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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52747877 No.52747877 [Reply] [Original]

>look at software engineer salaries in London
>£100k working at cool companies with young people doing cool things while doing actual building with other cool young smart people who are nerdy
>realised I squandered all my potential by not doing computer science and learning to program
>stuck in bureaucrat jobs where there are no standards and normies will always be seen as better than me

Feels awful. That picture of Elon Musk with his software slaves was like a punch in the gut. I should've been one of those badly dressed people.

>> No.52747907

it's over bros, learning to code was so last decade

>> No.52747915

Im almost thirty and think about joining a bootcamp for coding unironically

>> No.52747928

There's people who are older and have done it. It's not too late to learn, it may just be too late to make big bucks out of it.

>> No.52748040

ChatGPT is going to replace a majority of programmers.

>> No.52748081

So what are you waiting for dude? Learn some programming on the side and see how far you can get. With a bit of consistency and dedication you can become fairly decent in 2 yrs with a bit of work. Even 6 months to a year if you went full sicko mode at it.

>> No.52748142

I learned to code at 30 (check out web dev general on /g/), now 32 and somehow wormed my way up to a senior dev position. You have to do a lot of reading and it’s stressful work. Imposter syndrome fucks with my brain on a weekly basis. Still better than dealing with regular office workers though.

>> No.52748146

Sex with evolved winter enjoying race qt as we save 90% of what we make and make it.

>> No.52748168
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Look up albino indian(Aryan) mutations

>> No.52748198

£100k in London means you're working for some hedge fund or trading firm. Even FAANG doesn't pay that for first couple of years.

>> No.52748212

this is basically the same as becoming a realtor right now. you have been warned

>> No.52748222

>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing
>bitch and complain
>do nothing

>> No.52748349

This but for bookkeeping.
Why coooode when you can count Jews money?

>> No.52748390

Why not just grind out a CS degree? 3 years, but FAR better footing with jobhunting.

>> No.52748430

Huh? Brother have you opened linkedin anytime recently? There’s plenty of devops and networking automation engineer positions around 100k and not for some giga names either

>> No.52748465

I got into IT after taking a 2 month course and got my A+. When I began working I was among people who went to fucking school for 2 years + for this shit. I was very very quickly then making more money than they were.
Bootcamps/Fastracks >>>>>>>>> Going to fucking school for 3 years. People are so fucking stupid omg lmao. And yes they were definitely better at their jobs and had far more knowledge and yet I'm the one making bank and moving up the latter.

>> No.52748478
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I'm getting an associates at a community college then doing a bootcamp, then finishing a bachelors at a good school. Anyone here do a bootcamp?

>> No.52748560

senior position after 2 years coding spaghetti?

wew i don't want to be the one who review your code

>> No.52748573

Bootcamps are a waste of fucking money. There’s a wealth of free content out there that is 100x better than a bootcamp.
If you can’t teach yourself programming, then you’ll never be better than a code monkey.

>> No.52748577

I wouldn't be paying for it so that's irrelevant

>> No.52748594

Elon Musk never spent a single day employed as a software engineer and most of his companies have not even been software companies. Admittedly, the companies he made his first fortunes in were software companies but none of them have been since.

>> No.52748603

i'm sure some people make that in London but i know for a fucking fact most bongbro SWE's don't make that pay.
the ass rape taxes and cost of living would eat 2/3 of this anyways.

>> No.52748621

To clarify, I'm not a brit but I only see that sort of pay on glassdoor and levels.fyi for senior-principal+ roles at huge / famous companies.

>> No.52748816
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Is it still possible to make money by making and selling simple games/apps? I'm not talking about making the next big thing or something, just relatively simple yet polished things you could put together in a few weeks and earn some decent money. Obviously it wouldn't be as a lucrative as a big boy programmer job unless you miraculously struck gold somehow, but yeah. Probably already a billion pajeets who have already done everything anyways so idk

>> No.52749975

how do i get a qt hobo gf?

>> No.52750012

any advice on courses? i’m bored an have been thinking of getting a job

>> No.52750030

> That picture of Elon Musk with his software slaves was like a punch in the gut. I should've been one of those badly dressed people.
Its fun and games from the outside, but when you actually work 80 hours a week its fucking miserable and you’d rather be playing vidya.
I wouldnt work for Elon even though he is “one of us” and posts apu on twitter

>> No.52750064

At least you didn't fall for the med school meme
I think about suicide every single day

>> No.52750083


imagine wanting to work for some psychopathic billionaire so you can get a shitty ass picture on twitter. wtf

>> No.52750087

Is that supposed to be good?

>> No.52750312

Meh it's ok. Makes me more productive but it gets more wrong than people are willing to admit

>> No.52750337

Where are these £100k salary jobs you speak of anon?

>t graduating in june

>> No.52750390

>working at cool companies with young people doing cool things while doing actual building with other cool young smart people who are nerdy
80% of the people at my job are literal pajeets, 10% old boomers and 10% HR roasties, then we all got sent home for WFH lockdowns and now I have to deal with the pajeets on bad internet connection. Don't do it for the people you will be heavily disappointed.

