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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 186x186, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52742736 No.52742736 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever wondered how employees at Chainlink spent their time.


Community managers are using colleges to bring awareness for Chainlink and blockchains to students in the form of a lecture with the ‘guest speaker’ being a team member from the bis dev team.

Tell me why it is sensible for bis dev employees to speak to college students? Is this a good use of resources from the business development department. Are community managers clueless about the technology of the company they work for?

2 employees make a combined income of over $300k (~41000 link tokens) a year, spend their time speaking to colleges.

South Bank University ranks at near the top of UK league tables consistently, so this isn’t about finding good talent, what it is for?

Tell me why this is needed because token is needed starting tomorrow.

>> No.52742747

what do you think? do you want them to go market to your moms house in her basement to people like you?

>> No.52742759

Go ask monsanto how well shilling at colleges works. Hint: it works great. One of the reasons apple rose out of the ashes is education contracts getting their computers into schools.

>> No.52742786

it would be a good use if this scam of a company had other cash streams than the token they minted out of nothing and are dumping on bids that close their short positions

target price 0.0005 dollar

>> No.52743017

So every publicly listed company, and all the moms with basements have already been approached, now onto colleges.

This isn't the full story, Steve Jobs created Next after leaving Apple, for them to only buy the company and bring Steve Jobs back in as CEO. If it wasn't for Steve, Apple would be nothing.
Don't forget that monsanto granted colleges money to help with research and development.
Can we get a Sergey tweet on how important it is to lecture at colleges?

>> No.52743257

I know, but Steve Jobs is also the one who got the education contracts for apple and the reason i used a bubble imac in a gfx design class in a public school.

>> No.52743299

I actually dont have a problem w educaton events. But if the money is wasted on hr people who bring zero value and pointless diversity events then I have take issue with it.

>> No.52743331

There are only hr and pr people, paid with link dumped on an orderbook which is 100% only position fills for shorts

>> No.52743626

You have an iq of 50 at most and no one has ever sold because of anything you have done over the hundreds of hours you have been here posting like a seething cuck about a token you pretend isn't important.
How does this make you feel?

>> No.52743657

your obnoxious spamming hasn't convinced anyone to buy your bags either, so how does that make you feel?

>> No.52743764

>b-b-buh your spam
>n-n-no one buys!
The last week saw massive accumulation and there have been several organic threads discussing it in depth while your group of discord faggots can't keep a fud thread up for more than 50 posts before it goes under because you're so shit at what you do.

>> No.52743848

nothing is organic on the internet

>> No.52744040

nobody is convinced your transparent shill threads are organic, clg

>> No.52744072
File: 172 KB, 1200x1200, ed and ron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guest lecture about blockchain to computer science students at a major technical college by a leading blockchain service provider
seems pretty reasonable, desu

>> No.52744113

Thanks for bringing this to my attention OP. I will proceed to sell my Chainlink tokens (ticker:$LINK) which I’ve held on for since ICO with staking coming out literally tomorrow

>> No.52744328

they already have the slides, might as well find new places to show them

>> No.52744358

>no one has ever sold
check ethplorer. there are less than 12K wallet that hold any amount above 10K dollar worth of link