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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52752434 No.52752434 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52753965

I hate this fucking nigger

>> No.52754016

Can anyone explain me this shit? I recall marines going on about some weird pool shit that would bank them a whole lot of cash but why would anyone go to some pool party full of niggers and trannies?

>> No.52754034

Pride comes before the lol

>> No.52754045

Fockin’ Jonneh

>> No.52754054


>> No.52754465
File: 56 KB, 366x433, poolsclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LPL closed due to AIDS

>> No.52754472

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52754484

what even happened here?

>> No.52754981
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, 1658885037015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what even happened here?

The Chainlink team betrays the community once again.

>> No.52754995

Love me mum, and love me saddle. If you hate, then hit the gym

>> No.52754996


>> No.52755003

linkpool isn't chainlink, trannie

>> No.52755022

in 2018 you got free links just by holding lp shares on ur cold wallet
then they said they couldnt pay the gas fees, and that we should claim them exposing our keys
then they said that Lp shares arent good enough and that we need LPL to get Vlink or Alink or some retarded shit

I never exchanged my lp 0.08 lp shares because i knew that the team was a big dirt of shit

>> No.52755342

>linkpool isn't chainlink, trannie

Johnny is literally a member of the Chainlink team. Now go dilate.

>> No.52755352
File: 194 KB, 638x431, kot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Adds "$LPL Token" to the Chainlink Jokes thread bank

>> No.52755362


You get what you fucking deserve you pieces of shit. You diverted people away from LINK, that makes you my ENEMY.

>> No.52755447

I left the Linkpool 4 days ago since I wanted everything to go smoothly for V.01 staking. If Sergay didn't release staking I would have lost almost all my money. I love Sergay and I owe him my life now

>> No.52757573
File: 268 KB, 479x494, 1514409039005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the Chainlink ecosystem delivers pain on a constant basis, this LPL statement has indeed become reality

>> No.52757643

third party provider who worked with cl team you mean.

>> No.52757815
File: 162 KB, 628x360, 1654809560256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third party provider who worked with cl team you mean.

Pic related, Just like Alameda and FTX were totally separate entities. Seriously, how much do Chainlink Labs pay you to come here and muddy the waters with semitic semantics?

>> No.52758697

>working profusely
people invested in this guy lmao

>> No.52759025

It's a scam to seduce horses.

>> No.52759099

>jonneh splits his time between his third party solution and being a consultant for chainlink
>wow linkpool is chainlink. he didn't just fucking rugpull the shit out of people

>> No.52760273


Don't you get tired of coming onto the internet and spouting pilpul?

>> No.52761003

you're the one being disingenuous. linkpool isn't chainlink; as we see with the complete fucking collapse of the lpl token because it's not needed.

>> No.52761200

>Johnny is literally a member of the Chainlink team
He really isn't, and Chainlink put out a disclaimer on the staking blog 2 weeks ago, distancing themselves from third party staking providers. SHow me any evidence Johnny is a member of the Chainlink team. You can't.

>> No.52761320

>distancing themselves from third party staking providers
while accepting 7% of SDL

>> No.52762176

>SHow me any evidence Johnny is a member of the Chainlink team. You can't.

Pic related here >>52757815

>As of 12/18, I’m now a member of the Chainlink team.
archived here so the horse-fucking scammer can't edit it out: