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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.98 MB, 432x700, woman wagie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52740594 No.52740594 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52740599

WFH is better

>> No.52740624

What did all these people at Twitter even do?
I mean once the main code for the website has been laid out, all you need is a handful of programmers/network admins to keep it running and try to improve it
A bunch of advertising/finance dudes to oversee the sell of ads and make sure the company is making profits
A bunch of jannies to delete CP and shit
Then what?

>> No.52740628

Can't wait for faggot neets to go back to the wage cage.. freelance is superior
>roastie bitch does 0 work on a typical work day.

>> No.52740836

nothing, they were hired during the vc funding phase to "capture growth"

>> No.52741714

>What did all these people at Twitter even do?
that's why musk fired them.

The before and after pic of the twitter staff is hilarious.
Before musk bought the company, it was literlaly all white women and some white soibois a few non-whites sprinkled around.

After the Musk take over, its literally all pajeets and asians lol

>> No.52741719

I'd honestly fucking kms if that was my life. God I love working from home and not having to talk to roasties all day.

>> No.52741898
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 1669904679051077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am a technical project manager with only a modest amount of technical skills who landed this role because I'm friendly and nice to people but I have only a modicum of hard skills
Is pic related my future?

>> No.52741956

>I am a technical project manager
>only a modest amount of technical skills
That's literally all project managers anon. You're just expected to keep the autists on track so they take care of all the technical stuff they're expected to complete.

>> No.52742511

Yeah, that's what I tell myself. "I'll take care of this boring as meeting, you sit there and spin up containers.". I feel better knowing km not an anomaly.

>> No.52742707

All they do is eat and drink. Fat slobs.

>> No.52742764

thats bad for you because one of those roasties can have your babies and get your dick sucked.

>> No.52742794


>> No.52742798

>What did all these people at Twitter even do?
midwit HR mafia, legal department to coverup the scandals, shadow team selling out to politicians and Chinese government

>> No.52742860

i believe project manager is a dead end job. At some point in the career ladder you will be outcompeted by people who have both technical skills and. people skills

>> No.52743104

There has been a push for self-lead teams. One person would be the "team lead". Like you said it is just the autist with the best people skills. There might be some PM boot camp. But the PMI test is no joke. You have to work on projects for years before even being aloud to sit down for the test.

>> No.52743221

I pay to not be forced to endure this "lifestyle". Women truly are incapable of enlightenment.

>> No.52743552

This is literally satanic.

>> No.52743574

And she makes $160k/yr

>> No.52743639

that's on the project manager, i know plenty who have built a good enough knowledge without formally working in it. Either that or yeh they do move into other more senior roles if they are good. Maybe a whole department/more client involved.

>> No.52743708
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bribe money to destablize the family structure, its a essentially a form of welfare, first implemeted in the nog community to tamper with gender dynamics and has since ben made to be less on the nose by creating fake jobs that pay well above its pay grade essentially placating women which again disrupts the dating market for the worse, groundzero for community building

>> No.52743754

That office looks pretty empty.

>> No.52744186

Well-connected kids out of college that had white collar parents are usually ear marked these jobs like project management. Blew my mind that someone with zero post college experience could be trusted to "manage" people using skills they don't have. Like the other anon said, it's a glorified baby sitter job. Communication is important when you're in companies this large with this many moving parts they're willing to pay a college roastie 55k to babysit and keep tabs on pajeet.

>> No.52744246
File: 48 KB, 770x545, fat_fucking_chud_by_im_a_massive_faggot_d86znum-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is literally satanic.

>> No.52744856

Day in life of a 25 yo programmer
>wake up
>go to work
>make coffee from espresso machine with stale water
>go home

>> No.52745032

>theres no actual work
this is white people welfare isn't it?

>> No.52745072

>After the Musk take over, its literally all pajeets and asians lol
in other words, only people who were willing to work like slaves the entire time to get a greencard

>> No.52745141

>no skill retards trying to tell me what to do
this is why I don't respect "managers"

>> No.52745330

this anon speaks the truth
the truth being, that in order for companies to get even more funding, they need to display growth. what better way to show growth than to hire tons of useless people.
"look our headcount grew by 4x last year!"
and then 2 years later they figure out they haven't made a dollar of profit yet

>> No.52745332
File: 638 KB, 2342x3180, personality hire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living the life

>> No.52747754

>personality hire
The fuck?

>> No.52747807

>barely know sql
>make $120k a year
>still filters out majority of non technical retards
Been at it for 2 years now

>> No.52747848

>Makes 160k just being a pretty face NPC
>Eats out every meal
>no family no kids, Doesnt want them
>Blows money on city high rise apartment condo
>Goes to clubs to grind on chicago gangniggers on the weekend
>Gets pumped and dumped by low IQ animals repeatedly

God I hate women bros

>> No.52747869


theres this old wizard i work with who make paragraph long sql statements. shit amazes me everytime most i can do is update and delete shit from a table.

>> No.52747927

I should probably familiarize myself with python or something but its hard to give a fuck anymore

>> No.52747953

>"Working" in "Tech"

>> No.52747969

>blond woman next to negro male

Do you think it's on purpose

>> No.52748656

You just know we are nowhere near the bottom yet because people like this still have their jobs. Write down the tiktok usernames and check their LinkedIn pages every 6 months or so.

The golden goose that is silicon valley which allowed these jobs to exist was originally built by white men.

>> No.52748732

lol you new fags suck.

>> No.52749830

you know corporate america has won when they get people like this to think they are important and made it because they work in a big city that doesnt require waiting tables

>> No.52749845

god i fucking hate her

>> No.52749903


has no one figured out that these posts are literally from marketing sloots? they usually don't even work for the actual company and are contracted out social media girls. it's fukken hilarious. none of them are actual tech employees

>> No.52749999

Why would companies advertise that their employees do zero work?

>> No.52750019

well duh

that's cringe. "database time is expensive, server time is cheap." why wring some long-ass retard query when you can
>select * from foo where bar = baz
and just loop through the result set?

>> No.52750062

>that pic
top fucking kek

>> No.52750097
File: 2.06 MB, 1710x1080, 1D312895-BBB8-4521-A0F3-A19F630237D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me
I also take 30 minute shits

>> No.52750122


are you a moron? it's called marketing. you want young software engineers and other in demand young talent, you want to sell them on the idea that where they work will be cool, have a great building and amenities, and even better there will be GIRLS around. then you get in and work them 60 hours a week while they get yelled at by their pajeet boss. it's very simple

>> No.52750127

>if you work at shlomo-corp you won't have to work hard, you'll make six figures, and there are tons of beautiful women! we wouldn't lie and fuck you over! honest! apply now!

>> No.52750135
File: 66 KB, 669x669, 1632948656115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBC session towards the end

Lmao, roasties.
I'm sure she'll settle for one of you nice incels who pay for foot pics in 10 years.

>> No.52750152


it is a dead end job because if you're ambitious you get promoted out of it. the entire goal of being a project manager is to move up to program manager (multiple projects), then portfolio manager (multiple programs, which is usually director/VP level). if you're non-technical, it's a business focused job. if you're technical, you can then go on to be a director/VP for tech teams. the idea that everyone in a tech company is a SWE is dumb, there's so many other jobs.

>> No.52750161

As a decade as a middle manager I'm not very sure what I did or why I was needed. I literally told my employees this, I'd say If they would just do their job without me the company would save six figure.

>> No.52750203

any proof of this? I was under the assumption they were all just hired for their looks to improve morale and given BS job titles like Project Manager

>> No.52750241
File: 111 KB, 800x617, 1666983127811070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what better way to show growth than to hire tons of useless people.
>"look our headcount grew by 4x last year!"
just to name a few. you know the way it works in EVERY other industry.

>t. private equity chad

>> No.52750243

Always is

>> No.52750270

>why wring some long-ass retard query when you can >select * from foo where bar = baz
because joins are faster and cheaper than multiple transactions, which matters if you ever want to scale

>> No.52750303

She makes over 70k for this

>> No.52750340

Can someone explain me the logic of hiring these people? I think it's all about "having a tall building with my company's logo and a bunch of people working in it", i believe people that own these companies have so much money that they'd rather feel like they have a lot more people under their control instead of having a better profit margin.

>> No.52750353

well obviously use a join if you need to get shit from multiple tables. i'm talking specifically about shit like
>select sqrt(foo) as squareroot, date_format(bullshit) from bar where baz = bazId left join quux on (select id from baz blah blah blah as nonsense) = garbage.nonsense as garbage order by psycho_idiocy asc limit 100
or whatever the fuck. i've seen some legitimately insane shit in my time. so yeah a join is faster than 2 statements, but a crazy statement that takes a minute to run is slower than a foreach loop

>> No.52750908

your syntax is invalid and i still don't know any possible scenarios where a computationally heavy SQL query could be fixed with a for-loop...

>> No.52751331

Why are they showing those same women burning coal then? I doubt they are looking to recruit niggers.

>> No.52751356

>sell ads
>hire women for fake jobs
>now women have money
>women use money to constantly buy bullshit
>wow sales up, the ads are working
>sell more ads

>> No.52751433

My brother in christ where is this work you speak of

>> No.52751536
File: 3.00 MB, 576x1024, 1625617458247.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. women friend working at google. 200k salary as PM. spend 250k annually

>> No.52751563
File: 55 KB, 747x425, 2548564846121384691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70k....is janitor salary in tech. she make at least 150 post 2020 inflation

>> No.52751966

Sorry Anon but you have it backwards. For these tech companies money falls from the sky because their product scales infinitely and costs nothing to copy and distribute to millions. Because of this, the value of money no longer matters and instead the company prioritizes hipster fairy tale bullshit. The activist types take over and bully the nerds who carry the company on their backs into submission. Everyone is so affluent they are detached from reality. They don't have to struggle, they can afford to spend $50 on food and coffee every day and it doesn't even affect them. This is what happens to people who are too well off for their own good. The literal definition of decadence.

>> No.52752149

>Doing software joins instead of using the years of optimizations we poured into DBMSes
As a software architect, I must ask that you kys.

>> No.52752277


that's not true. SWEs are the best paid career in tech excluding leadership positions. a marketing roastie even in a tech company is making nowhere near a junior SWE. of course there's fucking marketing and HR teams just like EVERY OTHER COMPANY but there's nothing remarkable about them in tech. they certainly have not 'taken over from the nerds' because the leadership teams know where they're getting their $$$ from. the cold hard reality is DE&I shit makes them money. that's capitalism. they do it because it's good for brand and selling shit to minorities. it makes money so they invest in it. but some dumb junior marketing person is making nowhere near the tech folks.

>> No.52752339


Let's see if you are a true architect.

1. Have you ever used sharding?
2. Have you ever used Mongo instead of RDS?
3. Have you ever used a monorepo?
4. Have you ever used CQRS?
5. Have you ever written implemented the I part of SOLID through your own code?
6. Have you used K8S for anything other than a FAANG or an AWS competitor-wanna-be startup or ML compute startup?
7. Have you used ML or pytorch to solve a problem?
8. Have you done a big bang?

P.S. - if you answered yes to any of those questions, you are probably a shit architect

>> No.52752389

What does she do, I am invested in the plot here

>> No.52752403

Right, seeing her being driven around by the monkeys really gave me a laugh. She thinks she’s having a great time and in 10 years time with no skills she will have nothing to fall back on

>> No.52752443

>1. Have you ever used sharding?
I've sharded your mom's mind last night from making her cum countless times
>2. Have you ever used Mongo instead of RDS?
Your mom fucks plenty of mongos on a daily basis
>3. Have you ever used a monorepo?
Your mom never goes mono
>4. Have you ever used CQRS?
I asked your mom about this and four letters were just too much for her to comprehend
>5. Have you ever written implemented the I part of SOLID through your own code?
Yes, I have often implemented my solid I into your mom's loose cunt
>6. Have you used K8S for anything other than a FAANG or an AWS competitor-wanna-be startup or ML compute startup?
Your mom has used K8S without the K as a fetish roieplay in our last session 10 minutes ago
>7. Have you used ML or pytorch to solve a problem?
Your mom sucked my pytorch last night
>8. Have you done a big bang?
That one is even below me nigger

>> No.52752619

I have no idea why LinkedIn still even exists beyond some form of odd tax write off tool.

>> No.52752631

I lied that I have 4 years of “cloud infrastructure” experience. Idek what that means. What do?

>> No.52752634

None of these are reasonable so I haven't, except using ML which is actually appropriate for some problems. Like fucking voice recognition.

