52757904

lmao already 4 million out of 22 filled in the pool, sorry OP you won't get to stake in general access.

>> No.52757933

Staking a volatile asset is pretty retarded imo
For 5% ??? Who cares...

>> No.52757941


Again I'm not staking so its fine

>> No.52757967

I literally only have 7000 and staked them all. gtfo fudder

>> No.52757971


That was my thought more or less

>> No.52758007


Very sad. I can only hope it works out for you.

>> No.52758275
File: 2.42 MB, 1080x1405, DavidLINKGoliath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck all I tried

>> No.52758467

>the only risk is not being able to sell, which I was not planning for less than 1k per Link anyway

Staked all of my stack

>> No.52758496


Then lets hope it doesn't reach $1000 in the next 12 months

>> No.52758506

yeah, sorry, DR; staked everything. 5 more years, and i'll be rich...

>> No.52758522


Also that isn't the only risk. All new smart contracts have inherent risk to them and can be exploited or malfunction simply from being new

>> No.52758543


Hope so

>> No.52758579

Staking unlocks in 9-12 months, meaning if it reaches 1k eony you can still sell.

>> No.52758582

ik, but in this case link is permanently fucked anway

>> No.52758612

don't care, just staked my entire bag (78.5 chainlink tokens(ticker: $LINK))

>> No.52758635


Okay but that is a fun meme and an actual parabolic run is much more likely to happen before you can act.

Whales will also front run staking unlocks and take profits knowing that many others will want to as well.

>> No.52758647


Well you have other issues if that is your entire bag. I'd suggest working on cash flow. 100 doesn't make it until the end of the decade.

>> No.52758663

i am the richest basterd in my village

>> No.52758757


>> No.52760243

Gee I wish I saw this thread before I staked so I could sell..

>> No.52760281

I used this fud too. In reality most people only locked a portion of their link. They can sell and take profits while getting their link refilled from staking

>> No.52760321

The chance of us hitting triple digits in the next 9-12 months is basically zero.

>> No.52760468

Nowhere in this thread did I suggest selling right now. You are being disingenuous

Its not FUD a bunch of mongoloids locked up large percentages of their holdings and have nothing they can do now except wait. 5% is nothing to refill what they might sell.


You can't know that at all. Its just complete guessing. I can't either but I do know that if we do have a parabolic expansion I can effectively take advantage of it because I didn't lock myself out of my own assets for 4.75%

>> No.52760547

the very fact that the pool is still not filled after 2.5 hours tells me all I need to know

>> No.52760582

it is OGRE for linkers

>> No.52760584
File: 128 KB, 800x800, 20221206_211021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt chainlinkgod obsesses over the choices people make with their linkies
i just staked my 7k clg i cant sell what now?

>> No.52760614

>NEXO shenanigans
lol okay if you think chainlink itself is on the same tier as these then why are you even holding? gift before it blows up. lol

>> No.52760630

The whales dont have 500 eligible addresses bro.
This early staking was to throw a bone to the small ogs with 1-20k stacks or the normies with a few hundred link bought in 2020

>> No.52760676

this. OP (chainlinkgod) says the damnest things lol

>> No.52760683

I disagree only in that it’s free link.
We’re caught in a catch 22.
If no one stakes the network will fail, and the value of our unstaked link drops regardless.
If we do stake the lock up prevents any profit for the staked link.
I’m sitting on 8k link as well and will stake 7,000 because if we have a rise to 150$ I’d still only sell 10% of my link for a profit anyway. I have a good job and don’t need the money from link for anything anyway.
It’s generational wealth I’m after, so any chance to make free link with the company that made the token is a-ok with me.
Ultimately this is something we each need to decide for ourselves.

>> No.52760686

how amusing you're already backtracking from
>it will fill in the first 10 minutes
>lol, it was never supposed to get filled bro, whales are going to fill general access in 10 minutes!
pathetic mental gymnastics

>> No.52760694

Top 1 wallet.
I'm literally Sergey. So...um... Yeah ,. fundamentally staking right now is not sensible
We need the network to mature. To capture the value of all tradfi instruments and to become the tested and true standard for financial settlements across the globe. Then you can stake.

>> No.52760709


Oh please most people though those were relatively safe options until they weren't except maybe NEXO. It always felt grimy.

They aren't on tier with LINK but no project is perfect. Why would you be the test subject for them trying out the staking contract?

I already made it from LINK and I still decided not to stake. I want fuck you money.

I also don't trust (((players))) outside of our control trying to fuck us.

