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File: 286 KB, 2048x2048, 20221205_101528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52742830 No.52742830 [Reply] [Original]

They're either corrupting or killing off all the OG's. Any whales on here feeling the heat yet?

>> No.52742849
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I am literally shitting out blocks from my ass since eat something ching chong food!

>> No.52742869
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Remember what they did to him when he tried to oppose the USD?

>> No.52742930

so they couldn't arrest sbf (because of jew) and started killing random crypto fags in hopes it quenches the bloodhunger?

>> No.52742947

why would anyone want to kill some mong just because he has some imaginary tokens?

>> No.52742955

SBF was always a glowie plant. There's a reason why he's so secretive about his early investors when he was "arbitrage trading"

>> No.52742970

>Why would Jews and glowniggers perform exortion

>> No.52742977


>> No.52742979

Yeah this gives me Gaddafi deja vu.

>> No.52743005

Doesnt Puerto Rico have one of the highest homicide rates?

>> No.52743034

It was Epstein wasn’t it?

>> No.52743036
File: 58 KB, 500x334, Vladimir_Putin_with_Muammar_Gaddafi-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything happens for a reason.

>> No.52743038

a plant for what? catalyising the 4th reich? what was this all about?

>> No.52743041

>homicide rates

>> No.52743042

Probably because these people did stupid shit that got them into trouble with criminals. Literally could've been something as simple as buying something and then forgetting to pay while also making yourself impossible to contact, making it appear like you're intentionally screwing someone over. Does go well if you're doing it with drug cartel people.

>> No.52743050

They wanted to kill crypto, but jewniggers with little brain cannot understand that we are never selling :(

>> No.52743062

>thinks he can anywhere near the 1% without being pinned

>> No.52743067

Regulations but also destroy faith in crypto to ensure a proper introduction to CBDC's.

>> No.52743078

you also have brain rot tho

>> No.52743100

literal 90iq nigger nufags, not nu to crypto, trading, finance, money, but literally logic politics and being a human in a human society. learn how the world works and stop touting whatever makes you feel like you're part of some worthless larp lore you patch together from the tidbits you collect from men in tinfoil hats

never be lowiq about antijew on my watch niggers

>> No.52743132

literal kid :D
>nu fag bussin sussin pussin frfr yescap nocap

>> No.52743167

ever have an mri of your head? were there dark spots all about? if you haven't i'd definitely get on it if i were you.

>> No.52743207

>getting triggered on a taiwaneese clam fishing forum on a nothingburger conversation :D
Chill out bro, its bad for your health!

>> No.52743208


>> No.52743210

How much did he own and when did he accumulate?

>> No.52743272
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based and gadafipilled

>> No.52743285


This is gonna be me when I get crypto rich, unlike those chumps getting an hero'd

>> No.52743319

im heckin STEAMING :@@@@@@@@
sorry i was busy seething over him calling me a kid still

>> No.52743473

>Childish nigger tries telling 4chan anons how the world really works
Imagine being this new.

>> No.52743516


>> No.52743534

If it was cartel types he’d be chopped into pieces with a machete. “Accidents” are Alphabet Boi MO

>> No.52743624

Well let's not spread conspiracy theories

>> No.52743763

all these nerds probably gave up their keys to live too.

>> No.52743783

You have to be a giga retard to let yourself be known publicly if you became rich off of crypto

>> No.52745297

So the days of boating accidents are over I guess :o)

>> No.52745324

Imagine camping at the NY UN while us Politicians hide in castles... He was truly in danger...

>> No.52745398
File: 364 KB, 1180x860, 1670059356294374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL crypto meetups, especially in tax havens, have been infiltrated at this point. you go in to make some friends/business partners, have some glowies invite you to their glowie mansion, youre offered drugs, get fucked up, say/do something incriminating, all thinking youre in good company, and now they own your soul.

>> No.52745531

>holds crypto, doesn’t keep it private
Why are burgers like this

>> No.52745753

the system actively hunts down billionaires that have not sworn fealty to it because it perceives them as threats

>> No.52745773

they will never get frenchbro
he is too powerful and also based

>> No.52745799


>> No.52745856

Not likely. Probably other prominent political figures as well as the more shadowy puppeteers.

>> No.52745899
File: 1.32 MB, 1438x3774, 20221205_080109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasnt my choice

>> No.52746444

"carrying his wallet"
Okay it's the glowies.

>> No.52746481

That's what happened to Howard Hugues.
So basically, if you want to be billionaire, you will either be alive and a pedo molochian, or be dead.

>> No.52746507

I suspect those leaks (including ledger last year) might be intentional. So people will never really question when someone gets killed. It's because of the "leak".

>> No.52746713

Go hecking back to plebbit

>> No.52746868

Somebody is burning their bags.

bullish if real

>> No.52747202

>institutions enter crypto markets
>they have an agenda of “taming” bitcoin
>OG bitcoin whales know what’s up and manipulate markets and destroy the positions of the institutions
>now when crypto isn’t front page news anymore, bitcoin whales are getting whacked.

