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52754841 No.52754841 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52754863
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I never touched this.

>> No.52754872

linkpool is not chainlink, nice try though

>> No.52754884

fuck you

>> No.52754885

seething baggie

>> No.52754892

Am I retarded for contemplating buying a small bag of this shit (SDL now I guess??)

Never bought any LPL ever, but this just might be the max FUD event (rightfully so). The pool team retards probably won't just stop operating after this day, a dead cat bounce of some sort should happen at the very least after all this rage selling lmao

>> No.52754901


>> No.52754902

Why are you guys so angry?
I never touched this either lmao. 100% Chainlink portfolio. Each one safe in cold storage. I'm never selling.

>> No.52754910
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>tfw was too lazy to buy this

>> No.52754917

What happened? All I can find is that LPL is down 80%, but why?

>> No.52755007

>What happened? All I can find is that LPL is down 80%, but why?

It's down like 99% from ATH.

>> No.52755044

Why does it make you angry that most Chainlink OGs never used CeFi and didn't invest in anything but LINK? OGs actively fudded Celsius, Bancor, Linkpool etc. Seething noLinker

>> No.52755132

Uhhhh linkie? Celcius and Bancor was endorsed by our savior SirGay Nakamoto. It’s safe and solvent, it’s just on hodlemode right now we’ll get our funds back eventually.

>> No.52755165

pool's closed

>> No.52755493

Hope you get your money out anon. Or not, let it be a lesson

>> No.52755507

>Celcius and Bancor was endorsed by our savior SirGay Nakamoto
Endorsed is such a strong word.
Neither used PoR for instance, which Sergey heavily shills every chance he gets.
Not his fault they decide not to adopt it.

>> No.52755629

Not a single OG linkie put a single LINK token on cefi platforms lmao

Imagine gambling with your only golden ticket in life

>> No.52756276

>so strong such big word sirs
at least the ambassadors did KEK
>March 2020: Great way to launder money as well and get help from Jessica khater in the back of the office
people have been calling this shit out since 2 YEARS AGO

>> No.52756310

why the fuck you would stake your link here i dont know. this might be working out at the moment but i know for a fact this linkpool shit is going to ruin some OG link holders that dont know what to do with all their link. this kind of retarded shit makes me very comfortable knowing i will make it, but not with link.

>> No.52756315

Same. I tried to buy 0.4 LP but I got fed up with my buy order not getting filled (2 minutes in) so I gave up.

I did buy like $65 worth of LPL just for the launch occasion though.

>> No.52756322

yea none of this means you were meant to yield farm your linkies.

>> No.52757068

Imagine if Sergey refused to have anything to do with anyone who didn't use proof of reserve exactly as intended, there would be absolutely no-one left. Not even Aave.

>> No.52757141

>s-s-sergey never endorsed them guise
>o-o-okay he might have endorsed them b-b-but he couldn't do anything, he had to endorse some easily proven grifter guise, it was unavoidable believe me guise!11

>> No.52757177

Those companies were very obviously not doing everything Sergey recommends they do, like PoR.
But he's still going to try and work with them if they're willing, obviously.

>> No.52757247

reminder that you entered this thread to disprove the fact he actively promoted and endorsed these shady entities
>Those companies were very obviously not doing everything Sergey recommends they do, like PoR.
that's very obviously Sergey's fault for not upholding his partners to high standards
nice try at gaslighting though, I'll give you that

>> No.52757290

>to disprove the fact he actively promoted and endorsed these shady entities
I said "endorsed is such a strong word", which is an oldfag joke you wouldn't get.

>Sergey's fault for not upholding his partners to high standards
Aave lost people's money a while ago because they weren't using proof of reserve yet.
By your logic Sergey should've never worked with them.

You don't get anywhere in business by being a holier-than-thou puritan, you child.

>> No.52757303

>tomayto tomahto
>By your logic Sergey should've never worked with them.

>> No.52757321

No, it's the fact that Bancor willingly fucked their customers by creating a deficit to shield their fellow Jews at Celsius withdrawing. I don't give a shit about that fatfuck sergey or anything cl stands for, just make me money and stop delaying.