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52740560 No.52740560 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fiat so resilient? 2020 should have theoretically been the end of fiat. they should have gotten btfo. instead it's crypto that's tanked.


>> No.52740567
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>Why is fiat so resilient?

>> No.52740577

What did you expect, for us to reply FIAT with bottlecaps like in Fallout?
As for crypto, the past 2 years have shown us that deep down, barely anyone actually uses crypto, everyone bought with the hope to sell to a bigger fool and therefore earn fiat profit
Don't forget that fiat is backed by the elite, the army and the police. Most of crypto is just erc20 shitcoins printed out of thin air

>> No.52740655

I kept telling this to permabull retards last year and they refused to listen. Those fags got what they deserved.

>> No.52740670

That's a man

>> No.52740680

I was realy hoping this was a webm with a pussy camera sit pov

>> No.52740769
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Because crypto is only as valuable as its fiat exchange rate.

As long as the value of crypto is tied to a fiat value it will never replace it.

>> No.52740813

becuase of rising interest rates and the amount of dollar denominated debt globally. the hyperinflation comes after the dollar short squeeze is over and the countries we just fucked over extremely hard either dump our currency completely, physically invade the country, or both at the same time.

currently is just a short squeeze but the long term damage has been done and hyperinflation is guaranteed once the squeeze ends unless they are able to kill 6 or 7 billion people between now and then

>> No.52740839

>Why is fiat so resilient? 2020 should have theoretically been the end of fiat. they should have gotten btfo. instead it's crypto that's tanked.

are you fucking retarded? you actually believed that the world financial system was going to switch from dollars to your silly imaginary tokens that take hours to complete a transaction?

>> No.52740853

>fiat is worthless bro
<to the moon bros wagmi!

>> No.52740871

fiat is not resilient lmao
it's worthless and last year the dollar went up because of widespread manipulation, doesn't change the fact it's melting like ice

>> No.52741309

Crypto cannot replace FIAT as crypto are terrible currencies.

>> No.52741345

A belated psa for you, but everything libertarians talk about is wrong and retarded

>> No.52741693

can you post the full image
without the crop so I can see her boobs

>> No.52741818

Why should 2020 have been the end of fiat? Things usually have to get a whole lot worse than they have been lately for global reserve currencies to get replaced. This shitshow is just barely getting started.

>> No.52742663
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backed by government vs backed by fuck all

>> No.52742716

Folks are more bullish on the Dollar than on crypto... This is it. Time to go up again)

>> No.52742729

Idk maybe because it's actually used to facilitate the global economy whereas 99% of crypto is speculative bullshit.

>> No.52742762

You can buy stuff with fiat instantly with 0%fee

>> No.52743198

trust me that's a real man

>> No.52743206

>cryptofags are really this stupid

>> No.52743278

Because 99% of people are retarded and use the money that they are used to using.

Remember that the only currency that has any value or use case is the one that people actually use. 99.99% of people use fiat money and like 0.01% of people use crypto. Crypto is worthless as a form of currency.

Maybe if there is a serious hyperinflationary crisis people will start using it. But it would have to be extremely bad to the point where flat is totally unusable. We are still far away from that.

>> No.52743380
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>> No.52743862

Post the proper chart