This really is a battle between them vs us.

>> No.52747280

What the fuck. I didn’t even realize I had this in my inbox till I looked because of this post. Every single Canadian exchange glows. Especially Shakepay. It’ll probably be the last to go down.

>> No.52747295

Why the fuck would you disclose that you're a billionaire

>> No.52748905

Is it possibly linked to the Ledger leaks?

>> No.52749236

This is the best explanation. You’re not going to greatly effect bitcoin as a whole or crypto by just killing guys with a lot of it. So they probably got robbed by someone, further reminder that if you make it to keep your damn mouth shut. You can’t trust anyone in this world fellas.

>> No.52749274

The best explanation for four seperate people, who all happened to be billionaires in crypto.. to you.. is they all forgot to pay the cartel or a criminal..

>> No.52749288
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Autistic enough to be early to BTC, but not schizo enough for constant paranoid skepticism. What a shame.

>> No.52749301

>This is the best explanation.

>> No.52749334

I you have 9 figs in the world to come and you refuse to play inside baseball with these NWO freaks you're going to have a pretty big target on your head. If you manage to luck out on some crazy run and you're looking at big money in the future -- don't get too greedy. Or you'll start to pop up on the radar of a lot of bad actors.

>> No.52749385


>> No.52749391


>> No.52749399

glowie ass ID

>> No.52749403

>Probably because these people did stupid shit that got them into trouble with criminals.

yeah its called pissing off the federal government

>> No.52749411

Antisemites get the rope

>> No.52749445
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>> No.52749499

im squirting orange water out my ass from drinking too much coffee

>> No.52749610

Pay your taxes
Eat the bugs
Get vaxxed
Drink the Fluoride

It's that simple

>> No.52750295

So how do whales stay anonymous?

>> No.52751746

No. The guy had to do with the development of DAI. So they gave him the same treatment as gadhaffi, JFK, etc etc.

>> No.52751944

They never cash out.

>> No.52752500

wait i use shakepay
why does it glow lol, i only ever use it as a fiat onramp to binance then just monero and boating accident
they do e-mail me a lot about bullshit tho, once even asking me how I heard about them and I told them from 4chan
They also sent out a fucking e-mail that referred to themselves as "the cockroaches of crypto" or some retarded fucking shit
blows my fucking mind

>> No.52752576

he probably killed himself after rugged by defi and some of the hodl mode exchanges like ftx

>> No.52752954

>family say no foul play

Lel, they're going straight off the seth rich playbook

>> No.52752996

>make it
>didnt invest in private militia and buy heavy armaments

>> No.52753024

Kek. I moved to stablecoins ffs. Someone suggested I stake on SpoolFi during the bear market because it's less volatile. Sure it is, but now I'm nowhere close to making it.

>> No.52753029
File: 115 KB, 1280x1360, 1670273175615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be whale
>take an action against the fucking cia
>get killed
what a suprise.

>> No.52753091

If anything this is good for bitcoin. If you kill off anyone seriously rich who owns bitcoin, you're probably taking more supply off the market forever. No one cares if my income goes from 60k to 200k just from buying Bitcoin. I got mine. A few billionaires dying doesn't scare me. Kill a few hundred poorfags and then I'll pull back.

>> No.52753360

The guest speaker did it. Look at him!

>> No.52753548

what happens to all of their btc?

If small fish kill of all the whales and all btc goes lost, small fish become the whales init

>> No.52753564

>They never cash out.
what if you buy stuff with crypto directly

>> No.52753813

Yeah i am sure you could buy little things with it. Food and stuff but bigger stuff like real estate is registered. So no point in being a whale.

>> No.52753844

cars too right?
muh lambo n sheeit

>> No.52753871

You are funny. Maybe the IRS will spare your ass if you are funny enough.

>> No.52753877

>why would anyone want to kill some mong just because he has some imaginary tokens?
meh, my intuition tells me he was bragging about it left and right. Having imaginary token isnt advancing your life forward too much on its own, its not like you start to glow. If you wanna smash you need to further your cause, and suddenly you become the "crypto millonaire" persona. Some people will take offense.

And you people should take notice, right now.

>> No.52753893

>They're either corrupting or killing off all the OG's. Any whales on here feeling the heat yet?
they fucked with wall street, what were they expecting, do they think they can fuck with the oligarchs, it's funny how these con man conned the richest funds and banks into buying their fake cash, guess who isn't laughing now, there is probably an hit out there for most of the scammers

>> No.52755248


>> No.52755377

>what happens to all of their btc?
They sit on the wallet till the next world. I'm sure the OG isn't using the NexeraID to keep the his credentials in a MetaNFT where his wife can find it.

Goddam, that's the secret of the 16k support desu.