If you aren't maxxing paranoia in crypto you are NGMI

>> No.52760717

You can sell even if you have staked. Its called shorting retard.

>> No.52760732


ChainlinkGod is a faggot. Why would think I'm him? He's been shilling staking hard like a good goy

>> No.52760777

>If no one stakes the network will fail, and the value of our unstaked link drops regardless.

Not really there is no slashing this isn't really even staking honestly

>I’m sitting on 8k link as well and will stake 7,000 because if we have a rise to 150$ I’d still only sell 10% of my link for a profit anyway. I have a good job and don’t need the money from link for anything anyway.
>It’s generational wealth I’m after,

That is a reasonable and fair assessment friend but is still bad risk management in my opinion. As you said its an individual case by case basis but for most its a bad deal right now

>> No.52760786
File: 164 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1670356017870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stake your link op this is getting tiresome

>> No.52760800


That requires more capital and liquidation points which adds lots of risk. Its not nearly as simple as just offloading spot holdings.

>> No.52760815


I told you I'm not doing that and its funny it looks like many others aren't as well. What's the current count up to so far? Last I saw it was around 7.5 Million I think

>> No.52760841
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>pool is already closing
Your gonna miss out then you'll be sorry

>> No.52760846

>pool's still not filled
>shills now have to beg holders to stake
this is getting sad desu

>> No.52760893

>begs people not to steak

>> No.52760908

No I really won't be kek

I feel comfy I still have complete control of all of my assets and am only missing out on 4.75% APR

Paranoia wins

>> No.52760935

Are you brain dead his post wasn't ESL

Nigga why lie we can all see it right there kek

>> No.52760941

i just bought more link that i'm not staking

>> No.52761061
File: 19 KB, 766x236, 20201206_070553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed bancor
>missed nexo
>missed celsius
>fuds staking
>fuds clg
your not a cool guy op lol you will live to regrete you're actions
lmao the absolute state of esl. im in frens and comfy

>> No.52761073

lol another low iq moran

>> No.52761083
File: 102 KB, 622x942, FVjY_m3WUAEiwR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I say it will fill in the first 10 mins?
I literally just spent the last few months fudding and spamming "never staking" my fud bro. Im taking a break today to celebrate.

>> No.52761147

MSN's Murtuza Merchant has picked up the story
ksn has it


>> No.52761149

>59 posts by ID

holy shit we really are going to make it and become the new financial elite

you can't stop us now

>> No.52761157


>Loses nothing to every well organized scam in the last 5 years

>YoU R GuNnA RagRet Ur AcksHuns

Alright then

CLG is a faggot and is basically paid to encourage retail holders to lock up their assets for 12 months with zero recourse.

"Frens" don't suggest that to other frens

Honestly there is nothing more important than having access to your liquidity. This isn't rocket science

>> No.52761210


I made the thread. I also hold a lot of LINK

SEE I'M GOING TO MAKE IT AND BECOME THE NEW FINANCIAL ELITE. If you let others convince of you staking more than 20% of your net worth for 12 months then its questionable for you. Lets hope for your sake you didn't do that. You didn't right?

I'm just not staking it until V1 and insurance can be purchased to secure the collateral in case of slashing or exploit. Thanks for being the test subject though on the new staking contract

>> No.52761216

holy ESL! lol

>> No.52761263
File: 84 KB, 654x639, ByyaTEu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro ur raging lmao. Feeling fomo for those sweet BUIDL rewards only us day one seee stakers will be getting huh

>> No.52761266


You do know that means English as a Second Language right?

I have a charity event I'm going to soon and want to purchase something nice for one of the special members.

What kind of velcro shoes do you recommend?

>> No.52761278


No I pity all of you. I've only basically said that about 34987389473 times now.

Are you sure you get those with v.01? Get back to me on that

>> No.52761307

There is probably other perks then just BUILD, i am guessing that by staking early we will be auto white listed for all other versions of staking.

There must be a reason why they only allowed loyal holders to stake if not for there being more benefits then 4.75% apr and build

>> No.52761315

>63 posts
>7 hours
I literally saw this thread when I went to sleep last night. I set my alarm for 4am, got up, refreshed the staking page, staked all 7k and went back to sleep. Woke up and you are still here. Feeling cosy.

>> No.52761347

You are such a good person for being so dedicated to warning us. 60/150 posts are yours geez anon thanks for being my guardian angle :)

>> No.52761376

Ironically don't have to work because of LINK. Its a rainy day. Its an off day for the gym as well. I decided to take this time to try and garner some common sense in people

Idk if it worked or enough people just realize that locking your assets for 12 months for 4.75% is sub 85 IQ tier.

