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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 259 KB, 1874x1186, balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52751592 No.52751592 [Reply] [Original]

it can't be more than a dozen

how many tabs do you all have open?

>> No.52751601

My office in Delhi has a least 20 people browsing and posting rn

>> No.52751647

it’s mostly just me, I made the last 20 threads and changed IP’s to respond to myself, the DHS pays me pretty well.

>> No.52751678

I am the same person as both of these IDs

>> No.52751725

These were all me as well. I made every single frog thread currently in the catalog.

>> No.52751748

I forgot to mention I also start all bobo and mumu threads

>> No.52751771
File: 13 KB, 495x299, Screenshot_20221206-044555_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That many

>> No.52751836
File: 287 KB, 1181x1299, 1666732773844604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punjar is that you? We have had to work many long hours due to our client forcing our boss to make damage controlling operations for chainlink company... I am tired of people say I am scammer i not feeling good to cause financial lossing to innosent people.... I am must taking vacation soon

>> No.52751849

None of you are people.
t. Jew

>> No.52753129
File: 949 KB, 1198x677, 1669661458906561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suspect 20-40 effort posters spread across link, icp, xrp, avax, pmg, and stock threads with about 100-150 people that casually post in various threads. probably 3-500 people including the lurkers

>> No.52753263

4chun has 45 mio views per month and used to be in the top 1000 websites worldwide. I guess the recession changed that a bit.

>> No.52753281

Are we finally back to 8 of us?

>> No.52753858

> link
Baggies or newfags who fell for the scam
Baggies and pol refugees buying centralized shitcoin
Delusional Q anon tier schizos
Libertarian decntarzlied idealists with no grasp on reality and financial systems + turks
Based retards who hold gold and lose to inflation
Wannabe wsb, in reality just a blind leading the blind scenario

Good news is for the most part all of these coins have very few shills and poos, with the exception of maybe ICP/Avax

>> No.52753861

> link
Baggies or newfags who fell for the scam
Baggies and pol refugees buying centralized shitcoin
Delusional Q anon tier schizos
Libertarian decntarzlied idealists with no grasp on reality and financial systems + turks
Based retards who hold gold and lose to inflation
Wannabe wsb, in reality just a blind leading the blind scenario

Good news is for the most part all of these coins have very few shills and poos, with the exception of maybe ICP/Avax, kek

>> No.52753876

Phone posted a duplicate on accident and mobile won’t let me delete it. Fuck it

>> No.52753911

unique post, currently suffering through some dogshit mix my ex is playing on her phone

>> No.52754029
File: 1.17 MB, 3024x1742, bitcoindashy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


plugging my website is the only reason i come to this god forsaken place

>> No.52754040

you jeets are so lucky to cash in on the keks from the jeet memes

>> No.52754043

you have no idea what you are talking about. stop displaying your worthless uninformed opinion anywhere

>> No.52754046

i literally created a thread asking for your website and it stayed up for like 12 hours you didn't show nor did anybody care for it enough (or cared too much?) to share it even...

>> No.52754049

I think people are sick of hearing about it.. lol.. make an account and chat to us you seem like an upbeat dude

>> No.52754057

will do tonight cheers boss!

>> No.52754079

enjoy your ban advertiser

>> No.52754085

please mods, one time, you know what to do...

>> No.52754097

i'm getting a ban arent i...

>> No.52754103

wont stop (thx 4 bump) xox