>> No.52750619

For IT? It depends on your area, there's tons of shit, you'd have to google. The thing I did was called IT Ready, it was all free too because I did it through an agency that paid for it all. For programming, there's free shit online. Here's one
Just gotta have the discipline to actually go through the whole thing.

And there's some college who's entire CS course is online, for free to self teach. Haven't done a bootcamp yet, but I would like to.

>> No.52750643
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>mfw no troubled homeless american gf
I suffer

>> No.52750747

>You will never overdose on shitty street fentanyl together with a cute junkie gf

>> No.52750811

Trust me, you do not want to touch that poison. I’ve seen so many people die from that in my line of work.

>> No.52750862

Big tech bro here checking in. I made the switch when I was 30 and have no CS degree.

Pros: I like my job, I like building things, and I make near $300k USD working from home doing work I mostly enjoy.

Cons: I work 50+ hours most weeks, and have to be on call 24/7 some weeks. I have multiple bosses, since I have an SDM, a TPM, and multiple product managers constantly all up in my shit.

I have multiple junior devs who can’t manage to ship a single line of code without bothering me. You can work for me, you can’t possibly be worse than them.

>> No.52751006


need a network security firewall/load balancer engineer? With 0 coding experience aside from basic bash scripts?

>> No.52751027
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You're dissing people but took a course for A+

>> No.52751126

I can't decide what I wanna do with my life. I've recently left a wagie job and now im unemployed at 23. I cant decide between accounting and computer science. I hate the idea of doing either of them because its boring as fuck but I understand there is no other option.
If I wanted to be in a much better position financially this time next year, what would be better to do?
Plus I am poor as fuck (UKfag) so anything free I could use that you recommend?

>> No.52751552

Nigger they paid for all the materials (books), tests, and helped with job placement. It was more like a fast-track to get you an IT career. They tell you most of what's gonna be on the test and pretty much try to make sure you pass. Plus just saying you took the course makes your resume shinier. So fuck you fag, yes I'm gonna diss a bunch of retards who went to school for 4 years and worked at the same job for more than a year, just to be making the same amount of money as me, only for me to make more than them just a year later.

>> No.52751555
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Or just learn how to invest in XOR. Have you thought about that? You codefags fail to realize that the world is overpopulated of shitheads like you that thought about the same thing already and have already flooded the market. Meanwhile investment is easier, has no entry limit and you can make passive income. It's fool proof

>> No.52751744
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>> No.52753097

>£100k in fucking bongland
that's a decent dev salary in US lmao you would be lucky beyond your imagination to get half of that

>> No.52753234

youre coping badly.
its just gonna be another tool in the box.

back in the day, programmers were writing assembly or machine code directly, which was 90% of their time spent. did the invention of compilers replace programmers?

>> No.52753258

Never get involved with an ex-junkie. No, its not what you think.

A friend of mine made that mistake. Got engaged, they were about to get married. Then one day she died. They found her on the toilet. Here's the kicker, no needles, no pills, nothing in her system shown in the coroners report. She just, died. It was before corona, btw.

Turns out, you can't abuse your body with IV drugs for years and years and expect to live a full life after you get clean. Who knew?

>> No.52753279
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I made a quarter milli per year with a bechalors in CS only.

I slept through most of my uni lectures and didn't even try to get good grades.

>> No.52753297

Porn games are a hot money making scheme right now.

>> No.52753656

>cool people
>cool things
>smart people
you didnt learn to code and it shows

>> No.52753676

>That picture of Elon Musk with his software slaves was like a punch in the gut
post it

>> No.52753723

Where should I start, anon? I want to WFH and grind out my work without interacting with people face to face. I'm about the same age as when you started. I've done a bootcamp for html, css, and some Java. Looking into SQL and cyber security certs. I don't care about starting salary, I just want to WFH in a non-customer service capacity. Any advice is massively appreciated.

>> No.52753741

Where do I find more of her?

>> No.52753745

I'm in college at the moment and theres a 45 year old guy in my classes.
Like, there is no such thing as 'too old' to learn things. But its better to be younger when looking for a job in an industry where your competition is educated/qualified young people or seasoned boomers.
Go for it anon.

>> No.52753748

>mfw £115k/year software engineer outside London

>> No.52753846
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>> No.52753850

I worked as a software engineer for a year and then quit. Holy fuck it was excruciatingly boring. After taking a break for a while, started programming again and learning web3/crypto stuff as I thought it might be more fun. Nope. I think I'm done with this career path.

>> No.52753968

It replaced old programmers

>> No.52754134

Any other certs IT's looking for or just A+?
What's the job like, is it a bunch of autists with not much work to do?

>> No.52754149

Depends where you live.
If in the West the Accounting (it's Cert based)
Anywhere else CS

A Palestinian accountant I know has to drive trucks because all his certs mean nothing here in the West.
At best he can be a bookkeeper despite being an accountant for so long

>> No.52754217

...learned at 30, "senior" dev at 32. Fucking kek, there is no such thing, and I'm not surprised you have imposter syndrome, because you actually are.