Last I saw only 8 Million staked so its a good day

>> No.52761444

Weird you're so concerned about this but you do you

>> No.52761456

>64 posts of rambling incoherent esl headcanon

>> No.52761524
File: 65 KB, 398x599, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not I already covered that.

I follow Christ and had a crown chakra awakening when I was 26. I deeply care about people. It impacted me severely and I do my best to alert people when I think they are making mistakes.

That being said, people still have to use their sovereignty and make the choice themselves. Most people have to fail to learn but not necessarily always the case

People just internalize the correct path more often if they fail first but sometimes they can see when others explain to them.

Most people aren't genuine but I try to always be.

Everything I do, feel, say, and think are aligned completely. I'm very blessed

>> No.52761543


Friend again the post is right there. Anyone can directly see what you are referring to and realize you are just lying.

What are you trying to gain from this?

>> No.52761747
File: 260 KB, 1467x2048, 1639873485199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I follow Christ and had a crown chakra awakening when I was 26. I deeply care about people.
Kek the absolute state of fudders. 10/10 my sides.. thanks just unstaked 100 link because that put me in a good mood

>> No.52761851

Staking saved me from blowing my eth on JPEGs food for thought

>> No.52761868


I have no idea what you are saying

You can't unstake 100 LINK so I'm assuming you meant you staked 100

I'm not Fudding I hold a metric fuck ton of LINK and will stake on V1 when other requirements are met.

Its like you can't hold a nuanced viewpoint on an asset at all.

LINK is going to make many wealthy beyond their wildest dreams eventually. That doesn't mean this iteration of staking isn't shit and its not worth the risk.

Also what I said there is true. I get feelings of euphoria in the pit of my stomach in the mornings equivalent to the euphoria of 1-5% of an orgasm just for existing. Its absolutely incredible.

You should look into it but its a different topic so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.52761882


Emotional control and not being a man child could as well though friend

>> No.52762031

I'm glad to hear that you're not staking your Chainlink, and it looks like many others are taking a similar approach. As far as I know, the current staked amount is around 7.5 million, but that number is constantly changing as people stake and unstake their tokens.

It's understandable why some people might be hesitant to stake their Chainlink. As I mentioned earlier, staking comes with inherent risks, and it's important to do your research and understand those risks before making any investment decisions. Plus, with the current competition in the staking market, it's possible that there are better options out there with higher returns and lower risks.

In the end, the decision to stake or not to stake is up to you. Just make sure you take the time to carefully consider your options and understand the potential risks before making any decisions.

>> No.52762109

True. Made it was fun though

>> No.52762529

>but that number is constantly changing as people stake and unstake their tokens.

No that isn't how that works at all. Its a 9-12 lock up period

>> No.52762617

On the same boat altough I sold 2021 top and bought back not too long ago. I'll stake all my LINK I got this way (sub 7k stack) and keep stacking cash in case macroeconomy keeps shitting itself.

I don't need to unstake in next 5 years might aswell sit there. I ratherly buy 5$ Linkies and have mine in staking baking more LINK than sell at 15$ then watch it shoot above 30$ with CCIP.

>> No.52762626
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>> No.52762670

>sell at 15$

Why would you sell at $15 that wouldn't be a blow off top event

There is still smart contract risk. Its not risk free by any means.

>> No.52762788

Maybe a 2,5x from 6month trade is good enough for non degenerate gamblers? Currently I am stacking cash while having a 20% crypto - 80% stocks folio.

I trust Sergey enough let him hold 30000$ worth of my shitcoin assets.

>> No.52763075

You know the fallout of all this shows the massive damage control happening from all the advocates and team members themselves. I have a feeling why so many teams distrust Chainlinklabs after what they did to Cronje and numerous other people. Sergey has never created a project that took off and was only lucky enough to meet Ari that lent some credibility to his failing career.

>> No.52763092


>> No.52763373

Cronje is way less trustworthy than Chainlink even if they did steal Keepers from him

>> No.52763474

the gpt bots are in this thread

>> No.52764001

Cronje made more money for FTM and YFI holders than sergey ever will. Empty promises and carrot on the stick behavior, it's obvious there is a paid shill element here.

>> No.52764113

I have 15k link and thats all I have, what to do

>> No.52764129

Sore thumb. Try harder next time

>> No.52764175


Holy fuck you are pathetic

Not reading any of your shit, faggot. Too late I already staked 7k LINK. Seethe and cope.