>> No.52752786

>all disgusting fat slobs
checks out

>> No.52753182

i hope some nigger rape and kill her

>> No.52753316

you clearly don't work at a big tech company. she's making 120k minimum likely 140k

that's before you account for all the benefits like discounted stock, company sponsored ubers/lyfts, medical reimbursements, 'wellness' benefits that can be spent on vacations that you can get just by being a FTE

the days when eng got to call all the shots are long gone, it's basically PMs and "business strategists" slowing down eng processes and coming up with initiatives that req hiring more non eng staff... which slows down eng even more

every single big tech company is like this

>> No.52753328

she'll have 10 years of blue chip big tech experience on her resume

presuming microsoft and apple still exist in 10 years, she's working there in a 'strategic partnerships' role

>> No.52753332

Meanwhile white men who couldn't get an interview lose completely. This is end game shit. The women are obviously going to fold like the dumb useless cunts they are. The Jeets and Asians are the brown working class slaves Jews want and white people slowly get replaced all together.

>> No.52753417

Can someone get vid of twitter woman who drank wine at work?

>> No.52753454

I would be broke if I were that fat too. I mean fucking hell how much food are you buying and eating to get that big. They have to be paying close to a grand per month just on food.

>> No.52753504

>Can someone explain me the logic of hiring these people?

It all comes down to ideology.

Mindfucked millennials and zoomers are shoved into massive corporations, because they're fresh out of college and ready to vomit their nu religion onto everything.

They will be the ones that determine who gets hired from HR, and they will be the ones pushing for wholesome chungus tranny toddler awareness day. Any corporation that doesn't play along will get lynch-mobbed whenever one of these zoomers blows the whistle to the media

>> No.52753657

The roasties at tech firms make the same amount of money as the engineers because otherwise the company gets sued for discrimination.

>> No.52753764

marketing and optics is more important than a product

>> No.52753843

>Mid 30s
>studying Masters of comp sci
>Already work in a large org and will get experience

It's too late for me isn't it. I just want to make day in the life of tiktoks.

>> No.52754753

you should've started your Masters at 23 at the latest what the fuck are you doing nigger

>> No.52754777

same shit posted daily for incels and chuds to seethe about but the op is totally not a hand rubbing rabbi goyim!

>> No.52755519

basically she was literally only hired for being pretty white girl so she get the boomers excited during meetings.

>> No.52755537

Musk isn't a jew. He's just trying to stay competitive and to do that in the United States, you need slaves- i mean hard working team players...

>> No.52755572

Someone kill this bitch ASAP



>> No.52755612

>select baz.foo, baz.bar, quux.nigger from baz left join quux on baz.id = quux = baz_id where baz.foo = ?
literally nothing wrong with this. my point is that overly complex queries can more often than not be done faster in software. so much quicker and more versatile to sort an array on an index by a callback function, unless of course you're doing
>order by created desc limit 10
that'll get you the last 10 things faster than pulling *everything* and manually filtering it

dunno why people are so argumentative about "write queries that are fast and simple to understand." unless they have no IRL exp in legacy codebases or are pajeets who've only ever used ORM's

>> No.52756103
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever this thread comes up I always have to post. I also have a bullshit corporate job in chicago and I know her. she threw up on my couch once

>> No.52756171

I work less than this woman and am a multimillionaire thanks to JPow printing a ton of money during COVID (and having the courage to sell in late '21). Fuck "hard work" just buy tech stocks and crypto and sit back and do nothing. I will probably hit $20m net worth by 35.

>> No.52756607

you said it man. that's exactly what a guy needed to sell. i was too scared for some reason, like i didn't think it was a good idea to sell a 10x like wtf. fuckin human emotion. good job on the selling nicely done

>> No.52757990

I unironically think having the courage to sell is under-emphasized in investing. Everyone in crypto says "HODL HODL HODL to the moon!" But you need to have the courage to cash out at the right time. Most high beta assets like crypto and profitless tech are just scams and ponzis anyway. The risk is starting to believe that you're a genius and that these assets hold real value, and being unwilling to sell. I know I am not an investing genius and that I'm just benefitting from the Cantillon effect. Maybe its due to not having a coding background that I don't fall into that belief easily, idk