>> No.52754349

> literally 29 degree
that's warm, why are americans so shitty at temperature, or any unit for that matter.

>> No.52755000

what were the recommended a+ to get atm, any1? network security?

>> No.52755015

this is like saying you're thinking about going out to california to pan for gold in 1855. you're too late in the game -- it's over.

>> No.52755017

that's 29 faraday

>> No.52756902

This is kind of where I'm at. I hate this fucking field and the people that populate it but there's nothing else that pays as well without a lot of lost income and opportunity. Depressing.

>> No.52756997

Assuming you have some decent experience, start your own ltd company and start contracting. You can pick and choose the most interesting projects.

>> No.52758008

Shut the honest fuck up

>> No.52758069

I really should. If I'm laid off over the next year I think I will do that.

>> No.52758772

thank god i only smoked meth and didnt shoot it.

>> No.52759131
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i don't know about you're countries but here if you don't have a diploma to show for and at least 5 years XP nobody will hire you

if you tell a recruiter that you learn coding in your basement he'll laugh at your face

>> No.52759188

Docs make a fuck ton of money, its literally the only job where you're 100% sure you'll be set for life

>> No.52759190

>still no sauce on OP
I hate myself for wanting to watch more of her but I really do.

>> No.52759235

what about learning it by yourself and then enrolling in uni just to write the exams and thesis while doing another job, crush them and then go get hired

>> No.52759242

Do it. Get a cert.
i promise you, if you make the effort, you’ll be there before you know it, and you’ll be thankful to <past you> for doing what was necessary so that present you can live so well.

>> No.52759320

not really, a bootcamp for 3-6 months and get just one job and u can jump 9-12 months after for a normal paying CS job then jump again in 2 years for better money and make the same as doing a 3 year then hoping for the best with however the job markets doing at that time

>> No.52759634

kek based. I got a 4 year degree in IT
I thank god everyday I found a R&D based job before graduating and that it all worked out. Some people just don't have what it takes to hustle and grind. They just want to go to their job and be told what to do. Doesn't matter how smart you are or how much you know if you require constant supervision. That's the main difference and besides that it doesn't matter how you got their, degree, cert or portfolio.

>> No.52760061

Senior who manage vs senior who code
The first one Pays more

>> No.52760242

Through patreon or steam? Thanks anon

>> No.52760244

I know someone who staeted at 32 and is doing fine now. Never too late anon

>> No.52760320

most people wont go the extra length on their education, make sure you can do the job of 2 people and you will be fine, if you can afford it get any job even if below what you want to earn just to get the experience to be able to apply for better positions.

>> No.52760330

A+ is pretty much the standard. After that you can make it off experience alone but Cybersecurity I think is the most sought after if you want another one and an immediate boost to 6 figures.
Net + is good but Cybersecurity is where the money is. Both are in demand, but I believe security pays more.

>> No.52760332

I know this is a programming thread, but I'm a senior in college and I'm going for a humanities degree. I have around 9 classes left. I wish I hadn't even gone to college at this point, honestly. I'm not smart enough for STEM, and liberal arts is just a waste of fucking time. I backed out of joining the military and I've only ever had retail experience. I just need fulfillment bros. Everything is so soulless. Maybe I'm crazy.

>> No.52760363

Python, data processing, machine learning ops

>> No.52760369

>What's the job like, is it a bunch of autists with not much work to do?
Oh and this is pretty much my biggest complaint. Jobs are easy and comfy, but man the people that shit attracts are the worst. Before I was remote, yes, the typical neckbeard/basedboy archetype dominated that industry. Losers who's entire personalities were the media they consumed. Almost all either too fat or too skinny. Complete underachievers.

>> No.52760409

Maybe you should be less of a dick when reviewing their code?

>> No.52760414

I'm starting a lawn mowing business in the Spring. My dreams lie in tatters and now I'll end up a middle aged loser with a leaf blower earning 20k a year

It's over. It's fucking over.

>> No.52760508

you're not a senior. you disgust me.

>> No.52760796

Start to boosting your resume. You can make shit up like working for a startup among frinds , whatever, as long as you can put the needed keywords and also a long as you can actually pass the interview. Try to mimic the real work with all the devops steps so that you sound like have some experience. Finally, work on a nom trivial multi month project. With a big project behind your back, you will sound like you knew shit

>> No.52760828

How are you gonna make a living?

>> No.52760831

>evolved winter enjoying race qt
I can decipher this gibberish up until the word race. I think I understand the implication but I'm not certain

>> No.52760889

The reason people are still so bullish on STEM degrees is because of all the engineers and computer scientists that for the last 2 decades have been able to rely on programming skills to build software, turn it into a company, and then sell it for millions or billions just because a bank says it's worth a lot, and those million or billion dollar valuations are then able to attract investor cash and overpay their engineers. It doesn't seem likely that this situation will continue for very long.

>> No.52760917


>> No.52760933

And STILL no sauce

>> No.52760970

I already work in IT so I'd like to learn it just to add to an existing skillbase and possibly have an exit to a different career