>> No.52764651

kill yourself faggot. I should have put everything eth and gtfo last year.

>> No.52764823

Ho Lee Fook the steaking number keeps randomly going up and down when you refresh the page

>> No.52764842

No you should have killed yourself faggot

>> No.52764885
File: 195 KB, 220x220, swinglinkies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag problems

>> No.52764910


>> No.52765095

Check the contract retard. Frontends act up all the time


>> No.52766987

it was schwab behind it all along

>> No.52767412

Anyone even feel differently to picrel?

>> No.52767422
File: 198 KB, 1080x612, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52767554


What are you saying FTM is a joke. Nigga its like Halloween themed. No one takes that seriously. Its never coming back to its ATH

Almost definitely a dead chain

>> No.52767559


You probably should have read the thread because now you are going to miss yet another bull run.

I tried to help everyone here though at least I didn't my best

>> No.52767566


Poorfags are people too.

Swinging is also ironically easier when you are rich

>> No.52767573

Not stake, that’s for sure.
I only have 11k and I’m not risking a single link on v0.0001

>> No.52767603

See here is where you show the world your a fucking idiot.
I had 8,000 link sitting there, doing nothing.
I staked 7,000 link, with the other thousand, if the price appreciates I can still swing the ~10% on the side lines and do everything you suggest.
Rather than tell people not to stake their link (bad faith) just tell people to make prudent decisions towards their future.
If link goes to 150$ having an additional 333 link would be awesome because it is out of my price range to accumulate more then. However I’m not swinging ever, nor will I sell link for any less than 1,000$ I sold at 50$ and pulled out my initial 3,000$ so everything here is for funsies.
I hate people like you that swindle in the name of the Lord and I know that there is a place for people like you.

>> No.52767612

>LPL shiller turned doomer

>> No.52767673


There is literally no swindle

As someone who has done well for themselves with LINK I simply pleaded with people and suggested relinquishing control of your assets for 12 months probably isn't in your best interest.

Now you only have 12.5% of your stack remaining at your disposal.

I hope for your sake that isn't your entire net worth. No one knows what the future will bring and that was my point of this thread. You have no recourse now regardless of what happens. Its out of your hands. That is not good.

My intentions are true friend.

People suggesting they were locking more than 20% of their net worth were making a grave error

It wasn't worth 4.75%. It was also a brand new contract. The Chainlink team is best in class so to speak but they aren't infallible. Why would people dump so much money into a brand new smart contract.

This is legitimately not bad faith. Maybe I'm wrong and it will be fine but in a risk management perspective its terrifying.

I was kind of being a dick and joking in that comment you referred to but its not out of the question. 12 months is forever in crypto.

>> No.52767949

swinging works until it doesn't. most will get it wrong and get left behind

>> No.52768156

>see this is why you're a hecklin idiot
>if link goes to 150$
thanks for the copium esl shill

>> No.52769967


That is leverage, margin, or day trading. Most can actually swing effectively using long term time frame signals.

>> No.52770017

OP is correct. you stand to gain way more by selling and accumulating, just don't be a retard swingy. Staking at 5% is not enough. some of us are actually here to make money, which means playing with the big fish

>> No.52770189
File: 71 KB, 700x690, sam5R1OV_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking only solid shit matters now else you'll head to zero. Cosmos has some solid tokens that I used to stake including atom, loop and juno on the loop dex platform. I also stake scrt, evmos and huahua on Keplr and Cosmostation

>> No.52770210

Bad decision. I stake 20% of my total asset on the IBC's top DEXes during this bear market time.

>> No.52770455

yes you also stand to lose. fucking retarded linklets kill yourselves. i staked 5 wallets filled to the brim. link was CENTS for years. cope seethe dilate you third worlder. i dont care what the market does i dont care about the few people that made it with shiba and doge coin just like i dont care about the people born into wealth or the ones that win the lottery. most of this board now CAN NOT SELL so i guess youll be losing your job now

>> No.52770489

How much have you made? I doubt if you've made 2 cents in a crazy bear market like this

>> No.52770498

well you are in the same boat as sergey by now.
>bought bags for literal cents
>is still far in green
>"come on little linkfags, keep buying while i offload"
>"here, come in we have staking now"
>*pulls rug"
meanwhile nothing actually get's done at CLL but money laundering

>> No.52770523

Thanks for all the aalt seething no linkers.

Never Selling.

>> No.52770547

On the contrary. I can buy you rope though

>> No.52770649


You misunderstand what long time frame swing trading is.